Научная статья на тему 'Modern methods of treatment of periodontal disease in dentistry'

Modern methods of treatment of periodontal disease in dentistry Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Ключевые слова
periodontal disease / PerioScan device / Vector / PRF-therapy / пародонтоз / аппарат PerioScan / Вектор / PRF-терапия

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — К. Газизова

There is review of the literature deals with an actual problem in dentistry which is modern methods of treatment of periodontal disease. Diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases are a modern problem of dentistry due to their high frequency and intensity of damage. Periodontal disease is the most complex nosological unit among periodontal diseases. The issue of the efficiency and having long-term results of treatment measures for this pathology remains important nowadays. Modern methods and means of treatment which are described here have a great importance for practical use in dental practice.

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Современные методы лечения пародонтоза в стоматологии

В представленном обзоре литературы рассматривается актуальная проблема в стоматологии современные методы лечения пародонтоза. Диагностика и лечение пародонтоза в связи с их высокой частотой и интенсивностью поражения являются современной проблемой стоматологии. Пародонтоз представляют собой наиболее сложную нозологическую единицу среди заболеваний пародонта. Вопрос об эффективности и долговременности результатов лечебных мероприятий данной патологии остается важным и на сегодняшний день. Описаны современные методы и средства лечения, знание которых имеет большое значение для их практического использования в стоматологической практике

Текст научной работы на тему «Modern methods of treatment of periodontal disease in dentistry»

Received by the Editor 23.11.2020

IRSTI 76.29.55



K. Gazizova1'2

1Shymkent medical Institute, Shymkentcity, Kazakhstan

2Khoja Ahmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International UniversityTurkistan city, Kazakhstan

There is review of the literature deals with an actual problem in dentistry which is modern methods of treatment of periodontal disease. Diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases are a modern problem of dentistry due to their high frequency and intensity of damage. Periodontal disease is the most complex nosological unit among periodontal diseases. The issue of the efficiency and having long-term results of treatment measures for this pathology remains important nowadays. Modern methods and means of treatment which are described here have a great importance for practical use in dental practice.

Key words: periodontal disease, PerioScan device, Vector, PRF-therapy.


Газизова К.1,2

1Шымкентский медицинский институт, Шымкент, Казахстан

2Международный Казахско-Турецкий университет имени Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави, Туркестан, Казахстан

В представленном обзоре литературы рассматривается актуальная проблема в стоматологии -современные методы лечения пародонтоза. Диагностика и лечение пародонтоза в связи с их высокой частотой и интенсивностью поражения являются современной проблемой стоматологии. Пародонтоз представляют собой наиболее сложную нозологическую единицу среди заболеваний пародонта. Вопрос об эффективности и долговременности результатов лечебных мероприятий данной патологии остается важным и на сегодняшний день. Описаны современные методы и средства лечения, знание которых имеет большое значение для их практического использования в стоматологической практике.

Ключевые слова: пародонтоз, аппарат PerioScan, Вектор, PRF-терапия.


Газизова К.1,2

1Шымкент медициналык институты,Шымкент к;., ^азакстан

2^ожа Ахмет Ясауи атындагы Халыкаралы; казак-тYрiк университет^ ТYркiстан к., ^азакстан

¥сынылган эдебиеттерге шолу кез1нде стоматологиядагы езекп мэселе - пародонт ауруларын емдеудщ заманауи эдiстерi карастырылган. Пародонт ауруыныц диагностикасы жэне емдеуi олардыц жишп мен закымдану каркындылыгына байланысты стоматологияныц заманауи проблемасы болып табылады. Пародонт ауруы - пародонт аурулары шщдеп ен кYPделi нозологиялык белiм. Осы патологияга арналган терапевтiк шаралардын тшмдшп мен узак мерзiмдi нэтижелерi туралы мэселе казiргi кезде де манызды болып кала бередi. Емдеудiн заманауи эдiстерi мен к¥ралдары сипатталган, оларды бiлу стоматологиялык практикада оларды колдану Yшiн Yлкен манызга ие.

Кшт свздер:пародонтауруы, PerioScanаппараты, Вектор, PRF-терапия.

Currently, one of the most urgent problems of dentistry is inflammatory periodontal diseases. Periodontal disease is the most complex nosological unit among periodontal diseases. Features of the development of periodontal diseases each has its own, so first of all, treatment is based on an individual approach to the patient. It should have a complex character and include not only the

elimination of symptoms of gum disease, but also the normalization of periodontal tissues, and the impact on the General condition of the patient.

Of course, tools and methods that allow restoring or improving the state of the main metabolic tissue sources are important. For this purpose, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

■ antiseptics (Chlorhexidine 0.05% and 0.12%, Miramistin, etc.)

■ local injection of NSAIDs;

■ enzyme medications (Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, etc.);

■ agents that improve blood circulation (nicotinic, ascorbic acid, etc.);

■ vitamin preparations (Vit. A, E, C, B group, etc.);

■ immunocorrective medications (Imudon, Lysobact);

■ bacteriophages with mandatory introduction to the periodontal pocket under the supervision of a doctor, training in self-introduction to pockets;

■ homeopathic medicines (often mouthwash with Stomatofit, Chlorophyllin, etc.) [1-4]. Symptomatic therapy is aimed at eliminating and reducing individual symptoms of the disease that cause the patient suffering:

■ painkillers (Nimesil, Nurofen, naiz, Ketorol, etc.);

■ medications for relieving hypersensitivity of the necks and roots of the teeth (covering the teeth with fluoride-containing drugs in 1 or several doses, depending on the situation). Elimination of the bacterial component and occlusal loads:

■ removal of microbial plaque and prevention of its formation on the tooth surface;

■ the removal of mineralized deposits;

■ high-quality rehabilitation of carious defects with restoration of interdental contacts;

■ alignment of occlusal surfaces of teeth by selective grinding;

■ ffl splinting of mobile teeth that are not able to bear the chewing load [5-9]. Non-traditional therapy (for example, homeopathy) is used in the treatment of periodontal diseases in cases where the use of traditional therapies is impossible due to allergies or severe concomitant diseases, as well as in the absence of sensitivity of the microflora to drugs commonly used in periodontics[10,11] .

Methods of drug injection in Periodontal ogy:

■ rinsing is one of the main methods of drug administration for both periodontal and mucosal diseases;

■ mouth baths;

■ applications in the pathological dentoalveolar pocket Hyaludent No.1,2,3, and on the mucous membrane Solcoseryl adhesive paste, Asepta adhesive ointment;

■ injections (homeopathic medicines traumel-S, Mucosa compositum submucosal; in severe cases, antimicrobial therapy is prescribed intramuscularly);

■ bandages (self-adhesive films "diplen — Denta" with various medicinal inclusions can be used as an independent treatment, as well as used as a periodontal dressing to hold the compositions of antiseptics, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs introduced into the pocket, on the marginal periodontal or mucosal element in a higher concentration than in the films, the area of intervention in the treatment of periodontitis is usually closed with a periodontal bandage-Periodontal Pack, Soy Pack, Voco Pack, Sept pack.);

■ physical methods (electrophoresis, phonophoresis, magnetophoresis);

■ traditional methods of administration-per os and intramuscularly (usually anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs in severe and moderate-severe disease);

■ subgingival administration involves the use of "delivery" systems that provide a high concentration of drugs directly in the lesion. These include: tetracycline and chlorhexidine filaments, doxycycline polymers, Periochips, etc [12-18].

Along with the classical methods of treatment of periodontitis, non-surgical treatment is performed using the Perioscan device [19] .

The PerioScan is an ultrasonic device that allows you to not only remove deposits, but also recognize them thanks to a unique feedback system.

PerioScan is an intelligent, highly sensitive ultrasound device of a new generation, in which the study of the tooth surface is based on the analysis of ultrasound characteristics. When the instrument touches the enamel, crown or filling material during the examination of the patient, the device not only analyzes the condition of the surface structures, but also detects the dental tissue itself or the artificial tooth material. As a result of this analysis, PerioScan provides an objective assessment of the condition of the tooth surface, shows the presence of dental deposits and (if necessary) signals the need for treatment. Therefore, the uniqueness of the device lies in the fact that it not only removes dental deposits, but also pre-recognizes them [20,21].

Convenient color indication (green - clean surface, blue-presence of dental deposits) will allow patients to observe the process of professional oral hygiene.

Vector device-it is used for ultrasonic cleaning of periodontal tissues (for periodontitis or periodontal disease).

Gum retraction methods are performed only on a healthy field. They include mechanical (displacement using threads), surgical (using dissection) and chemical (administration of special drugs) methods. The procedure of retraction is the pulling of the gums to improve the quality of casts during prosthetics [22] .

Modern dentistry offers both traditional and new therapeutic methods for the treatment of oral diseases.

For the treatment and prevention of periodontal phenomena, PRF therapy (also known as plasma therapy, "plasmolifting", in various sources) is successfully used [23]. It, as a natural method of fighting various diseases, appeared in 2004, when the positive effect of plasma on various organ systems was discovered.

This procedure, which has no analogues, is based on PRF-therapy technology.

This technique, called Plasmodent in dentistry, is successfully used in our clinic in the treatment of atrophic and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, as well as to optimize and accelerate the regeneration of bone tissue during implantation and bone plastic surgery.

The task of plasmolifting is to achieve not just the removal of the inflammatory process of periodontitis, but to start the process of natural restoration of the color, shape and structure of the gums, to prevent the loss of bone tissue.

Plasmolifting is performed in the form of injecting plasma obtained from the patient's blood-autoplasm, into the problem area.

The plasma is injected locally into the damaged tissue of the gums, place the implant or bone grafting in the sinus lift, the extraction, in the field of osteosynthesis or the installed membrane in the oral and maxillofacial region soft tissues during acute and chronic infectious-inflammatory processes [24] .

The platelet plasma introduced into the tissues, due to the growth factors contained in it, causes capillary germination, normalizes hemodynamics, tissue respiration, and metabolism. At the same time, the process of strengthening bone tissue, the formation of the collagen matrix and bone with the participation of bone morphogenetic collagen proteins, as well as the activation of local immunity occurs [25].

The components contained in plasma are absolutely natural for humans, they are not mutagens and can not cause cancer, tumors and other negative reactions.

In dental practice, plasma therapy is considered completely safe, since plasma is isolated from the patient's blood. No chemical additives are added to it. Therefore, the risk of developing allergic reactions is virtually eliminated. In addition, this is done absolutely painlessly: pain relief is not required [26,27].

Plasma therapy can be used in combination with various therapeutic methods and medications, including antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory drugs [28].

To obtain plasma from the patient, a small amount of blood is taken (approximately 10 ml), the blood is processed in a centrifuge under special conditions to separate the plasma itself from other shaped blood elements. The resulting platelet-rich plasma concentrate contains specific proteins, so-called growth factors, which are involved in the regeneration of all body tissues, attracting their own stem cells to the area of damage and stimulating their division [29-35].

Thus, the availability and knowledge of modern technologies, methods and means of treatment of

periodontal disease is important for their practical use in dental practice.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Corresponding autor: Gazizova K.G. - assistant of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Dental Disciplines of the Shymkent Medical Institute, the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Haji Ahmed Yasawi; saule79@mail.ru

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