MODERN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION - NEW OPPORTUNITIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Akhmadjonova Yo.T.

The article describes distance learning technology and its advantages over modern information technologies in education. The use of distance technology expands the possibilities of modern education.

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Akhmadjonova Yo.T.


Department of Chemestry Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan, Jizzakh



Annotation. The article describes distance learning technology and its advantages over modern information technologies in education. The use of distance technology expands the possibilities of modern education.

Keywords. modern information technologies, information and communication technologies (ICT), e-learning, synchronous e-learning, asynchronous e-learning.

The role of innovative technologies in organizing the educational process of higher education is increasing day by day. The use of remote technologies has expanded the possibilities of modern education. Today, it is possible to get an education from anywhere in the world using modern information and communication technologies (ICT). Although traditional education maintains its position, distance learning technologies are becoming more and more popular.

Today, an educational system aimed at integration into the new world information-educational environment is being established in our country. This is followed by significant changes in the organization of the educational process that meet modern technical capabilities. The introduction of modern information technologies into the field of education makes it possible to qualitatively facilitate and change the methods of education and the forms of organization of the teaching process based on a new approach. Information and communication technologies are the most important part of the process of modernization of the educational system.

The new stage of electronic or distance education envisages not only the use of information technologies, but also the provision of educational resources in electronic form.

Electronic and distance technologies are options of education using information and communication technologies.

Electronic education (E-Learning) - earlier, the term "Electronic education" was understood as teaching with the help of computers, but with the development of information technologies, this concept was further expanded. Today, electronic education includes many educational technologies, which can be conditionally divided into 2 types, i.e., synchronous and asynchronous types.

Synchronous e-learning is distance learning, but it is real-time learning. It is similar to regular day education, the difference is that the participants are at a

great distance from each other. Webinars, which are spreading day by day, are the most vivid form of this form of education. Special software is used to organize lectures.

Asynchronous e-learning means that the student receives all the necessary information from online sources or from electronic media (CD, DVD or flash cards) and independently organizes the pace and schedule of learning the material. The asynchronous e-learning system includes all types of CD-courses and e-learning courses. Today, e-learning has become an integral part of the educational process in most HEIs, and it has also found its place in the organization of professional development courses.

Distance learning technologies - Distance learning is a broader concept than E-Learning, which is a synthesis of interactive self-directed learning and intensive counseling.

Thus, electronic education is a part of distance education. Distance education provides the delivery of the main educational material to students and interactive work between the student and the teacher during the learning process.

Advantages of distance education

> Distance learning has many advantages.

> Opportunity to study from the place of residence - people living in remote villages do not always have the opportunity to go to the big cities and study at the university. Distance education technologies make it possible for them to study without leaving their hometown.

> Combining study and work - students will have the opportunity to study without being separated from work, which is especially useful for those who receive advanced training or second higher education.

> Acquisition of high-quality technologies and educational content - the student can be trained with the help of high-quality educational materials, communicate with the teacher and create his own individual study plan.

> Impartiality of assessment - distance education technologies provide for permanent control of the quality of knowledge, evaluation of results, impartial automated assessment free of human factors, and loss of material interest in places.

> Individual approach to education - variable schedule, combining work and study, as well as adaptation of the learning material to the speed of individual assimilation of information makes distance education convenient for everyone.

In the conditions of the global pandemic, along with the countries of the world, educational processes in Uzbekistan were and are being carried out in a remote system.

According to UN data, it is very important to pay attention to the development of work in this direction in the current environment, when it is predicted that in 2022, almost a quarter of the gross domestic product of the world will fall on digital technologies. Consequently, it is expected that the

increase of economic problems in the countries of the world, the disruption of transport and production relations, and the online holding of events will put an end to globalization in its current form.

If we introduce the above-mentioned systems based on improved principles in all levels of educational institutions of our republic, I think that it will serve as a part of the exemplary and effective implementation of reforms in the educational process.


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