Научная статья на тему 'Modern aspects of medical educationin Ukraine'

Modern aspects of medical educationin Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yatsyshyn R., Gerych P., Didushko O.

У статті висвітлено питання сучасних аспектів вищої освіти в Україні, завдання вищої медичної освіти, важливі питання щодо підготовки студентів, необхідності впровадження біоетичних принципів у педагогічний процес, відродження в студентів духовності, виховання відповідальності і дотримання їх студентами та лікарями в щоденній діяльності та повсякденному житті.В статье освещены вопросы современных аспектов высшего образования в Украине, задачи высшего медицинского образования, важные вопросы, касающиеся подготовки студентов, необходимости внедрения биоэтических принципов в педагогический процесс, возрождения у студентов духовности, воспитания ответственности и соблюдения их студентами и врачами в ежедневной деятельности и повседневной жизни.The article deals with the questions of modern aspects of higher medical education in Ukraine, the importance of tasks of the higher medical education, prominent aspects of students’ education, necessity for introduction of bioethical principles in the pedagogical process, spiritual revival in students, teaching responsibility in students and doctors in daily activities and in the everyday life.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам об образовании , автор научной работы — Yatsyshyn R., Gerych P., Didushko O.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Modern aspects of medical educationin Ukraine»

UDC 378.147 DOI: 10.22141/2224-0721.13.8.2017.119283

R. Yatsyshyn, P. Gerych, C. Didushko

Higher State Education Institution "Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University", Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Modern aspects of medical education

in Ukraine

For cite: Mezhdunarodnyi Endokrinologicheskii Zhurnal. 2017;13(8):630-631. doi: 10.22141/2224-0721.13.8.2017.119283

Abstract. The article deals with the questions of modern aspects of higher medical education in Ukraine, the importance of tasks of the higher medical education, prominent aspects of students' education, necessity for introduction of bioethical principles in the pedagogical process, spiritual revival in students, teaching responsibility in students and doctors in daily activities and in the everyday life. Keywords: medical education; bioethics

Проблеми вищо!' школи

/Problems in the System of Higher Education/

A reform of higher medical education in Ukraine based on Bologna Declaration principles has an aim to adjust the preparation level of physicians to European criteria that have significant advantages over our educational system. It is necessary to improve a quality of educational performance of high medical institutions to reach success in the way of improvement of preparation system for specialists with high qualification [1]. The quality of education is especially noted by accordance level of theoretical knowledge and skills to their practical usage in professional activity [2].

An important task of higher medical education is preparing of highly qualified and experienced physicians that capable of independent activity, but this aim cannot be fully accomplished, when a proper consideration will not be paid to one of important education aspects of a future physician like an independent activity, as an important education factor for students, as well a mean for accomplishing of professional skill.

Nowadays there is provided an active work for a transition to a new educational system according to signed and ratified Bologna Declaration in all universities of Ukraine. We understand that these days the Bologna process is for us a strategy for a choice that will allow our students to get the higher education on the European standards level and have an opportunity to achieve the fullest self-realization.

We continue to improve the educational process to reach the EU norms level. In this regard the organization of the educational process is divided in:

— providing of systematic activity of a student and a teacher during the whole module;

— increasing of objectiveness in the evaluation of students;

— shaping of skills and basics of a "learning during the whole life" conception;

— stimulating of students' capability for analysis and logical thinking;

— building up of modern educational, as well material and technical base;

— unifying of approaches to knowledge control (current, midterm, final).

Humanity realized that it was impossible to achieve a true progress without high moral norms and rules. They are necessary not only to protect each human, namely ill or healthy one, a child or an elder but also a life itself on the planet Earth. So a bioethics was born.

The bioethics is a science that organically combines modern achievements ofbiological science and medicine with morality. The bioethics aims to protect the physical, mental and moral integrity of the human and their genome, as well the animal and plant world, environment.

Main tasks of the bioethics should be directed to:

— development of a new paradigm of nature management;

© «International Journal of Endocrinology», 2017 © <^жнародний ендокринолопчний журнал», 2017

© Publisher Zaslavsky O.Yu., 2017 © Видавець Заславський О.Ю., 2017

For correspondence: R. Yatsyshyn, Higher State Education Institution "Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University", Halyska st., 2, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine; e-mail: redact@i.ua

Для кореспонденцп: Яцишин Р., ДВНЗ «1вано-Франювський нацюнальний медичний ушверситет», вул. Галицька, 2, м. 1вано-Франювськ, 76018, Укра'на; e-mail: redact@i.ua


Мiжнар0дний ендокринолопчний журнал, p-ISSN 2224-0721, e-ISSN 2307-1427

Том 13, № 8, 2017


Проблеми вищоТ школи /Problems in the System of Higher Education/

— development of a system of scientific prognosis of a potential danger from the implementation of new technologies;

— development of an educational system of bioethi-cal mentality.

In the higher school questions of the medical ethics and deontology should be organically woven into the educational process of all departments, especially clinical ones. However, the teaching of bioethics, ethical skills, ethical thinking and analysis, learning of international medical principles needs an introduction of an independent course of teaching. The students should learn not only moral but also legal norms of their occupation. Ethics and law should be represented in an aspect of personal and legal responsibility for patients [3].

One of the bioethical aspects in the teaching of medical and biological disciplines is a forming of humane attitude to experimental animals that are used in biological experiments during the teaching students of such subjects as medical biology, normal and pathologic physiology, by providing of scientific studies. By presenting of lecture demonstration experiments on animals and also by performing of practical and laboratory classes we implement into the practice alternative ways that allow using computer programs and videos in an experiment [4]. Prospects and opportunities of modern computer programming allow preparing a teaching and methodological support of demonstration experiments in medical and biological disciplines, to exclude completely using of laboratory animals in the near future.

In the study process, the students should be trained in ethics of necessity and ethics of ideal, respect of nature, respect for the environment, where the human lives [5].

The bioethics is not only a set of moral and legal norms that should be used by all, who has a relation to

the human health, life and rights in the process of application of modern medical, biological and economic technologies, but also worldwide and intellectual movement of people that take care of problems of humanism, preservation of the biological world. That is why it is seen extremely significant to implement bioethical principles into the pedagogical process, especially in the system of higher medical education and their abidance by students and physicians in the daily activity and life.

Conflicts of interests. Authors declare the absence of any conflicts of interests that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript.


1. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Order № 48 dated January 23, 2004. On the conduct of the pedagogical experiment on the credit-module system of the organization of the educational process. Available from: http://osvita.ua/legislation/ Vishyaosvita/3126/. Accessed: January 23, 2004.

2. Novi tehnologii' navchannja: naukovo-metododychnyj zbirnyk [New technologies of teaching: scientific and methodological collection]. Kyiv, Vinnytsia: FOP «Korzun DYu»; 2012. 296p.

3. Neyko YМ, Kaminskyi VY, Popadynets OH, Nesterenko VL. A place of bioethics is in the pedagogical process of the system of higher medical education. Arhiv klinichnoi' medycyny. 2006;1:80-81. (in Ukrainian).

4. Fedchenko SN. The use of modern technologies, control system and correction of students' knowledge in the context with bolognia process. Clinical and experimental pathology. 2006;5(1):24-26. (in Ukrainian).

5. Horuzhyj G.F. Akademichna kul'tura: cinnosti tapryncypy vyshhoi' osvity. Pidruchnyk [Academic culture: values and principles of high education. Textbook]. Ternopil: Navchal'na knyga -Bogdan, 2012. - 320p. (in Ukrainian).

Received 30.10.2017 ■

Яцишин Р., Герич П., Ддушко О.

Державний вищий навчальний заклад «1вано-Франювсы<ий нацоналыний медичний у^верситет», м. 1вано-Франювсыс Украна

Сучасн аспекти медичноТ осв^и в УкраТн

Резюме. У статп висвплено питания сучасних аспекпв цес, вщродження в студенпв духовноста, виховання вщпо-вищо! освии в Укршш, завдання вищо! медично! освии, вщальносп i дотримання ix студентами та лшарями в що-важливi питання щодо пщготовки студенпв, необхщносп деннш дiяльностi та повсякденному житп. впровадження бюетичних принцитв у педагопчний про- Km40Bi слова: медична освиа; бюетика

Яцишин Р., Герич П., Дидушко О.

Государственное высшее учебное заведение «Ивано-Франковский национальный медицинский университет», г. Ивано-Франковск, Украина

Современные аспекты медицинского образования в Украине

Резюме. В статье освещены вопросы современных аспектов высшего образования в Украине, задачи высшего медицинского образования, важные вопросы, касающиеся подготовки студентов, необходимости внедрения биоэтических принципов в педагогический

процесс, возрождения у студентов духовности, воспитания ответственности и соблюдения их студентами и врачами в ежедневной деятельности и повседневной жизни.

Ключевые слова: медицинское образование; биоэтика

Том 13, № 8, 2017 http://iej.zaslavsky.com.ua 631

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