CONTEMPORARY PHILOLOGY DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10096
УДС (UDC) 81'32 Nargiz Akhvlediani, Niko Berdzenishvili Institute of the Batumi State University, Batumi, Georgia
Marina Puturidze, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Ахвледиани Наргиз Ревазовна, Институт Нико Бердзенишвили Батумского Государственного Университета Батуми, Грузия Марина Шотаевна Путуридзе Тбилисский Государственный Университета
Тбилиси, Грузия
For citation: Akhvlediani Nargiz, Puturidze Marina, (2020). Motivation of Naming of the Plants in Formation of the Ancient Toponyms and their Archaeological Context Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science Vol. 5, Issue 3 (2020), pp. 121-132 (in USA) Manuscript received: /21/08/2020 Accepted for publication:/28/09/2020 The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
CC BY 4.0
The novelty and special aim of the presented interdisciplinary approach was a targeted study of ancient archaeological assemblages of Colchis at the boundary of two leading fields of the
humanities - archaeology and linguistics.
In a certain cases linguistic analysis of toponyms assisted in concluding in favor of its naming relationship with the peculiarities of local vegetations. We presents an attempt of—possible explanations of toponyms, based on landscape-climatic peculiarities and overall bio-environment conditions. Elucidation of all specificity of local environmental conditions might serve as substantiation for explaining the old toponyms, as in the case considered here of Nigvziani and Nigozeti.
Flora evidently have a priority from many aspects and determine the mode of life of those societies who inhabited the territory where the peculiar ligneous species are distributed. In the presented case, we discuss the walnut (in Georgian "Nigozi") which is the widely distributed tree in inner Colchis from the ancient period.
Here we attempt a linguistic analysis of the two particular toponyms: Nigvziani and Nigozeti and the archaeological burial sites associated with them. The outcomes of the research is the interdisciplinary research of the multi-layered linguistic analysis of the toponyms and archaeological context of the Late Bronze-Early Iron Age archaeological sites.
Keywords: Colchis, Toponym, Zanizms, Etymology, Settlement, Cemetery, Burial, Artifacts, Etiology, Late Bronze - Early Iron period
Не одна тайна из прошлого государства и его населения скрыта не только в археологических, архитектурных, эпиграфических и исторических памятниках, но и широко представлена в топонимах. Главный концепт данной работы заключается в представлении и анализе исследуемых объектов с точки зрения топонимии и археологии.
Предметом исследования взяты древнейшие топонимы, которые непосредственно связаны с названиями растений и которые стали существенными мотиваторами процесса формирования наименований конкретных мест Западной Грузии (Внутренней Колхиды). Данная территория имеет обильный растительный покров, где произрастают преимущественно ореховые деревья.
Топонимы, образованные от названий растений, обычно оформлены различными аффиксами. Хотя имеются случаи, когда название растения (без всяких аффиксов) является названием географического объекта. Для примера, приведём древнейшие топонимы -«Нигозети» и «Нигвзиани», которые зафиксированы в Западной Грузии именно в тех пунктах, которые богаты обилием археологических памятников.
Вместе с археологическим контестом внимание привлекает лингвистический анализ топонимов и имеющих сходное с ними содержание географических наименований, распространённых на всей территории Грузии. В качестве примера приведём макротопоним «нигоза», который зафиксирован в селе Сахалвашо Кобулетского муниципалитета, а также в находящемся по соседству, богатом растительностью селе «Хала». 122
Итак, с растением, конкретно же с эндемичным ореховым деревом, связано и этимологически обусловлено название места. Топонимы, имеющие похожее содержание, фиксируются в разных уголках Западной Грузии. Например, «нигвзиани» - название села в ланчхутском регионе, которое, видно, интенсивно освоено протоколхидским и колхидским населением во второй половине II и начале I-го тысячелетия до н.э. Этот период особенно значителен с точки зрения невиданного дотоле развития художественной бронзы и металлургии.
Что же касается связанного с древесным растением орехом другого топонима «Нигозети», то он находится на юго-западе, в 1,5 км. от села Нигозети Чиатурского муниципалитета. Здесь под семью случайно обнаруженными винными кувшинами (квеври) позднего периода было найдено погребение, относящееся к позднему бронзовому и раннему железному периоду. В этом интересном комплексе были обнаружены дорогие бронзовые вещи, датированные 8-7 вв. до н.э. Оба рассмотренных в работе археологических комплекса, с одной стороны прекрасно отражают геополитическое положение конца 2-го и первой половины 1-ого тысячелетия до н.э. в конкретных ареалах (Ланчхути, Чиатура), а с другой стороны указывают на взаимозависимость топонима и палеоокружения.
Таким образом, считаем, что в данном случае древнейшая вегетация сформировала топоним, который по сей день сохранился в качестве названия местоположения археологического памятника и в самом себе сохранил тот скрытый пласт, который отражает процесс взаимонаправленности палеоокружения, археологического комплекса и именования места.
Ключевые слова: Колхида, Топоним, Занизмы, Этимология, Поселение, Могильник, Погребение, Артефакт, Этиология, Период Поздней Бронзы и Раннего Железа
Presented research aims to consider main motivation factor in process of naming some toponyms of the well- known from the point of archaeology, places in western Georgia. This certain local villages, names of which, supposing that was formed by envisage and using the local vegetation title, are enough famous as the archaeological sites. The main concept of the presented topic - "Motivation of Naming the Plants in Formation of the Ancient Toponyms and Its Archaeological Context" is an investigation of the basis and connectivity of the archaeological assemblages with those toponymic origin which was the ancient naming of the certain, interested us, locations.
Novelty and special aim of the presented interdisciplinary approach was a purposeful study of ancient archaeological assemblages of Colchis at the boundary of two leading fields of the humanities - archaeology and linguistics. It can provide a complete and essential scientific vision to the specific type assemblages of Colchis from different angles.
Special attention attracts the issue how can be understood which spheres of human activity touch the specific vegetation of the certain areas of Colchis. Floristic differences in a wide sense
of its revealing, quite acceptable that determine the climatological and fertile specific of the soil rather than in neighboring districts. These factors surely seems those provoking causes, which helps to widespread the distribution of a forest area.
Literature Review
In a certain cases linguistic analyze of toponyms assisting to conclude in favor of its naming relationship with a peculiarities of local landscape. At the same time, it might be assessed as the beginning of such regard comprehensive interdisciplinary research of the ancient assemblages. In general, scholars since a long time were turning attention toward the multi-layer substance of ancient Colchis linguistic factuality [1; 2, p.12-20; 3, p.361-366; 4, 19]. In terms of archaeological viewpoint, we will touch some artifacts as well as cultural and chronological data of the long period dated back mainly to the II-I millenniums BC [5; 2; 6].
In addition, there will be provided an attempt of the possible explanation of toponyms, based on landscape-climatic peculiarities and overall bio-environment conditions. Elucidation of all specificity of local environmental conditions might be serves as substantiation for explaining the old toponyms, like in case of considered here Nigvziani and Nigozeti.
Surrounding environment, particularly flora, always was those main factuality which played a dominant role in process of formation of the economy of the certain local society. It is considered as an inseparable companion and always existing factor for any ethnicity, which is the main subsistence for all kind of socio-economical activity from very beginning of human life. (7:241). Scholars of the ancient Colchis culture from the beginning were heeding to the toponymic, onomastic and language evidences, tried to include such kind all data and by this way enrich their historic-archaeological research (2, p.30-31).
Flora evidently have a priority from many point and it determine the mode of life of those society who are inhabited in the territory where the peculiar ligneous species are distributed. As well it is an essential point for the formation of various fields of craftsmanship, especially the carpentry.
Materials and Methods
Convenient evidences was revealed among the western Georgian archaeological sites, which allows reconstructing the ancient historical reality that directly linked with the lingo-archaeological issues. In case of clarification of relevant ties between the evidences of the mentioned scientific fields, i.e. archaeology and linguistic, scholars are able to judge about the determining factors of the explanation of ancient toponyms [4, p. 86; 8, p.234-276].
There is no doubt that importance of fossil paleobotany evidences gives a very essential information in process of scientific reconstruction of such fields of the human activities as the building traditions, gastronomic specificity of the local areas and many other directions. Therefore, envisage and careful evaluation of all kind data concerning the vegetation of various districts of Colchis can provide us with informative and fruitful data.
Results and Discussion
One of the very in important business of the ethnicity of the mentioned region of Georgia related with building of living and as well the underground burial constructions. It is evident that in Colchis, archaeologically recordable only the wooden structures, which arise the special interest of scholars. It might be explained, firstly, by the richness of useful for the building wooden sources and, secondly, by special climatological conditions of the region. As it known Colchis is distinguished with high degree of temperature and top level of humidity, which makes the wooden houses much comfortable for life. Manifestation of this climatological peculiarities represented by the existed wooden building-constructions from the Bronze Age settlements is the characteristic feature until the modern time Colchis. As an example here can be noted those clearly visible building-constructional differences which are so easily recordable in various regions of ancient south Caucasus, Aegean world and the wide area of the Near East (9, p.8-19;10, p.18-22; 11, p.1-15; 3, p.309-340; 2, p.5-7). From the point of sources necessarily required for the building activity was quite different in above mentioned regions. The core area of the Near East, known as the Fertile Crescent was totally empty from such source materials as stone and forest. Exactly this factor determine architectural peculiarity of this area. All monumental buildings (both - religious and secular) of Mesopotamia was constructed by mud-bricks. Other neighboring region like the south Caucasus was controversially enough rich with forest. This is especially concerns to the west Georgia, which covers by many species of wood, usable for the building business or other purposes, among them for making the vessels which is well recorded in Middle Bronze Age sites.
It is clear that successful development of woodworking craft greatly was determined by the general environmental and palaebotany conditions. The regions with a rich forest sources, as usual, was used in building-constructional activity. There is no doubt that in long term period of Bronze Age plants was intensively used in building activity.
Of course, such obvious variable building traditions partially is caused by the variable floristic sources of the certain areas of above mentioned regions. It is clear that existence or absence of some plant's sources in above mentioned areas, especially those ones, which was intended for building-constructional business, was totally determined by the local environmental conditions.
It is enough to mention that in many local areas of south Caucasus and as well in Aegean world carpentry was one of the highly achieved field of craftsmanship. Different sort of wooden material was used in building-constructional sphere and also in various fields of the human activities. Among the last one might be mentioned creation of wheel transport used as for the communication between the distancing places and for the ceremonial burial practice. The wagon was either entirely constructed by strong quality lumber or has only wheels, axle or other details managed by wood. Archaeological artifacts unearthed from the burial assemblages of the different phases of Middle Bronze Age, evidently, reflects that producing of carts, intended for the different purposes mainly were constructed by the wood (ligneous). In later period (Early Medieval Era) this strong species of wood (probably walnut) was used for the making of butt of the gun.
Scholars emphasize that from the point of usable in construction activity rich wooden sources
one of the famous region from ancient time was the Colchis (2, p.104, 116-123). Consequently, in general, possess of vegetation and particularly usable for the building structures wood was the determinative factor in formation of cultural peculiarities of one or other certain region. We are able to note that the same significance has this important natural sources (forest) for the Colchis where certain bioenvironmental conditions was not only favorable for the local ethnicity but it also influenced the formation of some toponyms.
Scholars always should take into account the case of use of the cultivated plants in process of widening the subsistence conditions. This factor is important when we evaluating favorable conditions of the local landscape, in certain case Colchis. People, inhabited from the ancient time subtropical and tropical forest regions, in their ration were used the different fruits of the trees, leaves and roots of the various vegetation. It is well recorded as in case of the wild, as well, the cultivated plants. Among the long-term process of cultivated plants in ration of the people of western Georgia, very important was (also continuous to be until today) and frequently used fruit is the walnut. It is quite obvious that one of the main activity of the ancient inhabitances was the creating of cultivated plants. As a clear indication of this can be mentioned novelette of famous Georgian writer Vazha Pshavela "Raspberry" (in Georgian "zholo") (12, p.302-305), where author figuratively retelling about the artificial cultivation of this delicious plant in order that farmer get much rich crop of the raspberry. Consequently, anthropogenic factor played a major part in process of formation palaeoenvironment and this was an essential even in II millennium BC era.
It is possible to note several cases when the naming of plant determine the formation of toponym. It is enough to glance through on a geographical names and such similarity instantly will be clear. Supposing that following examples are the obvious indication in favor of above mentioned assumption concerning the origin of certain toponyms:
Oak (in Georgian "mukha") - from plant's title "mukha" produced the toponyms: Mukhiani
- Mukhrani - Tskhramukha- Didmukha;
Elm (Lath. Ulmus C arpinifolia) (in Georgian "tela") - from plant's title "tela" produced the toponyms: Teliani - Teleti -Telovani - Telati;
Apple (in Georgian "vashli") - from plant's title "vashli" produced the toponyms: Vashlovani
- Vashlevi - Vashliani;
Nut (in Georgian "tkhili") - from plant's title "tkhili" produced the toponyms: Tkhilvana -Tkhilnari - Tkhilovani ;
Walnut (in Georgian "nigozi") - from plant's title "nigozi" produced the toponyms: Nigozeti
- Nigvziani - Nigvzara - Nigazeuli -Nigoeti
Exactly, concerning the last one we want to formulate our assumption like following: it seems that some of this plants represents the main motivation in naming of the certain toponyms. Among such cases can be mentioned Nigvziani, Nigozeti, Nigoeti etc. This toponyms is directly connected with the widely distributed in the territory of all Georgia plant "nigozi" (same as "kakali").
Prof. V. Topuria concerning this plant indicated that the name Walnut (in Georgian "Nigozi") from west Georgia (west Georgian dialect) was transferred to the different European languages: Latin - nux (nicus), French - noix, German - nuss, Italian - noce and etc. At the same time scholar underline about the fertile soil of west Georgia (7, p.262). From the point of Edaphology (soil science) in west Georgia was very favorable precondition for the cultivation of the walnut plant. From the point of view of the location's naming, it is particularly interesting toponym was revealed again the same district of Georgia. This toponym is " Nigazevli", recorded in 90s of the XX century by scholar Sh. Putkaradze, who is indicating following case recorded by her: "They came from Nigazevli and arrived here ..." (13, p.160).
Here we would like to mention also some datas concerning the plant walnut ("nigozi") from which derives both currently interesting toponyms "Nigozeti" and "Nigvziani" where in 70s of the previous century was discovered rich archaeological assemblages and about which we'll discuss little below.
It seems interesting one more case concerning "Nigozi"(in English walnut) which is the widely distributed tree. The mace produced from this plant, i.e. Nigozi tree (same is Kakali) supposed that was a specially for sleeplessness. In Sulkhan Saba Dictionary noted: "walnut's ("nigvzis") mace arise an sleeplessness" (14, p. 239).
From the point of lexicological study interest arise name "Gorgomechila", " Kueshnidzuzisa", Imer./Gur. -"Kveshnigvzisa", Ajar. - "Maramkhela" (15, p.35). In Georgian dictionary of Sulkhan Orbeliani "Gorgomichela" explained as "Nigozi" (walnut) (14, p.167). Walnut's bark appears an especially valuable material in woodworking. The data provided by the botanical dictionary about the "Nigozi"is following: "Nigozi" is a ordinary walnut-tree (15, p.167). "Nigvznari" - Imer.-"Khechreli" (Rus.- крушина иомкая, Lat. - Frangula alnus, Rhamnus frangula), Kartl./Lechkh./Rach./Ajar. - "Tkhipsela", Gur.- "Lukumkha", "Lukukho", Svan.- "Dashdve tsinqa" (Makashvili,1991:98). (See the explanations of abbreviates: Imer.- Imeretian, Gur.-Gurian, Ajar.- Ajarian, Kart.-Kartlian, Lechkh.-Lechkhumian, Rach.- Rachian, Svan.- Svanian, Rus. - Russian, Lat. - Latin).l
In village Chakvi, located in Kobuleti municipality, was recorded very interesting toponym "Khala". It represents a mountain and foothill-slope place especially rich with vegetation. Among the other ones there intensively grows well the walnut-tree. According to the local respondent's (informer's name is Manana Tskhadadze) retelling in this local village, the word "Khala" means the long wooden stick was intended specially for the beating and shaking walnut-tree in order to gather walnut fruits. This case is a direct indication when the plant's naming is used in formation of the certain toponym. Such kind of special long size wooden sticks for the beating of the walnuttree usually was manufactured only from the strong species wood in order that it was most effective in process of gathering the walnut fruits. Remarkable fact that exactly this places are distinguishable with the great quantity of the walnut-trees. From the point of view of linguists, it is quite permissible that this place (where was recorder "Khala") in remote past was titled as "Nigvznara". Compare the toponyms: "Nigvziani", "Nigvzara", "Nigozeti". In given case, origin of toponym "Khala" might be caused by more detailing, in particular, naming by those component,
which was an usable stick in process of gathering the walnut-tree fruits. Unfortunately, currently is less possible to present the direct factual archaeological data in order to strengthen this assumption, because of an absence of wooden handles of the tools, like axe, mattock and hook-bladed axe, discovered in west Georgian different cemeteries (16, p.70-92). It is quite evident that the tools, so widely represented in this cemeteries, necessarily should have the strong wooden handle, without which is unimaginable their practical use. Absence of the handle part of this artifacts doesn't allowed to argue by which species of the wood was manufactured the handle. Nevertheless, it seems admittable that for the making of handle, with great certainty, was use only those specie of wood (walnut) which is distinguishably strong one, as it was considered for long-term use. The reason why the handle component of tools was absence in burial sites is not difficult to explain. Climatological peculiarities of Colchis which is characterized with the top humidity and plentiful underground water streams can be appeared the reason why the wooden part of the samples was disappeared during the many centuries.
In village Sakhalvasho of the Khelvachauri district by linguist was recorded macro-toponym Nigvzara. Compare: a) Nigvznari, which means the arable land and known in village Kvatia of the Khulo district (17, p.24); b) Nigozeti, village in Chiatura municipality and c) Nigvziani, village in Lanchkhuti district. All of them located in west Geeorgia.
Beside the considered here archaeological context, special attention from the point of linguistic analyzing attracts all above mentioned toponyms and also some geographical naming which have a similar content and widely spread all over the territory of Georgia. When studying the vegetation of the certain regions, always are differentiable the endemic (local) and introduction (imported) species. In general, naming of the endemic plant always comes from the certain local language whereas the imported ones carries those naming from where it is originated. There is happening also so, when the titles of the last one happened that was translated in a local language (7, p.245).
Here given an attempt of linguistic analyzing of the two particular toponyms: Nigvziani and Nigozeti and associated with them archaeological burial sites, located, in first case, in Lanchkhuti district and, in second case, in Chiatura municipality. We present discussion about them from the interdisciplinary point of view.
Nigvziani is a name of village in inner Colchis, which was intensively, inhabited by the Proto-Colchis and Colchis ethnicity during the second half of the II millennium BC and the beginning of the I millennium BC. This time-interval in chronological system defined as Late Bronze - Early Iron Age and characterized with an essential cultural achieves and changeovers and socio-economical flourish. At the same time it coincide with the era of close interconnection with the well-known centers of the Old World. Exactly this factor, i.e. sharing and exchange of achievements of outer world played an important role in formation of the Late Bronze - Early Iron Age cultural unit in Colchis. All the mentioned processes perfectly was recorded by the rich burial assemblages.
It is remarkable that the Proto-Colchis and Colchis cultural unites especially are distinguishable with the bronze high artistic craft patterns and developed metallurgy. Numerous
archaeological assemblages of Nigvziani cemetery and Nigozeti burial widely confirms the top level of flourish of bronze and iron metallurgy in Colchis.
Concerning the Nigvziani cemetery, it is possible to note that the site contains enough diverse archaeological content. This cemetery situated in a village with the same name - Nigvziani between the rivers Tsqaltsitela and Sviana. The site on the basis of the rich artifacts dated as early as the final phase of the II millennium BC and the first half of the I millennium BC (16, p.70-92) and was excavated by the Colchis archaeological expedition under the leading of professor T. Mikeladze. In all excavated burials at the cemetery was recorded collective burial tradition where beside the group of stones (remains of the stone embankment) and various types of burial goods was revealed the burnt bones of the death individuals. It is remarkable that, in general, cremation was a dominant burial practice in Colchis.
Nigvziani cemetery was located in an open, flattened area of the mound where on 200 m2 square was unearthed 10 burials. All of them were situated at the perimeter of the cemetery and only the middle section of it appeared sterile. By the excavators special attention was paid to the south-western part of the cemetery which was totally covered by the group of stones and by scholars was identified as the "cultic square". This was a place of maximal concentration of numerous burial goods, among which were prevailed tree different type of tools: axe, mattock and hook-bladed axe (16, Tab. XXXI-XXXIV). In Nigvziani cemetery earliest one appeared the pit-grave # 1 which according the ceramics, tools and weapons made by bronze and iron material was defined as the end of the 7 century assemblage (16, p.70-92). As concerns the pit-grave # 12, it dated as early as 7 -6 centuries burial, basing on that fact that ceramic assemblage. It contained on the one hand pottery which was not distributed after the 7 century BC and, on the other hand, those type of clay samples, appearance of which was started only from the 6 century BC.
For the Nigvziani pit-graves also was enough familiar the iron weapons of various types. Basing on the great variety of the ceramic and metal burial goods, scholars separate two different, but following to each other, period assemblages. Among them the latest one (pit-grave # 7) dated by 6 century BC which finds lots of analogues with those artifacts known from the river Rioni (ancient Phasis) settlements. In general, Nigvziani cemetery according several pit-grave assemblages dated by 7 -6 centuries BC.
The second important archaeological site - Nigozeti, about the linguistic analyzing of which above was discussed in detail, currently are possible to give following archaeological information. Naming of this village again related with the walnut plant, titled in Georgian as "Nigozi". The site represents a single burial located in 1,5 km distance from the same name village Nigozeti of the Chiatura municipality. Burial was destroyed several years ago because of the agricultural activity of the local population. After arriving the archaeologists and carry out the special excavations and as well the total investigation of the area, it became clear that in 3 meter deep from the soil's surface by local inhabitants of this village were discovered large size 7 wine vessels (in Georgian -kvevri) under which appeared interesting for us burial. Burial goods consisted with a numerous weapons, tools and the patterns of artistic craft, which from the director of the secondary school of the local village was bought by the National Museum of Georgia at 50s of the XX century.
Basing on mainly bronze archaeological artifact, Nigozeti burial dated by the 8 -7 centuries BC (material stored in a main archaeological fund of the National Museum of Georgia).
Considered here sites are mostly represented by the burial assemblages exactly dated as early as the second half of the II - and beginning of the I millenniums BC which represents quite a long time-interval defined by archaeologists as the Late Bronze- Early Iron Age. It seems necessary to note that the strong background for the above mentioned date gave those numerous grave goods which were discovered in different burials in Nigvziani Necropolis [16, p.70-92, Tabs. XXXI, XXXVII-XLI] and Nigozeti Burial [2,p.138-152]. Excavated materials represented by clay vessels and figurines, bronze weapons and artistic craft items, which quite obviously demonstrate the toplevel industry, of Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages local society. According to the different scholars, this area seems that was inhabited by Mengrel-Chans/Zans population at the Late Bronze-Early Iron Ages [18; 1; 3, p. 366, 389; 2 ,p.99, 125; 19]. Apart from the above evaluated other examples (Nigvzara, Khala) we deal with other complexes (Nigvziani, Nigozeti) to a much wider extent, the origin of which can be explained with extra-linguistic approach. Presumably, that in some cases, like it is recordable concerning the Nigvziani and Nigozeti assemblages, the naming connectivity of the first ones (Nigvzara, Khala) with the site's title, local bio-environment (more precisely, the botanical data) and archaeological content, are also related with each other's. Widely considered here wanut's potential seems that logically was used by the population of inner Colchis regions (Chiatura and Lanchkhuti munisipalities), particularly by the inhabitants of the villages Nigozeti and Nigvziani. Environment, so rich with leafy and conifer trees appears a very good background and motivator for the further development of the distinctive fields of craft where the use of wooden material obviously was (and until today is) most essential.
Progress in technology of wooden artifacts and/or the connected with them separate details demonstrate in favor of the abilities of their producer craftsmen. About this fact clearly and widely indicate archaeological sites of those regions which are especially rich with samples manufactured by walnut. In various districts of Colchis where from ancient period and continuously until the modern time widely represented trees usable for the construction of different kind of buildings or for the other purposes, shows that in most case, inhabitants of this regions preference the walnut-tree.
The outcomes of the research is the interdisciplinary research of the multi-layered linguistic analysis of the toponyms and archaeological context (characteristic parameters of site's types, traces of rituals, archaeological materials: clay, metal, stone, etc.) of the Late Bronze-Early Iron Age archaeological sites. Thus, considered in presented article various archaeological assemblages showing the importance and novelty in material culture of Proto-Colchis and Colchis population. An achieved result seems rather than promising to continue study of other different sites in a wider area of Colchis. Potential usability of such interdisciplinary study directed toward the comprehensive and better understanding of the content of certain archaeological assemblages. Herewith, it includes not only the comparison of different type evidences but as well re-checking the correctness of arguments and results. Scientific value of the conducted research is to pay more attention to the interdisciplinary analysis while studying ancient monuments and to establish the
practice of the study of the materials with comparative consideration of the multi-layer interdisciplinary aspects. Summarize all above things, it is possible to underline the role of vegetation in daily life of inhabitants of the Colchis.
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Information about the authors:
Alhvlediani Nargiz (Batumi, Georgia) - Doctor of Science in Philology. Leading Researcher of the department of Folklore, Dialectology and the Emigrant Literature Research of Niko Berdzenishvili Institute of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University.
E - mail: [email protected]. She has until 80 scientific publications. Field of scientific interest: linguistics, toponymic, zaniams in toponumic.
Puturidze Marina (Tbilisi, Georgia) - Doctor of Science in History, Archaeologist. Associate Professor of the Faculty of Humanities of the Tbilisi State University. E-mail: [email protected]; marina.puturidze@,
She is the author of over 60 scientific publications, which are published in Georgia, Germany, USA, Italy, Turkey, Russia and Belgium. She was participated in over than 60 International Congresses, Symposiums, Conferences and Colloquiums in many countries of the World. Field of scientific interest: Caucasian and Near East Archaeology of the Bronze Age.
Contribution of the authors. The authors contributed equality to the present research.