Научная статья на тему 'Можно ли успешно сражаться с коррупцией, перебирая старые четки?'

Можно ли успешно сражаться с коррупцией, перебирая старые четки? Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Цацулин Александр Николаевич

Статья посвящена Международному дню борьбы с коррупцией, который отмечается ежегодно 9 декабря. Коррупция как сложное социально-экономическое явление порождается множеством причин, большинство которых уже выявлено и подверглось всестороннему анализу. Но в России коррупция приобрела чудовищные масштабы, предельно коррумпированные чиновники местного, регионального и федерального уровней глумятся открыто над беспомощным законодательством, последствия чего просматриваются и в бегстве капиталов из страны, и в рецессии/стагнации национальной экономики, и в трагических событиях последнего времени. В конце концов, коррупция подрывает основы экономической безопасности российской державы и подтачивает намечающиеся скрепы национальной идеи. Автор материала продолжает разбираться в причинах коррупции и рассматривает жизненно важные вопросы этой пока недостаточно успешной борьбы и неэффективного противодействия коррупционным явлениям, которые обнаруживаются в различных областях жизни и не только нашего общества, но и многих других стран. Автор пытается также выяснить, как коррупция трактуется в воззрениях основных мировых религий христианства (частично), ислама и национальной религии иудаизма. В статье даются исторические реминисценции и авторские комментарии к текстовым фрагментам главных письменных источников названных религий. Высказываются суждения об истоках, корнях и главных причинах, безусловно, аморального, вредоносного и разрушительного явления коррупции, которое глубоко поразило национальные экономики многих развитых и большинства развивающихся стран планеты. Автор приводит эпизоды коррупции из Священных писаний мировых религий, дает свое, подчас спорное или дискуссионное толкование. В завершение статьи автор высказывает свое мнение о мерах борьбы с коррупцией в виде трех самостоятельных выводов. Попытка же автора выразить свое отношение к накопленному отечественному, весьма противоречивого по своему качеству, опыту священной борьбы с коррупцией сводится к следующему: вместо решения конкретной, зафиксированной и описанной проблемы, ее пытаются переформулировать и принизить ее опасность с помощью изощренных коннотаций.

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Is it Possible to Successfully Combat Corruption by Scanning Old Rosaries?

The article is dedicated to the International Day against Corruption, which is celebrated annually on December 9. Corruption as a complex socio-economic phenomenon is generated by a variety of reasons, most of which have already been identified and subjected to comprehensive analysis. But in Russia, corruption has become monstrous, extremely corrupt local, regional and federal officials mock openly over helpless legislation, the consequences of which are seen in the flight of capital from the country, and in the recession / stagnation of the national economy, and in the tragic events of recent times. In the end, corruption undermines the basis for the economic security of the Russian state and undermines the emerging clusters of the national idea. The author of the material continues to understand the causes of corruption and considers the vital issues of this so far insufficiently successful struggle and inefficient counteraction to corruption phenomena that are found in various areas of life and not only our society but also many other countries. The author also tries to find out how corruption is interpreted in the views of the main world religions Christianity (partly), Islam and national religion Judaism. The article gives historical reminiscences and authorial comments on the text fragments of the main written sources of these religions. Judgments about the origins, roots and main causes, of course, of an immoral, harmful and destructive phenomenon corruption, which deeply impressed the national economies of many developed and most developing countries of the planet, are being voiced. The author cites episodes of corruption from the Scriptures of the world religions, gives his own, sometimes controversial or controversial interpretation. At the end of the article, the author expresses his opinion on measures to combat corruption in the form of three independent conclusions. The author’s attempt to express his attitude to the accumulated experience of the sacred struggle against corruption, which is very contradictory in its quality, boils down to the following: instead of solving a concrete, fixed and described problem, it is attempted to reformulate and belittle its danger through sophisticated connotations.

Текст научной работы на тему «Можно ли успешно сражаться с коррупцией, перебирая старые четки?»

DOI 10.22394/1726-1139-2018-3-84-93

о ©

Is it Possible to Successfully Combat Corruption I by Scanning Old Rosaries?



¡5 Tsatsulin A. N.

^ Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (North-West Institute

lo of Management of RANEPA), Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation; vash_64@mail.ru



The article is dedicated to the International Day against Corruption, which is celebrated annually on December 9. Corruption as a complex socio-economic phenomenon is generated by a variety of reasons, most of which have already been identified and subjected to comprehensive analysis. But in Russia, corruption has become monstrous, extremely corrupt local, regional and federal officials mock openly over helpless legislation, the consequences of which are seen in the flight of capital from the country, and in the recession / stagnation of the national economy, and in the tragic events of recent times. In the end, corruption undermines the basis for the economic security of the Russian state and undermines the emerging clusters of the national idea. The author of the material continues to understand the causes of corruption and considers the vital issues of this so far insufficiently successful struggle and inefficient counteraction to corruption phenomena that are found in various areas of life and not only our society but also many other countries. The author also tries to find out how corruption is interpreted in the views of the main world religions — Christianity (partly), Islam and national religion — Judaism. The article gives historical reminiscences and authorial comments on the text fragments of the main written sources of these religions. Judgments about the origins, roots and main causes, of course, of an immoral, harmful and destructive phenomenon — corruption, which deeply impressed the national economies of many developed and most developing countries of the planet, are being voiced. The author cites episodes of corruption from the Scriptures of the world religions, gives his own, sometimes controversial or controversial interpretation. At the end of the article, the author expresses his opinion on measures to combat corruption in the form of three independent conclusions. The author's attempt to express his attitude to the accumulated experience of the sacred struggle against corruption, which is very contradictory in its quality, boils down to the following: instead of solving a concrete, fixed and described problem, it is attempted to reformulate and belittle its danger through sophisticated connotations.

Keywords: corruption, bribery, embezzlement of budgetary funds, money laundering, world religions, apostles, prophets, saints, shepherds, corruptionism, confessions

Можно ли успешно сражаться с коррупцией, перебирая старые четки?

Цацулин А. Н.

Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации (Северо-Западный институт управления РАНХиГС), Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация; vash_64@mail.ru


Статья посвящена Международному дню борьбы с коррупцией, который отмечается ежегодно 9 декабря. Коррупция как сложное социально-экономическое явление порождается множеством причин, большинство которых уже выявлено и подверглось всестороннему анализу. Но в России коррупция приобрела чудовищные масштабы, предельно коррумпированные чиновники местного, регионального и федерального уровней глумятся открыто над беспомощным законодательством, последствия чего просматриваются и в бегстве капиталов из страны, и в рецессии/стагнации национальной экономики, и в трагических событиях последнего времени. В конце концов, коррупция подрывает основы экономической безопасности российской державы и подтачивает намечающиеся скрепы национальной идеи. Автор материала продолжает разбираться в причинах коррупции и рассматривает жизненно важные вопросы этой

пока недостаточно успешной борьбы и неэффективного противодействия коррупцион- з ным явлениям, которые обнаруживаются в различных областях жизни и не только на- ^ шего общества, но и многих других стран. Автор пытается также выяснить, как кор- о рупция трактуется в воззрениях основных мировых религий — христианства (частично), ® ислама и национальной религии — иудаизма. В статье даются исторические реминисценции и авторские комментарии к текстовым фрагментам главных письменных ис- ^ точников названных религий. Высказываются суждения об истоках, корнях и главных т причинах, безусловно, аморального, вредоносного и разрушительного явления — кор- о рупции, которое глубоко поразило национальные экономики многих развитых и боль- ^ шинства развивающихся стран планеты. Автор приводит эпизоды коррупции из Свя- ш щенных писаний мировых религий, дает свое, подчас спорное или дискуссионное ° толкование. В завершение статьи автор высказывает свое мнение о мерах борьбы с коррупцией в виде трех самостоятельных выводов. Попытка же автора выразить свое отношение к накопленному отечественному, весьма противоречивого по своему качеству, опыту священной борьбы с коррупцией сводится к следующему: вместо решения конкретной, зафиксированной и описанной проблемы, ее пытаются переформулировать и принизить ее опасность с помощью изощренных коннотаций.

Ключевые слова: коррупция, взятки, хищение бюджетных средств, отмывание коррупционных доходов, мировые религии, апостолы, пророки, святые, пастыри, коррупцио-генность, конфессии

The more corruption in the state, the more laws.

Publius Cornelius Tacitus (Annals, Book III)


This article is based on the report of the author at the inter-university scientific-practical conference "Corruption as a threat to the security of the individual, society, state", which was held December 8, 2017 by the first border military cadet corps of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and where staff were invited and the teachers of the NWIM RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg) [3]. The unusual theme of the report and the possible subsequent article was asked directly by the organizers of the last Conference.

The International Day against Corruption was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly and is now officially celebrated annually in Russia on December 9 as the date of summing up the results of the anti-corruption package. On this day in 2003, the United Nations Convention against Corruption was proposed for signature as a fundamental document that obliges the signatory countries to criminalize bribery, embezzlement of budgetary funds and laundering of corruption proceeds. According to one of the provisions of the Convention, it is necessary to return funds to the country where they came from as a result of corruption. Russia was among the first countries to sign and ratify the document in 2006. Nevertheless, Art. 20 of the UN Convention in Russia is not directly applied because of the absence of legal grounds in the form of normative acts. The level of corruption in the world for 2017 is shown in Fig. 1.

Strengthening the position of populist politicians in many countries is an alarming signal, and in 2017 it was clearly demonstrated that systemic corruption and social inequality around the world go hand in hand, leading to disenchantment with the activities of the top political leadership and creating fertile ground for the growth of the influence of these marginal and extremists from politics. A share in almost 70% of the countries out of 180 this year was made up by those states that received less than 50 points on a scale from 0 (perceived level of corruption is extremely high) to 100 (perceived level of corruption is extremely low). Such results (see the color graph of Fig. 1) clearly demonstrate the magnitude and ubiquity of corruption in the public sector everywhere in the

Fig. 1. Corruption Perceptions Index 2017 (the analysis of the source "Transparency International Secretariat Translation of: Corruption Perceptions Index 2017: Vicious circle of corruption and inequality must be tackled" (https:// www.transparency.org/news/ feature/corruption_perceptions_index_2017) included surveys on

180 countries of the world)

world (except for the territory of Greenland). In the past year, the number of states whose indexes in the Index have worsened has exceeded the number of countries that have taken higher rating positions, which indicates the need to take immediate action.

Corruption is seen as a very significant factor that actually threatens the national security of the Russian Federation, and the problem of countering corruption is extremely topical and extremely important. A direct consequence of the institutionalized in our country education called "corruption" was the departure into the shadow (with shades of black and gray) of a part of the national economy operating in the "garage economy" mode and pulling up to 23.6% of the officially created of GDP in current prices.

The fight against corruption and economic crime is one of the priority activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation1. Measures aimed at preventing, detecting, suppressing and uncovering offenses in this sphere are carried out continuously. In 2016 the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in this direction carried out a large-scale work with impressive results.

According to the information of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Combating Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in January-October of the past year 2017, law enforcement agencies detected 25.7 thousand crimes of corruption, of which 5,300 — in a large and very large amount. More than 12,000 people who com-

1 Normative acts: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures to counteract corruption" of May 19, 2008, N 815; Federal Law of the Russian Federation N 273-FZ of 25. 12. 2008 "On Combating Corruption".

mitted crimes were identified, of which more than 10,000 people were prosecuted, in- 2 cluding more than 9,000 detained by police officers. The 22.1 thousand crimes of this cl type were investigated. And 19.3 thousand of them were sent to court. 0

The economic damage from corruption is enormous. Thus, the Prosecutor General of £ Russia Yu. Ya. Chaika determined the total amount of damage from corruption-related s crimes in Russia in 2016 at a rate of 43.8 billion rubles, which is equivalent to 10% of the ° total damage value for all types of crimes in the whole country. Moreover, compared to 0 the previous year, this estimate has grown by about 3 billion rubles1. But these estimates g concern fixed facts of the economic life of the country, and they are obviously under- ^ stated. Corruption penetrated all the pores of the national economy and in the regulation of market economy. L. G. Byzov sums up: "Corruption in Russia is a way of life in which neither the authorities, nor business, nor society want to live by the law" [1].

And the head of the FAS of Russia I.Yu. Artemyev sees the problem of the unfavorable state of the Russian market in the fact that "... the antimonopoly legislation, and without a criminal component, has a clear punitive and corruptive bias. Annually FAS raises more than 10 thousand cases, of which 2,600 — for abusing a dominant position and about 300 — for agreements and concerted actions. This is one or two orders of magnitude greater than in developed countries"2.

identify the problem

The concept of "corruption", as well as the phenomenon itself, is extremely complex, multidimensional, structural, comprehensive and, of course, not fully explored. The variety of manifestations of corruption in society as a systemic phenomenon is striking: many examples of economic and political corruption, domestic, and, of course, disgusting, in essence, the content of corruption morality and a corrupt worldview. All this represents a significant danger for Russian statehood [6]. From the point of view of the organization of Transparency International3, the World Bank and other international institutions, corruption is the abuse of trusted power for personal gain.

Lawyers also prefer stricter definitions, an extremely clear codification with corresponding penalties according to, for example, part of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Taking bribes", "Abuse of powers" (Article 201), "Commercial bribery" (Article 204), "Legalization (laundering) of funds or other property acquired by other persons by criminal means" (part 174). In addition, despite the fact that, strictly speaking, the legal and technical fact of corruption is almost everywhere a criminal offense, the very concept includes unethical, though criminally punishable acts from the series of so-called. "Soft corruption", for example, nepotism, nepotism, greed, kronizm, clientelism [7], favoritism, manifestations of conflicts of interest, etc.

In a number of cases, it is difficult to assess the economic consequences of corruption facts for the following reasons: significant latency of the phenomenon; non-materiality / non-materiality of individual corruptional manifestations. But in some cases the consequences are more than obvious; for example, in the Middle Ages, The Popes of

1 The general damage from corruption in Russia in 2016 [An electronic resource]. URL: http:// www.the-village.ru/village/ city/ situation/252183-corruption-russia-2016/ (In rus)

2 Skorobogaty P. FAS is authorized to forbid//"Expert", on October 28 — November 3, 2013 N 43 (873). P. 26. (In rus)

3 Transparency International is a non-governmental international organization for combating corruption and investigating the level of corruption around the world. It is in her index of perception of corruption (SPI 2017) in various countries for 2017 that Russia is in 135th place with 29 points out of 180 possible (Transparency International Secretariat Translation of: Corruption Perceptions Index 2017: Vicious circle of corruption and inequality must be tackled / https://www.transparency. org/news/ feature/corruption_perceptions_index_2017).

3 Rome, since the time of Avignon (the temporary headquarters of the pontiff), were dis-o- tributing higher ecclesiastical, highly profitable posts to their relatives, which did little 0 to damage the reputation of the Catholic Church. Chronologically, the genesis of the £ term nepotism goes back exactly to those historical plots.

s Thus, the appointment of a relative of an official who does not have the necessary ° professional competences and regardless of personal qualities to a highly paid public o office, even in the absence of a bribe, is capable of inflicting material and moral damage g to the state interests and the institution of the state / municipal service itself in con-^ nection with unprofessionalism mistakenly accepted solutions. Although the measurement of such damage is always problematic. So, a fresh plot with a sentence of 09.02.2018 to the former governor of the Sakhalin region. A. V. Horashavin as the leader of a stable organized crime group who received a severe sentence of 13 years in prison and a fine of 500 million rubles. The verdict contained among other charges brought against the former official also criminal episodes that were directly related to nepotism and nepotism.

But attempts to assess the objective opinion of businesses of different formats and sizes on the most corruptive spheres, as well as on any changes in the field of unceasing struggle against corruption and abuses, have been conducted for a long time, everywhere and with a changing intensity. The illustration of such an attempt is reflected in the table below. In the sample statistical survey and on limited business and entrepreneurship spheres, 643 companies took part, structurally related to 46.7% of small business; 47.1% to the average and 6.2% (according to the graduation in 2013) to large businesses. Of course, in the lacquered results of the study, there is some slyness in the respondents' answers, albeit anonymous, depending on the scale and capabilities of the interviewed business. Studies of this kind on the evaluation of subjective opinions among separate masses of entrepreneurs — believers and atheists, as well as respondents in confessional aspects, as far as the author of the article is known, were not conducted in Russia at all.

A somewhat different result is provided by operational polls by All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, where bribes are received most often by tax inspectors (21% of respondents), judges and other law enforcement officers (16.25%), firemen and construction inspectors (13.9%). The most widespread bribes are officials distributing state contracts (13.40%), customs officers (12.50%) and employees of legislative bodies (4.10%)1.

In this regard, there is a curious statistics about the growth of the size of a bribe2. Thus, the average amount of a bribe in the Russian Federation per capita for the period from September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015 was 613.7 thousand rubles or $ 9,440 and grew almost three times during this period, as insisted by the chairman of the Bar Association of Russia for human rights M. Bast. These data were presented in the Independent Annual Report of the All-Russian Anti-Corruption Public Reception "Clean Hands", which was sent to the country's leadership, State Duma deputies, as well as to law enforcement agencies. The average bribe for the year 2017 grew even more and amounted to 846.5 thousand rubles.

Specialists of this organization, based on their calculations, proceeded from the division of the total number of complaints into certain types of corruption: entrepreneurs, interaction of ordinary citizens with officials in criminal, administrative and civil proceedings for complaints about domestic corruption. The calculations used the total number of requests, the average size of bribes in individual groups according to the information received from appeals, and their percentage ratio by types of bribes.

1 Report of Russian Public Opinion Research Centre [An electronic resource]. URL: http://www. bkg.ru/ library/articles/? ELEMENT-ID=3195. (In rus)

2 The average size of a bribe has grown in Russia during a year almost three times. Interfax, 9/3/2015; ©РИА «News». URL:/https://ria.ru/lenta/organization_Interfaks/ (In rus)

Table -0


The results of the St. Petersburg business community's assessment of the level cl

of corruption and anticorruption initiatives of city authorities for 2013, % S

N in order Name structures Absolutely not corrupt Several corrupt Extremely corrupt Difficult to answer Total

1 Governor of St. Petersburg 35 19 9 37 100

2 Government of St. Petersburg 15 35 29 21 100

3 ZakS of St. Petersburg 18 27 30 25 100

4 The Prosecutor's Office of St. Petersburg 7 29 38 26 100

5 Courts of St. Petersburg 6 35 48 11 100

6 Tax authorities of St. Petersburg 30 16 21 33 100

7 Police of St. Petersburg 3 23 55 19 100

8 Customs authorities of St. Petersburg 17 30 27 26 100

9 Business-companies of St. Petersburg with state participation 11 29 47 13 100

Source of information: anonymous surveys and questionnaires of the Regional Business Journal [2, p. 5].

According to the information of the Association, the leading positions are still occupied by complaints about corruption in the judicial authorities - their number was more than 61%. At the same time, the average size of a bribe for issuing a decision on criminal cases increased to 3 million rubles; in civil cases there is no information on changes in the value of the decisions made for the decisions, still the amount remains within 650 thousand rubles.

The second place in the number of complaints, according to the Report, is held by the internal affairs bodies — the share of appeals was 39.3%, with growth of 18.5%. Here the average size of bribes was 5 thousand rubles. There were reports of bribes for the police's refusal to institute criminal proceedings: the minimum size of which amounted to 500 thousand rubles. Significantly, the number of complaints against the prosecutor's office increased by 16.3%, the total number of complaints was 33.75%. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of complaints do not have reasonable suspicions of corruption, and the prosecutor's refusals to complaints and complaints from citizens are most often related to the fact that the issues proposed for verification and review are not within the purview of the prosecutor's office.

Significantly less often — by 4.45% — complaints began to be received against the bodies of the Investigative Committee of Russia — the number of applications was 11.2%. Appeals of citizens to corruption in the bodies of regional executive power and local self-government come from almost all regions of the Russian Federation; the total number of complaints is 12.5%, which indicates an increase over the previous reporting period, when the total number of complaints was 7.1%. In general, complaints on regional authorities concern frauds and corruption schemes in the allocation of budgetary funds, when, according to reports, funds allocated from the federal budget for regional needs do not reach the final addressee, and various mechanisms aimed at personal enrichment of regional officials. Moreover, the Investigative Committee is campaigning

3 to attract ordinary officials to account for corruption, the tendency has shown that the o- level of corruption among middle-level officials has changed — they have become more 0 cautious, the number of corruption schemes has decreased, but they have appeared £ fundamentally fresh.

s According to the Independent Report, at the level of domestic corruption, the eco° nomic crisis, the aggravation of international relations, the "intensification of the bureau-o cracy of the authorities" affected the adoption of a number of laws aimed at controlling g the economy, limiting freedom of speech and the activities of civil organizations. When ^ a corrupt person in a crisis was able to escape responsibility to society, and the society significantly reduced the mechanisms of control of state institutions, this created additional conditions for a new round of corruption spiral1.

History of the problem

The roots of corruption go to the deep past of human civilizations, are fixed in the annals of history, and relevant references, historical facts and instructions have already been found in various reliable sources identified. The first known reading public, an unselfish fighter against corruption, appears to be the Sumerian Uruinimgina (also known as Urukagin), the king of Lagash, who lived and heroically battled the economic abuses of his officials back in the 24th century BC era.

Corruption was pursued, however, hopelessly Mesopotamian, Indian Maharajas, Egyptian pharaohs and Chinese emperors, which is fixed in the religious and legal literature of those times. The very word corruption is Latin, it comes from ancient Rome (corrup-tio, corrumpere — lat.). That is, the problem of corruption itself is the oldest and, as the UN Convention confirms, is still not fully resolved. The modern "English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary" gives a whole gamut of synonyms, characterizing the disgusting phenomenon of corruption from all conceivable aspects: corruption, decay, decay, decay, decay, depravity, depravity2. But where did so many repulsive "shades of black" accumulate?

Thus, the process of strengthening state centralization during the European Middle Ages led not only to the expansion of corruption in breadth and depth, but even promoted the renewal of the legal lexicon due to such an amazing and special term as the "tolerable norm" of corruption. Urgent recommendations to refrain from bribing judges are contained in The Talmud, The Bible, The Qur'an, in the texts of The Buddhist Tripitaka (The Dharma account) and in other surviving ancient religious texts. The open rejection of corruption motives is traced in all the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), as well as in other world religions of revelation (Buddhism, Hinduism) — in them God reveals himself to people, communicating to them his will and prescribing to them a certain type of behavior.

Religion as a form of spiritual culture, and not only of believers, is studied through theological tools (and, for example, recently at the Department of Theology at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology) fundamental questions of life, being in the regime of "seeing to the root" (a very successful expression from The Bible3). That is, religion affects virtually all aspects of this life and seriously affects the sphere of human

1 All-Russian anti-corruption public reception «Clean Hands» is a project created in 2008 within the framework of the Russian Bar Association for Human Rights. To work with complaints of corruption, a 24-hour hotline was opened. Every day specialists process up to 50 calls coming from all regions of Russia.

2 Palazhchenko P. English-Russian dictionary of the general lexicon (Not systematic Dictionary). M.: ABBYY, 2008. (In rus)

3 Bible. Old Testament [An electronic resource]. URL:/http://duhpage.sed.lg.ua/Azy/Bible/ Old/ vtorozakonie.htm (In rus)

consciousness. A society without religion (not to be confused with the national idea) or 2 with a distorted religion (not to be confused with political doctrine) is wild, degrading, cl which, unfortunately, can be observed in practice everywhere. And here arises a pure- 0 ly legal and technical question: does the current Constitution of the Russian Federation £ allow the development and establishment of any ideology as state and / or mandatory? s

As for the corrupt clergy representing the caste world and demonstrating class solidar- ° ity, this situation is born, as it would not seem strange, also the passivity of the believing 0 part of the population, its unwillingness to study deeply the canons of dogmatic theology g with the help of enlightened shepherds who adhere to the principles of asceticism. Since, ^ knowing the subject thoroughly, it is much more effective to fight corruption among the clergy, which even Jesus Christ did; His preaching was directed mainly against the clergy in the person of the Pharisees, scribes (sopherim), crafty rabbis and compradors, as well as robber terrorists from Judea (2 tribes of Abraham) and Israel (10 tribes) — Zealots.

Religion is traditionally an interesting and complex subject for study. In fact, for many true believers, religion is the largest, most important theme in their life, a kind of institutional bond. And to reduce this subject to the adaptation of a couple of three-way stamps, rejecting the ambiguities of the content of a religious source, the difficulties of understanding it, and trying to get a thorough understanding of its provisions, this is at least the approach of a rather superficial person, surreptitiously professing agnosticism1.

The truth is that if the people do not want to study religion, the rulers of the church and the clergy monopolize this sphere, beginning to come up with their own variants of interpretation "in the name of God." In the Gospel of John, the Son of God says: "I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life" (John 14:6). According to P. A. Florensky, "Truth for a Jew, indeed, is "the right word", "faithfulness", "a reliable promise" [6, p. 22-23]. But understanding what and where it is written, piously checking with the examples shown in the Scriptures, you can correct the admitted abuses in the field of the dogmas of religion, improving its interpretation canvas very significantly.

By the way, I. V. Stalin, after dispersing finally in 1943 a well-pinned, fairly loyal group of "revivalists"2 — a group, that included many agents of the State Security Committee of the USSR, seized the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), and placing a bet on "marginals" among the clergy, representing the so-called. Tikhon Church3, taking away from the church clergy privileges in the course of targeted repression, to a certain extent thereby contributed, in general, to the improvement of the domestic institution of the country's main religion. God's providence acted in this matter through the Leader of all peoples, with his hands. Nevertheless, in the heart of the ROC remained the most sincere, serving for the sake of a high idea, and not for the sake of money, worldly glory and quickly, quite deservedly disappearing from the memory of his human name.

1 Agnosticism is a term introduced into the philosophical turn of TG. Huxley and G. Spencer, denoting the unknowability of the essence of things and the root causes of existence.

2 In occasion of "renovators" (supporters of the "Living Church"), M. A. Bulgakov in the 7th (out of 8 surviving) re-publications of his novel "The Master and Margarita", which the ROC has, described in chapter 18 such an interesting episode in the behavior of the barman A. F. Skokova after visiting the "bad apartment" N 50 — he goes to the temple for spiritual support and comfort. But there the "Renovationists" organized the trade with some sort of junk of non-religious content (as here we can't recall the scene from the evangelical story of the expulsion by Jesus Christ, with a scourge of ropes, a market and money changers from the portico of the Temple of Solomon — (Bible. Old Testament. Matthew 21: 12-13, John 2: 13-16 and others), and the church services ceased, that is, the barman was "bent out of the bosom of the church," and only after this fiasco did he go to Prof. Kuzmin for his final fatal diagnosis.

3 Dissenting opinion of Kurayev A. V. [Electronic resource]. URL:/https://echo.msk.ru/programs/ personalno/2109446-echo/ mmread/ (In rus)

3 In general, during the USSR, the qualification level of the clergy was very high, the o- priests were quite ascetic, their way of life and quality of service more in line with biblical 0 ideals, and this was attractive to true believers, and suffering spiritual and moral healing £ by true faith. Here it should be correctly understood, that asceticism is a set of physical, s moral exercises aimed at the liberation of the spirit. In other words, it is the way of life ° that meets the requirements of asceticism. And the Primate of the Russian Orthodox o Church, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill (V. M. Gundyaev) clarifies: "There is no greater auster-g ity than restraining the mind... there is no worse disease than being greedy..."1. ^ In the Easter week of 2018, the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church developed this idea more expansively: «Greed is a dangerous spiritual illness, when money and material values become the most important goal in life. And not so much a waste of money, as their acquisition. Man is captivated by the opportunity to gain some kind of the material power. The main goal is the acquisition of material means. A man who is a robust man can't have other ideals, because the ideal of avarice obscures other ideals and human values»2.

These clarifications are all the more relevant, because almost 2 thousand years ago the Savior of the World warned in advance: "Sown in thorns means those who hear the word, but in which the cares of this century, the deceitfulness of wealth and other desires, entering them, muffle the word, and it happens without fruit "(Mark 4: 18-19). The author of this article undertook at his own risk the attempt to find in the texts of the Scriptures examples of the efforts of the Righteous to prevent corrupt practices in the time of the birth of world religions [8].

The struggle for survival for religion is quite natural. It should be like this — 'You will be persecuted for my name." The first sign of an internally healthy religion is that it is practically independent of state institutions. True religion is always selflessness and free-thinking about worldly laws and rules. No king or president is superior to the truth [4]. But, of course, the interests of religion and state policy are densely and closely interwoven at all times and everywhere.

"In the government of the state, we will create confusion... We will unequivocally promote the tyranny of officials, bribe takers, and lack of principle. Bureaucratism and red tape will be elevated to virtue ... Honesty and decency will be mocked and nobody will be needed, will become a vestige of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples and, above all, enmity and hatred of the Russian people, all this we will skillfully and inconspicuously cultivate, all this will flourish terry color" (1948) [5, p. 16].

Such a lengthy quote, drawing terrible pictures of the coming apocalypse for Russia, — to which author, obviously with a sick imagination, could it belongs? The answer can surprise the reader: the author of the text is A. U. Dulles (1893-1969), who in the period 1942-1961 worked, and then headed the CIA of the United States, who was, by the way, a religious man who, by the way, professed Judaism and was one of the leaders of American freemasonry.

The author of the quotation cited is credited (and in recent years, this fact has been confirmed more and more often) a document such as the Dulles Plan, or the Harvard project, or the Anaconda project, or the "Committee of 300", etc. for our country. These documents, which had the status of state doctrines, contained detailed plans for planting sophisticated corrupt schemes in the USSR, and then in Russia. The plan is a mold from the "Protocols of the Meetings of the Elders of Zion", the authenticity of which is

1 [Electronic resource] URL:/http://vita-schola.ru/duhovnye-praktiki/sila-askezy.html/ (reference date: 01/01/2018).

2 More information on TASS 04/04/2018: http://tass.ru/obschestvo/5094710 (reference date: 04/07/2018).

universally rejected, and the document, historians for a long time considered "fake", 2

turned out to be quite tenacious in practice and effective in the strength of its impact. cl To be continued in our next. §

References o

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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About the author:

Alexander N. Tsatsulin, Professor of the Chair of Management of North-West institute of management of RANEPA (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation), Doctor of Sciences (Economy), Professor; vash_64@mail.ru


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Об авторе:

Цацулин Александр Николаевич, профессор кафедры менеджмента Северо-Западного института управления РАНХиГС (Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация), доктор экономических наук, профессор, почетный работник высшего профессионального образования РФ; vash_64@mail.ru

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