MOTIVATION OF EMPLOYEES IN TOURISM INDUSTY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ussen Guldana Adletkyzy, Kulakhmetova Gulbaram Amantayevna

Business in the tourism industry is one of the most developing areas. Accordingly, the success of this field directly depends on the staff. It is very important to have competent, highly- qualified employees and managers in the tourism industry for the further development of this area. In order to ensure performance of those employees is always at the highest level, it is important to apply motivation mechanisms that encourage them to work effectively. Neglect of this important aspect in the tourism sector leads to a high turnover of staff, which can lead to negative consequences. This article discusses the features of motivation mechanisms and its impact on employees of different business areas in the tourism industry.

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1Kulakhmetova Gulbaram Amantayevna - Senior Lecturer; Ussen Guldana Adletkyzy - Student, FACULTY OF TOURISM, KAZAKH ACADEMY OF SPORT AND TOURISM, ALMATY, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN

Abstract: business in the tourism industry is one of the most developing areas. Accordingly, the success of this field directly depends on the staff. It is very important to have competent, highly-qualified employees and managers in the tourism industry for the further development of this area. In order to ensure performance of those employees is always at the highest level, it is important to apply motivation mechanisms that encourage them to work effectively. Neglect of this important aspect in the tourism sector leads to a high turnover of staff, which can lead to negative consequences. This article discusses the features of motivation mechanisms and its impact on employees of different business areas in the tourism industry.

Keywords: tourism; labor motivation; work; employees; service sector.

Introduction. As we all know, the growth of any business, any organization depends on the employees who work here. Success is based on the return on investment by the employees of each travel company in the tourism industry. High efficiency of staff is very important in the hospitality and service industry, as this activity is directly related to the provision of services [12]. The flow of customers largely depends on each employee, where a number of tourist services are provided. It is very important to create a motivational system for employees, which in particular is neglected by management, which leads to such negative consequences:

- Reducing the competitiveness of the company, this negatively affects wages and, most importantly, the social atmosphere in the team.

- Waste of extra time and money searching for a new employee;

- Disunity between employees, as the constant change of employees makes it difficult to work in a team;

- Low efficiency of employees, which leads to non-fulfillment of goals and plans;

- A tense atmosphere in the workplace, which affects the influx of customers. [4]

Of course, every employee should be interested in career growth and the growth of the business itself. Because without this, the implementation of plans and goals will be impossible. Therefore, every manager should be interested in creating favorable working conditions for employees. For a long time, management mistakenly believed that the only productive incentive to encourage employees to work effectively was considered to be material remuneration. This leads to the fact that every sphere in the tourism industry needs an effective motivation mechanism, so employees can satisfy their material and moral requirements. [11]

Fortunately, over the past five years, the perception of the need to motivate staff and increase productivity has undergone major changes in the field of tourism.[8]

The research purpose analyze the features of the employee motivation system in the tourism industry

Methods and organization of the research. For research were used the analysis of scientific articles, as well as analyses of various literary and methodological areas.

The research results and their discussion.

At the present time, there are sharp changes in society, which has led to the fact that the main source of income for any enterprise and the implementation of its plans are employees. As we said above, the success of any business depends on how effective the work of employees is. This can only happen if the team members are interested in the results of their work, that is, they have the appropriate level of motivation. [3] According to G.G. Zaitsev, "motivation is an incentive to active activity of individuals, collectives, groups, associated with the desire to meet certain needs." According to B.Y. Serbinsky, he gives the following definition: "motivation is the motivation of people to

do something. [2]" Of course, the problem of implementing effective motivation has been and still «exists" today. Despite the fact that there is a lot of information and materials, in practice, it gives a lot of difficulties to use it, in the sense that managers need to review the functions of work and characteristics of employees in order to implement a reward system.[1]

For example, we have reviewed the system of motivation of travel agency staff. The goal of any travel Agency is to establish contact between the service provider and the client, that is, with the tourist. This requires specially trained employees who must be engaged and motivated by the employer to achieve the organization's goals and meet the needs of the firm's clients.[4] Standard incentives apply to travel Agency employees: recognition, promotion, qualifications, paid leave, guaranteed job security, and cheap travel. There are no standard incentives in any company. In any case, each of them has its own additional incentives to motivate employees to work. Social and psychological incentives are very important in travel agencies. Human resource management in these companies uses a combination of different management methods. One of the most powerful motivators in such companies is advertising trips aimed at familiarizing employees with the specifics of their activities, various hotels and sightseeing programs.[7] In such companies, motivation should not be limited to individual motivational methods, but on the contrary, a comprehensive and individual approach to problem solving is required. The most common social packages in travel companies are shown in table 1.[5]

Table 1. Common public packages of travel companies

Name Description

Payment for meals It can be implemented selectively or completely. The organization holds a table in the office, signing a contract for the delivery of ready meals.

Payment for mobile phone calls This applies only to employees who use a cell phone to solve work tasks.

Training of employees Conducting free seminars for agency employees.

Financial assistance When your own events or critical cases occur, the company provides financial support. It is also quite likely to transfer an interest-free loan for expensive purchases (cars, apartments), etc

Improved working conditions Flexible schedules, shifting start and end times are actively used in the tourism industry, but more for the sake of the buyer than for employees. This allows you to take into account the wishes of customers as much as possible, who are comfortable discussing leisure issues either before or after work.

Career progress Ideally, when an employee has the opportunity to build their own career within the same organization. As for agencies, career growth is unlikely there

The above-mentioned social package, combined with bonuses from the travel agency itself, is a very effective motivation for employees. The most popular motivational approach is based on meeting the economic needs of employees, but in tourism, material remuneration is not so high and significantly increases the importance of other factors.[9] Remember that travel Agency employees are more motivated to work if they:

> Meet the requirements of the position and treat it positively;

> Clearly understand your tasks and role in the travel Agency's activities;

> Have the support of the team;

> Have the opportunity to learn;

> To feel interest and respect for yourself from the head of the travel agency;

> Get the right to act independently;

> Receive fair remuneration;

> Have the information necessary to perform their duties.

In addition to incentive types of motivation, there are penalties that also motivate employees to work effectively. It is also important to remember that the head of the travel agency's personnel management can also use disciplinary measures for committing a particular offense, i.e. for non-performance or improper performance by an employee through his own fault of the work duties assigned to him. These measures can be:[6]

> Conversation in an informal setting. The goals of the disciplinary hearing: to improve the performance of official duties by a travel company employee; to help solve problems that arise during the performance of work, to improve one, to maintain a position; to eliminate future violations of standards;

> Verbal warning. First, the head of the travel Agency must explain the complaint, then listen to the perpetrator and his explanations and find out how the situation will change;

> System of penalties. The penalty should not be considered as revenge, since it is carried out in accordance with pre-defined criteria. It is effective when it relates to an action rather than a person. In this case, the guilty person internally agrees with him, feels guilty and is ready to accept the requirements of the head of the travel agency. You may not be able to remember the punishment and the act associated with it later and changes the usual style of communication with the person.

> A written warning that is issued if the behavior has not changed after the verbal warning or another violation has occurred. Always entered in the personal file;

> Forced dismissal.

Conclusion. In conclusion, labor motivation is an integral part of the modern work of managers, since their effectiveness at work, the desire to achieve the goals of the organization, to provide the necessary result that will lead to profitability, depends on how motivated the employees of the enterprise are. Therefore, employee motivation is one of the most important responsibilities of the hotel management. Therefore, they are faced with the main task in the field of personnel management-to learn how to determine what employees want, what expectations they have for their work and how to help them in this.[10]

Travel companies have a huge potential to motivate their employees, both tangible and intangible. It should only be remembered that when creating a system for motivating employees in the tourism industry, you should first take into account the specifics of this industry as a whole, so and individual companies. Therefore, if the existing motivation theories are used correctly, as well as their combination with the specifics of the activities of travel companies, managers of which can significantly increase their professional performance, and therefore the company's profit.


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