Научная статья на тему 'Modern forms of cultural mass activities in tourist activities'

Modern forms of cultural mass activities in tourist activities Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Sultangaliev Abdinur Nuralievich, Nurseitova Raushan Aitkalievna

А cultural event in all its diversity and all varieties is an unusually complex cultural phenomenon and is closely interconnected with tourist activities. Its complexity can be judged even by the fact that over the past 100 years, approaches to its organization have varied repeatedly. Naturally, there is no single model and cannot be. But there is a general methodological problem: we often forget that every technique and every cultural and leisure technology should be comprehensively understood. For this purpose, there is an analysis of the cultural event.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Modern forms of cultural mass activities in tourist activities»




1 2 Sultangaliev A.N. , Nurseitova R.A.

1Sultangaliev Abdinur Nuralievich - Master degree Student;

Nurseitova Raushan Aitkalievna - Candidate of Economic


Abstract: а cultural event in all its diversity and all varieties is an unusually complex cultural phenomenon and is closely interconnected with tourist activities. Its complexity can be judged even by the fact that over the past 100 years, approaches to its organization have varied repeatedly. Naturally, there is no single model and cannot be. But there is a general methodological problem: we often forget that every technique and every cultural and leisure technology should be comprehensively understood. For this purpose, there is an analysis of the cultural event. Keywords: tourist activities, cultural and mass events, tourism, mass events.

A cultural event is one of the most popular and effective forms of cultural activity of youth. All this can be not only a youth social group, but the whole society as a whole.

The study of mass events allows us to state which trends are currently prevailing in culture: protective, conservative trends or the desire for change, allows us to judge certain social groups with their traditional, fundamental cultural values.

A cultural event in all its varieties and in all forms is an unusually complex cultural and cultural phenomenon and its relationship with tourist activities. Apparently, in the last 100 years, approaches to his organization have varied repeatedly. How to get the most out of cultural events? Naturally, that cannot be. A common methodological problem: we often forget that every technique and every cultural and leisure technology should


be comprehensively understood. For this purpose, there is an analysis of cultural events [1].

Recently, numerous types and genres of mass events have been actively developing in the country. This is due to the continuous age-related cultural level of young people, the need for communication and more organized leisure activities. Today's events are aimed at satisfying diverse interests, fostering patriotism and citizenship.

Currently, the concept of "mass event", however, in its understanding and use, there are different interpretations. Mass event that is associated with special events in the cultural, social and public life of the country. A mass event is a large concentration of people united by one idea, goal, emotions.

Mass cultural and entertainment events related to tourist destinations have great economic potential for the development of the regions of Kazakhstan. The competent legal organization of such events allows attracting new tourist flows to the regions. Kazakhstan is geographically, climatically, culturally very diverse. There are many options and ways to organize mass cultural and entertainment events in different parts of the country. Such activities increase the competitiveness of regions. As you know, service in many administrative districts of Kazakhstan remains low. The development and popularization of mass cultural and entertainment events helps in solving this problem [2].

The most obvious advantage of tourism in general is jobs in hotels, restaurants, retailers and transport. The second, less obvious advantage is the support of individual industries and professions. The next advantage is the multiplier effect. To assess the increase in the number of jobs in the sphere of consumption of goods and services. The fourth advantage of tourism is considered to be federal and local payments - taxes and fees from tourism. Tourism stimulates the export of local products. According to some estimates, from 15 to 20% of all its expenses. Both these products are manufactured and assembled [3].

Mass cultural and entertainment events are held in accordance with a preliminary calculation of the project payback. Conducting a mass cultural and entertainment event.

Currently, Kazakhstani society has accumulated a sufficient amount of practical experience in the field of mass events, in which certain cultural traditions have been identified, the basic structural forms and methods of events have been formed.

There are large-scale and small-scale cultural events. Large-scale events include: a holiday, a mass spectacle, an ornamental and decorative spectacle, plot-shaped and theatrical performances. Small-scale events include ceremonial and ritual processions.

Most often there are events that have a special festive atmosphere. The festive culture of society has always been an important component of state ideological policy. The use of the richest traditions of the holiday culture has a direct impact on public opinion, defines new directions for the development of society, and transforms the spiritual space of the country.

A mass holiday is a multifaceted social phenomenon that reflects the historical, economic and artistic values of a people, contributing to the spiritual development of a person, shaping him as a person. The level of public consciousness, worldview, and morality, aesthetic tastes, etc.

Holidays are: artistic, sports, mass political, entertaining -game and competitive. Depending on the form of the event, events have an impact on the participants in the moral and aesthetic sphere and increase their social activity.

At the heart of the holiday may be more climax or main event. The form of "mass spectacle" and at the minimum a "theatrical performance" [4].

Mass shows can take place on open stages, stage venues, stairs, park cascades, around fountains. Sometimes the stage uses a floating platform. When holding a spectacle in the open air, the scenery itself is nature itself.

All mass theatrical performances in the open air are divided into two groups:

• Ornamental - decorative spectacles - these are characteristic bright colors, rich costumes, complex curly rearrangements of large masses of participants that create a kaleidoscope of colored ornaments, fireworks, and many light effects. These entertaining

shows are built on the purity of lines, the clarity of permutations, the synchronism of moving, the harmony of color, light and sound. They accentuate the solemnity of the moment, awaken the bright optimistic attitude of the viewer, inspire and impress him.

• Story-shaped spectacles. Their essence is to use mass theater to create a publicistic, allegorical performance in the open air. Such theatrical performances include memorial performances on the ritual sites of large sculptural complexes. In them, the culmination is the obligatory ritual action. For example, carrying out plot - figurative performances dedicated to the anniversary of the City Day. City Days is a series of events of various forms, including performances and performances held at the central city venues, which involve not only sports, but also pop-concert, ritual and ceremonial events. Express specific historical events. Spectacles, which include sports and art performances, allow you to more finely and deeply solve the thematic tasks of the whole holiday, to reveal events, to create an artistic image of the city-anniversary.

Thus, mass holidays and spectacles have their own ideas, rituals, performances, competitions, parades, performances, which can exist as independent genre units [5].

Small-scale events can exist independently or be a structural part of large-scale events.

All human culture is built on the principle of competition. It should be noted that a powerful incentive for participants in events is the desire to become the first and the best.

The game is unthinkable without a win. However, obtaining benefits is associated with a connected factor of quantitative or qualitative assessment: more, less, further. And appraisal is a feature of the ritual. Therefore, competition is a phenomenon, in fact, not a game and can be an affiliation.

It can be argued that the game is a kind of cultural mechanism that facilitates the transition of some ritual forms to others. The game calms, relaxes, distracts from life, makes you forget about the dangers and worries.

The game takes place in the lobby or hall, and this can be transferred to the stage. The game representations include game

contests, as well as developed scriptural and literary foundations and the supposed great work of directors and organizers. Some tasks of the contest participants are performed not improvisingly, but with preliminary training or rehearsals.

In its content, game contests are a complex alloy, quizzes, pop performances, sports, domestic and art competitions.

Game contests are comprehensive. They require participants to erudition, ingenuity, artistic abilities, physical dexterity, ingenuity. They lack the pattern in the use of tasks and in the content of a developing action.

One of the most popular types of game competition is the competition of cheerful and resourceful club, which contains informative and organizational complexity. This competition includes elements of a quiz, theatrical miniature, sports, plastic composition, musical parody, etc. They are distinguished by the brightness of theaters and a spectacular gain. Humor, resourcefulness, erudition - these are the basic principles on which club is built [6].

A parade is a highly organized natural phenomenon, built according to a clear pattern and having the appropriate properties (pace, synchronism of movement, form of construction, etc.). In Kazakhstan, parades and processions are very popular. They are an integral part of the celebration of Victory Day [7].

It is worth noting that modern innovations are imported into mass events. So, there were rallies and bike races held during holidays and festivals. A car or a convoy moving along the streets of the city is a vivid sight. Mototechnics, outrageous clothing, equipment of participants, flags - all this impresses not only the audience, but also the participants themselves.

Thus, depending on the organizers, you can get new, modern events, consisting of individual types or separate components.


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