MODULAR TRAINING IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Muxtashamova P.Z.

This article deals with the meaning of the phenomena «module training». This term by the study of foreign language exists from the end of previous centure. Module training in the course of vocational training in higher educational establishment forms and develops self-dependence by studies and self-analysis. Attempt was made to analyze advantages and disadvantages of module training.

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UDC 378

Muxtashamova P.Z.

Uzbek State University of World Languages


Abstract: This article deals with the meaning of the phenomena «module training». This term by the study offoreign language exists from the end ofprevious centure. Module training in the course of vocational training in higher educational establishment forms and develops self-dependence by studies and self-analysis. Attempt was made to analyze advantages and disadvantages of module training.

Keywords: module training; higher educational establishment; self-dependence by studies; the study of foreign language; profession; module.

The term "module" goes back to the Latin word modulus - "measure" and is widely used both in pedagogy and in a number of other sciences. The module as a training program is individualized in content, methods and techniques of learning, level of independence, the pace of student cognitive activity and thanks to this, modular learning is significantly different from other learning systems in the teaching of foreign languages. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the student must himself study the selected part of the course according to an individually developed scheme. The main provisions of the student-centered approach to the teaching of foreign languages are the predominant role of independent work of the student, in which he is an active subject of educational activity and where he controls the learning process and monitors the result of mastering a foreign language. When using module training in universities, the most relevant method is the study and use of innovative technologies. At the profile level of teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to use modular learning technologies, the main goal of which is the readiness and ability of a university student to independently learn a foreign language. The main principle and content of education is presented in complete independent complexes-modules (information blocks), which teachers develop and offer for training. Complexes - modules are methodical guidelines for its use, which indicate not only the volume of the studied content, but also the level of its assimilation. The student's skills and abilities such as autonomy, self-planning, self-organization, self-control and self-esteem, as well as the desire to devote maximum time to acquire these qualities not only when learning foreign languages, but also to study other sciences and subjects come to the fore. Unfortunately, not all first-year students, where specialized foreign language training takes place, have already formed quality data at the initial stage of training. In this case, the teacher needs to divide into stages the main educational goal, for solving which tasks it is necessary to form it within the framework of individual training elements of the module. The relationship between teacher and student is based on subject-subject relations, the result of which is independence and awareness to achieve the required level in modular education and where the necessary degree of student adaptation to the new conditions of the methodological-

pedagogical process takes place.With subject-subject relations in modular education, the teacher develops so-called instructions or guidelines to help the student, when using these instructions, independently acquire knowledge using the information provided to him when using modular training technology, which is based on the free operation of educational material. The task of the teacher is to manage the student's learning activities, constantly encouraging and motivating their independent work. The cycle of independent classroom or extracurricular work and self-control is carried out by keys. This is central since it contains the complete technology of self-learning and self-control. The material for mastering, arranged in blocks, is provided to each student for independent work. The student finds and fixes the self-guided summary of the educational material explained by the teacher, makes a series of exercises for his mastering and step-by-step self-monitoring of the keys, becomes familiar with the requirements and plan of the project task (if it is provided as the final stage of mastering the module); final test. Each module is an integration of various types and forms of education, and educational material as a whole, aimed at solving common problems and the main goal, which is based on the problem of learning.When developing the structure of the module, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the trainees in order to easily change the content of training and the possibility of its use in teaching foreign languages, which indicates a complex didactic goal, perceived as a personally significant expected result.So modular learning has the following advantages. This is an autonomy in which students achieve the specific goal of the educational process - they consolidate knowledge on a particular topic. Since students devote a lot of time to independent work in the learning process, students acquire such important skills as self-organization, self-control and self-assessment. Students have the opportunity to realize themselves in the educational process, independently determine the level of learning, see the shortcomings in their knowledge and skills and eliminate these shortcomings. The use of training elements of the modules develops such qualities of a student's personality as autonomy and collectivism.

The main disadvantages of modular training are the following: the compilation of modules is quite troublesome and laborious process for the teacher and takes a lot of time; The student is not always morally ready for self-study, as he is completely lacking the motivation to study this subject, because he considers it secondary. In this case, the teacher is required to exert maximum efforts to convince the student of the need to learn a foreign language for success in his future profession and only then offer modular training. In some cases it is not possible to apply the modular learning method on any material; sometimes it is not possible to use emotional or descriptive material for learning.


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2. Kukosyan OG, Knyazeva G.N. The concept of modular technology training in the system of additional professional education. - Krasnodar. 2001.

3. Muravyova A.A., Kuznetsova Yu.N. The organization of modular learning, based on the committees. Manual for teachers. M., 2005.

UDC 37.02

Qurambayev A. master student National University of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan, Tashkent city EDUCATION OF A GENERATION WITH HIGH SPIRITUALITY,


Annotation: In this article highlights offactors education of a generation with high spirituality, morality and perfection.

Key words: education, spirituality, morality, generation, youth.

Currently, the state educational system is waiting for the transition to a new degree of development and requires a radical restructuring of the existing teaching methods. The ultimate goal facing our peoples - the building of a democratic state based on the rule of law, the formation of civil society - presupposes the transformation of all spheres of life. A powerful factor in solving this problem is the spiritual potential of our people, its internal reserves.

The success of the case will depend on the fact that our people are aware of the importance of the reforms in the life of the country, internally feel it. Our First President Islom Karimov argues that "Spirituality is the desire to know oneself, one's place in society"[1]. To achieve this requires a lot of hard educational work among young people. Work in this area has already begun. Educational work is carried out in the family, in preschool institutions, educational institutions, labor collectives. This educational process needs a deep methodological basis. The theoretical justification of all the transformations taking place in our country is the work of philosophers, historians and specialists in all social Sciences.

The formation of moral and moral qualities of young people is becoming more important than ever in the development of our society today. Because the soul of a nation is in its spirituality, decency, the spiritual and moral root of society is a phenomenon inextricably linked with the history of the nation. Spirituality is manifested, first of all, in the relationship of each person with other, that is, in his morality."Morality is the core of spirituality". Spirituality does not appear in itself as a power, it can be seen in the culture, morals of man, as a scientific-creative, social or labor activity.Morality is a picture in relation to spirituality, if it is an external aspect, then etiquette in turn is the emergence of moral qualities. For this reason, the perception of a person is deeply rooted in morality, morality, spirituality. But at the same time, morality is relative to morality, and spirituality is a wideranging essence in relation to morality[2].

At the present stage of development, not only young people, but also among all members of our society, there is a growing sense of national idea, national spirit, patriotism on this basis, love and loyalty to the native land, which in turn are the

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