MODERN METHODS OF SPEECH THERAPY IMPACT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN WITH CCHD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Varnavskaya Valeria Romanovna

The significance of speech therapy impact at an early stage of child development is confirmed by modern trends in the education of children with disabilities, an increase in scientific, practical and organizational and methodological interest in improving the system of early assistance to children with special educational needs, the results of modern research in the field of special psychology and correctional pedagogy, data topical interdisciplinary research and scientific ideas about the specifics of modern childhood. The professional competence of a speech therapist contributes to the qualitative implementation of correctional and pedagogical work.

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Научная статья Original article УДК 376.37




Варнавская Валерия Романовна, студент НИУ БелГУ (308015, Россия г. Белгород ул.Победы д.85), тел. +7 (920) 576-62-58, valeriakoreneva90@gmail .com

Varnavskaya Valeria Romanovna, student of NRU BelSU (308015 Russia, Belgorod, Pobeda street, 85), тел. +7 (920) 576-62-58, valeriakoreneva90@gmail.com

Аннотация: Значимость логопедического воздействия на раннем этапе развития ребенка подтверждают современные тенденции образования детей с ОВЗ, повышение научно-практического и организационно-методического интереса к совершенствованию системы ранней помощи детям с особыми образовательными потребностями, результаты современных исследований в области специальной психологии и коррекционной педагогики, данные актуальных междисциплинарных исследований и научные представления о



Столыпинский вестник

специфике современного детства. Качественному осуществлению коррекционно-педагогической работы способствует профессиональная

Abstract: The significance of speech therapy impact at an early stage of child development is confirmed by modern trends in the education of children with disabilities, an increase in scientific, practical and organizational and methodological interest in improving the system of early assistance to children with special educational needs, the results of modern research in the field of special psychology and correctional pedagogy, data topical interdisciplinary research and scientific ideas about the specifics of modern childhood. The professional competence of a speech therapist contributes to the qualitative implementation of correctional and pedagogical work.

Ключевые слова: логопедическое воздействие, ВРГН, развитие ребенка, развитие речи, помощь детям, коррекционная педагогика, специальная психология.

Keywords: logopedic influence, VRGN, child development, speech development, help to children, correctional pedagogy, special psychology.

The theoretical and methodological level of professional competence of a modern speech therapist working with a child with CCLP and his family implies that the specialist has basic and specific psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills that meet professional requirements. Corrective influence should be based on the following principles of speech therapy influence. [7, p. 135]

1. An integrated approach to the study of developmental disorders. A full-fledged rehabilitation of a child with CCLP depends on interdisciplinary interaction in the process of providing comprehensive care and implies a joint discussion of the examination data of the child by all medical and psychological-pedagogical specialists. This allows you to more accurately determine his condition, identify the causes of existing deviations in development and outline the best way to overcome them.

2. The principle of early detection of deviations in development. It is aimed at preventing undesirable consequences associated with layers of a social nature on the primary defect. In relation to children with clefts, secondary manifestations are changes in the emotional-volitional, behavioral and communicative spheres, provoked by the peculiarities of appearance and speech.

3. The principle of dynamic study of children. The speech therapist needs to take into account not only what the child knows and can do at the time of the examination, but also his learning opportunities. This principle is based on the teachings of L.S. Vygotsky about the zone of proximal development and potential opportunities for learning.

4. The principle of a systematic approach to the study of developmental disorders provides for the study of cognitive activity, the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior of the child. The physical condition of children is also taken into account, which can significantly affect the formation of mental abilities and learning ability. It must be remembered that any study of a child, including psychological and pedagogical, is important not only for establishing a diagnosis, the causes and nature of the existing developmental features, but also for providing appropriate assistance (determining the conditions for training and education, methods, methods of corrective and developmental work with baby).

5. The principle of a differentiated approach is carried out on the basis of taking into account the causes that cause speech impairment in congenital palatine pathology, the pathogenesis of articulation, breathing and voice formation, the main manifestations of pronunciation disorders, primary disorders and their secondary manifestations, age and individual characteristics of the child, his social situation of development.

6. The principle of a student-centered approach involves the creation of necessary and sufficient conditions for the development of the child both in the process of speech therapy work and at home.

7. The principle of a family-centered approach implies the mandatory active involvement of parents in the correctional process, the realization of the rehabilitation potential of the family as the main subject of the child's socialization, and the satisfaction of the special educational needs of members of the microsocial environment.

8. The principle of the activity approach takes into account the leading activity of the age. In the period of early childhood, speech therapy influence is carried out indirectly through adults emotionally close to the child. For preschool children, learning takes place in the process of playing activities, specially organized by a speech therapist. The game is a means of developing analytical and synthetic activity, the sensorimotor sphere, all components of speech, and the formation of the child's personality. [6, p. 95]

The professional competence of a speech therapist in early care for children with CCLP involves the consolidation of knowledge in the field of special pedagogy and special psychology. Knowledge of the main approaches to the organization of the correctional process and the specific content of methodological techniques allows you to determine the tactics of speech therapy influence at different age stages. The principles of special psychology determine the organization and content of psychological and pedagogical assistance to both the child himself and his parents. The use of psycho-corrective technologies increases the motivation of parents to actively participate in the habilitation process, the creation of a correctional and developmental environment at home, and normalizes interpersonal relationships and the intra-family atmosphere. [2, p. 49]

The practical level of professional competence of a speech therapist in helping children with CCLP and their families involves the possession of professional and pedagogical skills, which are expressed in mastering the ways of performing professional and pedagogical actions and implementing the following functions. [4, p. 125]

1. Diagnostic - a comprehensive, comprehensive, dynamic examination of the child's speech development; determination of the optimal timing for the start of remedial work; assessment of the social situation of development and options for motivated and active involvement of parents in the rehabilitation process; drawing up an interdisciplinary conclusion on the child's condition and recommendations for the implementation of comprehensive care.

2. Advisory - consulting parents / legal representatives on the specifics of the physical and mental development of a child with congenital palatine pathology, the content of the stages of habilitation, prevention of the formation of pathological stereotypes of articulation, breathing, voice formation, starting from the moment the malformation is detected in the embryonic period, infancy, early age etc.; advising pedagogical, medical and social workers of institutions on the creation of special conditions for the education of children with CCLP.

3. Accompaniment / supervision - dynamic observation of the development of children's speech; monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of the recommendations proposed to parents.

4. Analytical - analysis and generalization of information about current trends in medical and psychological and pedagogical support for children with congenital palatine pathology and their families; data on healthcare, education and social protection institutions providing psychological, medical, pedagogical and social assistance.

5. Information and educational - informing parents of children with CCLP about the organization, content and stages of habilitation, the activities of specialists in psychological and pedagogical support, social and legal guarantees enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation for children with disabilities and disabilities; informing teachers of preschool and school educational organizations about the physiological, speech and communication characteristics of children with congenital palatine pathology.

6. Organizational and methodological - coordination of the content and form of speech therapy classes, monitoring the implementation of recommendations at home; organization of an interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary team to create conditions for the successful socialization of children with CCLP, taking into account the diversity of their special educational needs and individual capabilities.

The subject-activity level of professional competence of a speech therapist when working with children with CCLP and their families includes the following components. [8, p. 971]

1. Motivational - maintaining professional interest and desire to help a child with special needs, responsibility for the quality of corrective assistance provided.

2. Communicative - building the right relationship with the child, his parents (legal representatives), colleagues in the intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary team.

3. Reflective - the desire for professional growth, the expansion of informational and methodological awareness in matters of helping a child with CCLP and his family; education of emotional acceptance of a child with features of appearance; formation of trusting relationships with the microsocial environment.

The development of a system of early assistance to a child with disabilities, its propaedeutic and correctional orientation, the assessment of the role of the family as the main subject of his socialization, the actualization of the special educational needs of the microsocial environment, the close cooperation of medical and psychological and pedagogical support specialists indicate the need for the speech therapist to form new professional competencies.

As stated above, the need for children with CCLP for early comprehensive care is evident from birth. The implementation of this need requires the creation of professional human resources, which should be reflected in a change in approaches to the training of specialists. The most economical, optimal and accessible way to solve this problem is methodological support, reflecting the specifics of the somatic and functional characteristics of children with congenital palatine pathology, current

trends in medical rehabilitation, the need for an early start of corrective work, possession of techniques for the prevention of articulatory, respiratory and voice pathological stereotypes and the ability to organize work with the family of a special child. [5, p. 46]

The structure of the professional competence of a speech therapist in the field of helping a child with CCLP and his family must be presented through a set of organization and methodological content of correctional and pedagogical work, as well as ethics and deontology of relations with the microsocial environment. The competence of a speech therapist should consist of the following components.

Learning competencies (UK): [3, p. 23]

- the ability to analyze, systematize and use modern knowledge about the causes and mechanisms of developmental disorders in children with CCLP, the role of the family in the socialization of the child, ways to include it in the habilitation process, domestic and foreign experience in organizing comprehensive care;

- the ability to carry out social interaction with children with congenital palatine pathology and their parents, to realize their role in an interdisciplinary team.

General professional competencies (GPC):

- the ability to carry out professional activities in accordance with the regulatory legal acts in the field of education and the norms of professional ethics;

- the ability to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of speech correction in children with CCLP, to modify existing methodological techniques depending on the individual capabilities and needs of the child and his family;

- the ability to use modern psychological and pedagogical technologies necessary for the individualization of education, development, and upbringing of children with congenital palatine pathology;

- the ability to interact with participants in educational relations in the framework of the implementation of the program of speech therapy support;

- the ability to carry out pedagogical activities (diagnostic, correctional and developmental, organizational and methodological, consultative and educational, preventive) on the basis of special scientific knowledge.

Professional competencies (PC): [1, p. 12]

- the ability to carry out correctional and developmental work with children with CCLP, including work on recovery and habilitation;

- the ability to carry out educational work in educational, healthcare and social protection organizations, taking into account the nosological group;

- the ability to provide psychological and pedagogical support and prevention of secondary disorders in the development of persons with CCLP who experience difficulties in social adaptation.


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© Варнавская В.Р., 2023 Научный сетевой журнал «Столыпинский вестник» №3/2023.

Для цитирования: Варнавская В.Р. СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ МЕТОДЫ ЛОГОПЕДИЧЕСКОГО ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА РАЗВИТИЕ ДЕТЕЙ С ВРГН // Научный сетевой журнал «Столыпинский вестник» №3/2023.

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