MODERN TRENDS IN TEACHING TRANSLATION PRACTICE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
education / theory of translation / translation / teaching methods / CAT tools.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Z.I. Salieva, M.Ja. Duvlanov

There is a pressing need to redesign translation studies in higher education and institutions and integrate new types of technologies to create an opportunity for translation students to learn and practice translation process and gain better theoretical knowledge. This paper will discuss about the history of first technologies used in classroom, Uzbek and other foreign scientists’ views and implementing CAT tool in translation practice.

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ISSN 2223-4047

Вестник Maeucmpamypu. 2022. № 3-1 (126)


There is a pressing need to redesign translation studies in higher education and institutions and integrate new types of technologies to create an opportunity for translation students to learn and practice translation process and gain better theoretical knowledge. This paper will discuss about the history of first technologies used in classroom, Uzbek and other foreign scientists' views and implementing CAT tool in translation practice.

Key words: education, theory of translation, translation, teaching methods, CAT tools.

The sphere of education has changed respectively to the evolution of technology sphere. Using technology in education dated back to the 19th century that simple tools and appliances implemented in teaching process as an educational technology. In around 1870 'Magic lantern' was one of the first technologies in education, it showed images on glass plates by reflecting light to the wall. By the end of 1918, American schools already had more than 8,000 units of glass plates for Magic lanterns. During next decades' new types of technology and tools were developed and implemented in teaching. The price of paper was lowered and this allowed each student to have his/her own books. As books were widely produced, a new type of technology emerged to use in class, namely educational films.

Today, in 21st century we can not imagine our life without technology at all. Modernized classes require using different methods and professional tools to supply students to achieve better results. Now, every higher education and institutions offer free access to the World Wide Web for their students and trying to support them to use properly in their learning process.

In 1959-1963 years, the theory of translation began to be recognized as a science in Uzbekistan. Prof. Uzbek scholars N. V. Vladimirova ("Nekotori'e voprosi' khudojestvennogo khudojestvennogo s russkogo na uz-bekskiy yazi'k", 1957), J. Sharipov ("Nekotorie perevo'e 1958"), Salomov's (Translation of Proverbs and Idioms, 1961), who discussed the views of A. A. Reformatsky and A. V. Fedorov on the theory of translation, laid the foundation for their research. In 1961, the first book of the scientific collection "The Art of Translation", founded by Professor Gaybulla Salomov, was published. In response to the demands of the time, the authors focused on some of the linguistic and poetic features of translation theory.

In Uzbekistan in the sixties of the last century scientific researches created by N. Vladimirova, J. Sharipov, G. Salomov, Yu. Pulatov, J. Boronov, AS Aznaurova, A. Abduazizov, Q. Musayev, G. Gafurova, S. Salomova, N. Kamilov and extensive research on the theory of translation has been conducted. Among them, the contribution of Professor Gaybulla Salomov, who continued the research of Professor AV Fedorov's works, in the development of linguistic principles of translation theory is worth mentioning. His monograph "Language and Translation", published in 1966, made a significant contribution to the further development of the theory of translation in Uzbekistan.

Teaching methods and materials in translation studies have been modern one. According to Kiraly's ideas, a growing number of translator trainers have addressed the 'pedagogical gap' when explaining instructions about translation skill, and it reflected in 'the lack of clear objectives, curricular materials, and teaching methods [3, p. 5]'. But now the situation is different that we can use different strategies and modern methods in teaching translation studies. In the top universities educators have implemented. Corpus based teaching, CAT programs and corpora-based teaching are designed to help translator students to learn do their job faster and more efficiently.

It has been clearly demonstrated by scientists [Austermuhl 2001; Bowker 1998 and 2000; Lindquist 1999] that corpora can be valuable and helpful resources and now students can reasonably access corpora compilation with the help of internet. In recent years' corpora has gained popularity in teaching translation studies, as it provides students and trainers a wealthy of examples that allow them to search terms and expressions in different context and thus it leads to valuable usage of information in translation.

Jiménez-Crespo states that nowadays, translation cannot be considered as professional without the need of technologies that support it [8, p. 52]. In the five years professional translation is automated by Machine translation. Today, professional educators and translators are using in their class 'Computer aided translation tool (CAT tools) as a keyword and 'translation memory as notably a key-composant. There are several factors why professionals are encouraging translation students to learn and use CAT tools. Firstly, Modern Cat tools consist of several

© Z.I. Salieva, M.Ja. Duvlanov, 2022.

ISSN 2223-4047

Вестник магистратуры. 2022. № 3-1 (126)

functionalities into on 'workbench' and it is portable to use during translation. Secondly, the integration of software of translation has significantly improved and CAT tools aims to support translators but not replace them. Lastly, CAT tools have been adapted as usable and flexible respectively to the requirements of standards of software and end users' knowledge on possible benefits is steadily growing.

To sum up, using new types of educational technology is an urgent issue in modern world. Without the implementation of new methods and tools, translator trainers cannot meet their desired result and pedagogical gap maintains over the years and it creates other significant issues in the future that can be difficult to overcome at once. By observing the world class universities, in Uzbekistan translation schools must change their teaching methods and update materials that are used in classes.


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SALIEVA ZARRINA ILHOMOVNA - PhD, associate professor, Samarkand state institute of foreign languages, Uzbekistan.

DUVLANOV MIRJALOL JAMOLIDDIN O'G'LI - ESL teacher at academic lyceum under Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction, Uzbekistan.

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