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Ключевые слова
musical performance / creative potential / students from China / festivals / competitions / musical work

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Zhukova О.М.

The concept of "performance" is multifaceted and has a wide context. Musical performance is understood as a sphere of artistic creativity associated with the recreation of the real sound of musical works. This type of performance includes the work of singers, conductors, instrumentalists. Musical performance is of particular importance when obtaining a specialty of a teacher-musician in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. Currently, this specialty is popular among Chinese citizens. The issue of realizing the creative potential of Chinese students through musical performance is important for their professional orientation, cultural adaptation and comfortable stay in the country. The students can fully reveal their musical and creative abilities in the process of preparation and participation in university events, concerts, competitions of city and international scale.

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UDC 378.016-057.87-054.6(476)

Zhukova О.М.

Ph.D. in History of Arts, Associate Professor of Music Department

VSU named after P.M. Masherov, Vitebsk, RB



The concept of "performance" is multifaceted and has a wide context. Musical performance is understood as a sphere of artistic creativity associated with the recreation of the real sound of musical works. This type of performance includes the work of singers, conductors, instrumentalists. Musical performance is of particular importance when obtaining a specialty of a teacher-musician in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. Currently, this specialty is popular among Chinese citizens. The issue of realizing the creative potential of Chinese students through musical performance is important for their professional orientation, cultural adaptation and comfortable stay in the country. The students can fully reveal their musical and creative abilities in the process of preparation and participation in university events, concerts, competitions of city and international scale.


musical performance, creative potential, students from China, festivals, competitions, musical work.

Music contains a huge and complex spectrum of different kinds of emotions, and therefore any kind of musical performance includes the process of interpretation and comprehension of the emotional content of a musical work. The performer is required to realize, feel and realize in the process the emotional essence of the piece he/she is performing.

A performer in the art of music can only be someone who correctly comprehends and knows how to communicate his thoughts and feelings to the audience. "The life of a musical work is in its performance, that is, in revealing its meaning through intonation for listeners" [1, р. 225]. In these words of academician B.M. Asafiev, the importance of the performer in musical art is clearly and precisely formulated. Indeed, only from the moment of performance, which should be an organic continuation and completion of the composer's idea, the true life of a musical work begins. Hence the huge role in music of the performer, who can be called the co-author of the work.

An important role in the activity of a performing musician is played by the complex of musical and creative abilities, which includes artistic and figurative thinking, imagination and fantasy. On this basis, musical performance is considered as a creative process, which is not only an act of embodiment of the composer's idea, but also the creation of its own performing interpretation.

The development of a musician is undoubtedly connected with creativity. It is a long-term, multifaceted and responsible process, in which an important place is taken by the preparation and realization of a concert performance. It is in the process of concert activity that the performing skills of musicians develop and improve, their creative potential is revealed. Therefore, the involvement of students from China in this kind of activity seems to be the most significant and necessary. For this purpose, on the basis of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus creative teams of different musical orientation are created: vocal groups, choral groups, instrumental ensembles and others. The purpose of writing the article is to identify the possibilities of musical performance in the realization of creative potential of students from China. It is advisable to identify musically gifted Chinese students in the first months of their stay at the university. "It is important in the process of conversation to find out the following: what musical instrument students own, what directions and styles of

music they prefer, whether they have experience of participation in concert events or this is a new activity for them. Undoubtedly, a significant aspect of the student survey is the interest in this kind of activity. In order to determine the level of vocal data of Chinese students, compulsory auditions are organized" [2, p. 82]. All of the above is necessary for the formation of the composition of the musical group, the choice of repertoire. As a rule, all students who show a desire to develop creatively have the opportunity to be enrolled in a vocal group and participate in concert activities as a performer-instrumentalist. The ability to present one's performing art is a special activity that requires not only a high level of proficiency on a musical instrument and singing skills, but also the ability to conduct oneself on stage and acting skills.

Musical performance of creative teams consisting of Chinese students is intensified through participation in festivals and competitions. These projects provide great opportunities in popularizing national traditions of artistic creation, in developing dialogue between countries, peoples, cultures, in providing space for communication, as well as opening prospects for creative realization of all those whose activities are related to art.

One of the most important functions of festivals and competitions is the presentation and popularization of student creativity. In recent years, university performance venues have become centers for various student projects, among which are not only university but also international events. Chinese students, who are members of vocal and instrumental ensembles, actively participate in creative and artistic contests, festivals of student creativity "ART-autumn", "ART-spring", Festivals of Youth and Students of the Union State and other events.

The participants of creative groups actively respond to offers to participate in a particular competition or festival, as they are ready to gain experience in concert performances. It is also important for them to demonstrate their performing skills, to familiarize the audience with the beauty of the Chinese musical language and the originality of Chinese culture. It is significant and undoubtedly necessary for Chinese students to have live creative communication, new acquaintances in the process of rehearsals and performances. This gives them an additional opportunity to improve their Russian language and makes their life in a foreign country interesting and rich.

Instrumental performance is one of the concert activities of Chinese students and the most important part of a teacher's creative work with performing musicians. Most international students study piano, learning mainly classical repertoire. Performing in a concert or competition program for an instrumentalist is a bright, emotionally and physically overloading moment. Not every student manages to cope with emotions and demonstrate a high level of performance skills. However, it is important not to abandon attempts to interpret technically difficult musical works and continue to participate in competitions, festivals, concert events at the university.

Chinese students often bring musical instruments that they learned to play in their home country. These are mostly traditional Chinese musical instruments. In the course of their studies, students continue to improve their instrument playing skills, learn new pieces, and are included in the performance of syncretic concert pieces. Nowadays, there is a relevance in creating such numbers, which is certainly due to the trend of interaction between different art forms. Therefore, vocal performances are often enriched with choreography and instrumental support, turning into vocal-choreographic, vocal-instrumental, and often syncretic compositions.

Thus, each concert or competition performance is a bright event in the life of international students, which is remembered and actively discussed for a long time. According to Chinese students, in their home country they do not have the opportunity for such active concert and competition activities, so they are eager to participate in most of the creative projects offered to them. Musical performance of Chinese students contributes to their self-realization through the recognition of their talent. Personal qualities, communication skills, perseverance, and the desire to succeed are developed. In addition, participation in creative performing activities contributes to learning motivation. The organization of creative activity, its systematic nature is of paramount importance for the improvement of performing skills of Chinese students as future professional teachers and musicians.

List of used references:

1. Asafiev, B. Speech intonation / B. Asafiev. - L.: Music, 1965. - 316 p.

2. Zhukova, O.M. Creative activity of Chinese students: a view from behind the scenes / O.M. Zhukova // Modern Education of Vitebshchina. - 2022. - № 2 (36). - P. 82-85.

© Zhukova O.M., 2023

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