Научная статья на тему 'Municipal system innovations in the field of physical culture and sport: adoption and effectiveness'

Municipal system innovations in the field of physical culture and sport: adoption and effectiveness Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Khromin E.V., Kolychev A.V., Subbotina S.V., Radostev N.G.

The purpose of the research was to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of the strategic approach to the management of innovations in the field of physical culture and sport, as well as to develop and test a technology of implementation of system innovations. The implementation of the strategy of systemic innovations contributed to significant development of the infrastructure of physical culture and sport and extending the opportunities for regular training, as well as to creating conditions for the development of youth sport through a series of activities stipulated in the paper. The concept of the systemic innovation strategy in the field of physical culture and sport was designed and implemented in the study. In addition, there was formed a municipal bank of innovations being tested and implemented in pilot sites. The share of people regularly engaged in physical culture and sport has increased on the average per year. The number of students of educational institutions, engaged in physical culture and sport has risen significantly compared to the previous year. The absolute number of those regularly engaged in domiciliary training has increased by 91% compared to 2012. Thus, the strategic approach to the implementation of the system innovations in the field of physical culture and sport was proved to be efficient based on the stated criteria.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Municipal system innovations in the field of physical culture and sport: adoption and effectiveness»


E.V. Khromin, associate professor, Ph.D.

A.V. Kolychev

S.V. Subbotina

N.G. Radostev

Department of Sport and Youth Policy of the Administration of Tyumen, Tyumen

Keywords: systemic innovation, integration, strategy, health, basic and post-secondary education, monitoring, communication marketing, information support.

Introduction. The Strategy of development of physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 (hereinafter Strategy 2020) is based on the transition to the innovative model of development of the sphere of physical culture and sport. The goal of the Strategy is to improve nation's health, quality of life of Russian citizens, the level of human potential, competitiveness of Russian sport and Russia's prestige in the international arena and education of the younger generation and to unite Russian society.

Without dwelling on the existing socio-economic problems which can be solved with the help of physical culture and sport, we note that sports and recreational activities actually improve people's health and physical fitness, contribute to training of the younger generation and physical rehabilitation and social integration of persons with disabilities and increase the working capacity and productivity of economically active population, extend the period of people's active employment.

The social effect of innovations includes the improvement of the welfare of the community, quality of life and productivity and the acceleration of the renewal of living environment via formation of healthy lifestyle and increase of life expectancy.

Here, innovative management acts as an effective way to achieve these goals, providing new opportunities for improving the nation's health and the quality of life of Russian people, etc. (1,2).

It is necessary to justify strategic approaches to modernization and improvement of the quality of management systems at various levels, as well as to create mechanisms of solving these practical problems. In this regard, the study of the problems related to innovative management and management innovations, the role of which is determined by the fundamental shifts in the content and nature of information, methodological and practical basis of the development of the sphere of physical culture and sport, is extremely important.

The strategy of systemic innovations in the sphere of physical culture and sport is a purposeful change of the functions, organizational structures, technologies and management methods, focused on the replacement of related elements in order to speed up and facilitate the solution of social problems and implement the Strategy 2020 (3,4).

Despite the large number of publications on various aspects of innovations, it should be noted that basic theoretical and methodological issues associated with the strategic approach in the planning and implementation of innovations in the sphere of physical culture and sport are developed and covered insufficiently. Thereby, the task of development and justification of an integrated systemic concept - the strategy of systemic innovations in the context of modern management - remains unresolved.

The relevance and importance of the stipulated issues for the development of the sphere of physical culture and sport and their insufficient elaboration in the area conditioned the choice of the topic and directions of this research.

The purpose of the research was to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of the strategic approach to the management of innovations in the field of physical culture and sport, as well as to develop and test a technology of implementation of systemic innovations.

Materials and methods. The main part of the research was carried out on the basis of youth sports schools and centers of Tyumen, domiciliary planar structures and institutions of secondary and higher education. Specialists from the Department of Sport and Youth Policy of the Administration of Tyumen and from the Department of Education, leaders, trainers and teachers of post-secondary education, sports adminstrators, as well as heads and specialists from among social workers from other sectors were involved in the research.

In our study, we stick to the intensive strategy of health improvement and increase of the number of people engaged in physical culture and sport, which helps, even with very limited resources, find internal reserves to increase efficiency of the health improvement policy in different social groups, including schoolchildren, through the introduction of innovations in the educational and training processes (5,6).

Systemic innovations are interconnected local innovations which have a great system effect and perform new functions.

System innovations in management in the sphere of physical culture and sports at municipal level

Monitoring of the Status of All Facilities of Physical Culture and Sport Available in the City

Organization of Domiciliary Sports and Recreation Activities

Monitoring of Health and Physical Fitness of Young Sportsmen

Communication Marketing and Information Support of Physical Culture and Sport

Integration of Resources of the Institutions of Basic and Post-secondary Education of Children and Youth

Figure 1. System innovations in management in the sphere of physical culture and sports

Previously, we have developed and provided partial theoretical validation of the concept of systemic innovations in the management in the sphere of physical culture and sport at the municipal level (6, 7), and now we would like to show the intermediate results of its implementation.

Results and discussion. The introduction of systemic innovations in the management in the sphere of physical culture and sport at the municipal level helps fulfill the strategic task of improvement of the quality and efficiency of the process of formation and preservation of healthy lifestyle of Tyumen citizens. That is why, today every third resident of the city is regularly involved in sports: 30.1% (201 000 people), which is higher than the regional level (Figure 2).


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□ Tyumen

■ Tyumen Region

■a»w actual >-«n. plan ,-rn v..

Fig. 2. The share of population systematically engaged in physical culture and sport in the average annual population of the city (%)

The transition of the sports sphere to intensive development has led to the conduction of the monitoring of the status of all municipal facilities and conditioned the development and implementation of a number of innovative projects: the concept of year-round use of planar structures related to physical culture and sport; the integration of resources of the institutions of basic, post-secondary and higher professional education of children and youth; the organization of domiciliary sports and recreational activities, their optimization and intensification. In 2013, this promoted an increase in the number of people regularly engaged in domiciliary physical culture and sport under the leadership of sports administrators by 91% (the coverage amounted to 15312 people, 6991 (in 2011); 8000 (in 2012) and winning the regional contest "Sports Elite - 2013" in the nomination "The Best Organization of Physical Culture and Sports Activities in the City". And this is not the limit: we are going to increase the number of people systematically involved in domiciliary sports up to 23,000 people in 2014 (Figure 3).

■ total, people ■ including minors, people



13000 ■ ■

6991 5127 8000 5769





2014 plan

Fig 3. The number of people systematically involved in domiciliary sports. We achieved the following positive effects:

- the development of related legal framework, organizational structure, organization of the educational process and the definition of the functional rights and duties of the participants of this process;

- the emergence of the results that require further progress, i.e., the development of innovative learning technologies, new forms of cooperation, etc;

- the maximum use of available municipal material and technical resources;

- new opportunities for integration of basic and post-secondary education and, as a consequence, the creation of a common educational space in the city of Tyumen;

- the introduction of the ways to assess the potential of recreational environment of educational institutions (equipped student lounges, planar structures, special tools and equipment to increase physical activity for children during extracurricular activities), providing the ranking of schools, and adequate funding to improve their potential;

- the organization of material and technical support considering the status of recreational environment;

Conclusions. The implementation of the strategy of systemic innovations contributed to a significant progress in the infrastructure of physical culture and sport, extending of the opportunities for regular training, as well as to creating conditions for the development of youth sport via:

- creating necessary conditions for the development and implementation of innovations;

- implementing innovative projects: "Monitoring of the Status of All Facilities of Physical Culture and Sport Available in the City", "Integration of Resources of the Institutions of Basic and Post-secondary Education of Children and Youth", "Monitoring of Health and Physical Fitness of Young Athletes", "Organization of Domiciliary Sports and Recreation Activities"; "Communication Marketing and Information Support of Physical

Culture and Sport".

- defining system efficiency indicators of the management of innovation processes.

The concept of the strategy of systemic innovations in the field of physical culture and sport was designed and implemented in the study. In addition, there was formed a municipal bank of innovations being tested and implemented in pilot sites.

The share of people regularly engaged in physical culture and sport has increased on the average per year. The number of students of educational institutions, engaged in physical culture and sport, has risen significantly compared to the previous year. The absolute number of those regularly engaged in domiciliary training has increased by 91% compared to 2012.

Thus, the strategic approach to the implementation of the systemic innovations in the field of physical culture and sport was proved to be efficient based on the stated criteria.


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4. Rasporyazhenie Pravitelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 15.04.2014 # 302-r «Ob utverzhdenii gosudarstvennoy programmy Rossiyskoy Federatsii «Razvitie fizicheskoy kul'tuiy i sporta» (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.04.2014 № 302-p "On approval of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of physical culture and sports").

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6. Khromin, E.V. Integratsiya osnovnogo i dopolnitel'nogo fizkul'turnogo obrazovaniya kak osnova razvitiya massovoy fizicheskoy kultury i detsko-yunosheskogo sporta na munitsipal'nom urovne (Integration of basic and additional sports education as a basis for the development of

mass physical culture and youth sport at the municipal level) / E.V. Khromin, A.V. Kolychev, N.G. Radostev // Teoriya ipraktika fizicheskoy kul'tury. - 2013. - № 12. - P. 3-8.

7. Khromin, E.V. O strategii sistemnykh innovatsiy v formirovanii zdorov'ya podrastayushchego pokoleniya (On the strategy of systemic innovation in health formation of the younger generation) / E.V. Khromin, E.A. Korotkova, A.E. Stepanov // Fizicheskaya kul'tura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka. - 2013. - № 4. - P. 2-5.

Corresponding author: NaumovaMA@tyumen-city.ru

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