MODERN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN ENGLISH READING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Scientific progress
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Ключевые слова
Language / English / AKT / educational technologus / project / interest / activity / interactive methods

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Aziza Khidirnazar Kizi Gofurova, Sojida Sayfullaevna Gofurova

This article highlights some of the modern educational technologus used in language and its learning.

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This article highlights some of the modern educational technologus used in language and its learning.

Keywords: Language, English, AKT, educational technologus, project, interest, activity, interactive methods


Language is the primary means of communication, it is difficult for you to imagine the existence and development of human society. At a time of great changes in social relations in our world today, communication media (information technology) requires students to improve their communication skills, to exchange ideas in different situations in the process of interaction with other participants in communication, language and so on. It requires the correct application of the rules of engagement. In such an environment, the main goal of a foreign language is to form communicative ability, i.e., the implementation of interpersonal and intercultural communication in a foreign language is required.

At this stage of school education, there are significant changes that cover almost all aspects of the pedagogical process. They set specific goals and objectives for the learning process.


One of the main tasks is to improve the pedagogical skills of teachers through the adoption of modern teaching and learning technologies. With the use of any new technologies, the teacher begins new pedagogical ideas: the clarity of the systematic, methodological language, the emergence of clear tactics in teaching methods.

The most important task of the learning process is the personal interest of the student.

It is important to know which technologies to use in the learning process to achieve planned outcomes. Obviously, the use of any specific learning technology, no matter how perfect, does not create the most effective conditions for identifying and developing students 'skills.

Pedagogical (educational) technology is a well-thought-out model of educational activity, combined with a favorable environment for students and teachers to design, organize and conduct the educational process. Pedagogical technology involves the

Aziza Khidirnazar kizi Gofurova

Assistant of JSPI

Sojida Sayfullaevna Gofurova Senior teacher of JizPI


implementation of the idea of a fully controlled educational process. Modern educational technologies include:

- development;

—Study of problems;

- multi-level education;

- collective education system;

- Technological study of inventive problems;

- Research methods in teaching;

- Methods of teaching the project; Technology used in teaching game techniques:

- role-playing, business and other types of educational games;

- collaborative education (team, group work);

- information and communication technologies;

With regard to design and interactive teaching methods, their combination and integration is one of the most effective and efficient tools in the process of teaching English.

One of them is the project method. The project method is designed to develop active independent thinking and teach the child not only to memorize and reproduce knowledge, but also to apply it in practice. It is important for children to learn to work together on the project, and to teach together. Helps to strengthen mutual support, desire and ability. students 'creative abilities and activities are formed. The project method is a set of teaching and learning techniques that allow students to solve specific problems as a result of the mandatory presentation of these results as a result of their independent efforts. The project method is an activity that allows students to express themselves individually or in groups, to test their abilities, the teacher to apply their knowledge in practice, to show the results achieved by the community. This method involves solving interesting problems created by students themselves. For example, to the circle "Why am I late for class today?" i.e. "Why am I late for Class today?" the question is dropped. In this way, students try to express their knowledge through a foreign language. and by showing other students his trivial reasons, he will no longer repeat this situation. Modern pedagogy is rich in many interactive approaches, including:

- creative tasks

- work in small groups

—Educational games (role-playing, imitation, business games and educational games)

- use of state resources (invitation of specialists, excursions)

- social projects (social projects, competitions, radio and newspapers, films, shows, exhibitions, performances, songs and fairy tales)

- study and consolidation of new materials (interactive lectures, visual aids, work with video and audio materials, as a teacher, the student "teaches abarcha".

—Discussion of complex and controversial questions and problems With interactive teaching methods, students communicate directly in the learning environment, which in turn serves as a source of experience. Interrelationships in the understanding of pedagogical methods imply the training of students and teachers in the organization of teaching.

The student-listener does not work as an observer. but actively participates in the lesson. With such an organization of the educational process, not only high school students, lyceums, colleges and even students of higher education become full participants. The task of the teacher is mainly to encourage independent activity, to find ways to achieve their goals.

Thus, using a variety of pedagogical technologies in the classroom, the process of teaching English can be viewed from a completely new perspective and learn new mechanisms of personality formation, to achieve quality results in a favorable environment.

The design method as a pedagogical technology is a technology that involves a combination of research, exploration, problem-solving methods. For students, the project is an opportunity to maximize their creative potential. in principle, students need to have clear creative, intellectual and communicative skills to solve the problem, so a great deal of preparation is required in an integrated education system to use the project method properly.


Active or interactive methods include stimulating cognitive activity and student autonomy. Interactive methods are aimed at creating a comfortable learning environment in which all students actively communicate with each other. The organization of interactive education includes modeling of living conditions, use of role-playing games, analysis of tasks and situations, based on the general solution of information, rationalization of information flows, which leads to its active work. An integral part of the approaches are interactive exercises and tasks performed by students. The main differences between interactive exercises and routine work. they only combine the material studied. but also focused on learning new things.


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