Научная статья на тему 'Modernization of modern Russian education: the formation of an innovative educational environment'

Modernization of modern Russian education: the formation of an innovative educational environment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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European science review
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Ключевые слова
innovation / education / educational process / learning environment / modernization

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Struk Natalia Maksimovna, Gavrilova Natalia Igorevna

The article analyzes the role of innovative environment in the formation of modern Russian education. In this context innovations in education are studied as a unique quality of the social mechanism that ensures resource development of both individuals, and society as a whole.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Modernization of modern Russian education: the formation of an innovative educational environment»

Section 11. Sociology

Article 13 of the Tax Code, as “activities carried out by an individual and (or) a charitable organization and consists of rendering assistance, to include remittance, individuals in need of financial or other assistance, either directly to organizations that provide similar assistance, including charitable or scientific, educational or other activities performed in the public interest, unless otherwise provided in this Code" For “other" legal persons, in fact, engaged in philanthropy law uses the term “sponsorship" For example, “a non-profit providing aid, that is a charitable purpose, sport" stands out as the type of sponsorship in the Law of Azerbaijan Republic “On the Principles and Rules of sponsorship in the sphere of physical culture and sports development in Azerbaijan Republic" (2000). Individuals may engage in charity and helping the needy and charities. Charitable organization as defined in Article 13 of the Tax Code as “a non-profit organization engaged in charitable work" Special procedure for registration of “international humanitarian organizations and other foreign entities engaged in charitable activities". In order for such an organization to start its activities in Azerbaijan, it must obtain the consent of the Cabinet ofMinisters for registration with the Ministry ofJustice. Regular NGOs registered with the Ministry ofJustice to obtain such consent is not required.

Ministry ofJustice to obtain such consent is not required. Competent ministries and state bodies, Executive instructed to urgently assist humanitarian organizations. Media are required to allocate 5 percent of airtime and advertising space to accommodate social advertising, which has a charitable purpose in accordance with the Law “On Advertising" Republic

of Azerbaijan in 1997 [4]. It should be noted that in recent years in Azerbaijan as a whole has become intensely revive actively develop Institute charity. This is largely due to the tremendous efforts and personal initiative of the First Lady of Azerbaijan, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Meh-riban Aliyeva. Multi-faceted and tireless work Mehriban in this area is well known and has received wide publicity not only in our country but also far beyond its borders. On her appreciation indicate two prestigious international awards — awarded her the highest order of the International Charity Fund “Patrons of the Century" — “Ruby Cross" and the premium for a large-scale charity “Golden Heart". Today, Azerbaijan ranks 67th place among 150 countries and in the world rankings for charity. This is stated in the report of the International Charitable Organization “Charities Aid Foundation". Topping the list of Australia and New Zealand, where 57 percent of the population are involved in charity. The top ten also includes Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, USA, Netherlands, UK, Sri Lanka and Austria. Charitable Foundation “Charities Aid Foundation" was established in 1924 in the UK. The Fund was established as part of the National Council of Social Services. Since 1974, the Foundation acts as an independent [5].

Thus, we can conclude the following: at the present stage, no doubt, recognized the positive impact charitable activities on society and social processes and in many charitable activities understood and acts as a resource and as a way to form as solutions to social problems, as well as a factor in personal development philanthropist and self-realization.


1. Antonovich I. V Charity as a sociocultural phenomenon: a sociological analysis on the example of the Altai Territory./ diss ... cand. sociologist. Sciences./I. V Antonovich. - Barnaul: ASU, 2003 - 194 p.

2. Aliyeva Mehriban. Today, for the development of the charitable sector in Azerbaijan, there were several obstacles./ [Electronic resource]. - Available from: http://www.day.az (March 20, 2008).

3. Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic. - Baku: Book, 2000, - 96 p.

4. [Electronic resource]. - Available from: http://news.day.az/society/145183.html (Date Views 10.04.2014).

5. Newspaper “The Mirror" - 12 May 2012.

Struk Natalia Maksimovna, candidate of Philosophy, associate professor E-mail: struknm@rambler.ru Gavrilova Natalia Igorevna, Irkutsk State Technical University, candidate of History, associate professor of the Department of Sociology and Social Work

E-mail: nig2312@yandex.ru

Modernization of modern Russian education: the formation of an innovative educational environment

Abstract: The article analyzes the role of innovative environment in the formation of modern Russian education. In this context innovations in education are studied as a unique quality of the social mechanism that ensures resource development of both individuals, and society as a whole.

Keywords: innovation; education; educational process; learning environment; modernization.


Modernization of modern Russian education: the formation of an innovative educational environment

The development of modern Russian society is associated with the modernization process that affects all aspects of functioning of life activity. The process of modernization is associated with the implementation of institutional matrix, which is based on innovative efficient structure of society, which implies effective economic development, eradication of corruption, increase of management efficiency, development of industry and science, improving the quality of human capital. Innovative processes, being the basis of modernization, with the whole logic of functioning of social mechanism put forward in the center of pressing problems and changes a sustainable public interest in high-performance innovation. A distinctive feature of modern innovation processes is that the overwhelming part of them connected with the conscious activity of people, their will, interests and motives of behavior.

At the present stage of development of russian society, typical for traditional mind settings on the dependence on external to the man himself circumstances, paternalistic expectations, external control are dominated, affect that he can not. At the same time, in all social groups of russian society there is the general priority of values, which perform an integrative role and make the system of values very stable, filled with inner meaning in relation to the activities of people.

Innovative personality as an immanent element of human capital are formed by the totality of motivational, perceptual, cognitive, imaginative components. The combination of these elements, their internalization forms the personality, capable of solving complex problems of both technical and social level. Crucial to this process is an innovative education as the most important resource of structuring the process of modernization.

Innovative education involves learning in the process of creating new knowledge — through the integration of basic science, direct teaching and production, which orients the student to the maximum development of creative abilities, creating the motivational need to self-improvement and self-learning.

One of the most important challenges facing the higher education system in modern Russia — the formation of an innovative educational environment.

Much in this process depends on the established educational environment as a whole, in Russia, and a particular institution in a particular region. The necessary component of this educational environment is the availability of innovative educational environment of universities, including business incubators, technology parks, venture capital companies.

The most important conditions for the transition to an innovative educational environment of the university is updating the content of education, which should be based on the use of information technologies, program-target methods of training students, the introduction of integrated training programs.

Educational environment of the university — is an organized set (system) of integrated components having the quantitative and qualitative characteristics for creating the conditions of targeted and effective use of university potential in the

formation of a competitive person with an innovative direction and having an active influence on the set of elements of the environment through feedback.

The main components of the educational environment are functionally target component, acting as the leading in the system, setting out the aims and objectives of environment, which depend on the real possibilities of the university; and technological component that is a factor providing the integrity and orderliness of learning environment. Feedback acts as the most important component, as an opportunity to project the interests and needs of students for optimization and stimulating the activity of subjects of the educational environment (university administration, teachers) for innovation. The consequence is the revitalization of professional and personal development and self-development of students finding their independent position, status, their own image, because the environment is perceived as an individual for each emerging person and apart from the educational and methodological knowledge in a particular area, is both a highly structured environment for the organization of various forms of independent cognitive activity.

The educational environment, having the integrity of necessary elements, provides the individual (student) the ability to adapt to the conditions of university and to develop the qualities forming the personality of innovative type. At the same time, such environment has the emergence, which makes possible the process of self-improvement of personal qualities of all the subjects in the educational environment, and having a wide range of modality, generates a variety of types of local environments, that give rise to the diversity and even mutual exclusion of the qualities of targets. Structural and dynamical characteristics of the educational environment determines its intensity, and the concentration of its influence, the degree of saturation of conditions and opportunities. In this process the activity of student’s personality in the adaptation of the innovative environment acts as the determining value. The personality traits formed by the educational environment, going through the process of internalization, become stable personality traits, which are based on responsibility for their own preparedness as a specialist.

The effectiveness of the educational environment is defined in terms of diagnostics of its basic elements and the environment in general. Among them it is possible to allocate the current and prognostic adequacy of educational and training programs, forms and methods, means and techniques, ways of organizing learning activities; full and appropriate use of available educational resources, library collections, computer equipment, classroom fund; scientific, modern information content, creative atmosphere as the main characteristic of microclimate in high school, a flexible combination of administration and self-management in high school, extensive links with external social environment.

As a research area for the analysis of the educational environment, one of the largest universities in Eastern Siberia was used, that in 2010 received the status of a national research.


Section 11. Sociology

The analysis of individual elements of the educational environment is based on a combination of institutional, activity-activist and socio-communicative approaches, which led to the paramount importance of considering the subjective experience of perceiving reality by college students, as well as the transformation of experience and identity in educational practice.

The results of monitoring [1; 2] of changes in the educational environment of the university (in years 2006-2014), its ability to meet the demands put forward by the process of modernization are put in the spotlight.

The students of first courses set of 2014 demonstrated the greatest susceptibility to optimization of the educational environment of the university, the high level of expectations both in terms of the educational process, and socio-cultural values of the university. The bachelors of 1 year of study are characterized by high satisfaction with the information component of the educational environment (75-85.4 %), training and methodological support (86.1 %), the technical component of the educational environment: equipped classrooms and laboratories with modern technical facilities, the ability to work on your computer and accessibility to Internet resources (72.3-74.4 %). During the last years monitoring recorded growth of potential activity of first-year student in mastering of the educational environment of the university, the desire for mastering and appropriation of its most essential qualities.

In contrast to the position of first courses students the final year students’ opinions regarding the university educational environment have changed slightly (from a certain predominance of positive dynamics) from the time they enter university. These positions are the basis of an overall assessment of the educational environment of the university by final year students. In particular, 15.7 % of the respondents described the process of learning in the university as “very high”, 44 % — “high”, the average assessment of the learning process at the university is contained in the answers of 28.2 % of the respondents; the lowest rate — in the answers of10 % of the respondents. 1.6 % of the graduate students were not satisfied with the process of learning at the university. The above range of opinions broadcasts in indicators of satisfaction degree of the choice of university and profession. On the background of every fifth (22.5 %) disappointed in his field student, and almost every fourth (29.3 %) — in the university, 48.2 % of students are sure that it is not a mistake with the choice of an educational institution and the profile of training. In 2008, the figure was 9 % lower (39.2 %).

However, these figures are in some dissonance with undergraduates estimates of their opportunities in the labor market, confidence in the future.

Generally, despite the positive characteristics of the condition and quality of the educational environment of the university, as in 2008, only 40.5 % of the students surveyed are confident in their preparedness for life and work in modern conditions, to adapt to the labor market. 39 % of respondents found it difficult to give an answer, 20.5 % — responded negatively.

When planning their future only 46 % of respondents feel a sense of optimism. At the same time the feeling of uncertainty associated, first, with the problems of employment is peculiar to 22.5 % of the respondents, that is 7 % more than in 2008. At last, for earning 31.5 % of respondents are ready to forget about the specialty obtained and work not by profession.

Thus, the current situation has exacerbated the problem of formation of professional motivation and professional identification of students formed within the educational environment of the university. Half of the future graduates does not imagine themselves in the chosen profession. The degree of alienation of students from the chosen specialty and professional practice remains significant. The process of formation of personal and professional competencies of students is far from being full.

Overall, despite some positive, according to students, trends in the dynamics of the educational environment of the university, the reproduction of its former models is objectively observed.

It should be stated, that the going changes in the educational environment at this stage rather have the character of filling backlogs in individual elements, than a qualitative transformation and innovation in the process of forming its integrity.

The results of regional research correlate with the results of nationwide survey, according to which “the change in the status of the university as a resource innovation center is not much” and “there is no reason to say that the existing forms of innovations carry significant educational progress” [3, 70]. Thus, it is very early to fix the final outcome of the formation of an innovative educational environment of high school.

At the same time, the present study has shown the formation of positive expectations of students in the region for education sector modernization, as a whole, and the educational environment of the university, in particular.


1. This paper summarizes the results of studies of CCSR NR ISTU in 2006-2014 years. See: Struk N. M., Gavrilova N. I., Struk E. N., Guzik M. V. The quality of employment of graduates as the criterion of self-esteem of university//Intrahigh school systems of ensuring the quality of specialists training: Proceedings of the IV International scientific-practical confer-ence/Ed. by E. N. Osokin. - Krasnoyarsk, 2006. - P. 101-104.

2. Struk N. M., Gavrilova N. I. Upbringing problems in the conditions of formation of a new educational space//Bulletin of ISTU. - 2013. - № 1 - P. 282-288.

3. The modernization of russian education: problems and prospects/Ed. by M. K. Gorshkov and F. E. Sherega. - М.: CSP and M, - 2010.


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