Научная статья на тему 'Modern problems of management enterprises' innovation potential'

Modern problems of management enterprises' innovation potential Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Shanazarova Gulerakhon

The principles of modern management orient the management of organizations on rapid decision-making, constant contact with the consumer, granting subordinates autonomy, encouraging their entrepreneurship. It is known that the success of an enterprise depends not only on exceptionally successful market conditions, but, increasingly, on timely and objective evaluation and development of the company's innovative potential. And objective assessment, implementation and development of innovative potential is an integral part of the innovation management of the enterprise. The purpose of this work is to identify and analyze modern problems of managing the innovative potential of the enterprise.

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Принципы современного менеджмента ориентируют руководство организаций на быстрое принятие решений, постоянный контакт с потребителем, предоставление подчиненным автономии, поощрение их предприимчивости. Известно, что успех предприятия зависит не только от исключительно удачной рыночной конъюнктуры, но, во все большей степени, от своевременной и объективной оценки и освоения инновационного потенциала предприятия. А объективная оценка, внедрение и освоение инновационного потенциала является неотъемлемой частью управления инновационным потенциалом предприятия. Целью данной работы является выявление и анализ современных проблем управления инновационным потенциалом предприятия.

Текст научной работы на тему «Modern problems of management enterprises' innovation potential»

UDC 658.5

JEL: O32; J34:O35; L21




©Shanazarova G.

Tashkent State University of Economics Tashkent, Uzbekistan, gulyorakhon@yandex.ru

©Шаназарова Г. Б.

Ташкентский государственный экономический университет г. Ташкент, Узбекистан, gulyorakhon@yandex.ru

Abstract. The principles of modern management orient the management of organizations on rapid decision-making, constant contact with the consumer, granting subordinates autonomy, encouraging their entrepreneurship. It is known that the success of an enterprise depends not only on exceptionally successful market conditions, but, increasingly, on timely and objective evaluation and development of the company's innovative potential. And objective assessment, implementation and development of innovative potential is an integral part of the innovation management of the enterprise. The purpose of this work is to identify and analyze modern problems of managing the innovative potential of the enterprise.

Аннотация. Принципы современного менеджмента ориентируют руководство организаций на быстрое принятие решений, постоянный контакт с потребителем, предоставление подчиненным автономии, поощрение их предприимчивости. Известно, что успех предприятия зависит не только от исключительно удачной рыночной конъюнктуры, но, во все большей степени, от своевременной и объективной оценки и освоения инновационного потенциала предприятия. А объективная оценка, внедрение и освоение инновационного потенциала является неотъемлемой частью управления инновационным потенциалом предприятия. Целью данной работы является выявление и анализ современных проблем управления инновационным потенциалом предприятия.

Keywords: innovative potential, modern problems, innovation potential management, innovation aims, resources.

Ключевые слова: инновационный потенциал, современные проблемы, управление инновационным потенциалом, инновационные цели, ресурсы.


The term innovation has also been defined and interpreted in special dictionaries and literature. In particular, in the Big accounting vocabulary, published in Russian, the term innovation refers to 1) investing in the economy with a view to facilitating the exchange of technology and

technology; 2) "new techniques and technology, which are the result of scientific and technical achievements" (1).

Innovative capacities in developing countries require a direct involvement of large-scale investments. At the present time, developed countries spend about 5-7% of gross domestic product (GDP) to create new technologies and technologies, to produce new products.

Therefore, modern management methods are based not only on the organizational and technological approach, but also on the innovative approach, namely the internationalization of management, the growth of international competition; a combination of different types of control systems.

The general acceleration of the economic development of the world market requires other approaches to assessing the opportunities for effective operation of the enterprise. One of such opportunities is the availability of innovative potential from the enterprise and its rapid implementation.

Literature review

More general methodological principles of innovation activity in enterprises and the foundations of its management are contained in the works of such domestic and foreign researchers as: N. Yuldashev, M. Umarkhodjaeva and others. The following researchers devoted their work to the formation and management of the innovative potential of economic systems at various levels: S. N. Shishkin [1], O. P. Korobeinikov, A. A. Trifilova, I. A. Korshunov [2], E. N. Safonov, A. Palamarenko [3], E. I. Krylov, V. M. Vlasova, I. V. Zhuravkova [4], D. S. Khomutskii [5], Yu. V. Vertakova, E. S. Simonenko [6], A. N. Kogan [7], K. P. Yankovskii, I. F. Mukhar [8], S. A. Knyazev [9], M. V. Algina, V. A. Bodnar [10], Sh. M. Nurgalieva [11], B. Kh. Sanzhapov, A. V. Kopylov, D. A. Kopylov [12], V. V. Glazunova [13]. They have been studied in their works practical aspects of innovative management, as well as the stages of organization of innovation activity at the enterprise.

Discussion of Results

Realization of innovative potential can't happen accidentally, without purposeful influence and management of this process. Therefore, it should be recognized that there are at least two tasks facing the enterprise: an assessment of this potential and its rapid implementation. To assess the potential, an appropriate system of indicators is proposed, and its implementation requires:

-development of a system of change modules reflecting actual changes in innovation potential;

-division of the catalog of innovative problems into a block of prospective and current tasks at the enterprise;

-development of a system of staff interaction in solving current and innovative tasks;

-Development of a system of information on the management of implementation and its effectiveness from the point of view of break-even at different stages of the life cycle of innovations;

-formation of a system of target indicators of innovation activity.

Innovation, like any other factor of production and its result, goes through all stages of the life cycle, requiring costs and timing of implementation. Therefore, in the context of general economic requirements, it is necessary to determine the main targets for the functions of innovation: production, sales, personnel, finance, etc. and the timing of their achievement.

Innovation evaluation targets include indicators that characterize the degree of renewal of factors of production and the product produced, reflect the growing competitiveness of production in general, the acceleration of the production process and the relative savings of resources. These include:

-indicators of the use of materials and raw materials per unit of output, -indicators of labor productivity and their change in the transition from the stage of development and implementation to the stage of development in the production process, -indicators of salaries and labor intensity of products by stages of the life cycle, -indicators of the use of current assets, -indicators of renewal and use of fixed assets.

For each stage of innovation, the above indicators are calculated, the actual value is compared with the planned one, and the reasons for the deviations are revealed by the results of the deviation. Based on the identified reasons, measures are being developed to eliminate them, which is a complex management task. For example, many problems are related to personnel. Therefore, the degree of preparedness of personnel to work in conditions of shortage of time for the implementation of innovations is determined, the fulfillment of planned standards and standardized tasks by the working people, observance of the main parameters of the production process is determined.

To implement innovations, it is necessary to systematically inform top managers and production personnel about the progress of implementation and the mastery of technology, detailed analysis of sales activities, inventory of weaknesses, analysis of production costs, assessment of the company's development trends from the perspective of innovation. A set of operational tools to accelerate the introduction of innovation can be as follows:

-zones of search of the factors interfering with achievement of success of innovation;

-operational planning for shops, plots, types of goods (for production);

-operational planning of the sale of goods;

-analysis of weaknesses in the organization;

-analysis of weaknesses in technology;

-analysis of weaknesses in management;

-analysis of weaknesses in the sale of goods;

-calculations of the efficiency of production and sales of goods based on the amount of coverage; price planning, cost planning;

-detection of obstacle zones by innovation;

-internal factors of success and failure (classification and identification). The main factors limiting the personal effectiveness of the manager, among them the inability to manage oneself; obscure personal values and goals; stopped self-development; lack of skills to solve innovation problems through innovative methods; lack of creativity; inability to influence people; Insufficient understanding of the manager's work features in innovative projects and organizations; weak leadership skills; inability to train people; low ability to form a collective.

Based on the above reasoning, we can conclude that the complex nature of the innovativeness of the enterprise. At the end of the chain of logical reasoning, we will define the innovative potential.

The innovation potential is the ability of the considered object of the real sector to provide a sufficient degree of renewal of factors of production, their combinations in the technological process of the produced product, organizational and managerial structures and corporate culture.

Innovation potential allows the company to ensure competitiveness and become a leader by outstripping or solely releasing new products based on modern market development and advanced technologies. The converse is also true — the loss of innovation and the preservation or increase in the assortment of goods of traditional output axiomatically means the loss of the market and, as a result, the rapid deterioration of financial and economic indicators.

In the current economic conditions, there is an intensification and aggravation of competition, and an increasingly important factor of success is the degree of innovation activity of enterprises involved in the competition for the consumer. Companies that are unable to bring new products to the market and (or) use new production and management technologies in their commercial activities sooner or later give way to companies that actively use their innovative potential. At the same time, the dynamism of the market environment does not allow economic entities to predict with a high degree of accuracy which innovative product released to the market will be successful. In this regard, a relatively low magnitude of successful innovation is natural compared to the total number of innovative projects implemented. In this regard, special importance is given to identifying the opportunities that would allow the production of innovations and, consequently, increase the competitiveness of the enterprise's products. The fundamental factor in the success of innovation in the market is the availability of the company's high innovative potential. However, the presence of high innovative potential in itself does not guarantee the successful introduction of innovation: a special role here is played by effective management of innovations.

An important problem in managing the innovative potential of an enterprise is the lack of a unified methodology for assessing the organization's innovative potential. In many methods, there is an extremely one-sided assessment of the organization's innovative potential and does not take into account the influence of its other subsystems in addition to the financial and economic subsystem. The significance of this methodology is to justify the need for financial stability of the organization-in particular, and the sustainability of the economic system-as a whole, to provide opportunities for innovative development of the organization and the formation of its innovative potential. On the basis of a comparative analysis of existing methods, it can be concluded that a problematic place in the formation of the innovative potential of the organization is the definition of interrelations and mutual influences between production processes, without which a systematic understanding of the work of the organization is impossible. The totality of these shortcomings determines the prerequisites for the search for new methods of analysis and the development of methodological support that compensates for existing shortcomings in assessing the innovative potential of organizations.

In innovation, as the final result of the innovation process, the realized innovative potential of the enterprise is embodied. Under the innovative potential, one can understand the combination of the enterprise's capabilities to achieve innovative goals, that is, the innovative potential acts as a measure of the enterprise's readiness to implement innovative projects. The interrelation of the main terms of the theory of innovation management is manifested in the fact that innovation activity provides the innovation process with a complex of organizational and managerial measures.

Russian scientist S. A. Knyazev in his work proposed to classify innovative barriers on such criteria as the degree of overcoming, the source of origin and the functional scope of the enterprise. In terms of the degree of overcoming, innovative barriers can be divided into easily overcome, difficult to overcome and insurmountable. Insurmountable are called such barriers, in the face of which a decision is made to stop innovation activities in this area and the use of freed resources in other areas of the enterprise. Difficult barriers require, in order to overcome, the attraction of a large number of additional resources from various sources. Easy-to-overcome barriers are characterized

by the ability to resolve the problems that arise by using the project's set of resources. According to sources of innovation, innovation barriers are divided into two large groups: external (economic, legal, market, infrastructure) and internal. Internal barriers are proposed to be classified according to the functional spheres of the enterprise's activity into organizational, managerial, scientific and technical, production, and personnel barriers [9].

Enterprise Capacity Management Methodology Understanding the essence of the enterprise's potential, according to the authors, can be built mainly on two models:

1) resource-spare model, which interprets potential as the availability of resources and technologies that can be involved in today' s business and the future, as well as processes that limit and stimulate this involvement; 2) an entrepreneurial and production model that interprets the potential as the degree of business activity of the enterprise in attracting resources and innovation.

The following principles are based on the proposed methodology of enterprise potential management:

-the potential is a dynamic characteristic and is manifested only in the process of its use;

-the use of the enterprise's potential should be accompanied by its growth;

-the process of using and building capacity is continuous and complementary.

The methodology of enterprise capacity management will be to identify, assess, assign, use and build it by speeding up processes that remove constraints and increase the capacity utilization potential. The essence of the first stage of capacity management is its identification, which consists in the search for, certainty and stabilization of the potential for its further evaluation. The basis of this stage is information.

Management of innovative potential of the enterprise is a set of organizational and management actions for the formation, building up and implementation of innovative potential. Management of innovation potential solves three main tasks:

1. Formation of innovative potential — primary planning and acquisition of resources necessary to achieve innovative goals.

2. Capacity building of innovative potential — quantitative and qualitative improvement of indicators of the state of innovative potential at the enterprise.

3. Realization of innovative potential — process of transformation of components of innovative potential into the final product — innovation. The first of the tasks of managing the innovative potential of the enterprise-formation — is solved step by step:

1) Setting an innovative goal.

2) Planning the need for the resources needed to implement innovative goals.

3) Acquisition of resources necessary to achieve the innovative goal. A particular case of acquiring resources as a procedure for the formation of an enterprise's innovative potential is the release of resources from the routine operating activities of the enterprise. The last stage of the formation of innovative potential is closely connected with the solution of another task of managing the innovative potential — its building up. The need to solve such a task as building innovative capacity is dictated by the possibility that additional resources may be needed to produce innovation. Exceeding the value of the accumulated potential over the value of the potential necessary for the production of innovation.

The solution of the task of realizing the innovative potential of the enterprise is related to the application of such management functions as organization, coordination, motivation, monitoring, monitoring and evaluation of the actions of employees involved in the innovative activity of the enterprise within the framework of the innovative project.

In practice, there are two ways to increase the innovative potential of the enterprise:

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Increase the amount of labor used to produce skills innovation




Acquisition of more raw

materials, materials, complete for innovation activities

Increase of production capacities in the innovation sphere


Increase in the number of rules, norms, regulations,

regulating internal innovative activity of the enterprise


Increase in the number of organizational activities, structural units associated with innovation activities

Ways to increase

the innovative potential of the enterprise

Intensive approaches




Improving the quality of the workforce through increasing the level of knowledge, skills, competencies

Reduction of waste and

resource intensity of innovation production, transition to new resources



Increase in the introduction of resource-saving and resource-substituting technologies, infrastructure of the main production capacities

Optimization of the organizational structure, improvement of the quality of organizational arrangements for the management of innovation activities



Optimization of rules, norms and regulations governing the internal innovative activity of the enterprise, for contradictions, duplication, "Spaces", etc.

Figure. Extensive and intensive approaches to building innovative capacity of the enterprise


The solution of the task of realizing the innovative potential of the enterprise is related to the application of such management functions as organization, coordination, motivation, monitoring, monitoring and evaluation of the actions of employees involved in the innovative activity of the enterprise within the framework of the innovative project.

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Also, the identification of a certain direction of innovative development using economic and mathematical criteria allows enterprises to save on irrational costs associated with the generation

and selection of ideas. In other words, objective knowledge of its initial innovative capabilities allows enterprises to avoid irrational costs associated with the development and implementation of innovative development strategies. In the future, this economy can act as an assessment of the economic effect of the proposed approaches to the formation of innovative development strategies.


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Работа поступила Принята к публикации

в редакцию 10.10.2017 г. 15.10.2017 г.

Ссылка для цитирования:

Shanazarova G. Modern problems of management enterprises' innovation potential // Бюллетень науки и практики. Электрон. журн. 2017. №11 (24). С. 305-312. Режим доступа: http://www.bulletennauki.com/shanazarova (дата обращения 15.11.2017).

Cite as (APA):

Shanazarova, G. (2017). Modern problems of management enterprises' innovation potential. Bulletin of Science and Practice, (11), 305-312

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