MODERN METHODS OF TEACHING ENGLISH IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Normatova D.I.

Currently, there are many methods for learning a foreign language in higher education institutions. Each of the methods has certain features. some of them are more popular and in demand, while others are less so. This article will discuss the main methods for students to learn English.

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UDK 81-13

Normatova D.I.


Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami

Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Annotation: Currently, there are many methods for learning a foreign language in higher education institutions. Each of the methods has certain features. some of them are more popular and in demand, while others are less so. This article will discuss the main methods for students to learn English.

Key words: modern methods, teaching, English language.

In the modern world the English language enjoys great popularity, what's more, this is the language of international communication, he is known throughout the world. Today, there are a huge variety of methods for teaching English. In addition, new ones are regularly developed, so now each teacher can choose the optimal method of work. The lesson is conducted in English, the teacher must also give explanations and new topics in English. Only English-language literature is used.

To learn to speak English, you need a certain system or, as it is often called, a method of teaching English, which would allow you to fully solve the tasks set, namely, to acquire the skills of reading, listening comprehension, speaking and writing in the language you are studying. Even 20-30 years ago, the training was based on the classical method. 90% of the time was devoted to the theory of a foreign language. During the lessons, students learned new vocabulary, syntactic structures, discussed rules, and also read and translated texts, did written tasks, and sometimes listened to audio recordings. The development of conversational skills took only 10% of the time from the class. As a result, the person understood the texts in English and knew the grammatical rules, but could not speak. That is why it was decided to change the approach to training.

When teaching English using this method, the role of the teacher in the successful acquisition of knowledge by students is key. That is, his speech must be absolutely clear and correct, the pronunciation must be perfect, since the students will constantly repeat it for the teacher. For the direct method of teaching, a native English speaker is best suited as a teacher.

The grammar-translation method is the main one in the modern education system. This is a classic method that has been used for decades. This is due to the fact that most of the teachers themselves were trained using this method. The goal of the grammar-translation method is to be able to read and translate using grammatical rules.

The disadvantages of this method include the fact that not enough attention is paid to the lexical part. Learning vocabulary is reduced to mechanical

memorization of words. Reading and translation are performed in strict form. In addition, the texts offered for reading are usually related to complex fiction, therefore, the student only studies the literary language. Once in the language environment, it will be very difficult for him to understand others, even with a good knowledge of the literary language. The essence of both methods is to transmit the language through clear structures, learning occurs using audio and video recordings.

The audio-visual method of teaching involves illustrating speech with appropriate pictures, that is, students are shown videos, art and documentaries in English. In this case, students have two channels of perception working simultaneously: visual and auditory, as a result of which associations arise in the students ' heads, which allows them to better remember the language. The purpose of the methods is to master a live, spoken language. Both methods are based on induction, when the training goes from a rule to an example. Given all of the above, it can be noted that for University students who do not specialize in language learning, audio-linguistic and audio-visual methods are suitable only if they are used in conjunction with other training programs.

The first line in the rating of popularity of methods is actively held by the communicative approach, which, as its name implies, is aimed at the practice of communication. This method works perfectly in Europe and the United States.

The communicative method implies greater activity of students. The task of the teacher in this case is to involve all those present in the audience in the conversation.

In order to better remember and use language, it is necessary to involve all channels of perception.

The essence of the communicative method is to create real situations of communication. When recreating the dialogue, the student has the opportunity to put all the knowledge they have gained into practice. A very important advantage of the communicative method is that it has a huge variety of exercises: role-playing games, dialogues, and simulation of real communication are used.

At first, the communicative method was rejected, but now it again occupies a leading position along with the traditional grammatical and translation method. Most teachers of modern universities prefer these two methods, and they are often used in combination. The direct method is rarely used in higher education institutions, partly due to the lack of real native speakers among teachers, and partly because the level of training of students after school is too low. Audiovisual and audio-lingual methods are not used at all, but many teachers of universities and institutes from time to time conduct classes based on such methods. This allows you to diversify the General education program and interest students. The communicative method, as its name implies, is aimed at the possibility of communication. You will not hear particularly complex syntactic structures or serious vocabulary in class. "The oral speech of any literate person is quite different from the written one. Try to keep track of yourself during the

day: how many long sentences have you used? Constructions in the subjunctive mood? Unfortunately, the epistolary genre is a thing of the past, and if our descendants judge us only on the basis of e-mails and other "monuments" of online literature, their opinion is unlikely to be flattering".

However, it would be a mistake to think that the communicative method is intended only for light small talk. Those who want to become a professional in a particular field regularly read publications on their subject in foreign publications. Having a large vocabulary, they can easily navigate the text, but it costs them a huge effort to maintain a conversation with a foreign colleague on the same topic. The communicative method is intended, first of all, to remove the fear of communication. A person armed with a standard set of grammatical structures and a vocabulary of 600-1000 words can easily find a common language in an unfamiliar country.

Do not lose sight of the fact that another clear gradation of methods of teaching English passes along the line "our-foreign". There aren't many foreign ones. If you reject American English and the TOEFL test as a kind of indicator of the results of language learning, then there are two monopolists in the field of teaching British English-Oxford and Cambridge. Their mutual competition is the key to quality.

The Oxford and Cambridge approaches to language are united by the fact that most courses are based on a communicative methodology integrated with some traditional teaching elements. It involves maximum immersion of the student in the language process, which is achieved by reducing the student's appeal to the native language to a minimum. The main purpose of this method is to teach the student to speak the language fluently first, and then to think in it. It is also important that mechanical reproducing exercises are also absent: their place is taken by game situations, work with a partner, tasks for finding errors, comparisons and comparisons that involve not only memory, but also logic, the ability to think analytically and figuratively.

The whole set of techniques helps to create an English-language environment in which students should "function": read, communicate, participate in role-playing games, Express their thoughts, draw conclusions.

The language is very closely intertwined with the cultural characteristics of the country, therefore, the courses necessarily include a country-specific aspect. The British consider it necessary to give people the opportunity to easily navigate the multicultural world, and this is easily done with the help of such a powerful unifying factor as the English language. We have not yet overcome isolation enough to understand the importance and unavoidable necessity of this aspect. For Britain, for all its legendary traditionalism, globalization is not an empty sound, but a serious problem that is being tried to find a solution now.


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