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УДК 375.25
Ibragimov R.N.
Tashkent State Pedagogical University Uzbekistan, Tashkent city MODERN PROBLEMS OF LINGUISTICS AND METHODS OF
TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE Abstract: In this article, we reflect on modern problems of linguistics and methods of teaching English. At present, the need to learn English in its actual functioning in various spheres of human activity has become generally accepted. The well-known fact is that an indispensable condition for the implementation of any communicative act must be a mutual knowledge of realities by the speaker and the hearer, which is the basis of language communication.
Keywords: background knowledge, foreign languages, linguistics, phonetics, grammar
Аннотация: В данный статье мы рассматриваем современные проблемы лингвистики и методики преподавания английского языка. В настоящее время необходимость изучения английского языка в его реальном функционировании в различных сферах человеческой деятельности стала общепринятой. Общеизвестным является тот факт, что непременным условием реализации любого коммуникативного акта должно быть обоюдное знание реалий говорящим и слушающим, являющееся основой языкового общения.
Ключевые слова: фоновые знания, иностранные языки, лингвистика, фонетика, грамматика
At present, the need to learn English in its actual functioning in various spheres of human activity has become generally accepted. The last year of training focuses on business English, where the main is the communicative method of teaching. However, here we are faced with a number of communicative problems of linguistics.
The well-known fact is that an indispensable condition for the implementation of any communicative act must be a mutual knowledge of realities by the speaker and the hearer, which is the basis of language communication. These values have received in linguistics the name of background knowledge. A word reflecting an object or phenomenon of the reality of a particular society not only means it, but also creates some background associated with this word.
The experience of teaching shows that even at advanced stages of education, students admit a significant number of errors both in the performance of exercises
and when using substantive constructions in conversational practice.
Incorrect use of these structures in the composition of a complex sentence leads to a violation of the logic of the utterance and, as a consequence, to nonfulfillment of the tasks of communication.
The transition from cultural to individual is manifested in the projection of cultural significance through the prism of some of its own properties, attitudes. This is the barrier in communication, which is called psychological, and is the most difficult to overcome in communication between individuals, because For all people the mechanism of "encryption" and "decryption" is different and depends on various reasons, one of which is the different psychology of people. Therefore, the urgency of the communicative problem has now acquired an unprecedented poignancy. This problem is also connected with one of the problems of translation theory, namely with the ways of transferring the equivalent vocabulary, ie. Vocabulary, which has no analogues in a different culture. It, in turn, creates a great obstacle in communication between people of different cultures. The solution to this problem we see in the expansion of background knowledge of students. Background vocabulary are words or expressions that have additional content and accompanying semantic or stylistic nuances that overlap with its basic meaning, known to the speaker and listener belonging to a given language culture. Therefore, an important stage in teaching communication is to familiarize students with the realities, traditions and customs of English-speaking countries.
In our university in the course of teaching a foreign language much attention is paid to the elements of linguistics. The use of the linguistic and cultural aspect contributes to the formation of the motivation of the teaching, which is very important in the conditions of studying in the college because foreign language communication is not supported by the language environment.
When learning a language, simultaneously with the condition of each lexeme, the lexical concept associated with it is formed. If the lexeme is acquired and articulated correctly, this does not yet indicate that the lexical concept has been completed. In the educational process, it should be borne in mind that the word is simultaneously a sign of reality and a unit of language. Therefore, nonequivalent and background vocabulary needs comment, requires special attention of the teacher. Equivalent vocabulary is the property of culture. If we compare two national cultures, then we can conclude that they never completely coincide. This follows from the fact that each language consists of national and international elements, and for each culture the totality of these elements will be different.
Since there is parallelism between language and culture, it is necessary to talk about national and international elements not only in cultures, but also in the languages of their servants. The introduction of students to the culture of English-speaking countries is an integral part in teaching a foreign language. In our practice, we constantly draw the attention of students to the culturological aspect, namely, what traditions and customs exist in the culture of the country whose
language they are studying. We introduce students to language units that most clearly reflect the national characteristics of the culture of the native speaker of the language and among its existence. In addition, the content of the national culture also includes the social component, on the basis of which knowledge about the realities and rights of the countries of the studied language, knowledge and skills of communicative behavior in acts of speech communication, skills and abilities of verbal and non-verbal behavior are formed.
Due to the fact that students do not have the opportunity to communicate directly with the native speaker of the language being studied, the teacher needs to explain and explain certain features of the culture of native speakers, we often face the problem of students' lack of understanding of the characteristics and culture of the native speaker. In this regard, we are trying to select the language material reflecting the culture of the country of the studied language, the so-called realities. In realities, the closeness between language and culture is most clearly manifested. A distinctive feature of reality from other words of the language is the nature of its substantive content, i.e. A close connection of the designated reality of an object or phenomenon with a national one, on the one hand, and a historical period of time, on the other. Reality as a linguistic phenomenon is most closely connected with the culture of the country of the studied language, since it has a national and historical color.
Following the communicative system - activity approach in the study of the English language, we in our practice try to implement such a method of instruction, in which an orderly, systematized and mutually related teaching is conducted to a foreign language as a means of communication in the context of the verbal activity modeled in the classroom, an integral and integral part of the overall (Extralinguistic) activity. Communicative system-activity approach implies complete and optimal systematization of the relationship between the components of the content of training. These include the system of general (for example, extralinguistic, pedagogical) activity, the system of speech activity, the system of speech communication (communication, interaction and mutual perception), the system of the foreign language being studied, the system correlation of native and foreign languages (their consciously comparative analysis) Speech mechanisms (speech generation, speech perception, speech interaction, etc.), text as a system of speech products, a system of structural speech formations (dialogue, monologue, monologue in dialogue, different Types of speech utterances and messages, etc.), the system (process) of mastering a foreign language, the system (structure) of speech behavior of a person. As a result of this approach, the system of foreign language mastering is formed, implemented and operates as a means of communication in the broad sense of the word.
So, the materials used in teaching must form the language competence (the possession of linguistic material for its use in the form of speech utterances), sociolinguistic competence (the ability to use linguistic units in accordance with communication situations), discursive competence (the ability to understand and
achieve connectivity in perception and generation of individual Statements in the context of communicative meaningful speech formations), "strategic" competence (ability to compensate for verbal and non-verbal Shortcomings in language proficiency), socio-cultural competence (degree of familiarity with the social and cultural context of language functioning), social competence (ability and willingness to communicate with others).
Used sources:
1. Chicherova L.G. Engelsky in the sphere of consumer services: A manual on self-education .-- M.; Higher School, 1993-144p.
2. Shcherbakova N.I. Zvenigorodskaya N. English for professionals in the field of public catering = English for Cooking and Catering: Proc. Allowance for stud. Medium. Prof. Educational Institutions-M .: The Publishing Center "Akademiya" 2005-320 p.
УДК 378.14
Kuchkeldiyeva U.E.
Tashkent State Pedagogical University Uzbekistan, Tashkent city
Abstract: In this scientific article we discuss innovative technologies in teaching a foreign language. In the modern sphere of service, the role assigned to the meaning of English becomes obviously. Most teaching materials are based on grammatical elements and an abundance of specific vocabulary, but at certain stages students may face more complex topics, but they are necessary for future young professionals.
Key words: specific vocabulary, politics, diplomacy, language of science, modern information technologies, Game technology, Scenario - contextual technology.
Аннотация: В данный научный статье мы обсуждаем инновационные технологии в обучении иностранному языку. В современной сфере обслуживания отведенная роль значению английского языка становится очевидной. В основе большинства обучающих материалов лежат элементы грамматики и обилие специфической лексики, однако на определенных этапах учащиеся могут столкнуться скорее со сложными темами, но они необходимы будущим молодым специалистам.
Ключевые слова: специфическая лексика, политика, дипломатия , язык науки, современные информационные технологии, игровая технология, сценарно - контекстная технология.
In the XXI century, a developing society needs modern educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in the