MODERN TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES IN UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sobirova Zarkhala Boltakulovna, Tolibova Shokhzoda Bakhtiyarovna, Rofeeva Shokhida Davronovna

Аt the current stage of modern development, reforms in the education system are of great importance. This article also covers some issues related to the education system. In particular, the educational processes, teaching methods and teaching methods are described in detail. The problems and shortcomings in them are expressed on the basis of statistical facts. In addition, a number of suggestions and recommendations to improve the quality of educational processes were made, and a mechanism for their implementation was developed. In covering the content of the article, the scientific works and works of various world scientists have been studied, analyzed and relevant quotations have been given. At the end of the article, all comments are summarized.

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MODERN TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES IN UZBEKISTAN Sobirova Z3.1, Tolibova Sh^.2, Rofeeva Sh.D.3 Email: Sobirova17157@scientifictext.ru

1Sobirova Zarkhala Boltakulovna - Assistant;

2Tolibova Shokhzoda Bakhtiyarovna - Assistant;


Abstract: at the current stage of modern development, reforms in the education system are of great importance. This article also covers some issues related to the education system. In particular, the educational processes, teaching methods and teaching methods are described in detail. The problems and shortcomings in them are expressed on the basis of statistical facts. In addition, a number of suggestions and recommendations to improve the quality of educational processes were made, and a mechanism for their implementation was developed. In covering the content of the article, the scientific works and works of various world scientists have been studied, analyzed and relevant quotations have been given. At the end of the article, all comments are summarized.

Keywords: educational processes, problems in educational processes, educational processes, teaching methods and teaching methods.


1Собирова Зархала Болтакуловна - ассистент;

2Толибова Шохзода Бахтияровна - ассистент; 3Рофеева Шохида Давроновна - ассистент, кафедра английского языка, факультет русской филологии,

Самаркандский государственный университет, г. Самарканд, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: на современном этапе современного развития большое значение имеют реформы в системе образования. В этой статье рассматриваются некоторые вопросы, связанные с системой образования. В частности, подробно описаны учебные процессы и методы обучения. Проблемы и недостатки в них выражаются на основе статистических фактов. Кроме того, был внесен ряд предложений и рекомендаций по повышению качества образовательных процессов и разработан механизм их реализации. При освещении содержания статьи были изучены, проанализированы научные труды и труды различных ученых мира, приведены соответствующие цитаты. В конце статьи подытожены все комментарии. Ключевые слова: образовательные процессы, проблемы образовательных процессов, образовательные процессы, методы обучения и методы обучения.

UDC 81-132

DOI: 10.24411/2312-8089-2020-12407

The modern world dictates its own conditions for the development of additional education. More and more often additional education is shifting from the sphere of education to the sphere of services, thereby losing its main purpose - the versatile development of the child. This tendency is primarily associated with the development of the

vector of practicality in parents. More and more often, parents think about the future of their child before he is born. This is good, but often parents deliberately deprive the child of the opportu ty to choo e the r ow path, mak g a dec o for h m wh ch "better". At the same time, not taking into account the potential of his child, his interests. The priority is the necessary skills, which in the future should help the child with admission or when building a career ladder. Also, the change of priorities in additional education is associated with the development of society. Currently, society needs talented narrow specialists who can solve a specific problem. Thus, the main task of additional education is not in the development of a child as a versatile personality, but in the search for talented children and the development of their potential in order to achieve the maximum result, thereby responding to the needs of society. The third reason affecting the change in the task of additional education is the demand of the economy and industry. Production technologies are being improved and require highly qualified personnel, as well as new fresh ideas for modernization and optimization of production facilities. Additional education due to its potential and flexibility to solve the problem.

Having analyzed the variety of choice of directions in the field of additional education, it can be concluded that the leading role is occupied by the artistic direction (2 076 352 people / 20.2%), the development of the child's physical potential (1 967 859 people / 17.1%) ... They are followed by traditional directions of technical directions (208,265 people). And the early popular military-patriotic trends (23,345 people) are already closing the list. Oddly enough, the natural scientific (ecological and biological) (172 605 people) orientation is of interest mostly for children of preschool and primary school age. This is most likely due to the natural interest of children to learn about the world around them, but among middle and senior schoolchildren, information technology, robotics and preparation for final qualification exams (USE, OGE) are of the greatest interest. This is primarily due to the development of information technology and the growing demand of society for qualified personnel. In response to the request of parents, society, industry, the government of the Russian Federation in 2015 launched the Quantorium project. On December 13, 2018, in the Sverdlovsk Region, it solemnly opens 3 sites simultaneously: two of which are in the city of Yekaterinburg - one based on the Yeltsin Center, the second on the basis of the Sverdlovsk Railway. The third site was opened at the innovative cultural center in Pervouralsk. The following directions are developed in quantoriem:

• Promrobokva tum - study of advanced technologies in the field of electronics, basics of mechatronics and programming, design and programming of robots;

• Co mokva tum - the study of the physical and mathematical foundations of cosmonautics, electrical engineering, radio engineering, electronics and photonics, the design of small earth satellites;

• IT Qua tum - in-depth study of programming, network technologies. Mastering highlevel programming languages: C ++, C #, Java, Arduino, Rasberry Pi and Internet of Things (IoT); • Geoqua tum - work with GIS, data collection with panoramic imagery, unmanned aerial vehicles, processing of satellite imagery data. Basics of 3D modeling of terrain objects;

• I du tr al de g - learning the basics of sketching, prototyping from various materials, creating 3D models, prototyping and visualizing objects;

• Creat o of V rtual real ty - VR (virtual reality) and Augmented Reality AR (augmented reality);

• HI - TECH SHOP - a high-tech prototyping laboratory equipped with 3D printers, CNC machines, soldering and other modern equipment. Quantorium - meets all the needs of modern society in the field of information technology. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to cover all the eed of oc ety the form wh ch "Qua tor um " ex t ow. It ece ary to expand the focus and expand the age range.

An important aspect is the personnel issue. Modern demands of society require modern approaches and the use of modern technologies, devices and methods. To maintain the

required level (qualification) of the teaching staff, retraining courses are required. In a competitive environment, older people are the first to become vulnerable, as they find it more difficult to adapt to rapidly changing technologies. Young cadres are reluctant to become teachers of additional education, which is primarily associated with low wages and high workload. Despite the increase in the salaries of teachers of additional education both in nominal terms and relative to the average salary of teachers, according to the indications of the MCO in the reporting year 2018, it was not possible to overcome the negative trend of an increase in the share of teachers of organizations of additional education of retirement age and a decrease in the share of young teachers. That lead to a deterioration in the quality of services provided in municipal organizations of additional education. In the context of market competition, the analysis of MCO indicators in the reporting year 2018 allows an increase in non-governmental organizations of additional education. Another area in which municipal educational organizations are losing is the condition of buildings. The number of buildings of educational institutions of additional education of children that are in disrepair and require major repairs is increasing. On the other hand, the general condition of the material and technical base of organizations of additional education for children is improving.

This is a serious factor determining the nature of government decisions on the development of education, measures of targeted support for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, aimed not only at leveling the conditions for obtaining high-quality education for all categories of the population, regardless of social status and place of residence, but also at stimulating the development of growth points in education.

References / Список литературы

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