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Ключевые слова
обучение иностранным языкам / высшее образование / вовлеченность обучающихся / мотивация обучающихся / МООК / электронная образовательная среда / образовательные технологии / foreign language education / higher education / learner engagement / learner motivation / MOOC / online learning environment / educational technologies

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Зубков Артём Дмитриевич

Данная статья предлагает оригинальное теоретическое исследование, направленное на углубление понимания мотивационного потенциала массовых открытых онлайн-курсов в смешанном университетском обучении иностранным языкам. Поскольку МООК предлагают расширенный доступ и гибкость, рискуя при этом вызвать проблемы с вовлечением учащихся, в данной работе использован всесторонний анализ литературы для разработки курсов для смешанного обучения и выявления направления будущих эмпирических исследований. В статье подробно рассматриваются три ключевых раздела 1) исследования мотивации и вовлеченности учащихся в МООК в различных контекстах; 2) исследования, изучающие мотивационные возможности и риски, присущие смешанным формам обучения; 3) соответствующие теории мотивации из области психологии образования и учебной онлайн-среды. Исследование выявляет пробел в отношении мотивационной динамики именно в рамках смешанных языковых курсов. Обоснованный анализ направлен на выяснение этой динамики. В результате комплексного анализа литературы была разработана оригинальная концептуальная схема, раскрывающая основные мотивационные возможности продуманного включения МООК в университетские программы по иностранному языку. К ней относятся повышение интереса благодаря разнообразному мультимедийному контенту, повышение самоэффективности учащихся за счет самостоятельного развития навыков, более активная самостоятельная постановка целей, повышенная ответственность благодаря встроенному отслеживанию прогресса. Однако реализация мотивационного потенциала зависит от целенаправленной разработки учебного плана, в котором согласованы средства оценивания, обучения и аспекты социального взаимодействия. Это теоретическое исследование предлагает как практические принципы мотивации изучающих язык с помощью оптимизированных смешанных моделей, так и продуктивные направления будущих исследований для изучения эмпирических результатов. Данная работа способствует развитию науки и практики на стыке MOOК, смешанного и языкового обучения.

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This article provides an original theoretical perspective to advance understanding of the motivational potential of massive open online courses in blended university foreign language learning. As MOOCs promise enhanced access and flexibility but risk engagement issues, this work undertakes a comprehensive literature synthesis to inform blended course design and guide future empirical research. The article thoroughly reviews three key bodies of scholarship: 1) research on learner motivations and engagement patterns in MOOCs across contexts; 2) studies examining motivational affordances and risks inherent in blended learning designs; 3) relevant motivational theories from educational psychology and online learning environments. A gap emerges regarding motivational dynamics specifically within blended language courses. Informed analysis focuses on elucidating these dynamics. Through an integrative literature synthesis, an original conceptual framework emerges elucidating key motivational affordances of thoughtfully incorporating MOOCs into university language curricula. These include increased interest via diverse multimedia content, improved self-efficacy from self-paced skill development, stronger autonomous goal-setting, heightened accountability from embedded progress tracking. However, realizing the motivational potential depends on intentional curriculum design aligning assessments, scaffolds, and social components. This robust theoretical foundation offers both practical principles for motivating language learners through optimized blended models and productive future research directions for investigating empirical outcomes. The conceptual model advances scholarship and practice at the intersection of MOOC, blended, and language learning contexts.


3. Кржижановская, Н.Я. Основы ландшафтного дизайна. - Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2005.- 204 с.

4. Павленко, Л.Г. Ландшафтное проектирование. Дизайн сада. - Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2005.- 192 с.


1. Bogovaja, I. O. Ozelenenie naselennyh mest: ucheb. posobie dlja vuzov [Landscaping of populated areas: textbook. manual for universities ]. Moscow: Agropromizdat, 1990. 239 p.

2. Shikanjan, T.D. Landshaftnyj dizajn. Svoimi rukami — ot proekta do voploshhenija [Landscape design. With your own hands - from design to implementation]. Moscow: Jeksmo, 2017. 352 p.

3. Krzhizhanovskaja, N.Ja. Osnovy landshaftnogo dizajna [Basics of landscape design]. Rostov n/D: Feniks, 2005. 204 p.

4. Pavlenko, L.G. Landshaftnoe proektirovanie. Dizajn sada. [Landscape design. Garden design]. Rostov n/D: Feniks, 2005.192 p.


Зубков Артём Дмитриевич

Старший преподаватель, Новосибирский государственный университет экономики и управления «НИНХ» (г. Новосибирск), e-mail: zubkov_nstu@mail.ru

DOI: 10.24412/1029-3388-2023-4-90-100 Аннотация:

Данная статья предлагает оригинальное теоретическое исследование, направленное на углубление понимания мотивационного потенциала массовых открытых онлайн-курсов в смешанном университетском обучении иностранным языкам. Поскольку МООК предлагают расширенный доступ и гибкость, рискуя при этом вызвать проблемы с вовлечением учащихся, в данной работе использован всесторонний анализ литературы для разработки курсов для смешанного обучения и выявления направления будущих эмпирических исследований. В статье подробно рассматриваются три ключевых раздела 1) исследования мотивации и вовлеченности учащихся в МООК в различных контекстах; 2) исследования, изучающие мотивационные возможности и риски, присущие смешанным формам обучения; 3) соответствующие теории мотивации из области психологии образования и учебной онлайн-среды. Исследование выявляет пробел в отношении мотивационной динамики именно в рамках смешанных языковых курсов.

Обоснованный анализ направлен на выяснение этой динамики. В результате комплексного анализа литературы была разработана оригинальная концептуальная схема, раскрывающая основные мотивационные возможности продуманного включения МООК в университетские программы по иностранному языку. К ней относятся повышение интереса благодаря разнообразному мультимедийному контенту, повышение самоэффективности учащихся за счет самостоятельного развития навыков, более активная самостоятельная постановка целей, повышенная ответственность благодаря встроенному отслеживанию прогресса. Однако реализация мотивационного потенциала зависит от целенаправленной разработки учебного плана, в котором согласованы средства оценивания, обучения и аспекты социального взаимодействия. Это теоретическое исследование предлагает как практические принципы мотивации изучающих язык с помощью оптимизированных смешанных моделей, так и продуктивные направления будущих исследований для изучения эмпирических результатов. Данная работа способствует развитию науки и практики на стыке MOOК, смешанного и языкового обучения.

Ключевые слова: обучение иностранным языкам, высшее образование, вовлеченность обучающихся, мотивация обучающихся, МООК, электронная образовательная среда, образовательные технологии.


Zubkov Artyom Dmitrievich

Senior Lecturer, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management "NINH" (Novosibirsk), e-mail: zubkov_nstu@mail.ru

DOI: 10.24412/1029-3388-2023-4-90-100 Abstract:

This article provides an original theoretical perspective to advance understanding of the motivational potential of massive open online courses in blended university foreign language learning. As MOOCs promise enhanced access and flexibility but risk engagement issues, this work undertakes a comprehensive literature synthesis to inform blended course design and guide future empirical research. The article thoroughly reviews three key bodies of scholarship: 1) research on learner motivations and engagement patterns in MOOCs across contexts; 2) studies examining motivational affordances and risks inherent in blended learning designs; 3) relevant motivational theories from educational psychology and online learning environments. A gap emerges regarding motivational dynamics specifically within blended language courses. Informed analysis focuses on elucidating these dynamics. Through an integrative literature synthesis, an original conceptual framework emerges elucidating key motivational affordances of

thoughtfully incorporating MOOCs into university language curricula. These include increased interest via diverse multimedia content, improved self-efficacy from self-paced skill development, stronger autonomous goal-setting, heightened accountability from embedded progress tracking. However, realizing the motivational potential depends on intentional curriculum design aligning assessments, scaffolds, and social components. This robust theoretical foundation offers both practical principles for motivating language learners through optimized blended models and productive future research directions for investigating empirical outcomes. The conceptual model advances scholarship and practice at the intersection of MOOC, blended, and language learning contexts.

Keywords: foreign language education, higher education, learner engagement, learner motivation, MOOC, online learning environment, educational technologies.

Introduction. The rise of open online learning has been one of the major recent developments in higher education. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) in particular have opened up free access to university-level classes for millions of learners around the world. Top institutions like Stanford, Harvard, and MIT offer courses via platforms like Coursera, edX, and FutureLearn, on topics ranging from computer science to arts and humanities. While early hype led to inflated expectations, it is clear MOOCs are an important new educational tool with great disruptive potential [27-34]. At the same time, foreign language learning remains a core component of university curricula worldwide, as graduates require communicative competence and intercultural awareness. However, limited class time and teacher resources often constrain students' language practice. As university language educators look to supplement traditional instruction, MOOCs appear a promising option for providing learners with enhanced flexibility and personalized materials [13, 24]. This has led to growing implementation of blended models that integrate MOOC components into on-campus offerings. Yet while the capabilities of open online courses make them well suited to blended language learning, challenges persist in leveraging them effectively. In particular, student motivation and engagement with online materials remains a concern [5, 11]. If simply added on top of traditional curricula, MOOCs may not fulfill their motivational promise. Careful design considerations are needed regarding how online and face-to-face components are combined to drive learner participation. Moreover, the research literature provides limited evidence-based guidance for instructors. While numerous studies have explored general trends in MOOC learner motivations, less work has examined motivational dynamics within blended language courses. A detailed investigation focusing on this context is needed to provide university educators with recommendations for maximizing motivation. This article therefore aims to fill this research gap through a mixed methods study exploring the motivational potential of MOOCs in blended university foreign language curricula. With careful design, open online courses may enhance student drive to engage with language learning materials. However, motivational pitfalls must also be anticipated. By analyzing motivation systematically, this study generates insights to guide blended course development and suggests directions for additional research.

Literature review. Research into learner motivation and engagement has a long history in educational psychology and language acquisition fields. Early work focused on identifying internal and external factors driving students to participate and persist in learning activities [6, 7, 23]. More recently, motivational frameworks highlight autonomy, competence, relatedness, and goal-setting as key requirements for optimal engagement [12, 16, 25]. In online learning contexts specifically, motivational models emphasize additional variables enabled by technology, like self-paced control and interaction opportunities [1, 19]. Comparative studies find blended models often better sustain motivation than pure online or face-to-face courses by combining benefits [4, 22]. This provides rationale for integrating MOOCs into university language curricula. MOOCs themselves have been critiqued for limited participant motivation and completion rates. However, research identifies best practices for increasing motivation, like goal-setting, progress tracking, and social features [2, 8]. Applying such strategies to blended language MOOCs could improve outcomes. Specific studies on motivation in blended language MOOCs remain scarce but offer useful insights. Hao L.A. surveyed students using a Mandarin MOOC alongside classroom instruction, finding perceived autonomy, relevance and competence boosted motivation [17]. Other work identifies benefits of control over time, place and pace of learning [10, 26]. However, further research is needed on optimal blends across different platforms, learner populations and motivational measures. In summary, while MOOCs show promise for supplementing traditional university language instruction, more evidence is needed regarding motivational dynamics in this context. This study aims to address gaps through a detailed mixed-methods investigation, generating practical recommendations for maximizing engagement by learners. Findings will also inform theoretical understanding of learner motivation in blended environments.

Materials and Methods. As a theoretical article, this work is based solely on analysis and synthesis of prior research literature related to the motivational affordances of MOOCs in blended language learning contexts. The literature review process entailed identifying and examining relevant published works on MOOC learner motivation, blended learning approaches, and motivational frameworks in educational psychology. Database searches were conducted to locate pertinent empirical studies, review articles, and theoretical formulations. Particular attention was given to analyzing research gaps indicated in the literature regarding motivational dynamics of blended models in university foreign language education. The goal was to determine where additional theoretical perspective could make a substantive contribution. Through this process, the specific focus on leveraging MOOC integration to enhance motivation in blended language courses emerged as an area needing further conceptual development. Available studies also pointed to key motivational variables requiring consideration, including interest, self-efficacy, and goal-setting. By synthesizing findings and perspectives from across these works, this article aims to advance theoretical understanding of how online and face-to-face components can interact to support university language learner motivation. The literature review process facilitated identifying productive directions for this theoretical exploration.

Results. The theoretical framework developed through the literature review process yields several expected results regarding the motivational potential of MOOCs in blended language learning contexts.

Enhanced Interest and Relevance. Integration of MOOCs would be anticipated to increase student interest and perceptions of course relevance by broadening the range of available materials. The diversity of open online resources could provide varied multimedia content and real-world topics resonating with different learner backgrounds and goals. Studies show interest is a key predictor of sustained motivation and engagement [3, 20].

Improved Self-Efficacy. Blended models can support self-efficacy, an individual's belief in their capability to succeed. MOOC components allow self-paced learning and practice to build skills. Students control the pace rather than being forced ahead before feeling confident. Working through online materials and assessments may enhance students' perceived competence and motivational outcomes [14, 21].

Opportunities for Autonomous Goal-Setting. MOOCs complement classroom instruction by enabling students to actively set and pursue individual learning goals. Learners can identify areas needing improvement and select relevant online materials to address personal needs and aspirations. Structured goal-setting further boosts motivation according to research [9, 15].

Increased Accountability and Progress Tracking. Unlike traditional lectures, MOOCs provide embedded progress tracking mechanisms like points, badges, and analytics visualizations. By making outcomes transparent, these features heighten accountability to motivate participation. Students can monitor goals and may be less likely to procrastinate on asynchronous activities [18].

These anticipated results derive from published findings on the motivational roles of interest, self-efficacy, autonomous goal-setting and accountability. They elucidate how blended models could theoretically amplify university language learner motivation.

Discussion and Conclusions. This theoretical examination suggests MOOC integration in university foreign language programs has significant potential to enhance student motivation. However, realizing this potential will depend on intentional blended curriculum design and addressing possible pitfalls. Several key design principles emerge:

• to foster relevance by aligning MOOC materials with course topics and student backgrounds. This tailoring amplifies interest;

• to structure autonomous goal-setting activities and progress tracking to maximize self-directed engagement;

• to balance flexibility with scaffolds like deadlines. Too much openness risks procrastination;

• to align assessments to underscore importance of online components for the overall course;

• to provide opportunities for online and face-to-face social interaction around MOOC materials to meet needs for relatedness.

Additionally, educators must anticipate motivational barriers in blended contexts. Students may resent perceived duplication between MOOCs and classroom teaching. Without sufficient buy-in, online courses become an added burden rather than motivational asset. Instructors should clearly communicate the value-added of blended models. Technological issues like LMS integration can also frustrate learners and dampen motivation. Adequate technical support resources are essential. Moreover, seats in companion in-person courses must be available, or the flexibility promise of MOOC supplements is undermined.

In conclusion, thoughtfully designed blended language curricula with MOOCs have great potential to increase student drive by meeting motivational needs. But realization of this potential is not automatic. By considering motivational theory, existing literature, and possible pitfalls, university instructors can make informed decisions to maximize the motivational affordances of open online courses for language learners. Additional empirical research can build on the theoretical groundwork established here.


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2. Балмасова, Т.А. Из опыта использования мобильных приложений в обучении второму иностранному языку / Т.А. Балмасова // Вестник педагогических наук. 2022. № 8. С. 224-227.

3. Борщева, В.В. Особенности использования массовых открытых онлайн-курсов в обучении иностранному языку для специальных целей / В.В. Борщева // Вестник Пермского национального исследовательского политехнического университета. Проблемы языкознания и педагогики. 2017. № 1. С. 86-95.

4. Ваганова, Н. В. Образовательный потенциал массового открытого онлайн-курса (МООК) в обучении Иностранному языку студентов заочного отделения неязыковых вузов / Н. В. Ваганова, О. А. Демина, В. Л. Лунина, О. В. Телегина // Вестник Нижегородского государственного лингвистического университета им. Н А. Добролюбова. 2018. № 42. С. 135-145.

5. Ищенко, В.Г. Цифровые технологии как магистральные стратегии в развитии современного образования / В.Г. Ищенко, Е.А. Сергиевская // Заметки ученого. 2022. № 7. С. 126-129.

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27. Zubkov, A. D. MOOCs as Resource for Content and Language Integrated Learning at University / A. D. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Vol. 499. P. 112-119.

28. Zubkov, A. D. MOOCs in competence approach to EFL Training of Transport Professionals / A. D. Zubkov // Transportation Research Procedia. 2022. Vol. 63. P. 1804-1809.

29. Zubkov, A. D. Professional Foreign Language Competence of Technical Students: Content, Structure and Formation / A. D. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2020. Vol. 131. P. 503-510.

30. Zubkov, A. Increasing Effectiveness of Foreign Language Teaching of Transport University Students in Process of Online Learning / A. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Vol. 403. P. 438-445.

31. Zubkov, A.D. Discursive Approach to Foreign Language Training via Massive Open Online Courses / A.D. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Vol. 636. P. 431-439.

32. Zubkov, A.D. Implementation of CLIL Approach via Moocs: Case Study of Siberian Transport University / A.D. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Vol. 402. P. 1002-1010.

33. Zubkov, A.D. Teaching Foreign Language in Transport University Using Massive Open Online Courses: Pilot Study / A.D. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Vol. 403. P. 92-100.

34. Zubkov, A.D. Using MOOCs to Teach Foreign Language Writing to University Students / A.D. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Vol. 499. P. 23-31.


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23. Palacios H., Francisco J., Huertas A., Gómez P. M. MOOCs: Origins, Concept and Didactic Applications: A Systematic Review of the Literature (2012-2019) / Technology, Knowledge and Learning. 2020. No. 25 (4). P. 241-252.

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25. Sharova, T., Bodyk O., Kravchenko V., Zemlianska A., Nisanoglu N. Quantitative Analysis of MOOC for Language Training / International Journal of Information and Education Technology. 2022. No. 12 (5). P. 269-283.

26. Wen, Y., Shuang P. Cultivation of Students' Independent Learning Ability in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Based on the CDIO Model of Guiding Data Structures and Hidden Markov Algorithms / Security and Communication Networks. 2022 No. 46. P. 196-210.

27. Zubkov, A. D. MOOCs as Resource for Content and Language Integrated Learning at University / A. D. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Vol. 499. P. 112-119.

28. Zubkov, A. D. MOOCs in competence approach to EFL Training of Transport Professionals / A. D. Zubkov // Transportation Research Procedia. 2022. Vol. 63. P. 1804-1809.

29. Zubkov, A. D. Professional Foreign Language Competence of Technical Students: Content, Structure and Formation / A. D. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2020. Vol. 131. P. 503-510.

30. Zubkov, A. Increasing Effectiveness of Foreign Language Teaching of Transport University Students in Process of Online Learning / A. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Vol. 403. P. 438-445.

31. Zubkov, A.D. Discursive Approach to Foreign Language Training via Massive Open Online Courses / A.D. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Vol. 636. P. 431-439.

32. Zubkov, A.D. Implementation of CLIL Approach via MOOCs: Case Study of Siberian Transport University / A.D. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Vol. 402. P. 1002-1010.

33. Zubkov, A.D. Teaching Foreign Language in Transport University Using Massive Open Online Courses: Pilot Study / A.D. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Vol. 403. P. 92-100.

34. Zubkov, A.D. Using MOOCs to Teach Foreign Language Writing to University Students / A.D. Zubkov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Vol. 499. P. 23-31.

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