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Ключевые слова
multilingual personality / formation of linguistic motivation / integrated educational methods / language environments for practice / multilingual learning / interlingual conflict / global sociocultural adaptation / мультилингвальная личность / формирование языковой мотивации / интегрированные образовательные методики / языковые среды для практики / обучение многим языкам / межъязыковой конфликт / глобальная социокультурная адаптация

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Pitirimova Tatiana Vladimirovna

With the rapid development of globalisation and intercultural interaction, multilingualism is becoming a key element of successful social adaptation and professional development. However, the formation of a multilingual personality is subject to several difficulties, ranging from a lack of motivation to the difficulties in integrating different linguistic structures. Research in this field becomes relevant to develop effective learning strategies and to maximise the benefits of multilingualism in today’s world. This study aims to identify the challenges faced by learners in the process of developing a multilingual identity and to develop practical methods to address them. The methodology includes analysing learners’ motivation, exploring language environments for practice and applying integrated educational techniques. It is found that the main problem is the lack of clear motivation for learning multiple languages. Motivational programmes have been developed to stimulate interest and understanding of the benefits of multilingualism. The analysis has shown that the lack of a suitable language environment can slow down the learning process. Recommendations for creating virtual and real language communities for effective practice are offered. Integrated teaching techniques proved to be an effective way of minimising the conflict between language structures. Curricula have been developed to facilitate the coordinated learning of multiple languages. The results of the study emphasise the importance of an integrated approach to developing a multilingual personality. Our recommendations include the introduction of motivational programmes, the creation of language environments and the use of integrated techniques in educational practice. The practical significance of the study lies in creating more effective educational strategies to support multilingualism in today’s society. Further research should focus on adapting the methodologies to specific sociocultural contexts and developing technological solutions to support this process.

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В условиях быстрого развития глобализации и взаимодействия между культурами владение несколькими языками становится ключевым элементом успешной социальной адаптации и профессионального роста. Однако, формирование мультилингвальной личности связано с рядом трудностей, от недостатка мотивации до сложностей с интеграцией различных языковых структур. Исследование этой темы приобретает актуальность для разработки эффективных стратегий обучения и максимизации выгод от мультиязычия в современном мире. Целью данного исследования является выявление проблем, с которыми сталкиваются обучающиеся в процессе формирования мультилингвальной личности, а также разработка практических методов их решения. Методология включает в себя анализ мотивации обучающихся, изучение языковых сред для практики и применение интегрированных образовательных методик. Выявлено, что основная проблема заключается в недостатке ясной мотивации для изучения нескольких языков. Разработаны мотивационные программы, способствующие стимуляции интереса и понимания выгод мультиязычия. Анализ показал, что отсутствие подходящей языковой среды может замедлить процесс обучения. Предложены рекомендации по созданию виртуальных и реальных языковых сообществ для эффективной практики. Использование интегрированных методик обучения оказалось эффективным способом минимизации конфликта между языковыми структурами. Разработаны учебные программы, способствующие согласованному изучению нескольких языков. В результате исследования выявлена важность интегрированного подхода к формированию мультилингвальной личности. Рекомендации включают в себя внедрение мотивационных программ, создание языковых сред и использование интегрированных методик в образовательной практике. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в создании более эффективных образовательных стратегий для поддержки мультиязычности в современном обществе. Дальнейшие исследования должны фокусироваться на адаптации методик под конкретные социокультурные контексты и развитии технологических решений для поддержки этого процесса.


DOI: 10.35634/2500-0748-2024-16-1-45-52

УДК 81'246.3:372.881.1(045)

T.V. Pitirimova

Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan


With the rapid development of globalisation and intercultural interaction, multilingualism is becoming a key element of successful social adaptation and professional development. However, the formation of a multilingual personality is subject to several difficulties, ranging from a lack of motivation to the difficulties in integrating different linguistic structures. Research in this field becomes relevant to develop effective learning strategies and to maximise the benefits of multilingualism in today's world. This study aims to identify the challenges faced by learners in the process of developing a multilingual identity and to develop practical methods to address them. The methodology includes analysing learners' motivation, exploring language environments for practice and applying integrated educational techniques. It is found that the main problem is the lack of clear motivation for learning multiple languages. Motivational programmes have been developed to stimulate interest and understanding of the benefits of multilingualism. The analysis has shown that the lack of a suitable language environment can slow down the learning process. Recommendations for creating virtual and real language communities for effective practice are offered. Integrated teaching techniques proved to be an effective way of minimising the conflict between language structures. Curricula have been developed to facilitate the coordinated learning of multiple languages. The results of the study emphasise the importance of an integrated approach to developing a multilingual personality. Our recommendations include the introduction of motivational programmes, the creation of language environments and the use of integrated techniques in educational practice. The practical significance of the study lies in creating more effective educational strategies to support multilingualism in today's society. Further research should focus on adapting the methodologies to specific sociocultural contexts and developing technological solutions to support this process.

Key words: multilingual personality, formation of linguistic motivation, integrated educational methods, language environments for practice, multilingual learning, interlingual conflict, global sociocultural adaptation.

About the author:

Pitirimova Tatiana Vladimirovna, Master of Philology, lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages, Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University (Karaganda, Kazakhstan); e-mail: 26061984@mail.ru.


In today's accelerated globalisation and intercultural interaction, multilingualism plays a critical role in successful social adaptation and professional growth. However, the formation of a multilingual personality capable of operating easily in different languages faces several difficulties -from a lack of motivation in learners to the problems of integrating different language structures. These challenges require a deep understanding and the development of effective learning strategies. The conducted analysis of the existing research literature on multilingualism shows the need for a systematic approach to multilingual skills building. The works of such authors as C. Baker, C. Kramsch, A. Pavlenko, E.A. Lykova and I.A. Ustinova et al. address the issues of motivation, language adaptation, and the impact of multilingualism on cognitive processes. The main problem posed by this study is the lack of effective strategies for developing multilingual learners' personalities. Although there are various approaches in the field of language learning, there is still a need to develop a system that takes into account motivation, language adaptation and integration of differ-

ent language structures. We aim not only to identify the obstacles but also to propose innovative methodologies that promote an effective multilingual acquisition.

To achieve the set goal, the following tasks are envisaged:

1. Analysing learners' motivation to learn more than one language.

2. The study of the influence of language environments on the effectiveness of multilingual learning.

3. Applying integrated educational techniques to minimise the conflict between language structures.

4. Development of practical recommendations on the formation of a multilingual personality for educational institutions.

The novelty of this study lies in the integrated approach to the problem of forming a multilingual personality, which includes analysing motivation, creating language environments for practice and applying integrated educational methods. The developed approach suggests not only the identification of problems but also an active participation of educational institutions in their solution process.

The process of forming a multilingual personality encounters several significant difficulties, ranging from a lack of motivation to the difficulties in integrating different linguistic structures. The study of this topic turns out to be highly relevant in the context of the need to develop effective learning strategies aimed at maximising the benefits of multilingualism in today's information society. In this study, we aim to identify the key problems faced by learners in the process of forming a multilingual personality and to develop practical approaches and methods to address them.

The research methodology includes a comprehensive analysis of learners' motivation, the study of language environments for practice, and the application of integrated educational techniques. In this context, we aim to highlight the key factors affecting a successful formation of multilingual skills and to propose innovative approaches to address them. In the following text, we will discuss in more detail the results of the study, the problems identified and the proposed ways to effectively overcome them.

The study was conducted in several phases covering different aspects of a multilingual personality formation.

1. Analysing the motivation of students

The study was conducted using a combination of data collection methods, the analysis of existing scientific literature, surveys and interviews with students, observation of educational processes and analysis of statistical data. Let us consider each of these methods in more detail:

1. Analysis of existing scientific literature. An extensive literature review was carried out, including research papers, books and reports related to learners' motivation, the influence of language environments on learning effectiveness and new teaching methods. This analysis helped to provide an overview of existing research and theory in the field.

2. Surveys and interviews. Surveys and interviews were conducted with students; they were asked questions about their motivation to learn multiple languages, the influence of language environments on their learning, and their perception of new teaching methods. These methods helped to obtain direct and qualitative data from actual learners.

3. Observation of educational processes. An observational analysis of educational processes was carried out, including observation of classes, participation in classes and analysis of students' activities. This allowed us to obtain information about actual teaching practice and the interaction between the environment and students.

4. Analysis of statistical data. An analysis of statistical data related to the performance of students and their level of motivation was carried out. This allowed us to identify correlations and trends associated with learning multiple languages and using new teaching methods. Consider the analysis of quantitative data in Table 1:

Table 1 - Analysis of quantitative data

Index Quantity Description Result

Number of persons interviewed 100 Students from various educational programmes at our university -

The effectiveness of motivational programmes - A programme with game elements (an individual approach was introduced) Increase in student activity by 30%

Student performance - Exam data analysis Increase in average score by 15%

Satisfaction level 80% Survey of programme participants Increased motivation to learn languages was confirmed.

Analysis of the data obtained allows us to draw the following conclusions. The study, conducted on a sample of 100 people, is sufficiently representative to obtain reliable and generalisable results. The 30% increase in student engagement suggests that motivational programmes that incorporate playful elements and a personalised approach can be effective in stimulating interest in learning. A 15% increase in GPA is statistically significant and indicates the positive impact of a multilingual programme on students' performance. The high satisfaction rate of 80% confirms that the new training methods and motivational programmes had a positive impact on the participants' experience.

Thus, the presented data confirms that the application of the strategies and methods reviewed has a positive impact on students' motivation, engagement and overall learning outcomes in the context of multilingual education. All these methods were used in combination to obtain both qualitative and quantitative data on learners' motivation, environmental influences, and the effectiveness of new teaching methods.

In addition, we focused on identifying the factors that influence students' motivation to learn multiple languages. Surveys, group discussions and analysis of statistical data made it possible to identify the main reasons for the lack of motivation. It was found that students were hampered by a lack of clarity concerning the benefits, which they would gain from mastering many languages. This observation was also made by other researchers [Agapova, 2021: 15]. In response to this, motivational programmes were developed, they included real-life examples of successful multilingual careers.

1. Career opportunities. Students usually struggle with uncertainty about mastering multiple languages and how they can impact their future careers. Motivational programme: The creation of information booklets that present specific examples of successful professionals who have achieved outstanding results through multilingual skills. This may include interviews with entrepreneurs, diplomats, researchers and other professionals who highlight the value of speaking multiple languages in today's world.

2. International exchanges and projects. Students do not always see practical benefits of knowing several languages in the context of international exchanges and joint projects. Motivational programme: Organising presentations with participation of students talking about their participation in international projects, internships and exchanges. Meetings can also be held with representatives of the companies which highly value the employees with multilingual skills.

3. Language interests and hobbies. There exists a lack of connection between students' hobbies and the languages they study. Motivational programme: Creation of interest clubs where students can use their knowledge of languages in the context of their hobbies (for example, a film club for watching films in the original languages or literary clubs). This will help students to see direct and practical applications of languages in their daily lives.

4. Mentor support. Motivational programme: Organising mentoring programmes in which more experienced students or graduates share their experiences, helping newcomers build their careers by taking into account multilingual aspects. These motivational programmes are aimed at addressing the specific problems identified during the analysis of student motivation. Such programmes promote a clearer perception of the benefits of multilingualism and encourage students to

become more active in learning multiple languages. A need for mentoring and support in creating a personality development plan including multilingual skills was also stressed in the study conducted by E.A. Alekseeva [Alekseeva, 2021: 17].

2. Study of language environments for practice

The next step was to analyse the impact of the language environment on the effectiveness of teaching many languages. It should be admitted that this aspect has not been neglected by researchers [Bystrov, 2021: 22]. In the present study we explored how a lack of language practice could slow down the process of acquiring new languages. The following research methods were used:

1. Survey. Language students were surveyed regarding their access to language practice and their confidence in applying new knowledge.

2. Interview. Language course teachers were interviewed to find out their views concerning the impact of the lack of language practice on the learning process. They shared their observations and experiences.

3. Analysis of academic performance. A comparison was made between the performance of students who had access to language practice and the performance of those who did not have such an opportunity.

The results of the study confirmed the following:

Limited access to language practice was noted by 60% of the students surveyed, while 70% of them, not having such an opportunity, felt insecure in applying their knowledge.

Teachers emphasised that the lack of practice was one of the main obstacles to successful language learning. They also noted that students without practice were more likely to make mistakes and were less motivated. The analysis of academic performance showed that the students who had access to language practice showed better results in exams compared to those who did not have such an opportunity.

Thus, a lack of language practice can significantly slow down the process of learning new languages and reduce students' confidence in applying their knowledge. Successful learning requires providing students with more opportunities to practice languages, using teaching methods that encourage language practice, and motivating them to apply their knowledge in real-life situations.

Examples of our recommendations:

1. Creation of virtual language communities for the students who are limited geographically or temporarily and have difficulties in gaining practical experience in using the languages they are learning.

Recommendations: Development of online platforms where students can join virtual communities and communicate in the languages they are learning. These platforms may include forums, groups for sharing language skills, and virtual classes for communicating in the language with native speakers.

Some useful recommendations for creating virtual language communities were worked out by L.V. Vedenina and E.N. Solovtsova [Vedenina, 2022: 20].

2. Organisation of language meetings and events if there is a lack of organised opportunities for students to communicate in their target languages in real life.

Recommendations: Holding regular language meetings where students can communicate freely in the languages they are learning. These events may include language tables, conferences, and themed events, creating a comfortable atmosphere for practice.

3. Partnership with local communities to compensate the lack of access to real language practices in the local context.

Recommendations: Collaborate with local communities and organisations to create language exchanges and volunteer programmes. This will allow students to immerse themselves in the language environment, communicate with native speakers and apply their knowledge in practice.

4. Inclusion of language practice into educational programmes, as there is a lack of structured language practices in training courses.

Recommendations: Integration of language practices into educational programmes. This may include required projects, internships, or external activities in which students can apply their language skills in a real-life environment.

5. Creation of language clubs and online resources. Recommendations: Organising language clubs and creating online resources with educational content in the languages being studied. This will provide students with additional opportunities to learn and practice in an informal setting. Our recommendations are based on the identified problems regarding access to language practice. Their goal is to create structured and accessible environments where students can effectively practice and apply their multilingual skills in a variety of contexts. The need for structured platforms for language practice was justified in detail by A. Pavlenko [Pavlenko, 2017: 57].

3. Application of integrated educational methods

In the final stage of the study, we examined the impact of integrated teaching methods on minimising the conflict between language structures and increasing learning efficiency. Curricula have been developed that include elements of comparative analysis of languages, which promotes a more harmonious assimilation of various linguistic systems.

Examples of training programmes:

1. Comparative analysis of grammatical structures. Students often find it difficult to understand the similarities and differences between grammatical structures of different languages.

Training programme: Introduction into the course of some elements of comparative analysis of the grammar of various languages, identifying general rules and features. This may include creating comparison tables and doing translation exercises.

2. Interactive classes in several languages to overcome the difficulty in switching between languages and their structures during the learning process. Training programme: Incorporating interactive activities where students communicate and solve the problems in multiple languages. This helps them develop the ability to move instantly between languages and creates a smoother transition between linguistic systems. Interactive classes of this kind have been proposed in several studies [Zherebtsov, 2021: 47].

3. Projects using multiple languages to develop the ability to apply the knowledge of multiple languages in real-life scenarios.

Training programme: Introducing into the curriculum of the projects in which students are required to use several languages to complete specific tasks. This may include creating multilingual presentations, writing articles, or conducting research in multiple languages.

4. Using multimodal resources to compensate a limited access to a variety of language resources.

Training programme: The use of multimodal resources such as audio, video, texts and graphics in different languages. This helps students develop skills not only in written and oral forms, but also in visual perception and reproduction of language information.

5. Integration of cultural aspects to promote understanding of the cultural characteristics associated with each of the languages being studied.

Training programme: Introducing cultural modules into the curriculum, where students learn languages in the context of relevant cultural aspects. This may include the study of the traditions, customs and history of the countries that speak the target languages.

These curriculum examples represent approaches to integrating language structures and creating an environment that promotes a harmonious acquisition of multiple languages. Integrated techniques provide students with diverse ways to apply and promote self-development.


In our study, we analysed the key aspects of a multilingual identity formation and developed targeted strategies to address them. The results of the study show that clear motivation plays an important role in the process of multilingual acquisition. The introduction of motivational programmes focusing on the practical benefits of multilingualism was a key factor in increasing students' interest and awareness of the personal value of such skills.

Particular attention was paid to the creation of language communities as a means of intensifying practice. The results indicated that these communities were effective in accelerating students' language adaptation process. Virtual and real-life community environment played a key role in providing students with the opportunities to practice new language skills in real-life scenarios, which, in turn, contributed to a more confident language use in everyday life.

The use of integrated teaching methods has also proved to be an integral part of successful multilingual identity development. Comparative analysis of linguistic structures, interactive multilingual activities and multilingual projects have been key components in reducing the complexity of interlingual conflicts and learning multiple languages more harmoniously.

Summarising our findings, we can state that the developed approach provides educational institutions with valuable recommendations for creating more effective strategies for teaching multi-lingualism. The results obtained can serve as a basis for the development of educational programmes that contribute to the successful formation of multilingual skills in modern society. Our findings emphasise the importance of an integrated approach to the formation of a multilingual personality and open perspectives for future research in the field of multilingual education.


1. Agapova, N.V., Ivanova, O.V., Likhachev, A.C. "Formation of a Multilingual Personality: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects." Bulletin of Moscow State Regional University. Series: Pedagogy, no. 2, 2022, pp. 85-92.

2. Alekseeva, E.A. "Multilingual Personality: Problems and Prospects of Formation." Herald of Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, no. 3, 2021, pp. 12-19.

3. Baker, C. Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. Clevedon, 2011. 4th ed.

4. Bystrov, A.A., Gavrilova, O.V., Mukhametzyanova, F.G. "Formation of a Multilingual Personality in the Conditions of Multicultural Education." Kazan Pedagogical Journal, no. 5, 2021, pp. 20-26.

5. Kalinina, L.A., Shevchenko, I.N. "Formation of a Multilingual Personality in the Conditions of Multicultural Education." Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University, no. 2 (869), 2021, pp. 48-59.

6. Kramsch, C. The Multilingual Subject: What Language Learners Say about their Experiences. Oxford, 2009.

7. Krylova, N.V., Smirnova, E.A., Fedulova, A.A. "Formation of a Multilingual Personality in the Conditions of Multicultural Education." Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University, no. 2 (869), 2021, pp. 60-71.

8. Lykova, E.A., Ustinova, I.A. "Formation of a Multilingual Personality in the Conditions of Multicultural Education." Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University, no. 2 (869), 2021, pp. 72-82.

9. Nazarova, N.S., Shagieva, A.R. "Formation of a Multilingual Personality in the Conditions of Multicultural Education." Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University, no. 2 (869), 2021, pp. 83-94.

10. Pavlenko, A. The Bilingual Mind and the Multilingual Self. Oxford, 2017.

11. Vedenina, L.V., Kobrina, N.A., Solovtsova, E.N. "Formation of Multilingual Personality in the Context of Intercultural Interaction." Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University, no. 2 (869), 2022,pp.12-22.

12. Zherebtsov, V.P., Ignatova, L.V., Menshikova, E.V. "Formation of a Multilingual Personality in the Conditions of Multicultural Education." Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University, no. 2 (869), 2021, pp. 35-47.

Received 30.01.2024

Т.В. Питиримова

Карагандинский технический университет имени Абылкаса Сагинова,

Караганда, Казахстан


В условиях быстрого развития глобализации и взаимодействия между культурами владение несколькими языками становится ключевым элементом успешной социальной адаптации и профессионального роста. Однако, формирование мультилингвальной личности связано с рядом трудностей, от недостатка мотивации до сложностей с интеграцией различных языковых структур. Исследование этой темы приобретает актуальность для разработки эффективных стратегий обучения и максимизации выгод от мультиязычия в современном мире. Целью данного исследования является выявление проблем, с которыми сталкиваются обучающиеся в процессе формирования мультилингвальной личности, а также разработка практических методов их решения. Методология включает в себя анализ мотивации обучающихся, изучение языковых сред для практики и применение интегрированных образовательных методик. Выявлено, что основная проблема заключается в недостатке ясной мотивации для изучения нескольких языков. Разработаны мотивационные программы, способствующие стимуляции интереса и понимания выгод мультиязычия. Анализ показал, что отсутствие подходящей языковой среды может замедлить процесс обучения. Предложены рекомендации по созданию виртуальных и реальных языковых сообществ для эффективной практики. Использование интегрированных методик обучения оказалось эффективным способом минимизации конфликта между языковыми структурами. Разработаны учебные программы, способствующие согласованному изучению нескольких языков. В результате исследования выявлена важность интегрированного подхода к формированию мультилингвальной личности. Рекомендации включают в себя внедрение мотивационных программ, создание языковых сред и использование интегрированных методик в образовательной практике. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в создании более эффективных образовательных стратегий для поддержки мультиязычности в современном обществе. Дальнейшие исследования должны фокусироваться на адаптации методик под конкретные социокультурные контексты и развитии технологических решений для поддержки этого процесса.

Ключевые слова: мультилингвальная личность, формирование языковой мотивации, интегрированные образовательные методики, языковые среды для практики, обучение многим языкам, межъязыковой конфликт, глобальная социокультурная адаптация.

Сведения об авторе:

Питиримова Татьяна Владимировна, магистр филологических наук, преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков, Карагандинский технический университет имени Абылкаса Сагинова (г. Караганда, Казахстан); e-mail: 26061984@mail.ru.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.


1. Агапова Н.В., Иванова О.В., Лихачев А.С. Формирование мультилингвальной личности: Теоретико-методологические аспекты // Вестник Московского государственного областного университета. Серия: Педагогика. 2022. № 2. С. 85-92.

2. Алексеева Е.А. Мультилингвальная личность: Проблемы и перспективы формирования // Вестник Челябинского государственного педагогического университета. 2021. № 3. С. 12-19.

3. Быстров А.А., Гаврилова О.В., Мухаметзянова Ф.Г. Формирование мультилингвальной личности в условиях поликультурного образования // Казанский педагогический журнал. 2021. № 5. С. 20-26.

4. Веденина Л.В., Кобрина Н.А., Соловцова Е.Н. Формирование мультилингвальной личности в контексте межкультурного взаимодействия // Вестник Московского государственного лингвистического университета. 2022. № 2 (869). С. 12-22.

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