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Ключевые слова
higher education / transport university / Master’s program in international business / English for specific purposes (ESP) / educational-methodological complex / future economists / высшее образование / транспортный вуз / программа магистратуры «Внешнеэкономическая деятельность» / английский для специальных целей (ESP) / учебно-методический комплекс / будущие экономисты

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Komkova A.S., Krutko E.A., Krutko E.A.

Educational trends and realities, such as redistribution of the teaching load, need for a more flexible and accessible education, automation of the students’ knowledge control, have largely adjusted the structure and content of the new generation educational-methodical complexes of disciplines. The research is aimed at developing and describing the structure and content of the multimedia educational-methodical complex (MEMC) for the discipline “Professional Foreign Language” for the Master’s degree students majoring in International Business. In the process of the development of the complex the methodological principles of integrality, interdisciplinarity and interactivity used in the professional foreign language teaching were taken into account. A complex of various methods was used, including: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research topic; study and comparison of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for High Education of Russia with professional standards required by employers; study of normative documentation in the development of an educational-methodical complex for the discipline; generalization of the results obtained. The authors indicate the already existing developments and the main areas for further work. The implementation of the MEMC helped to improve the quality of the foreign language training and the efficiency of management of the students’ classroom and independent work.

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Образовательные тенденции и реалии, такие как перераспределение учебной нагрузки, необходимость более гибкого и доступного образования, автоматизация контроля знаний студентов во многом скорректировали структуру и содержание учебно-методических комплексов дисциплин нового поколения. Целью исследования является разработка и описание структуры и содержания мультимедийного учебно-методического комплекса (МУМК) по дисциплине «Профессиональный иностранный язык» для магистрантов направления «Внешнеэкономическая деятельность». В процессе разработки комплекса были учтены методические принципы целостности, междисциплинарности и интерактивности, используемые в профессиональном обучении иностранному языку. Использовался комплекс различных методов, в том числе теоретический анализ научно-методической литературы по теме исследования; изучение и сравнение федерального государственного образовательного стандарта (ФГОС) высшего образования России с профессиональными стандартами, требуемыми работодателями; изучение нормативной документации при разработке учебно-методического комплекса по дисциплине; обобщение полученных результатов. Авторы описывают уже имеющиеся наработки и основные направления дальнейшей деятельности. Внедрение МУМК позволило повысить качество обучения иностранному языку и эффективность управления аудиторной и самостоятельной работой студентов.


11. Лэнгле А.А., Уколова Е.М., Шумский В.Б. Современный экзистенциальный анализ: история, теория, практика, исследования: монография. Москва, 2023.

12. Лэнгле А. Person. Экзистенциально-аналитическая теория личности. Москва, 2005.

13. Baumann N., Kuhl J. How to resist temptation: The consequences of external control versus support for autonomy in a self-regulatory dynamic. Journal of personality. 2005; № 73 (2): 443-470.

14. Deci E., Ryan R. Handbook of self-determination research. Rochester. New York, 2002.

15. Коломиец О.М. Концепция преподавательской деятельности в контексте компетентностно-деятельностного подхода. Вестник Московского педагогического государственного университета. 2017; № 1: 82-92.

16. Коломиец О.М. Дидактическая модель преподавательской деятельности педагога. Москва: Издательский дом «Развитие образования», 2018.


1. Vygotskij L.S. Istoriya razvitiya vysshih psihicheskih funkcij. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Yurajt, 2023.

2. Leont'ev A.N. Deyatel'nost'. Soznanie. Lichnost': uchebnoe posobie. Moskva, 2005.

3. Kulikov L.V. Psihologiya lichnosti v trudah otechestvennyh psihologov: Hrestomatiya. Sankt-Peterburg: Piter, 2009.

4. Lichnostnyjpotencial. Struktura i diagnostika. Moskva: Smysl, 2011.

5. Maddi S. Teoriilichnosti: sravnitel'nyj analiz. Perevod s anglijskogo I. Avidona, A. Batustina, P. Rumyancevoj. Sankt-Peterburg, 2002.

6. Maslou A. Motivaciya i lichnost'. Sankt-Peterburg: Piter, 2011.

7. M'ej R. Otkrytie bytiya. Perevod A. Bagryancevoj. Moskva, 2004.

8. Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskah smysla: sbornik. Per. s anglijskogo i nemeckogo. Moskva, 1990.

9. Wong P. From Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy to the Four Defining Characteristics of Self-Transcendence (ST). 2021; July 3. Available at: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/76bm9

10. Worth P., Smith MD. Clearing the Pathways to Self-Transcendence, Front. Psychol. 2021; Vol. 12. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.648381

11. L'engle A.A., Ukolova E.M., Shumskij V.B. Sovremennyj 'ekzistencial'nyj analiz: istoriya, teoriya, praktika, issledovaniya: monografiya. Moskva, 2023.

12. L'engle A. Person. 'Ekzistencial'no-analiticheskaya teoriya lichnosti. Moskva, 2005.

13. Baumann N., Kuhl J. How to resist temptation: The consequences of external control versus support for autonomy in a self-regulatory dynamic. Journal of personality. 2005; № 73 (2): 443-470.

14. Deci E., Ryan R. Handbook of self-determination research. Rochester. New York, 2002.

15. Kolomiec O.M. Koncepciya prepodavatel'skoj deyatel'nosti v kontekste kompetentnostno-deyatel'nostnogo podhoda. Vestnik Moskovskogo pedagogicheskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2017; № 1: 82-92.

16. Kolomiec O.M. Didakticheskaya model'prepodavatel'skoj deyatel'nostipedagoga. Moskva: Izdatel'skij dom «Razvitie obrazovaniya», 2018.

Статья поступила в редакцию 10.01.24

УДК 378.14

Komkova A.S., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), Head of Foreign Languages Department, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

(Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: a.komkova@sibstrin.ru

Krutko E.A., Cand. of Sciences (Phibsophy), senior lecturer, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow/, Russia), E-mail: e.a.krutko@mail.ru

Matvienko E.N., senior lecturer, Siberian Transport University (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: elenanick13@mail.ru

MULTIMEDIA EDUCATIONAL-METHODICAL COMPLEX FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING OF MASTER STUDENTS MAJORING IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. Educational trends and realities, such as redistribution of the teaching load, need for a more flexible and accessible education, automation of the students' knowledge control, have largely adjusted the structure and content of the new generation educational-methodical complexes of disciplines. The research is aimed at developing and describing the structure and content of the multimedia educational-methodical complex (MEMC) for the discipline "Professional Foreign Language" for the Master's degree students majoring in International Business. In the process of the development of the complex the methodological principles of integrality, interdisciplinarity and interactivity used in the professional foreign language teaching were taken into account. A complex of various methods was used, including: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research topic; study and comparison of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for High Education of Russia with professional standards required by employers; study of normative documentation in the development of an educational-methodical complex for the discipline; generalization of the results obtained. The authors indicate the already existing developments and the main areas for further work. The implementation of the MEMC helped to improve the quality of the foreign language training and the efficiency of management of the students' classroom and independent work.

Key words: higher education, transport university, Master's program in international business, English for specific purposes (ESP), educational-methodological complex, future economists

А.С. Комкова, канд. филол. наук, зав. каф. иностранных языков, Новосибирский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет,

г. Новосибирск, E-mail: a.komkova@sibstrin.ru

Е.А. Крутько, канд. филос. наук, ст. преп., Департамент английского языка и профессиональной коммуникации Финансового университета

при Правительстве РФ, г. Москва, E-mail: e.a.krutko@mail.ru

Е.Н. Матвиенко, ст. преп., Сибирский государственный университет путей сообщения, г. Новосибирск, E-mail: elenanick13@mail.ru




Образовательные тенденции и реалии, такие как перераспределение учебной нагрузки, необходимость более гибкого и доступного образования, автоматизация контроля знаний студентов во многом скорректировали структуру и содержание учебно-методических комплексов дисциплин нового поколения. Целью исследования является разработка и описание структуры и содержания мультимедийного учебно-методического комплекса (МУМК) по дисциплине «Профессиональный иностранный язык» для магистрантов направления «Внешнеэкономическая деятельность». В процессе разработки комплекса были учтены методические принципы целостности, междисциплинарности и интерактивности, используемые в профессиональном обучении иностранному языку. Использовался комплекс различных методов, в том числе теоретический анализ научно-методической литературы по теме исследования; изучение и сравнение федерального государственного образовательного стандарта (ФГОС) высшего образования России с профессиональными стандартами, требуемыми работодателями; изучение нормативной документации при разработке учебно-методического комплекса по дисциплине; обобщение полученных результатов. Авторы описывают уже имеющиеся наработки и основные направления дальнейшей деятельности. Внедрение МУМК позволило повысить качество обучения иностранному языку и эффективность управления аудиторной и самостоятельной работой студентов.

Ключевые слова: высшее образование, транспортный вуз, программа магистратуры «Внешнеэкономическая деятельность», английский для специальных целей (ESP), учебно-методический комплекс, будущие экономисты

In the current world economic settings, international business is no longer a matter of economic exchanges only, but rather is about cultural specificity, environmental issues, geopolitics and strategy. This has subsequently led to a growing demand for highly-qualified workforce with extended knowledge, skills and abilities required to

evolve and succeed in the dynamic sphere of international trade. Most importantly, specialists in international business are to have a very good relevant knowledge of how companies operate across economies, currencies and regulatory frameworks, be able to assess a situation quickly and stimulate innovative projects by looking at things on a

global scale, as well as to be ready to communicate and collaborate effectively within a remote or multi-location team [1]. It is essential to master at least one, preferably two (for instance, English and Chinese), foreign languages. Indeed, it is simply inevitable when working in international trade, consulting or distribution.

For this reason, today the Russian leading universities have to rethink their Master's degree programs in international business, courses and curricula in general, to ensure that graduates acquire professional knowledge and skills needed most to work in this sector. Teaching, learning and information support resources are being developed and approved for the use in the educational process of a modern university. Apart from traditional teaching aids, great importance is also attached to the development of the electronic, multimedia educational-methodical complexes and monitoring of the efficiency of their implementation, including among other things the system of evaluation of the quality of students learning outcomes on the Master level.

Educational-methodical complex (EMC) is a multicomponent system for ensuring the continuity and completeness of the educational process in a discipline or course, combining into a single whole normative, educational and methodological documents, teaching and control tools, as well as other educational resources necessary and sufficient for the effective organization and implementation of educational programs, in accordance with the curriculum [2]. Educational trends and realities, such as the reduction of classroom hours and increase of the students' independent work, provision of a more flexible and accessible education, automation of the students' knowledge control, rapid digitalisation of education in general, have largely adjusted the structure and content of the new generation EMCs.

The relevance lies in the fact that a modern EMC of a discipline, along with traditional components (e.g. a work program, a thematic (calendar) plan, textbooks, manuals, lecture notes, methodological guidelines and recommendations, control materials, reference materials, etc.), should provide the opportunity for independent study of theoretical material and comprehensive knowledge control (e.g. self-control, current control, intermediate certification), electronic educational resources (e.g. web-based study guides, textbooks, virtual laboratory workshops, tests, audio-video materials, etc.). For these reasons, electronic educational-methodical complexes (EEMCs) or multimedia educational-methodical complexes (MEMCs) are becoming the most relevant and promising means of managing educational process, including distance learning [2-5].

The aim of the current paper is to highlight one of the attempts to develop a multimedia educational-methodical complex for teaching Master students of a transport university majoring in International Business effective foreign language communication in professional settings, indicating the already existing developments and the main areas for further work. Using the case study of the Siberian Transport University (STU), namely the provided experience of the English Language Department, it is possible to observe how higher education institutions are being transformed and modified facing complex and changeable requirements of the sector, new educational standards and technologies.

The objectives of the research include the development and description of the structure and content of the multimedia educational-methodical complex (MEMC) for the discipline "Professional Foreign Language" for the Master's degree students of th e STU majoring in International Business at the International Business and Law Faculty, taking into account the methodological principles of integrality, interdisciplinarity an d interactivity used in the professional foreign language teaching. Each of the principles above is to a degree quite known. But considered as a whole and on a new level, signifying the transition to the close interaction and coordination of foreign language and profile disciplines, these principles are being actively promoted at the Russian non-linguistic universities. This is said to guarantee the formation of integrative competencies, among which is the students' foreign-language communicative competence [6; 7].

Within the framework of the study, a complex of various methods was used, including: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research topic; study and comparison of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for High Education of Russia with professional standards required by employers; study of normative documentation in the development of an educational-methodical complex for the discipline; generalization of the results obtained.

The process of training of the future economic specialists in international business at a transport university should be built in accordance with, firstly, the new requirements of higher education under the conditions of digitalisation, secondly, the present-day labor market needs and requirements of potential employers, many of which are the representatives of the international enterprises, to avoid the mismatch of skills acquired by students and current demands [8-11]. For this reason, the data were collected on the set of skills and abilities graduates need to apply for the position of an economist, specialist in international business from the five main Russian online job search services: hh.ru, rabota.ru, superjob.ru, zarplata.ru, avito.ru. In total, 65 job advertisements from the Russian companies were studied. Results obtained from the analysis of the requests of employers regarding the knowledge, skills and abilities of the graduates were considered when developing multimedia teaching aids.

The in-depth analysis of scientific and methodological literature, as well as educational standards and regulations in force compared to labor market needs and employers' requirements, has revealed the professional knowledge, skills and abilities that graduates are to possess upon completing Master's program in International Business (major 38.04.01 "Economics"). Modern socio-economic realities determine the need for graduates with a set of general skills and abilities: critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, self-management and stress-resistance, communication (oral

and written), including an ability to negotiate in Russian and foreign languages; digital skills: mainly ICT literacy (MS Office, Excel, CRM, 1C programs), information literacy; and professional knowledge related to issues of international trade and investment, international marketing, finance and taxation, customs regulations, transport and logistics within scope of sanctions, basic commercial and shipping documents.

Considerable attention is paid to an establishment of a productive academic and professional communication with foreign partners in the process of joint research and project activities, conferences, and business meetings that requires a certain level of foreign language proficiency. From this perspective, business correspondence, negotiation and academic writing skills are highly appreciated by employers. The skills and knowledge needed most for economists who major in international business can be developed and acquired effectively only within close integration of language and core disciplines and interfaculty collaboration [1]. This fact was taken into account when developing a MEMC for teaching Master students a professional foreign language.

The aim of the Master's degree program in International Business at the STU is to train graduates who are equipped with the right skills and expansive professional knowledge and can choose their career paths in international trade management, internal logistics, supply chain management, banking, consulting, and more. It is quite obvious that a necessary and indispensable element of this program is professional foreign language training that helps students develop the language skills they will need to succeed in professional work situations. Thus, the purpose of the discipline "Professional Foreign Language" is the development of the practical foreign language skills required for the process of professional communication in the fields of foreign economic activity, research and practical work, in cooperation with foreign partners, for self-educational and other purposes. This discipline is studied by students in the first year. As a result of studying the discipline, students should:

- know: professional terminology within the framework of the subject being studied; a foreign language to the extent necessary for an independent search for professionally oriented scientific information; theoretical foundations of research activities in a foreign language.

- be able to: extract and present information of a professional nature in a foreign language; search for information in a foreign language within the framework of the subject being studied; summarize and abstract scientific texts, highlight key words in a foreign language.

- master: the skills of monologue speech within the framework of the studied professional topics using a multimedia presentation; skills of scientific search and analysis of information in a foreign language; skills of written presentation of the results of scientific research in a foreign language.

As the effectiveness of the process of teaching professional English language to Master students of non-linguistic specialties is largely influenced by the conditions of a small number of hours allotted for classwork, initial difference in the level of the language of the students, current problems of distance learning, study breaks and combining study with work, the MEMC for this discipline was developed and used.

The proposed MEMC for the discipline "Professional Foreign Language" (major 38.04.01 "Econ omics", Masterprogram "Internation alBusiness") is a setof norm ative, educational and methodological documents, teaching and control tools, educational multim edir gerogtcesthet srtlaasecliathe etectronic information and educational en-

MULTIMEDIA EDUCATIONAL-METHODICAL COMPLEX (MEMC) for the discipline "Professional Foreign Language" in Moodle


Work program of the discipline

Thematic (calendar) plln

Student's activities structure

Instructions Tor working with MEMC


Educational materials:

textbooks, manuals, audio,

video resources, presentations, interactive courses

Methodological guidelines and recommendations for

doing case studies and project works, organizing

research activities (publications, conference presentations), etc.

Reference materials:

dictionaries, publications, websites


Entrance, current, midterm control tools and materials

Materials for students' intermediate certification:

recommendations for preparing for the exam, control questions, typical practical tasks, training and self-control tests, criteria

student's performance on die exam



Fig. 1. Main structural blocks of the multimedia educational-methodical complex for the dissihlino "Srsfdssinnai Foteitn Cangotte"

Student's Activities Structure International Busineß and Law Faculty. Major 3S.04.iiL 'Economics1, Pro;;ram 'International Business* Discipline 'Professions] Foreign I in[:|]f Year 2821-2011 Term I

Student* oamc

СтГйир _

Lecturer's Dame

Typ« OfAClivilieS W(Ho Total Scorc

] 2 3 A 5 6 I 7 S 9 ID 11 II 12 13 14 15 Lb 15 IS III

Ses 5 ¡'ja Activities (topic presentation, prnt'cr point wescntadonl TPI TPI PFP1 TP3 TP4 PPP2 41

Tests ((cimLnoloBy test, computer test) TTI CT TT2 IS

Writing (summary, abstract writing! 51 52 AWT 53 AWI AW3 43

ЧН1ГР1 ррт тлт.-к in; in; 17/ W 7f 111/ 71;' 7W in/ 14/ 1М/

Tvpts of Activities Points Remarks

Topic Presentation - TF 4*7=2S Introductian. Global Business Environment

Power Point Presentation - PPP 2*7=14 TPI, El Unit 1 Cjlobalizatiün and Trade

Tenriinolojtv Test - TT 2*5=10 TP2, E2 Unit International TTade Tbcaiv

CompurerTcst - CT 14S-I5 TP3, E3 L'nlt (iovcnunenr-Busmtss Trade Rclalinns

Summarv - K 4*3=11 TP4, E4 Unit 4. International Investments

Abstract WriclnE - AW 3*7=21 PFP1 Classi tvinrr Wntld F-ConoTnics

Scientific Paper - KP 1*10-10 PPP2 Internalictm] Pinancial Markels

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

TTI [nlnjdU'jIiQTL Unit 1. Unit 2

Scientific AetLvltLcs TT2 Unit 3, Litit4

Participation in conferences fSTUl sn (Winners)

Participation in intcrunivcrsltv events ft'10 Winners)

Participation in aLI-Russian and International oonfcrenccs 10/12 (Winners) Seores.'Marfcst ÖO-75 "S1" 76-S9 "r 9D-100"5"

Panlcipation in odnei student's events (Fesdvals, competitions, language Olympiads) R;i0/12 (Wimen)

Aeadernie Perform aocc Listening TermlneloEvTest Abstracl W rinne Tonie Presentation Total Mark

Fia.2. AnexempPsftheSMident'sAc2vltiesStru2fureforacaeemicyear202 1-2022, 1st term (Diselpiine "Professional Foreign Language")

vironment of the university (Moodle) and ensure the implementation of the discipline in the educational process and Its Interaction with other educational disciplines and components of the program. The educational content and structure of the MEMC have been determined by the requirements of the educational program, other documents and regulations, as well as the present-day requirements of the sector and of higher education under the conditions of digital transformations. Figure 1 presents the main structural blocksane tdeiteontpdtoatiehroP0sePMaMC.

The Work Program of the discipline "Professional Foreign Language" has been developedinhpCoreance clththn requhpmennp of tde Fenerol ktete Eeucatca-al Standard, professional standards, and the specifics of the direction of training of undergraduates. It includes the following: the goal, objectives and planned learning outromee;thehrrocddreahtcententnfttnd¡dc¡pl¡ne OtM tie indicetbc of themaric modules, the number of academic hours, types of educational activities and forms of co ntrtl;dhll¡dtefeaucat¡onelarhmetdonolop¡celshthoCmate rials for independent work of students; standard control tasks and other materials; the list of basic and additional reference materials; the list of the Internet resources; the description of the material andtechnlcae besnfottoe imOemeptetioccf ^educatianc 1 frocesa

The Thematic (Calendar) Plan has been compiled based on the work program. It recer^^№edisFrei^^^(^nnfehcrato^^lm^teriattdb^dlc cnitsdnd bphee, indlcahkk the topics of practical classes and the issues under consideration, the necessary visual aids tepkp tar independertt chtracuhiapah p/ork ane foams of control.

The Student's Activities Structure is a project of a master's degree student's activity with a description of a score-rating system for assessing the student's academic and extracurricular achievements, Petinc aoctrol deatlceS' tycns of wmfk vt control measures (Fig. 2). It has been developed and successfully implemented by the English La pphdgeCnptOweetef it STd.

The purpose of the score-rating system is a comprehensive and objective assessment of students' achievements, as well as the creation of a complex of stimulating faetoia Mi increa se teen ts' e^^^^a^^^t^n am antetat bete sdu catlanai ^^^c^^^s^sp The basis of this system is the structure of the student's activity:

1 tie epprt courss o f ^^uty of the discipline inaludes aeeera l atrnctimalOcgl cal modules, and all educational activities for mastering the material are combined into separate categories: Session Activity, Tests, Writing.

m c eecp pategoiy oerta0 xpt^monne oorraHeul ntctroi pointe) fof cengucn ing student's performance appraisal are identified. The choice of activities subject de-penhs an the prenram 3113^^1.3(61^6)311x113 of ancU ueafrol points for the discipline "Professional Foreign Language" (major 38.04.01 "Economics", program "International Bus ideas") ateTofke Pгasmrhatlonl PaweaPeint Prenentstiec, Terminalahy Test, Computer Test, Summary and Abstract Writing.

3. For each control point its maximum value (score) is given and the maximum scate nPatadtndmdteod recoiee io1 Of. ACsetproldaintasne the seowmttWlFdPa the Student's Activities Structure which students get acquainted with in the first lesson. The atrutfjteeCerr studenraondctieitles 3101X1 frteterc hepps fa atgenPetdeir work independently and determine its pace and intensity, as well as create their own educational trajectory. The score- rating system becomes a vital instrument for putting a spdtdmaneahproann to tnohtthyefCes iзcis|aaatokrdct¡sei

4. For each type of educational activity evaluation criteria are defined. At the end o) the semester, these criteria help to convert the accumulated final scores to the traditional five-point mark. If the student earns 86-100 scores, he/she gets an excellent mark, 71-85 scores - a good mark, 60-70 scores - a satisfactory mark, less than 60 scores - an unsatisfactory mark. The final credit or an exam involves the assessment of several aspects of foreign language training (Listening, Terminology Test, Abstract Writi^ de gtekentetwc). Tie faal deare- r^ti^^a^aC i d ^^^opedte atpactc (Academic Performance - see Fig. 2) and therefore greatly influences the final mark anthe exam, whichta! ac^iitbtal ln<mntleemdCnnfanWtetmasteriug an efuce-tional program.

5. Incentive points for preparing scientific publications, as well as participation la rnientlfe eot arentinsl rds forenceat clippersac atk feptlvrlc p^^^^^c a^ci itk^^C are introduced.

Thereby, the total rating score for the semester composes various forms of educational activities control and the degree of participation in research and other activities related to mastering an educational program and the material in the discipline. This accre-ra^g dedtroldyPremiagenumher afttiventegeS1 sa^e^anMideete MtMd an individual educational trajectory and plan their activities. This system allows the lecfuretto eSjemieeloowinate theecd¡eaemantзcfetndenthenoэcnзfageetePut cation and throughout the entire period of study, as it is based on clear criteria and reflects the amount of work invested by the student. This system increases the significance of assessment, which motivates the student to achieve educational goals. The score-rating system also encourages students to independently search and analyze krodessioca. 1x1161315.hind cotm^o^w^ totCelt ret^i^rch cWieitiem wanesrdo lucirar monitor the student's achievements on an ongoing basis, and the student to study the nukjectnyktomarica i i a ccd nomoteintepenpent watkTsuзltdetэtadpyзtemi ukUOe the traditional one, makes it possible to improve the learning process and the quality of education.

Tpe Toxtbaok 'WteegWct Worid of Gfopa/ cos/Mess'' kMastet lapeif fas been developed with respect to the main goal and objectives of mastering the discipline Trofeasdnal Forepc Irncgnag^ pMscter ieeal) fotmnisted In ie cern nrofwrn, as well as within close integration of language and core disciplines. This textbook is a set of theoretical and practical materials: theoretical ones provide insight into economic ttea tУ|in<crporatinnreaeuttneoretionl anc^oHcy dcvelopcrnfc i n gwbnl Mate eng finance, whereas practical - include differentiated tasks for searching, familiarization, analysis and synthesis of educational materials presented in various forms (text, graphic, illustrative, statistical, audio and visual). Inside the text there are weblinks to tOe atrrmtlceldeta rnd achem^ssn^^ und stndy, Aleo, thereaceeldeekanh audios (in electronic format on digital media) that fully correspond to the unit material and are accompanied by tasks on general comprehension and language tasks. The trdees add aukios srn baectcheMllsteneCtF in rnec.assгeomoгessiunedtoCudeors for outside classroom viewing/ listening.

TSeteOSaon ¡s^l^esc^pUhcpprO aid eledonic p^nmcodmr fatmata № cow sists of two modules: "Global Trade and Investment Relations" and "Global Monetary Relations". The modules highlight eight themes that are vital to the understanding of tte pe° ontho|ntemasooa| busaeae ene^enrnen^heccurne be-

gins by introducing the concept of international business, shifting through the globalization debate and the evolution of trade from the past to present days. Then, it examines the patterns of international trade, outlines several theories that attempt to explain why nations conduct trade, and describes how political and legal factors impact it. Next, it covers the issue of economic development of nations and the main ways to measure development, explains economic transition and its main obstacles. The course also takes a look at the types of international investments, discusses the role of the IMF and the World Bank, and develops students' knowledge about the complex financial concepts within the international financial markets. Each unit consists of the following sections with materials and tasks for the development of basic language skills - reading, speaking, listening and writing and professional knowledge:

- Lead-in: introduction into the topic, pair or small group discussions, tasks aimed at familiarizing with new professional vocabulary, developing critical thinking, for example:

1. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations: global marketplace, export restraints, global integration, legal prohibitions, free global trade, protectionism. 2. Look at the following abbreviations: IMF, GATT, WTO, NAFTA. What do they stand for? 3. Use the words and word combinations from exercise 1 to explain why these alliances were formed. What is their role in the process of globalization? For more information, visit the following websites: htpp://www.wto.org/; http://www.naf-tanow.org/; http://www.imf.org/en/About. Do you know any other international unions that encourage the removal of barriers to free global trade?

- Reading: pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading activities that usually include vocabulary tasks question-and-answer exercises, tasks for interpreting what has been read, searching for information in the text and completing it, translating sentences using new vocabulary.

- Speaking: short case studies, ethical dilemmas, pair or small group discussions, role-playing games, online research activities with presentations, quizzes and other oral practice-oriented tasks that form and improve language and professional competences, general skills and abilities like problem solving, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration, by building interdisciplinary links, for example: Visit the WTO official site (https://www. wto.org/) to learn more about trends in world trade and answer the following questions. 1. Does the value and volume of international trade continue to grow? Support your answer with numbers. 2. Which countries are the world's top 10 exporters of merchandise and services today? Give reasons for their leading position in exporting. 3. Is China still one of the largest exporting countries? What is it known for producing? What do you think about the quality of goods? Do you choose to buy Made-in-China goods? Why or Why not? Give examples. Select a country that interests you (e.g. the UK, Germany, India, Spain, etc.) and browse the Internet to find data on how globalized country is, its current share in global trade, the major trading partners, the most important exports and the trade policy in general.

- Listening: pre-listing, while-listening, post-listening activities, vocabulary tasks to improve students' English listening skills, increase the motivation and independence of students in acquiring knowledge.

- Writing: writing essays on the topic under study, following the proposed plan, for example: Dispute why an understanding of strategy management, entrepreneur-ship, a stakeholder and stakeholder analysis are important in the context of international business. Write a short essay on international business environment. Limit your essay to 180 - 200 words.

Библиографический список / References

Finally, there are additional texts for home reading with questions. The appendices at the end of the textbook contain theoretical and practical materials that help students write a successful abstract to the paper and render a text from Russian into English. The List of Additional Resources is also presented in Moodle and includes reference (dictionaries, publications), educational and methodological (electronic textbooks, manuals, workshops, methodological recommendations for doing case studies, project works, reading professional texts, business correspondence, translation of contracts), informational and educational (websites, interactive courses) materials, necessary for organizing students' class and independent work.

Apart that, four interactive courses have been developed: "International Trade and Foreign Direct Investments", "International Monetary System and the Global Capital Markets", "International Expansion and Strategic Choices", "Going Global. Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Opportunities", posted on the Moodle platform. These are practical tasks and exercises based on multimedia resources of a scientific and educational nature. The courses are aimed at independent study by undergraduates to improve reading and listening skills in English, develop critical thinking, problem solving and information literacy. The proposed MEMC in Moodle is an interactive online supplement to the classroom classes in the discipline and allows students to study new materials, complete tasks, download the necessary resources, participate in discussion forums and seminars, interact with the teacher and other students. All materials are constantly updated, replenished and available at any time and in any place, which makes training more convenient and effective.

To organize the control and self-control of the learning outcomes, a bank of test tasks and questions has been created in the Moodle system of the STU. It includes tools for checking knowledge for the entrance, current, midterm control, and materials for the intermediate certification of students (exam), such as recommendations for preparing for the exam (test), control questions, typical practical tasks for the exam, training and self-control tests for the entire course, criteria and indicators for assessing student's performance (answers) on the exam (test). Methodological guidelines and recommendations for organizing of research activities of Master students in a foreign language are under development now and will cover such aspects as: writing an abstract (summary of research): communicative purpose and structure, typical grammar and vocabulary; academic publications: structure of academic journal articles IMRAD; typical grammar and vocabulary for writing an introduction, the methods, results and discussion sections; making a research presentation: its structure and main elements, clichés for making a speech and handling questions. These materials will assist students in preparing scientific publications and oral presentations at seminars, competitions and conferences in English.

All in all, the paper covers the results of the development of the multimedia educational-methodical complex for the discipline "Professional Foreign Language" for master students of a transport university within the framework of the interdisciplinary approach, assuming the present-day educational trends and sector needs under the conditions of digital transformations and cross-cultural interactions. The development and implementation of the MEMC helped to improve the quality of the foreign language training of the students by providing teaching, control and support materials in electronic form and the efficiency of management of the students' classroom and independent work. It also became a reason for increasing motivation of learning the professional foreign language, developing independence in obtaining occupation-specific knowledge and acquiring skills required most by employers today.

1. Komkova A., Kobeleva E., Taskaeva E., Ishchenko V. Foreign language learning environment: A case study of STU. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 429-437.

2. Zakharova K.A., Gulinov D.Y. Multimedia educational and methodological complex as a means of forming sociolinguistic competence. Proceedings TSNI-2021. 2021: 1105-1113.

3. González-Lloret M. Collaborative tasks for online language teaching. Foreign Language Annals. 2020; Vol. 53 (2): 260-269.

4. Maican M.A., Cocorada E. Online foreign language learning in higher education and its correlates during the covid-19 pandemic. Sustainability. 2021; Vol. 13 (2): 781.

5. Zolotilina A.S. Use of Electronic Educational and Methodical Complex in Foreign Language Distance Learning. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. 2019; Vol. 333, 616-621.

6. Catana S.E. Coping with the Knowledge Society: An interdisciplinary approach of teaching English in a technical university. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2014; Vol. 128, 158-163.

7. Salanaia L., Sidelnik E., Lutsenko N. Interdisciplinary approach in teaching foreign languages at a non-linguistic university. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioral Sciences SCTCMG-2021. 2021: 1336-1343.

8. Bykadorov S.A., Kibalov E.B., Kin A.A. On the development of structural reform for Russian rail transport. Regional Research of Russia. 2017; Vol. 7 (1): 45-52.

9. Nekhoroshkov V., Kobeleva E., Komkova A., Krutko E. Internationalization of higher education in Russia: a case study of Siberian transport university. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. 2019; Vol. 333 (1): 500-555.

10. Komkova A.S., Kobeleva E.P., Stuchinskaya E.A., Krutko E.A. Development of meta-competences in university students in the process of scientific research in a foreign language. Advances in Social Science, Education and HumanitiesResearch. 2020; Vol. 396: 19-23.

11. Zubkov A.D. Professional foreign language competence of technical students: content, structure and formation. Integrating Engineering Education and Humanities for Global Intercultural Perspectives. 2020; Vol. 131: 503-510.

Статья поступила в редакцию 10.01.24

УДК 378

Rostovtseva P.P., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Department of English for Professional Communication, Financial University under the Russian Federation Government (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: Rostovtseva_75@mail.ru

PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHER IN A NON-LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY. Based on the reflection of her own pedagogical experience and the special literature affecting the relevant issues analysis, this article's author examines the modern foreign language teacher who implements his duties in the non-linguistic university educational space professional identity. This characteristic is investigated as a complex pedagogical phenomenon. To do this, first

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