Научная статья на тему 'National Strategy – The result of human rights reforms'

National Strategy – The result of human rights reforms Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Strategy of Uzbekistan
Ключевые слова
freedoms / human rights / reforms / NATIONAL STRATEGY / Uzbekistan / erkinliklik / inson huquqlari / islohotlar / MILLIY STRATEGIYA / O'zbekiston
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Текст научной работы на тему «National Strategy – The result of human rights reforms»

Strategy of Uzbekistan №02 (2020) / ISSN 2181-2535 wmmmmmmmmsi Journal home page: https://journal.strategy.uz


Turning to the Decree 'On the approval of the National Human Rights Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan', it would be right to primarily mention the ongoing rapid and large-scale reforms on the construction of a new Uzbekistan by the whole nation, and under the leadership of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The further improvement of the mechanism of protecting human rights and freedoms is an issue on the agenda of the systemic reforms.



This task is reflected in the National Action Strategy on Five Priority Development Areas 2017-2021. The need for its quality and timely implementation was also noted in the President's Address to the Oliy Majlis on January 24, 2020.

In furtherance of the tasks set, the National Human Rights Center has developed a draft National Strategy for Human Rights. The draft was widely discussed with

domestic, foreign and international partners.

The draft National Human Rights Strategy was posted for public discussion on the regulation.gov.uz website, as well as twice on the official website of the National Human Rights Center - an initial version and a version improved by proposals and ideas. During the discussion, many proposals were received from government agencies and

non-government nonprofit organizations.

The draft was also discussed by means of national consultations. Representatives of civil society institutions, the media, international organizations, and diplomatic corps provided valuable proposals and recommendations to further improve the draft Strategy.

This way, signed by the President on June 22, 2020, the Decree


Strategy of Uzbekistan



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'On the approval of the National Human Rights Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan' was based on a comprehensive study of relevant issues of ensuring and protecting human rights, analysis of current legislation, law enforcement practice and best foreign experience, as well as on the results of broad public discussions, international and

domestic consultations, taking into account the recommendations of international organizations, including UN statutory bodies and treaty committees.

Recently, Uzbekistan has been making significant efforts to strengthen the legislative and institutional framework for the protection of human

rights, implement international standards into national legislation, implement relevant international obligations, as well as to catalyze cooperation with international human rights organizations.

As a result, the world community has recognized that Uzbekistan rose to a new stage of development

Uzbekistan annually submits national reports to the UN Human Rights Council, and its treaty committees.

in terms of international cooperation in the field of human rights, as an independent international legal entity. This is also evidenced by the fact that the country, being an active participant in international rule-making activities, is confidently entering the world arena as an initiator of new international treaties.

The adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution 'Enlightenment and Religious Tolerance' is a practical reflection of the implementation of the President's initiative put forward at the 72nd

session. This important achievement has significantly increased Uzbekistan's image in the world arena.

The initiatives of the renewing Uzbekistan are supported at the UN level. The visits to Uzbekistan of the UN Secretary General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, and the UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers are particularly significant.

To date, the Republic of Uzbekistan has acceded to more than

80 international human rights instruments, including six basic treaties and four optional protocols of the United Nations, and the republic regularly submits national reports on their implementation to the UN Human Rights Council and UN treaty committees.

The country has made effective efforts to implement the norms on human rights and freedoms, enshrined in these international documents, into national legislation, as well as to develop national human rights institutions. The republic pays close

Strategy of Uzbekistan


attention to enhancing the role of civil society institutions in this area.

It is symbolic that the National Human Rights Strategy was approved on the eve of the historic date - the day of signing of the Charter of the United Nations. First, the National Human Rights Strategy has the same historical value and significance for our people, as the UN Charter, approved on June 26,1945, for the world community.

Second, the international principles and norms reflected in the UN Charter are based on the importance of global cooperation to improve the life of mankind. The United Nations, based on its mandate and unique international nature, can make decisions on peace and security, climate change, sustainable development, human rights, disarmament, terrorism, humanitarian

and emergency situations, gender equality, governance, food production and other issues facing humanity in the 21st century.

It is noteworthy that the Decree recommends that the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan form a Parliamentary Commission to observe international obligations in the field of human rights. This suggests that the tasks outlined in the National Strategy are based on the principles of global cooperation.

Third, the UN Charter is the first document in the field of human rights protection to receive support. The text of the UN Charter cites the words "human rights" for seven times, which suggests that the protection and promotion of human rights ranks among the priority areas of activity and main principles of the UN. In 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights introduced the concept of «human rights» into the international law. Since then, the UN, within the framework of its Charter, has been protecting human rights through appropriate legal instruments and a number of specific measures.

Uzbekistan is taking measures to ensure its membership in the UN Human

Rights Council.

The position of our country on the protection of human rights is based on the UN Charter, the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and international agreements arising from them. The approval of the National Human Rights Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan by the Presidential Decree based on the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action is an important stage of the ongoing legal reforms in the country, and the creation of institutional mechanisms for human rights protection.

The National Human Rights Strategy is expected to become an effective instrument of a unified policy in the field of protection of human rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and international treaties ratified by our country.

The purpose of the Strategy is to define major tasks and directions of the consistently pursued state policy in Uzbekistan

in the field of ensuring human rights and freedoms.

Main objectives of the National Strategy include:

- Improvement of national legislation with an eye to priority areas of the country's socioeconomic development, generally recognized international standards and obligations of Uzbekistan in the

field of human rights, recommendations of the UN statutory bodies and treaty committees;

- Enhancing the role of parliament and civil society institutions in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for the period up to 2030, strengthening the rule

of law, bringing national legislation and law enforcement practices in line with international human rights obligations;

- Ensuring Uzbekistan's entry into the top 50 countries of the world in international rankings and indices in the field

of human rights and freedoms in terms of the quality of rule-making, government performance, freedom of speech and information, combating

Strategy of Uzbekistan


crime and corruption, doing business, global competition, innovative development and others;

- Ensuring the independence of the judiciary to end violations of human rights, improvement of performance of the prosecutor's office and strengthening the powers of the system of fair judging. Creation of enabling environment for national human rights institutions, further development of the system of monitoring and evaluating state policy in the field of human rights, increasing legal literacy and legal culture of the population, formation of

a human rights culture in society;

- Ensuring openness and increasing

the efficiency of interaction between public authorities and administration, civil society institutions, the media and the private sector in protecting personal, political, economic, social and cultural human rights, as well as improving the practice of consulting with civil society institutions in the process of lawmaking;

- Prevention of crime, especially human trafficking, corruption, torture, organized and transnational crime, and the fight against

these threats, ensuring fair judging and respect for human rights of the detainees, arrested and prisoners;

- Ensuring the protection of the rights of people with disabilities, low-income strata of the population based on

the principle of the UN Sustainable Development Goals «we will not leave anyone ignored», providing social support for people in need of special protection of the state and society, including those who are not citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, increasing the quality of services provided to them;

- Ensuring freedom


of religion, speech, thought, the right to information, gender equality, equal access to quality education and medical services, non-discrimination, social integration of older people, further improvement of law enforcement practice in the field of protecting the rights of children, youth, women, persons with disability and migrants;

- Strengthening the institution of the family, protecting mothers and children, preventing family violence and increasing the level of legal, socioeconomic support in combating violence;

- Ensuring economic human rights, developing private property relations and public-private partnerships;

- Improving the quality and coverage of education at all stages, developing the lifelong education system, ensuring inclusive education system and universal access to it;

- Improving the quality and targeting of information and educational activities in the field of human rights;

- Harmonization of interstate relations, cooperation with international organizations, introduction of innovative

principles for high-quality and timely implementation of recommendations of international treaty organizations on human rights;

- Implementation of measures aimed at ensuring Uzbekistan's membership in the UN Human Rights Council.

Along with the National Human Rights Strategy, the Decree approved another two important documents: the Roadmap for its implementation, and the Regulation on the procedure for interaction of state bodies of Uzbekistan on considering communications and

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By the fifth day of each month, implementing agencies, listed in the Roadmap, will report to the National Human Rights Center on the progress made on their action plans.

decisions of the UN statutory bodies and treaty committees on human rights.

National Human Rights Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been assigned as a key executive agency for the implementation of the National Strategy and its Roadmap. In accordance with the Decree, the Center will conduct regular monitoring, submit proposals and recommendations to the relevant ministries and departments on the quality and timely implementation of the scheduled actions, and permanently post on its website detailed information on specific indicators and achieved results.

The Center will quarterly submit to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers generalized information, prepare, translate into foreign languages and publish information and analytical comments.

By the 5th day of each month, the responsible

executives, specified in the Roadmap, will report to the Center on the delivery of their tasks. Once in six months, the Presidium of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan will hear reports from ministries and departments on the implementation of the National Strategy and the Roadmap.

The Decree points out to the need for quarterly hearing reports by executives of ministries and agencies on the progress of implementation of the National Human Rights Strategy and the Roadmap, and their critical discussion. Moreover, Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and local parliaments in regions and in the city of Tashkent have been recommended to quarterly hear reports by executives of territorial divisions of ministries and agencies on the implementation of the National Strategy and the Roadmap in the context of regions, and critical discussion.

It is also planned to institute a badge 'For Human Rights Protection' to be annually conferred on International Human Rights Day for achievements in the protection of human rights and in the promotion of a culture of respect for human rights.

It is planned to hold a high level Samarkand Forum on Human Rights every two years with the participation of representatives of international organizations, specialists from foreign countries and honored guests.

In short, as noted in the Decree, "the adoption of a long-term strategy in the field of human rights will contribute to the effective implementation of state policy in this area, the formation of a respectful attitude towards human rights and freedoms, further strengthening the country's authority in the international arena, and raising the position of Uzbekistan in the economic, political and legal rankings and indices, in particular."


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