Научная статья на тему 'Наследие В. Ф. Войно-Ясенецкого в свете межкультурной коммуникации'

Наследие В. Ф. Войно-Ясенецкого в свете межкультурной коммуникации Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
дух / душа / тело / сердце / наука / религия / биоэтика / глобализация / межкультурная коммуникация / spirit / soul / body / heart / science / religion / bioethics / globalization / cross-cultural communication

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Л. В. Халезова, Т. Б. Кузёма, А. В. Вишнякова

В статье рассматривается необходимость изучения наследия Валентина Войно-Ясенецкого (архиепископа Луки), талантливого богослова и известного хирурга, архиепископа и ученого, проповедника и философа, врача тела и души, идеи которого соотносятся с современными разработками в области биоэнергетики и синергетики. В. Войно-Ясенецкий в своём философско-религиозном мировосприятии сочетал глубокое религиозное мировоззрение с научной и врачебной деятельностью. Творческое наследие архиепископа Луки сохраняет свою выдающуюся актуальность в свете современных вызовов глобализации, идейно-эстетической основой которой является постмодернистская парадигма. Делается вывод, что изучение наследия В. Войно-Яснецкого актуально в общегуманитарном, межкультурном, философском и религиозном контекстах.

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The article considers the need to study the heritage of Valentin Voino-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luke), who was a talented theologian and famous surgeon, Archbishop and scientist, preacher and philosopher, doctor of body and soul, and whose ideas correlate with modern developments in the field of bioenergy and synergetics. V. Voino-Yasenetsky his philosophical and religious views combined a deep religious outlook with scientific and medical activities. The creative heritage of Valentin Voino-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luke) retains its outstanding relevance in the light of the modern challenges of globalization, the ideological and aesthetic basis of which is the postmodern paradigm. It is concluded that the study of the heritage of Valentin Voino-Yasenetsky is relevant in the general humanitarian, intercultural, philosophical and religious contexts.

Текст научной работы на тему «Наследие В. Ф. Войно-Ясенецкого в свете межкультурной коммуникации»

opouoco nooB ИшИ-кь p «олииoойнp йодь Зоoo™e onooKP

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Таким образом, мы пришл и к выводу, что образ феникса имеет длительную историю и богатое культурное содержание, как в китайской, так и в русской картинах мира. Способы описаоия и интерпретации феникса в сопоставлиемых картинах мира имеют схооства и различия. Пии этом р образе фен икса фикси-руетия больше черт тазличий, ним сходств. Сходства объясн яются унивориаль-ным харалтером первобытного коллектиррого представления о мире. Различия обусловлены варьирующей интерпретацией образа (феникса рри сопоставлении китайского и русского языков, что позволило выивзть особентости национально-специфического видения мирза.

Библиографиче^кй список

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Статья поступила в редакцию 21.02.20

УДК 61:02-10

Khalezova L.V., Cand. of Sciences (Philosophy), senior lecturer, Sevastopol State University (Sevastopol, Russia), E-mail: lyubasik74@inbox.ru

Kuzyoma T.B., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Sevastopol State University (Sevastopol, Russia), E-mail: takida_power@inbox.ru

Vishniakova A.V., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Sevastopol State University (Sevastopol, Russia), E-mail: azure.07@mail.ru

V. VOYNO-YASENETSKY'S HERITAGE THROUGH CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION. The article considers the need to study the heritage of Valentin Voino-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luke), who was a talented theologian and famous surgeon, Archbishop and scientist, preacher and philosopher, doctor of body and soul, and whose ideas correlate with modern developments in the field of bioenergy and synergetics. V. Voino-Yasenetsky his philosophical and religious views combined a deep religious outlook with scientific and medical activities. The creative heritage of Valentin Voino-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luke) retains its outstanding relevance in the light of the modern challenges of globalization, the ideological and aesthetic basis of which is the postmodern paradigm. It is concluded that the study of the heritage of Valentin Voino-Yasenetsky is relevant in the general humanitarian, intercultural, philosophical and religious contexts.

Key words: spirit, soul, body, heart, science, religion, bioethics, globalization, cross-cultural communication.

Л.В. Халезоеа, канд. филос. наук, доц., Севастопольский государственный университет, г. Севастополь, Е-mail: lyubasik74@inbox.ru Т.Б. Кузёма, канд. пед. наук, доц., Севастопольский государственный университет, г. Севастополь, Е-mail: takida_power@inbox.ru А.В. Вишнякова, канд. филол. наук, доц., Севастопольский государственный университет, г. Севастополь, Е-mail: azure.07@mail.ru


В статье рассматривается необходимость изучения наследия Валентина Войно-Ясенецкого (архиепископа Луки), талантливого богослова и известного хирурга, архиепископа и ученого, проповедника и философа, врача тела и души, идеи которого соотносятся с современными разработками в области биоэнергетики и синергетики. В. Войно-Ясенецкий в своём философско-религиозном мировосприятии сочетал глубокое религиозное мировоззрение с научной и врачебной деятельностью. Творческое наследие архиепископа Луки сохраняет свою выдающуюся актуальность в свете современных вызовов глобализации, идейно-эстетической основой которой является постмодернистская парадигма. Делается вывод, что изучение наследия В. Войно-Яснецкого актуально в общегуманитарном, межкультурном, философском и религиозном контекстах.

Ключевые слова: дух, душа, тело, сердце, наука, религия, биоэтика, глобализация, межкультурная коммуникация.

In the complex situation with transformations, a powerful catalyst of which the collapse of the USSR was and the proclamation of its subjects independence as well, an extremely important place is occupied by everything that is somehow connected with the sphere of spiritual life of both society and the individual. After all, the general deideologization of life not only caused the legalization of the religious factor, but also caused a deep ideological reflection, with its characteristic change of axiological orientations and correlation of the relations «religion-science", "spirit-soul-body» and the like. In this sense, those figures in whose lives and activities the religious factor played a decisive role, radically changing the system of their values and understanding of the essence of life itself, began to attract more and more scientific attention [1]. It is not surprising that the epicenter of this interest was also the figure of the outstanding scientist-surgeon and at the same time the Orthodox Archbishop St. Luke (V. Voy-no-Yasenetsky), whose life is not only considered by believers an example of courage, loyalty, love and charity, but also a spiritual model [2, 3]. Therefore, the glorification of St. Luke of the ROC, that is, the recognition of his special Church-religious merits, as well as the rise of Christian virtues in this context, is an additional motive for an objective and comprehensive study of the life and work of V. Voino-Yasenetsky, especially given the combination of his medical practice with spiritual and preaching activities, the definition of the axiological value of religion as a basis for personal development and attempts to spread religious worldview in the cultural and educational sphere [4]. The important ideas of Archbishop Luke, which he once violated are more or less correlated with modern developments in the field of bioenergy and synergy [5]. In the end, the creative heritage of Archbishop Luke retains its outstanding relevance and out of sight of modern globalization challenges, the ideological and aesthetic basis of which is the postmodern paradigm [6]. Thus, the study of the heritage of V. Voino-Yasnetsky is relevant in the general humanitarian, cross-cultural, philosophical and religious contexts.

The aim of the article is to improve knowledge about the circumstances of life and theological and preaching activities of V. Voyno-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luke) in the context of his philosophical and religious views.

To achieve the goal it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

• to recreate the stage events in the life of V. Voyno-Yasenetsky, as well as to reveal the relationship of his ideological wrangling with the socio-ideological circumstances of the life of the USSR in the first half of the twentieth century;

• to analyze the philosophical and religious dominants of V. Voino-Yase-netsky's treatise «Science and religion» in the problematic context of its content;

• to find out the essence of the triadological understanding of man By V. Voi-no-Yasenetsky and compare its interpretative specificity with the teaching of the Orthodox Church about spirit, soul and body;

• to study ideas of V. Voyno-Yasenetsky on the role and importance of the heart in the context of domestic cordocentesis tradition;

• to analyze the leading motives of V. Voino-Yasenetsky's preaching activity in the thematic discourse of his philosophical and religious views;

• to determine the relationship of the religious views of V. Voino-Yasenetsky as a doctor and an Archbishop with the basic standards of bioethics.

Trying to briefly analyze the scientific and theological heritage of life and creative activity of V. Voino-Yasenetsky, we have to be aware that it is quantitatively limited. After all, we are talking about a figure who passed away only half a century ago. In addition, it should be taken into account that, based on the political and ideological attitudes of the Soviet government, it was not accepted to investigate the activities of a Church figure during his lifetime, and even more so to publish books about him at the expense of the state.

Nevertheless, despite the restraint and political and ideological reservations, we have to state that the scientific study of the life and work of V. Voino-Yasenetsky began in the early 50s of the twentieth century, that is, during the period of his pastoral duties as Archbishop of Crimea and Simferopol. This researcher was Mark Popovsky, who wrote an entire book with the title «The Life and being of Saint Luke (Voino-Yase-netsky), Archbishop and surgeon" [2]. At the beginning of the writing Mark Popovsky was maily interested in V. Voino-Yasenetsky as a doctor. When communicating with Archbishop Luka personally, mark Popovsky was concerned about the fate of V. Voi-no-Yasenetsky, an outstanding physician. M. Popovsky interviewed 150 people and processed personal archives of V. Voino-Yasenetsky. The great merit of the author

of this work lies in the fact that he was not biased either by the government or by the Church, and therefore did not resort to unilateral conclusions, representing a significant range of views on the personality of V. Voino-Yasenetsky as a believer, an Archpriest, as well as on his surgical and administrative activities.

Certain aspects of scientific and theological activity of V. Voino-Yasenetsky found further study in the book "Panagia and the white mantle. Saint Luke - look into the future" [1] by the modern surgeon, scientist and teacher Vladimir Glushchenkov. In particular, it continues the study of the hypothesis put forward by Archbishop Luke about the spiritual world, which rules the physical world. The author gives the results of research on the magnetic field at the Moscow Institute of information and wave technologies, the Moscow quantum Institute, and gives the conclusions of F. Shipunov, who said that "the universe consists of some immaterial substances that have the form of a wave. Moreover, this wave is strictly organized, more strongly than the physical world... There are waves whose metric is equal to the metric of the Universe, that is, the wave propagates instantly" [1, p. 154]. Thus, the author concludes that many of the propositions put forward by V. Voino-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luke) in 20-40 of the XX century find their scientific confirmation, and optimistically states that the conflict between science and religion will soon be resolved.

A detailed study of all the circumstances of Archbishop Luke's life with their religious emphasis was done in the research of Protodeacon Vasily Marushchak in his book "The life Of the Holy Confessor, Archbishop Luke of Simferopol and Crimea (Voi-no-Yasenetsky)" [3]. This work is well structured and successfully reproduces the main stages of the theologian's life. In particular, the book contains a selection of decrees issued by Archbishop Luke.

A significant contribution to the study of the life and work of V. Voino-Yasenetsky was made by the great-nephew of the Saint, PhD and doctor of Economics Vladimir Lisichkin, who wrote the book "The way of the Cross of St. Luke" [2].

Archbishop Luke wrote many works of both medical and philosophical and religious content. Being both a medical practitioner and a pastor, he was particularly interested in the issues of related branches of medicine and religion. As a physician, he knew that any work must be confirmed by facts (in medical practice, by a medical history), so he did not just express his thoughts and guesses, but gave examples from the books of his colleagues and, most importantly, contemporaries of researchers. Archbishop Luke was interested in religiosity and what depth religiosity can reach. At the same time V. Voino-Yasenetsky used the collected and processed material to clarify and debunk the misunderstanding between the unbeliever in general and the congregation. Based on the fact that the Soviet government limited the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church almost to a minimum and largely eliminated its Church-religious influence on society, the Archbishop set the task to reveal the relationship of the spirit, soul and body, as well as the problem of "science and religion", often pointing out in his writings that many of his colleagues in medicine, as well as major scientists in Russia and abroad, perfectly combined scientific work and sincere faith.

When investigating the religious and philosophical heritage of St. Luke, theologians and philosophers often referred to his medical work only as a "side", that is, one that distracted the Archbishop from religious research and preaching. Meanwhile, there is an urgent need to study the legacy of V. Voino-Yasenetsky when considering the problem of harmonization of relations at the level of "Church - secular society" and taking into account the problem of a miracle in the modern world of scientific and technological progress, or when defining faith as a religious concept and its significance in the dichotomy "science-religion", etc.

The complex analysis of philosophical and religious views of V. Voino-Yase-netsky allowed to find out their existential orientation on internal, spiritual life of the person in which context exclusive attention was paid to heart as organ of the highest knowledge and clarification of triadological dependence of spirit, soul and a body. It was this train of thought and logic of thought that led to the successful combination. V. Voyno-Yasenetsky's scientific, philosophical and theological activities, while the ascetic life of an outstanding physician and Saint can serve as an example of the integrity of the worldview, the spiritual core of which were philosophical and religious views of the thinker.

This conclusion is justified and confirmed by a number of theoretical provisions, marked by scientific novelty, namely:

• the formation of philosophical and religious views of V. Voino-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luke) took place under the exclusive influence of his religious consciousness and true faith, the deepening of which was largely due to his own mystical experience;

• the philosophical and religious views of V. Voino-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luke) were characterized by an expressive creationist orientation, justifying which he gravitated to the synthesis of scientific, philosophical and religious knowledge;

• combining medical and archpastoral activities and strictly adhering to scientific research methods V. Voino-Yasenetsky not only defended the fundamental compatibility of science and religion, but also pointed to the need for their rapprochement, believing that the divergence of religion and scientific and philosophical knowledge determines only the object and method of knowledge;

• but somewhat departing from the dichotomous teachings of the Orthodox Church about the afterlife of the spirit V. Voino-Yasenetsky created an original doctrine about the presence and coexistence in each person of the spirit, soul and body, according to which the spirit is immortal, while the soul dies with the body - a temporary temple of the Holy spirit - and can be consonant only given the correspondence to the spirit;

• without denying the expediency of scientific-rationalistic knowledge, V. Voi-no-Yasenetsky preferred mystical-intuitive comprehension of the world and under that review objectively (but not consciously!) continued the domestic cordocentric tradition, according to which the heart is the organ of higher knowledge, as well as the importance;

• comprehending the connection of evil and suffering, soul and body, as well as the nature of the miracle and the phenomenon of providence, V. Voino-Yasenetsky called people to spiritual perfection and in that way enriched epistemological ideas about human nature as «the image and likeness of God" and defined its ontological basic needs;

• analyzing various spiritual aspects in the context of clarifying the nature and functional relationship of the higher nervous system, brain and memory of man, as well as arguing that after leaving the body, the spirit will not only continue eternal and endless life, but will also be improved in the direction that it chose in earthly life V. Voino-Yasenetsky provided his reflections with a distinct humanistic orientation and Christological support;

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• separating the concept of «spiritual» and «spiritual» and understanding by spirituality the achievement of the highest quality integrity by a person and above all the victory of the spirit over its chaotic mental and bodily components V. Voino-Yase-netsky connected spiritual advancement with imitation of the precepts of Jesus Christ and his own example of selfless pastoral service testified loyalty and devotion to them throughout his suffering life;

• activity as one of the most representative ways of expressing philosophical and religious views of V. Voino-Yasenetsky confirms their rather wide thematic range, in the context of which the main place was occupied by the problems of the meaning of life, the need for spiritual improvement, morality, interaction between man and the world, science and religion, etc;

• combining medical and biological knowledge with the ideological and ethical values of Orthodoxy V. Voino-Yasenetsky as a doctor and theologian actualized the role of Christian ethics in the process of complex treatment of a person, which in its fundamental provisions is a snowdrift with the basic provisions of modern bioethics [7];

• The theoretical value of the study determined that the thesis allows to better understand the phenomenon of V. Voyno-Yasenetsky as a doctor and Archbishop Luke in the context of his philosophical and religious views, which had a peculiar attraction to synthesis of scientific, philosophical and religious knowledge, as well as improve the look at the problems that appeared as a challenge to the modern stage of civilization development [8]. Highlighted in the problematic discourse of interdisciplinary interaction of religion, science and philosophy at the stage of development, they make the reading of the scientific and theological heritage of the outstanding surgeon and Saint in the context of current trends characterized by the intensification of scientific, philosophical and religious reflection on a complex of issues of paramount spiritual importance (problems of faith and reason, nature and purpose of man, soul, spirit and body, etc.).

The practical value of the study lies in the fact that its materials and conclusions can be used when reading General courses in religious studies, philosophy and history of religion, as well as special courses on Christian ethics, history of Christianity in the Crimea, bioethics. In addition, the materials can be practically used by specialists who are engaged in the study of synergetics, as well as in solving issues of interfaith interaction.


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Марущак В. Жизнеописание Святого исповедника, архиепископа Симферопольского и Крымского Луки (Войно-Ясенецкого). Симферополь: Издательский отдел Симферопольской и Крымской епархии, 2000.

Поповский М.А. Жизнь и житие святителя Луки (Войно-Ясенецекого), архиепископа и хирурга. Санкт-Петербург: Сатисъ Держава, 2005.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

3. Maruschak V. Zhizneopisanie Svyatogo ispovednika, arhiepiskopa Simferopol'skogo i Krymskogo Luki (Vojno-Yaseneckogo). Simferopol': Izdatel'skij otdel Simferopol'skoj i Krymskoj eparhii, 2000.

4. Popovskij M.A. Zhizn'izhitie svyatitelya Luki (Vojno-Yasenecekogo), arhiepiskopa i hirurga. Sankt-Peterburg: Satis' Derzhava, 2005.

5. Halezova L. Vnesok Valentina Feliksovicha Vojno-Yasenec'kogo u formuvannya suchasnoi bioetichnoi problematiki. Istoriya religij v Ukra'ini: naukovij schorichnik. Leningrad: Logos, 2009: 963 - 969.

6. Khalezova L. The forming of religious believes of St. Luke (V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky). Religiya v zhitti starodavn'o'i ta suchasnoi'lyudini: istorichnij ta filosofs'kij aspekti: materiali Mizhnarodnoi konferencii. Sevastopol', 2010: 119 - 120.

7. Poloma M.M. The sociological Context of Religious Experience. Handbook of religious experience. Religious Education press. Birmingham, Alabama. 1995: 161 - 183.

8. Wulff D.M. Phenomenological Psychology and Religious. Handbook of religious experience. Religious Education press. Birmingham, Alabama. 1995: 183 - 200.

Статья поступила в редакцию 24.02.20

УДК 821.161.1(092)

Guz N.A., Doctor of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Professor, Department of Russian language and Literature, Shukshin Altai State University

for Humanities and Pedagogy (Biysk, Russia), E-mail: gna@city.biisk.ru

DAILY LIFE IN THE ART WORLD OF GONCHAROV. The author sets a goal to consider the image of daily life in the art world of I.A. Goncharov. The analysis is preceded by a brief excursion into the history of the scientific study of this phenomenon by representatives of philosophy, sociology and literary criticism, which allows us to state the breadth of the range of different approaches and the lack of a universal formulation of the concept. The cultural-historical, semiotic and typological methods were used in the present work. As a result of the study we have made the following conclusions. Daily life as an object of the description is extremely important for the writer, who had a penchant for the reconstruction of mature native life forms. In the novels of I.A. Goncharov the image of daily life is represented primarily by everyday and spatiotemporal realities. On the one hand, daily life in its components is part of the image of the character, on the other hand, the image of daily life as a whole has aesthetic and axiological self-sufficiency.

Key words: Goncharov, art world, novels, daily life, everyday realities, narrator, historicism.

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