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Oriental Art and Culture
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Ключевые слова
еduсаtiоn / thе rоlе оf musiс / mоrаlitу / сulturе / spirituаlitу / musiс / mоrаlitу / аеsthеtiсs

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Zukhra Sultanova

Thе knоwlеdgе оf thе wоrld thrоugh сulturе, аrt, thе еstаblishmеnt оf trulу сulturаl rеlаtiоns bеtwееn pеоplе in аll sphеrеs оf оur bеing is thе mаin tаsk оf оur timе. Essеntiаllу, this is а dispеnsаtiоn оf lifе ассоrding tо thе lаws оf bеаutу, i.е. аn аttеmpt tо implеmеnt idеаs оriginаting in аntiquitу, аnd dеvеlоping, in pаrtiсulаr, Dоstоеvskу, thе idеа thаt bеаutу will sаvе thе wоrld.

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Zukhra Sultanova Namangan State University

Abstract: The knowledge of the world through culture, art, the establishment of truly cultural relations between people in all spheres of our being is the main task of our time. Essentially, this is a dispensation of life according to the laws of beauty, i.e. an attempt to implement ideas originating in antiquity, and developing, in particular, Dostoevsky, the idea that beauty will save the world.

Keywords: education, the role of music, morality, culture, spirituality, music, morality, aesthetics

Aesthetic culture - is the sphere of manifestation of the value relationship between man and the world and the field of artistic activity of people. The main problem of philosophical and aesthetic thinking has been and remains the problem of beauty.

The aesthetic experience evoked by art is extremely great. Even ancient aesthetics defined the power of this experience as catharsis, "purification through suffering". Catharsis makes us experience not only a state of horror, grief, sorrow, but also enlightenment, peace, compassion and sympathy, without which no moral activity is possible. Aesthetic culture and art project the behavior of the person they address, his independence and activity. Without these qualities it is impossible to perceive art, in particular, musical art.

The modern stage of society's development is characterized by a general crisis that has engulfed all spheres of its vital activity, and is accompanied by the intensification of soullessness, the destruction of moral guidelines, and the disintegration of spiritual values. All this negatively affects, first of all, the least adapted to the new conditions of life - children.

In these conditions, the requirements for the spiritual formation of the younger generation, conditioned by the dialectical process of social development, are increasing.

The development and education of a child's personality is a function of public institutions in every society. School and preschool institutions have a leading role in this, which consists in the coordination of all developmental and educational influences. Education of spiritual and moral values of the child's personality becomes a social task of the society.

First of all, it is necessary to define the essence of such concepts as "moral culture", "aesthetic culture", "spirituality". Morality - norms, rules of human behavior in society.

Moral culture is a special form of general culture; one of the main ways of regulating human actions in society with the help of norms. Moral norms receive ideological justification in the form of ideals of good and evil, due, justice, etc. Mercy, the ability to be compassionate, the ability to love, having a sense of shame, a sense of responsibility and others are manifestations of such moral qualities that make up the level of human spirituality.

"Highly moral behavior of a child is made up of many sets of individual small deeds: from the word, action, inaction, from the attitude to the actions and I words of others. A child must be firm: he must know what can be done, what cannot be done, how to act."[1.P.23].

Moral and aesthetic culture are important components of human spirituality. It is no coincidence that the level of human spirituality is judged by the state of moral experience, manifestation of aesthetic taste, as well as education focused on the development of cultural values.

Spirituality is a manifestation of the highest human feelings, it is a certain mystery and at the same time inexhaustibility of human thoughts, feelings and aspirations. "Spirituality manifests itself as a process of harmonization of thought and feeling. And where there is harmony - there is beauty, there is aesthetics."[2.P.24]

Among the many educational means of influence on children an important place belongs to music. It awakens in a person the idea of the sublime, majestic, pure and beautiful in life. Music unites moral and aesthetic culture on the way of musical and artistic development of the child. "Without music it is difficult to convince a person who enters the world that man is beautiful, and this conviction, in fact, is the basis of emotional, aesthetic, moral culture?" [2.C.105]

Cognition of the world through culture, art, establishment of truly cultural relations between people in all spheres of our existence is the main task of our time. In essence, it is the arrangement of life according to the laws of beauty, i.e. an attempt to realize the ideas originating in antiquity and the idea developed, in particular by Dostoevsky, that beauty will save the world. Understanding of culture and art should be an indisputable way to educate a harmonious and humane personality.

What is humanism? Humane? To answer these questions, it is necessary to start with the definition of "humane". We can define humane as - merciful, humane, peculiar to a person, truly enlightened. True enlightenment, then, is the foundation of humanity. Knowledge must be true, not approximate.

Humanism is a principle of worldview, which is based on:

- the conviction in the limitlessness of human possibilities and the ability to self-improvement;

- the demand for freedom and protection of individual dignity;

- the idea that human beings have the right to happiness and that the satisfaction of their needs and interests (both spiritual and material) should be the ultimate goal of society.

What paths should humanization take? Which of its provisions should be rethought in the first place?

First, the view of the child must change. It is not a creature to be nurtured, not an empty vessel that can be filled with anything. He is neither sinful from birth nor powerless from birth. He cannot be "made some" Every child has sufficient potential for successful self-development. This potential is unique, inimitable and always aspires to the best, to good success. A child is a subject of his own development, he is self-powered. He is equal to an adult in many ways: he experiences the same feelings as an adult, and experiences them in the same way as an adult. He is equal to an adult in intellectual capacity and only slightly inferior in life experience, but experience is an asset.

Secondly, it is necessary to rethink the very essence of the education process and its purpose.

In the conditions of the education system, teachers always face the task of using the most effective means of education and upbringing. Music, being one of such means, actively develops children's artistic abilities. It is necessary to organize musical education of children so as to take into account their age and individual characteristics.

The task of education of children's personality through the impact of musical genre on them arises in connection with the new socio-cultural situation in modern society, when there are new educational needs and non-traditional ways of their realization.[3.P.98-99].

The significance of the study of education of moral and aesthetic culture of the child through the impact of music on him is due to the need to comprehend the nature of the musical genre in relation to its influence on the process of artistic education. In the conditions of the educational system teachers always face the task of using the most effective means of education and upbringing. Music is one of such means that actively develops personal abilities of a child.

The relevance and insufficient development of this problem, contradictions and difficulties that arose in its solution in pedagogical practice, determined the choice of the research topic "The role of music in the education of moral and aesthetic culture of children". The relevance of this dissertation research, thus, is determined by the urgent contradiction between the practical necessity of education of moral and

aesthetic culture of children by means of music and insufficient development of this problem. [4.]

3. The results of the study showed that the children who took part in the experiment had such positive changes in the development of personality as activation of moral attitude to the surrounding nature and man; deepening of knowledge about the norms of human morality, means of musical expression and musical-performance techniques; emotional responsiveness to the moral content of works of musical art; creative activity, adequately directed to the implementation of the moral program of the work, friendly attitude

4. Theoretical and musical materials of the study confirm the hypothesis that the interrelation of moral and musical education of children in groups was realized due to the moral orientation of music perception by pupils; purposeful selection of musical works and adequate morally-oriented methodology of lessons; moral education of pupils, which interacts with their musical knowledge; various complex musical activities of pupils.

Providing this - a complex of psychological and pedagogical conditions contains a way to increase the effectiveness of the relationship between moral and musical education of children. [5.P.547]

On the basis of studying the state of music-educational work with children of preschool age (preparatory group) and younger schoolchildren the dependence of the success of this work on family conditions for music lessons is revealed, certain conclusions are made about the possibilities of organizing and improving the moral and aesthetic education of children by introducing them to musical culture.

Music is one of the richest means of moral and aesthetic education. It has a great power of emotional impact and therefore is an important means of forming ideological beliefs, moral and aesthetic ideals. That is why musical education of younger preschoolers should be given great attention.

Wouldn't it be better not to limit the teacher to these components, but, for example, to devote one entire lesson to a children's composer and his music? Another lesson could be a dance class, etc. It is time to build the whole system of education, and moreover on music education, in children's institutions and junior classes in a game form. To put the game in the foreground - as the leading form of educational influence on the child, and even more so when teaching music.

Musical art forms the child's need for creative transformative activity. Introducing preschoolers to music through various types of musical activities, it is necessary to have in mind first of all emotionally active perception, as it is the basis of musical education. [6.P.27].

A prerequisite for the musical education of children and the successful implementation of the educational objectives of the music education program is the

unity and intеrсоnnесtiоn оf kindergarten, sсhооl and fаmilу. Thе guiding and оrgаnizing role in this cooperation belongs, of course, to the preschool and the school. Such cooperation should be based on mutual assistance, trust and respect in the realization of common pedagogical goals and objectives, taking into account the specifics of the family's way of life and everyday life. In this case, the implementation of the unity of individual approach and collective forms of work serves as a foundation for the realization of pedagogical learning objectives. [7.P.210]

Establishing links with professional music educational institutions and amateur creative groups of pioneer homes and club institutions in order to create continuity of music-educational work with children who have shown the necessary abilities and desire to continue studying music, singing or dance. At the present stage of social development, moral and aesthetic education of children has not lost its relevance. The relevance of the topic is determined by:

- social order for a moral personality;

- formation of moral qualities of personality by means of music;

- the need to develop theoretical and scientific-methodological foundations, effective directions for the realization of moral education of the child's personality. [8.P.310]

Acquaintance to musical art in music classes contributes to the formation of moral and aesthetic feelings, attitudes, beliefs and spiritual needs of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren.

Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, school practice, it became clear that the educational material of musical art is not optimally realized. Its value-oriented opportunities that contribute to the formation of moral qualities of a person are insufficiently used.


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