MODERNIZATION OF SERVICES ON THE RAILWAYS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Scientific progress
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Ключевые слова
infrastructure / modernization / assets outside the industry / irrational management mode / innovation / service quality

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Murod Maksudovich Payazov

This article discusses the need to modernize the management of the market for services in railway transport, starting with the improvement of services. The works carried out in Uzbekistan and in the world are the main problems of “Uzbekistan Temir Yollari” JSC. Missed opportunities in the service sector. Suggestions and conclusions are made on the creation of modern services on the railways.

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Murod Maksudovich Payazov

Doktorant of Fergana Polytechnic Institute fayz19700308@gmail.ru


This article discusses the need to modernize the management of the market for services in railway transport, starting with the improvement of services. The works carried out in Uzbekistan and in the world are the main problems of "Uzbekistan Temir Yollari" JSC. Missed opportunities in the service sector. Suggestions and conclusions are made on the creation of modern services on the railways.

Keywords: infrastructure, modernization, assets outside the industry, irrational management mode, innovation, service quality


The countries of the world, which do not have access to their territories by sea, lag far behind in terms of overall macroeconomic indicators. In itself, in support of the market for these services, the development of infrastructure and the addition of additional costs to the formation of export-import prices, the increase in prices, which affects the price competitiveness of products. This has led to an artificial reduction in prices by the manufacturer, as a result of which the manufacturer is working to its detriment [6-12].

Three economists from the World Bank's trade management and logistics department, Jean-François Arvis of the African Regional Transport Authority, Gale Raballand, and Jean-François Marto of the PREM (Preliminary Reference Earth Model) sales division, 16 of the 32 countries in Asia, Europe and South America, which have a population of 440 million and no access to the sea, are one of the main reasons why they are among the poorest, most economically weak and dependent countries in the world. But among them, Austria, Sweden and European countries will not lag behind the coastal countries in terms of their ability to effectively organize the mechanisms of market management of services in the infrastructure of the sea.

In this regard, the Action Strategy for Uzbekistan, including the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021:

- Radical improvement of the quality of service at railway stations, including the purchase of high-speed passenger trains, electrification of railways, construction and reconstruction of railway lines, renewal of wagons, development of domestic tourism, security of transport

communications, improvement of passport control system Attention is paid to the development of a draft resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which provides for measures to improve the efficiency of rail services in the market of services in general.

In the Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis dated December 22, 2017, increasing the capacity of railway infrastructure is included in the list of the most basic and urgent political, socio-economic issues, including: In the Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis dated December 22, 2017, increasing the capacity of railway infrastructure is included in the list of the most basic and urgent political, socio-economic issues, including:

- Increasing the capacity of our country in the field of transport and communication infrastructure in the framework of the project "One place, one road" initiated by the Chinese government. To have preferences in transit of main export goods from transit countries, in particular, Turkmenistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Encouraging the efforts of foreign and domestic investors to implement specific projects in the field of logistics;

- Establishment of the National Logistics Portal to support national carriers and create additional conditions for entrepreneurs.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at a meeting on May 25, 2020 on ensuring sustainable operation and sustainable development of the transport sector:

- The share of railways in international freight is from 75% to 87%, there is a good opportunity to increase customers by improving the quality of services and reducing costs.

- Obsolescence of fixed assets in the system of JSC "Uzbekistan Railways", the large number of non-sectoral assets in the company hinders the development of core business.

- Tasks have been given to optimize non-sectoral enterprises within Uzbekistan Railways, improve tariff formation mechanisms, and renew the car and locomotive fleet.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in an open dialogue with entrepreneurs of the country on August 20, 2021 instructed the Ministry of Transport to implement the work to expand the range of services in the next five years:

Review the definition of railways within two months, in conjunction with the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Finance and the Antimonopoly

Committee. Revision of railway tariffs for entrepreneurs within two months, including imports of raw materials produced in Uzbekistan, reduction of existing tariffs on imports of raw materials by at least 25%.

On May 11, 2021, the President adopted a resolution "On measures to accelerate the development of the services sector," which provides for the transformation of this sector into an important driver and doubling the volume of services by 2023.

From January 1, 2022, the Ministry of Transport will make public the cost of each service and its structure.

Freight car service is organized on the basis of market principles.

The example of the world's largest logistics companies focuses on attracting 2-3 private enterprises.

The issue of abolishing the monopoly of Uzbekistan Railways was raised.

Research and practical developments in recent years, the decisions taken, one of the most pressing issues in the development of JSC "Uzbekistan Railways" show that the market of services is not developed, including;

- maintenance is not carried out in accordance with international standards;

- incomplete access of railway services to the regions;

- Insufficient use of innovative technologies in the development of the services market;

- There is no railway investment hub;

- Insufficient use of management legislation in the rational organization of the services market.


In order to develop the scientific and methodological basis for improving the management mechanisms in the services market, we used the services of JSC "Uzbekistan Railways" and its management system, comparison, forecasting, correlation and ectropolation approaches, methods of economic analysis.

In our study, JSC "Uzbekistan Railways" in the field of railway transport, the International Union of Railways (UIC (Union Internationale Des Chemins De Fer), France), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and Central Asia (UNESCAP (United Nations) Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), international organizations such as CARES (Community and Regional Economic Support), Asian Development Bank, Organization for Cooperation between Railways (OSJD) , Poland), (ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization), Iran) used data from the Council of Railway Transport of the CIS member states [13-30].


The share of the services sector in the world's gross domestic product averages 61 percent. In our country, this figure is 36%. but 86 percent added value is created in this area.

The analysis shows that the service sector in Uzbekistan is developing faster than the real sector of the economy. This is due to structural changes in the national economy, taking into account the trends of globalization in the world economy, which in turn will increase the welfare of the population, as well as fill the market with services.

According to the analysis, the volume of services in 2016-2020 increased by 2.3 times. The volume of services per capita in the country amounted to 6393.2 billion soums. In Tashkent, Bukhara and Tashkent regions, the volume of services per capita in Tashkent is higher than in other regions. The volume of services per capita in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Kashkadarya, Namangan and Surkhandarya regions is 2 times lower than the national average.

In 2021, 2,000 projects worth 18 trillion soums will be implemented, and the services sector will grow by 20%. However, the growth rate was low in 5 districts and cities. In general, the level of service to the population remains low.


Taking into account the decisions, decrees and priorities of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the development of the service sector, including the ideas put forward to improve railway services, today the share of railways in world international services (Table 1) length and electrified railways.

Table 1

The share of railways in land area relative to land area

№ States Total land area (thousand km2) Railway length (thousand km) The share of freight services is a percentage of total services Electrified roads (ming.km) Electrified railways in relation to general railways (%)

1 USA 9343 23564 40 51244 20

2 Rossiya 17125 85300 45 43400 51

3 China 9 598 124000 67 80000 65

4 France 551,5 29901 82 15140 51

5 Japan 377,9 27268 22 - 0

6 Germany 357,4 43468 75 19973 46

7 Uzbekistan 448,9 4735 25 1830,3 39

Source: Developed by the aut ior.

Analyzing the data in the table, we can see that when comparing the length of railways in Uzbekistan with Germany, Uzbekistan is 10 times behind operating railways and electrified roads, 6 times behind railways and 8 times behind electrified roads compared to France. This means that there are many areas where Uzbekistan does not have access to railway services to improve the railway services. When analyzing the coverage of services provided, in Germany it was 75% of freight services, in Uzbekistan it was 25%. Railways play a key role in increasing the country's economic power. The performance of these systems is not sufficiently improved.

Also in economic statistics; In 2019, the volume of rail transport in the Republic of Uzbekistan amounted to 35.0 million tons, of which 19.6 million tons (56%) to EEU (European Economic Union) countries: exports - 8.7 million tons, including 6.0 million tons ( 69.0%) to EEU countries; imports - including 19.3 million tons. 13.1 million tons (68.0%) from EEU countries; transit - 7.0 million tons, including. 0.4 million tons (6.3%) to EEU countries.

Compared to the EII, the number of transport fleets: freight cars in the EEU countries - 1.37 million units, in Uzbekistan - about 20 thousand (1.5%).

Revenues from the service sector have also begun to make a significant contribution to the economy of countries that pay special attention to the services sector. Revenues from services exceeded 4/3 of the country's GDP. Such countries include Luxembourg (85%), France (77%), the United States (76%), Belgium (75%), and the United Kingdom (75%). Countries that account for more than 50 percent of GDP in services include Western Europe and North America, as well as some Southeast Asian countries, such as Hong Kong (90 percent) and Singapore (69 percent).

It should be noted that the lack of access to the sea in the Republic does not prevent the development of this service sector. Uzbekistan, located in the heart of Central Asia, has a great opportunity to maximize the benefits of the "One Place - One Way" program in the growth of the share of services in the country's GDP. "One place -one way" includes about 900 different infrastructure projects (roads and railways, ports, power stations, bridges, etc.) in more than 60 countries.

Uzbekistan can enter the markets of China and other countries through the railway services, use the opportunities and resources of the PRC, attract investment in key sectors of the national economy, more fully realize its logistics capabilities.

Effective management of the transport and logistics system is the effective use of functions and management tools aimed at the rational use of vehicles in the process of ensuring the income of businesses in the field of services. The structure of transport and logistics management includes transport marketing, financial management of the transport enterprise, management of transport processes, management of employees of the transport enterprise.

Therefore, one of the most pressing issues today is to conduct a systematic analysis of the management of the integrated transport and logistics system, identify areas for development and develop management tools in the interests of society. We believe that a systematic study is needed, taking into account the factors affecting the management efficiency of the integrated transport and logistics system.

The development of logistics in the service sector is a manifestation of globalization - a process that most directly affects the country's economy and the economic activity of domestic enterprises. Proper formation and further development of services in logistics based on the implementation of international standards for the functioning of logistics is the key to successful activities in world markets and the integration of the national economy into the modern structure of the world economy.

It is known that the sphere of services in logistics is formed in the process when efforts are made to optimally organize and constantly rationalize material, financial and information flows.

And this determines the conditions for the implementation of logistics services as a practical direction of the scientific approach to entrepreneurial activity.

Analyzing the above data, to a certain extent, our export and import operations are carried out by rail. In the current period, 1.5% of the total freight cars in Uzbekistan were accounted for by Uzbek Railways. This situation also shows that the Uzbek railways are losing a lot of opportunities in the field of services..


The level of efficiency of the transport and logistics system is a key factor in the delivery of goods. The study shows the inefficiency of the existing mechanism based on the effective management of the transport and logistics system, the inconsistency of business processes, the presence of problems in the management system of integrated transport and logistics companies. The solution of these problems is increasingly determined by the need to integrate the main processes of managing logistics companies, i.e. planning, reporting, development of transport and logistics strategies, as well as modes of transport and logistics systems on a single integrated basis.

As a result of the research conducted as part of the dissertation research, the following conclusions were made:

S The volumes of freight traffic by rail in the country's economy are analyzed, taking into account the growing competition between modes of transport, its advantages and disadvantages are classified based on its competitiveness, technical, operational and economic characteristics compared to other modes of transport. transport, integrated transport, demonstrated the tasks for the effective management of service sectors by the management system. The implementation of these tasks will serve to raise the rating of the country's transport network in terms of development indicators to the highest level in the world.

S The advantages and possibilities of using modern methods of managing services in the transport sector are substantiated, which is the most effective and promising direction in the formation of control systems for product delivery processes. This will increase the efficiency of the company by solving systemic problems of control and management, as well as ensuring the safety of movement and storage of goods.

S Based on the use of elements of modern methods of managing the service sector in logistics, an economic and mathematical model has been developed to assess the effectiveness of managing an integrated transport and logistics system. This model will become the basis for effective management of transport and logistics processes.

S One of the main elements of the effectiveness of the implementation of the model of improvement in the management of the directly service sectors in the transport and logistics system at JSC "Uzbekistan Temir Yollari" is the minimization of logistics costs, reducing the time for fulfilling orders of service consumers. Uzbek Railways has confirmed that delivery times can be reduced by 25% as a result of the use of modern logistics technologies and integrated logistics concepts "Ishikawa diagram", "value-added flow map" and "real time" In order to further improve the market of services in the Republic of Uzbekistan, it is necessary to further develop the market of railway services, which will allow further intensive development of this market. To this end, it is important to ensure a comprehensive reform of the railway service of the Republic of Uzbekistan, based on the gradual implementation of irrational models of organization of services that provide systemic, structural changes in management. At the same time, of course, it is advisable to use the experience of foreign countries, including France and Germany. Scientific research is underway to improve the market of economic locomotive services, to develop a model of irrational management mechanisms to further improve the political and economic life of the country, public administration.


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