MORPHOMETRIC CHANGES OF PLANTS AS THE BASIS OF ATMOSPHERIC AIR POLLUTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Characteristically, every year, the density of the upper soil layer gradually decreased in all variants of the experiment, from 1.51-1.47 to 1.25-1.19. When growing oats, winter rye and buckwheat in 1, 2, 3 fields, the most pronounced tendency to decrease soil density was observed when using a new biodynamic preparation and biodynamic preparations №№ 502507 in the composition of manure compost on option 5. However, the average data of the 6 fields for the entire study period did not show a significant decrease in the density of the upper layer from the use of biodynamic drugs.

Measurement of the hardness of the arable layer at its humidity of 5% showed a sharp increase in this indicator from a depth of 11-17 kg / cm2 at a depth of 5 cm to 57-73 kg / cm2 at a depth of 20-25 cm. Lower hardness was characterized by the arable layer of soil after growing corn , where during the growing season inter-row tillage was carried out. In 2006, biodynamic preparations did not reduce the hardness of the soil under any of the crops.

Also at a soil moisture of 7-10%, the hardness of its arable layer increased sharply with depth, from 7-10 kg / cm2 in the upper 5 cm layer to 45-50 kg / cm2 at a depth of 25 cm. The lowest was the hardness of the upper 10 cm layer in crops. buckwheat, 4.7-11.4 kg / cm2, which may be due to the introduction of manure compost under this crop. It was also low in lupine crops, which were sown after corn, under which manure composts were also applied.

From the use of manure compost with biodynamic preparations for buckwheat (options 3-5) there was a tendency to reduce the hardness of the upper 5 cm layer of soil, but such a reduction was insignificant. This tendency to reduce the hardness of the topsoil was also observed in the cultivation of age-oats and lupine, although these crops died in 2017 from drought.

UDC 58.073:58.04

Determination of soil hardness at the end of the growing season in drought conditions showed its sharp growth with a depth of 10-12 kg / cm2 to 72-86 kg / cm2 at a depth of 20 cm. In such conditions, its growth was observed in variants with the use of biodynamic drugs (variants 3- 5) in maize crops at a depth of more than 10 cm. However, according to the average data from 6 fields for the entire study period there was a tendency to reduce soil hardness to the full depth of the arable layer from the use of a new biodynamic drug and manure compost prepared with drugs №№ 502 -507 (option 5). Although the average data from all fields for other variants were almost the same and can not indicate a change in the hardness of the arable soil layer from the use of biodynamic drugs for 5 years, both when applied directly to the soil and with manure compost.


Trehobchuk V. Kontseptsiia staloho rozvytku dlia Ukrainy / Visnyk NAN Ukrainy. 2002. N 2 [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhym dostupu: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/Portal/all/herald/2002-02/7.htm.

Organic Agriculture and Food Security (IF -OAM Dossier 1, 2002). Rezhym dostupu: https://www.ifoam.bio/.

Willer H. The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2013 / H. Willer, J. Lernoud, L. Klicher. Bonn: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick and IFOAM Organic International, 2013. 340 p.

Derzhavna tsilova prohrama rozvytku sela na period do 2019 roku [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhym dostupu:http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/ laws/show/1158-2007-%D0%BF.


To indicate the state of the air around the poultry farm, a bioindication was used using Robinia pseudoacacia L.

Robinia pseudoacacia L. was collected in October 2017-2019. The total number of formed seed germs and the number of them that turned into mature seeds were determined in the collected pods. Next, the percentage of mature seeds was calculated.

Decreased morphometric parameters of the fruit may be due to a decrease in the number of seeds in the beans. The analysis of the number of seeds in the fruits showed a significant decrease in the studied indicator in the SPZ poultry farm compared to the control area.

In acacia pods, which were selected at the experimental site of the poultry farm in 2017, the percentage of mature seeds is 28.8%, at the control site

Nykytiyk P.A.

Polissya National University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,


73.77%, in 2018 46.6% and 75.6% and in 2019 37.6 % and 74.6% respectively.

The average data for 2017 - 2019 showed that in acacia pods, which were selected in the poultry farm SPZ, the percentage of mature seeds is 37.7%, while in the control area 74.7%, which indicates air pollution in the SPZ poultry farms. Therefore, it should be noted that the air from poultry emissions is insufficiently purified and adversely affects the reproductive system of plants. Therefore, indicator plants can be used both to detect individual pollutants and to monitor the general condition of the air.

Thus, the results of research indicate air pollution in the poultry farm SPA with toxic waste. The bioindication of the state of the environment by the percentage of mature seeds of Robinia pseudoacacia L.

Eepa3uucKuu COK>3 YneHbix (ECY) # 12(81), 2020


makes it possible to quickly and informatively study the state of the air on the territory of the poultry farm's SPA. Thus, the average data on the percentage of mature seeds in the SPZ is 2 times lower than in the control area. This gives grounds to claim that the air of the SPZ is significantly polluted by emissions of harmful gases.

Thus, the work of the poultry farm on the biodiversity of entomofauna was evaluated with the help of bioindication methods. There is a decrease in biodiversity and wealth under the influence of the enterprise on the group of insects. To predict the negative consequences of air pollution in the areas of powerful poultry farms, it is advisable to use Robinia pseudoacacia L. as a bioindicator of the ecological state of atmospheric air.

Similar studies were conducted in the sanitary protection zone of pig farms. The share of ripe white acacia seeds within the SPZ of experimental farms is 1.5-1.8 times lower than the corresponding indicators outside their SPZ and control area. Moreover, the suppression of seed ripening depends on the capacity of the farm and is described by the inverse proportion: with increasing production of enterprises, the share of acacia seed ripening decreases.

The size of the SPZ provides sufficient air purification - indicators typical of air outside the SPZ of farms, close to the control indicator. There are enterprises of medium capacity, where the size of the SPZ provides air purification in full.

Thus, the bioindication of the state of atmospheric air with the help of white acacia confirms the patterns of pollution around the studied farms, determined by physico-chemical and sanitary-microbiological methods:

- pig farms significantly worsen the ecological condition of the surrounding areas;

- air pollution increases with increasing farm capacity;

- the size of the SPZ of enterprises provides sufficient purification of atmospheric air, except for medium-capacity enterprises.

St. John's wort Hypericum perforatum L. and yarrow Achillea stepposa Klok were chosen as bioindicator plants.

The obtained results show that the values of the conditional indicator of pollen cell damage by St. John's wort vary from 0.93 to 1.50 in the poultry farm SPA, and from 0.33 to 0.60 in the control area. The integrated indicator of pollen damage by St. John's wort in the SPZ was 1.12, which indicates a significant impact of the poultry farm on the environment. , 24 to 0.35 in the control area.

Evidence of a significant anthropogenic load on the biogeocenosis is the obtained values of the integrated indicator for these plants in the sanitary protection zone (0.97). The obtained results give grounds to claim that the level of damage to biosystems is "high" on the territory of the poultry farm SPA and "medium" on the control site.

Similar results were obtained for indicators of celandine indicators of large Chelidonium majus L. and Cerasus vulgaris Mill.

According to the results of calculations of pollen of celandine large Chelidonium majus L. we found that in 2018 the lowest percentage of sterile pollen grains is observed at a distance of 800 m from the sanitary protection zone of the poultry farm (3.7 - 4.5%), and the highest percentage of sterility pollen grains on the territory of the poultry farm SPA (16.9 - 19.6%).

Evidence of a significant anthropogenic load on the biogeocenosis is the obtained values of the integrated indicator in the SPZ (0.97). The obtained results give grounds to claim that the level of damage to biosystems is "high" on the territory of the poultry farm SPZ and "medium" on the control site.

After analyzing the general assessment of the ecological condition by the test "Sterility of pollen of plants-bioindicators" the "safe" category of ecological safety of territories on a toxic-mutagenic background at a distance of 800 m from a poultry farm, dangerous - at a distance of 200 m from a poultry farm and extremely dangerous in a poultry farm.

When calculating the pollen of the plant-bioindicator of the cherry Cerasus vulgaris Mill. it was found that the lowest percentage of sterile pollen grains is observed at a distance of 800 m from the sanitary protection zone of the poultry farm (2.9 - 3.8%), and the highest percentage of sterility of pollen grains in the SPZ poultry farm (13.8 - 16.2%) ).

Calculations of conditional indicators of damage to biosystems (UPU) allowed us to assess the state of the environment using integrated conditional indicators of damage (IUPU), which showed a "moderately dangerous" category of environmental safety of sanitary protection zones of poultry farms (IUPU = 0.35) and "safe »Category of ecological safety of the territory at a distance of 800 m from the poultry farm (IUPU = 0,05).

Thus, the obtained data were brought into a single system of conditional indicators of damage to biosystems (UPU), which allowed to assess the state of the environment using integrated conditional indicators of damage (IPU).

The criteria of UPU and IUPU were determined taking into account similar indicators in comfortable and critical conditions, as well as the natural resistance of pollen cells of bioindicator plants to the influence of man-made factors in urban areas.

The category of environmental safety of poultry farm SPZ in terms of air toxicity is "dangerous" directly on its territory and at a distance of 200 m is characterized by a high level of damage to bioindicators and critical condition of bioindicators.

Therefore, the method of cytogenetic biotesting using pollen of indicator plants St. John's wort Hypericum perforatum L., yarrow steppe Achillea stepposa Klok., Celandine Chelidonium majus L. cherry Cerasus vulgaris Mill. is informative for ecological assessment of atmospheric air of anthropogenically loaded territories.


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2.Tzschentke B. Monitoring the development of thermoregulation in poultry embryos and its influence by incubation temperature / B. Tzschentke // Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2008. Vol. 64. № 1. P. 61- 71.

3.Van KerkhoveM.D. Poultry movement networks in Cambodia: Implications for surveillance and control of highly pathogenic avian influenza

UDC 636.4.082.454:615.36

(HPAI/H5N1) / M.D. Van Kerkhove, S. Vong, J. Guitian, D. Holl, P. Mangtani, S. San, A.C. Ghani // Vaccine. 2009. Vol. 27 № 45. P. 6345 - 6352.

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DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.3.81.1156

Yaremchuk O.S.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Vinnytsia national agrarian university


It was found that sows fed by Hliutam 1M for 3 days from the second day of insemination had 96.6% fertility, it was by 13.3% more than in the control.

The feed additive effect on energy metabolism of piglets in the period of weaning from sows was studied. It was found that the supplement Humilid causes an increased glucose concentration, increased activity of alkaline phosphatase and creatine kinase within the physiological norm in the blood plasma of experimental group animals. These data indicate the intensification of energy metabolism and stimulation of phosphorylation processes under the feed additive influence of the addition. The obtained results are relevant for increasing the adaptability of piglets.

The efficiency of soybean meal was proved due to the increase of its relative amount in the structure of the diet, it leads to an increase in the average daily gain of live weight of pigs by 1 kg or more reducing the time of their fattening.

Resistance and productivity of replacement pigs brought from other farms of Vinnytsia region and reared in the industrial complex is genetically feasible and increases the resistance of offspring and their productivity.

Key words: pigs, piglets, pregnancy, insemination, energy metabolism, diet, protein, rearing, productivity, resistance.

Introduction. Providing the population with high-quality food, and providing the processing industry with raw materials are the most acute modern problems of the world society. It is necessary to solve the problem of food security to ensure social stability and economic development of the state.

Literature review.

According to scientific standards of nutrition, the need for meat products is about 85 kg per capita per year [1]. That's why the intensive development of pig farming will solve this problem, namely. The unique biological characteristics of pigs, i.e. their fertility, omnivorousness, precocity, high conversion of feed into products allow you to quickly increase production of cheap and high-quality meat [2, 3].

Economic indicators of industrial complexes, commodity and breeding farms are directly dependent on the main indicators of herd reproduction [4]. Reproductive capacity of sows is caused by the morpho-functional state of the female reproductive system; it indirectly depends on a large number of exogenous factors, i.e. housing conditions, full and quality feeding, climate, season and sows' age, sperm quality and fullness, natural and artificial stimulation of reproductive function of females [5].

It is not always possible to organize and carry out full-fledged feeding, sometimes it requires a long period of time, it will inevitably affect the intensity of reproduction of the herd. That's why, it is almost impossible to work without the application of various means of restoring and stimulating female fertility [6].

Researches [7, 8] found that intramuscular injection of the biologically active drug Hliutam 1M at a dose of 10 ml increased the level of fertility of sows by 10%.

Weaning is always stressful for piglets because they are transferred to an unfamiliar environment, connected with other piglets, it leads to changes in social and behavioral reactions; piglets are weaned from the sow; weaned piglets change liquid feed to solid; their body begins to change for the consumption of new feed, its digestion and breakdown into nutrients [3].

It is recommended [2, 6] to take into account the structure of the diet and its recipe organizing the feeding of pigs. Different components of the diet can have both positive and negative effects on product quality, animal health and productivity.

According to [3, 7], oilcakes and meal are rich in protein (30-40%) and vitamin B, but they are lack carotene and vitamin D, the amount of fiber depends on the preparation of seeds for feeding. The meal obtained

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