Научная статья на тему 'Modification of ceramic mass on the basis of loess-loams with application of conglomerate oil-slow mixture for establishment of energy efficient technology of obtaining lightweight aggregate'

Modification of ceramic mass on the basis of loess-loams with application of conglomerate oil-slow mixture for establishment of energy efficient technology of obtaining lightweight aggregate Текст научной статьи по специальности «Технологии материалов»

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Аннотация научной статьи по технологиям материалов, автор научной работы — Montaev Sarsenbek Aliakbaruly, Bisenov Kylyshbay Aldabergenovich, Narmanova Roza Abdibekovna, Shinguzhieva Altynay Bakytzhanovna

The results of studies on obtaining the lightweight aggregate were presented. In scientific experimental research, loess-like loams, sand and oil sludge from various deposits are used. The introduction of oil sludge into the composition of ceramic masses allows reducing energy costs by 20-25%.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Modification of ceramic mass on the basis of loess-loams with application of conglomerate oil-slow mixture for establishment of energy efficient technology of obtaining lightweight aggregate»

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-17-5.6-29-32

Montaev Sarsenbek Aliakbaruly, Professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University

E-mail: montaevs@mail.ru Bisenov Kylyshbay Aldabergenovich, Professor, rector of Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt ata

Narmanova Roza Abdibekovna, Leading researcher of engineering profile laboratory Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt ata Shinguzhieva Altynay Bakytzhanovna, Doctoral student, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University

E-mail: shing.a@mail.ru



Abstract: The results of studies on obtaining the lightweight aggregate were presented. In scientific experimental research, loess-like loams, sand and oil sludge from various deposits are used. The introduction of oil sludge into the composition of ceramic masses allows reducing energy costs by 20-25%.

Keywords: lightweight aggregate, conglomerate mixture, loess-loam, heat conductivity, technology.

Nowadays a distinctive feature of developed countries is the rational consumption of resources. Energy and resource saving in technologies of production of building materials, efficient use of production waste is a priority area of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In developed countries, energy efficiency policies promote the growth of competitiveness of the economy and production, the development of science and technology, new modern technologies, innovations.

Energy saving in the industrial sector means obtaining the same economic result, but the lowest cost energy or obtaining higher performance at the expense of the smaller or the amount of energy per unit of production [1].

This means reducing energy consumption and at the same time saving money [2].

Currently, one of the promising building materials is lightweight fillers, which are used as fillers in lightweight, structural and other types of concrete, and also as a heat-insulating material.

From the point of view of increasing energy efficiency in the production of building materials, oil sludge is of the greatest interest.

Every year a large amount of oil wastes is stored and transported to the dumps, the volume of which reaches thousands of tons.

These indicators are growing every year. Oil companies use a part of oil sludge, burning them in special installations, as oil sludge belongs to the

category of flammable and combustible materials


Such indicators of oil sludge, as combustibility and flammability, provide for the content of valuable hydrocarbon compounds in them as oil, paraffin, resins, asphaltenes.

Therefore, oil sludge should be considered not as a waste, but as a valuable energy-releasing and additionally modifying additive for other sectors of the economy [4].

The authors [5] investigated the possibility of using oily waste in the production of expanded clay.

It was found that the pore-forming additive from the oil waste improves the performance of the keramzit samples: the swelling coefficient increases 1.1 times, and the swelling interval is wider by 20 °C than the conventional additive.

The authors developed the technology of lightweight fillers using waste automotive oils (waste oil products) in compositions with quartz sand.

An additive in the amount of 1% of used oils in the composition with quartz sand allowed to in-

crease swelling clay raw material, to increase mechanical strength and to lower the temperature of firing aggregates.

Technologies are known where the authors propose to use construction waste in the production of light aggregates for concrete [7; 8]. As a result of research, lightweight aggregates with improved properties were obtained.

The purpose of our study is to investigate the possibility of obtaining a lightweight aggregate based on non-expanding loess-like loams in fine sand and oil sludge compositions.

The main raw materials are: loess-like loam of the Chagansky and Kyzylorda deposits.

As a pore-forming, corrective additive was used oil sludge LLP Zhaykmunay, JSC PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources. The fine grained sand of the "Cretaceous Hills" deposit (Uralsk) and sand barren sand of the Kyzylorda deposit was used as reinforcing additives.

The studied chemical compositions of the loesslike loam are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. - Chemical composition of loam of Kyzylorda and Chagan deposits

Name of raw materials Oxide content, mass%

Si02 Ti°2 CaO MgO Fe2°3 P2°5 F S°3 C°2 Na2° k2° p. l.

Loam of Kyzylorda deposit 52,58 12,25 - 12,0 2,13 5,10 - - 2,57 - 3,60 - 9,78

Loam of Chagansky deposit 55,1 14,3 - 13,2 3,1 7,3 - - 2,8 - - 2,6 11,43

To prepare a conglomerate mixture, the oil slimes were pre-mixed thoroughly in a propellertype laboratory mixer. After cross-linking, the oil sludge has the following characteristics: conventional viscosity at 80 °C — 2.1 Pa-s; Density at 20 °C, — 950-960 kg/m 3; The content of petroleum products is 34.0-37.9% by weight, water is 27-36.2% by weight, mechanical impurities are 4.0-4.5% by weight.

The next stage in obtaining conglomerate oil sludge mixture is the joint mixing of oil sludge with fine-grained sand in certain proportions. The resulting conglomerate, after mixing, acquires flow ability and creates favorable conditions for subsequent mixing with loess-like loam.

After the preparation of the raw material the components are dosed for preparing ceramic masses. Component ceramic compositions are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. - Component ceramic compositions

Composition number Component, mass%

Loam of Chagansky deposit Conglomerate mixture in the composition fine-grained sand (Cretaceous hills) and oil sludge of Zhaikmunai LLP

1 95 5

2 90 10

3 85 15

Loam of Kyzylorda deposit Conglomerate mixture in sand composition (Kyzylorda deposit) and oil sludge of PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC

4 95 5

5 90 10

6 85 15

From the prepared ceramic mass by the method of plastic molding, granules with a diameter of 1020 mm were formed.

The molded granules were dried in a drying oven at a temperature of 80-90 °C to a residual moisture content of 7-8%.

The dried granules were heat-treated at a temper-

Table 3. - Physical and mechanical

ature of350-370 ° C in an electric muffle furnace and fired in a rotary kiln RSR120-1000/13 according to a specially designed regimen. The firing temperature was between 1100-1200 ° C.

Burned granules were tested for determine the physical mechanical properties. The results of the experimental studies are presented in Table 3.

properties of the samples under study

Composition number Firing temperature °C Bulk density, kg/m 3 Crushing strength in a cylinder, MPa Heat conductivity coefficient, W/m*K

1 675 4,4 0,1

2 662 4,3

3 1150-1160 654 4 0,07

4 540 5,1 0,1

5 470 4,5 0,07

6 451 4,3

Conclusions and the results.

As the results of experimental studies show, with an increase in the content of the conglomerate mixture from 5 to 15%, the changes in the physical and mechanical properties of the samples obey the following regularities:

- the bulk density gradually decreases from 675 to 451 kg/m 3;

- the strength of the samples when squeezed in the cylinder is higher in the formulations where it has the lowest content of the conglomerate mixture;

- the thermal conductivity of the samples also changes in the direction of decrease. At the same time, the thermal conductivity is lower in the com-

positions, where the content of the conglomerate mixture is the highest.

A distinctive feature of the developed technological solutions is that to obtain a lightweight aggregate, weakly-loess loess-like loams that promote the expansion ofthe raw material base for the production oflight-weight aggregates are used as the main raw material.

In addition, the use of oil sludge in the technology production of lightweight aggregates as an energy-releasing component reduces energy costs by 20-25%.

Environmental effect is achieved by using the waste oil industry in the production of finished products in demand.


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