Антон1в А. А., Коцюбшчук З.Я., Чтр1ян Г.Г.
ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет»
Antoniv A.A., Kotsyubiychuk Z. Y., Chiprian H.H.
Bukovynian State Medical University
Стаття присвячена впровадженню принципгв в навчальний процес. Це новий напрямок, який досить ттесивно розвиваеться. Проведенi багатоцентровi плацебо-контрольованг досл1дження дозволили пере-глянути старi погляди дiагностики та лщвання внутрiшнiх хвороб. Чимало методiв, ефективних у нау-кових до^дженнях, у клтчтй практиц виявились такими, що не впливають на кiнцевi точки захворю-вання.
The article is devoted to the introduction of principles in the educational process. This is a new direction, which is developing quite intensively. Multicenter placebo-controlled studies have provided an overview of old views on the diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases. Many methods that are effective in scientific research in clinical practice have been shown not to affect the endpoints of the disease.
Ключов1 слова: навчання, внутршня медицина, студенти.
Key words: education, internal medicine, students
Introduction. Ukraine's accession to the educational environment of the European level is the modernization of higher education using modern s technologies and educational process management that result in enhance learning and upgrading logistics. Training future doctors is one of the most important tasks of higher education. N Enhancing the quality of training future doctors in medical education is especially important during health care reform. The idea of reforming medical higher education is to adapt the national higher education system to the European level.
The main part . The credit-module system of education introduced in medical education of Ukraine is aimed at improving the quality of education by students acquiring theoretical knowledge and skills that meet modern needs and increasing the motivation of students. Given this, the main task of teaching the course " Fundamentals of Internal Medicine" (Module 2) is the development of students' clinical thinking, which is achieved by synthesizing deep theoretical knowledge, practical skills and clinical experience and studying the principles of evidence-based medicine. Common to all direction is the use of n ryntsypu evidence in any which level of decision- making - from the state program to the appointment of individual therapy . Evidence-based medicine provides a thorough, reasoned, measured using the best modern advances for the treatment of each patient , - a basic foundations for a scientifically based and reliable information Contemporary standards of
treatment based on about ' of objective criteria in all sections of pharmacotherapy. The only effective approaches include standards for examination and treatment of patients. One of the basic concepts of evidence-based medicine (EBM) are forms and protocols of treatment , ie, a doctor at the first communication with patients already have to be clearly due and, more importantly, scientifically substantiated and proven algorithm staging diagnosis and recognition including spare schema therapy. In a study of any whose theme when discussing diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, prevention of disease , emphasis is placed on the need to take as a basis the data of evidence-based medicine . Control studied and learned in the training to practical lesson material carried by the solution proposed test tasks and situational tasks, including those tasks on like " Step 2" with mandatory discussion of protocols of care in specific nosology 's. During the curation of the patient on the topic of the lesson, the teacher focuses on interviewing the patient, collecting complaints, medical history and life, clinical examination of systems and organs, preliminary diagnosis, appointment of examination plan, interpretation of research results, formulation of final clinical diagnosis and treatment strategy. , according to the standards of diagnosis and treatment of certain nosologies. Considerable attention is paid to the formulary system, rational and irrational use of drugs, side effects during pharmacotherapy.
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The basic principles of evidence-based medicine must be used in the work of the student scientific circle . When attracting stu d enta to scientific research instructor discusses with student how it meets the criteria of evidence-based medicine , is looking for ways of approaching this technique research to the relevant requirements. The aim of this work is teaching students the ability to organize and conduct research on modern level and receiving data , which will be evidence . From the ability doctor to predict the course of disease in a large extent depends on his professional reputation . The future physician must not only know the generally accepted protocols , but also have modern technologies for finding new evidence-based clinical information . Evidence-based medicine today is an ideology of improving the health care system , a balance of interests of a particular patient and the state , a leading tool of modern education in medicine and pharmacy . Systematic reviews and meta- analyzes are the most important way to improve the quality and efficiency of medical care. In addition to the ability to use in practice standards and treatment protocols for certain nosologies, students draw attention to the fact that one of the areas of evidence-based medicine is the analysis of clinical trials , which can be the basis for decision- making . The doctor can do it , using survey publications and electronic resources . Through the use of the principles of clinical epidemiology doctors of different profile received a single scientific basis data , as based on the findings of a well organized and reliable research . Thus, in the study of cardiac topics, the following data on the relevance of the relationship between diet and the risk of major cardiovascular diseases in Ukraine . The reality of the influence of body weight and diet on the development of hypertension has been proven in well-known studies Scottish Heart Health Study , TOPH - I , TOPH - II Health Professional Follow - up Study , Hypertension Control Program , DASH . Evidence-based medicine proven non-drug effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in coronary heart disease ( prevention of occurrence of repeated exacerbations coronary heart disease after suffering a myocardial infarction , slowing progression of coronary atherosclerosis). Thus , in Lyons dietary study ( Lyon Diet Heart Study , 1999) showed , that use serednozemno-morskoyi diet prevents the occurrence of repeated exacerbations of IBS after a first myocardial infarction . Effect of omega -3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on coronary atherosclerosis ( Effect of Dietary w -3 Fatty Acids on Coronary Atherosclerosis , 1999) is yet another study, which showed, that the use of products , that contain omega -3 polyunsaturated fatty acid , slows the progression coronary atherosclerosis . The ability to influence sustainable food in the course of coronary artery disease was shown also in research The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study , TOMHS , DASH. In this way , the task of high school to teach students proper and about ' objectively using scientific information , application zahalnopryy nyatyh standards of diagnosis and treatment , which will serve as increase the efficiency of a doctor in the future . For modern medical requirement of time is sufficient amount of knowledge , necessary for understanding the causes and
mechanisms of disease , clinical experience , intuition and a set of skills , which in the aggregate constitute a so -called clinical thinking .
Conclusions . Take of way, the use of modern principles in the learning process, learning the protocols of care for certain nosology, allows students to get the best theoretical knowledge and subsequently be competitive graduates.
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