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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Vazhenina L.V.

In modern geopolitical conditions, economic growth and sustainable development of gas companies and the gas industry as a whole is directly related to the intensification of production aimed at resource conservation and increasing resource efficiency. The object of the study is the Russian gas industry, including its constituent large companies and segments of gas production, processing and transportation. PJSC NOVATEK was accepted as the "gas production" segment, JSC SIBUR as the "gas processing" segment and PJSC Gazprom as the "gas pipeline transport" segment. The paper analyzes the current state and level of development of gas companies, which showed that companies do not see a holistic efficiency in their development, can not develop a set of measures covering all areas of development of their activities and determine the sustainable state, and do not use modern methods and tools to assess and predict the effectiveness of their activities. In the study, the author proposes an economic and mathematical model and a method of complex assessment of resource efficiency indicators as a predictive tool. A resource-efficient option based on the implementation of companies ' own development strategies is considered. The calculation of efficiency indicators was carried out by segments: production, processing, transportation of gas.

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L.V. Vazhenina, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Tyumen Industrial University (Russia, Tyumen)

DOI: 10.24411/2411-0450-2020-11029

Abstract. In modern geopolitical conditions, economic growth and sustainable development of gas companies and the gas industry as a whole is directly related to the intensification ofproduction aimed at resource conservation and increasing resource efficiency.

The object of the study is the Russian gas industry, including its constituent large companies and segments of gas production, processing and transportation. PJSC NOVATEK was accepted as the "gas production" segment, JSC SIBUR as the "gas processing" segment and PJSC Gazprom as the "gaspipeline transport" segment.

The paper analyzes the current state and level of development of gas companies, which showed that companies do not see a holistic efficiency in their development, can not develop a set of measures covering all areas of development of their activities and determine the sustainable state, and do not use modern methods and tools to assess and predict the effectiveness of their activities. In the study, the author proposes an economic and mathematical model and a method of complex assessment of resource efficiency indicators as a predictive tool. A resource-efficient option based on the implementation of companies ' own development strategies is considered. The calculation of efficiency indicators was carried out by segments: production, processing, transportation of gas.

Keywords: resource saving, resource efficiency, use, gas, processing, main transportation of gas.

Introduction. Currently, improving resource efficiency is becoming more and more relevant both in the European Union and in Russia. The European Commission on energy for 2020-2030 defined the content and goals of resource-efficient development of the European Union [12]. It is planned to increase energy efficiency at all stages of energy production, from generation to final consumption. While the benefits of resource efficiency should outweigh the costs, EU measures focus on sectors where the savings potential is greatest, such as reducing the cost of heating and cooling residential and industrial buildings, which account for half of the EU's energy consumption. The Commission has published guidelines on EU good practices in the field of resource efficiency [16], which are mainly aimed at energy conservation (energy-efficient renovation of buildings, reduction of energy intensity of products, installation of smart electricity and gas meters, production of "energy-efficient" products for the population) [14].

According to the energy strategies of Russia (ES-2020, ES-2030, ES-2035 project), energy-efficient development is understood as the creation of a sustainable and self-regulating system for ensuring energy security, taking into account the optimization of the territorial structure of production and consumption of fuel and energy resources (TER). Target indicators of the strategy [7] include: reducing unit cost for the production of fuel and energy resources, increased production of primary energy sources, the increase in exports of primary energy, reduction of specific indicators of emissions of polluting substances in atmospheric air, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reduction of specific power consumption and capacity is the gross domestic product and more.

It should be noted that targets for resource efficiency indicators may contradict the goals of the territorial economy as a whole, for example, the requirement to reduce the energy intensity of GDP may contradict the decision to develop energy-intensive industries, or ex-

port-oriented development may reduce the energy security of the territory. This fully applies to resource-producing and energy-producing territories of Russia, such as the Tyumen region and the Krasnoyarsk territory. The best indicators of resource efficiency are achieved in the transition from resource-intensive industries to the service sector, which is impossible for many Russian regions due to the current structure of the Russian oil and gas industry. Also, changes in energy prices have a huge impact on resource efficiency indicators, and these changes can be both effective for the economy as a whole and inefficient. Therefore, the targets for resource-efficient development of large companies, industries and territories should be balanced with the targets for socio-economic development of the country. In other words, the resource-efficient development of an object must be linked to the efficiency of its development and functioning. Researchers are still making great efforts to identify the correct relationships between indicators of General economic efficiency and the effectiveness of resource solutions [14].

In this regard, the task of improving resource efficiency appropriate to reduce to the search for agreed scenarios of future mining, processing and transport of gas industry, which is achieved by maximum approximation of the selected system of economic and resource indicators to characterize the development of the gas industry as an effective. At the same time, cost-effective development (growth of GDP and welfare of the population) is balanced with an increase in the efficiency of production, transformation, distribution and final consumption of all types of fuel and energy resources.

To solve this task, we need predictive and analytical systems and information technologies that would allow us to make scientifically based forecasts of the consequences of management decisions, to form balanced systems of targets for resource-efficient development of segments and large companies in the gas industry and to assess their achievabil-


Analysis of literature sources shows that there are currently no systems similar to those developed at the INEI RAS at the regional

level. Some domestic developments on the formation of regional fuel and energy systems, for example, (Bykova & Gorodetsky, 2011; ratmanova & Kuleshov, 2014) [15] do not fully meet the urgent needs of the industry development of the fuel and energy sector. In particular, they lack tools for forming forecast fuel and energy systems, as well as do not solve the problems of strategic goal setting for the development of fuel and energy sectors, which is especially important in connection with the adoption of the Federal law on strategic planning (Federal Law N 172-FL of 28.06.2014).

Statement of the problem. The problems of functioning of gas industry companies are largely due to such development features as the high value of the resource intensity component of manufactured products in GDP, the variety of production processes, the breadth of the product range, the complexity of the industry and segment structure, the priority of modern and high-tech industries, etc. The focus is on extensive development of production, a significant share of outdated and inefficient equipment resource data base, often commissioned at the end of 1970-1980 years, the lack of qualified personnel, lack of financial capacity to implement resource-efficient development scenario can result in technological backwardness and lower competitiveness of industrial production, as external and domestic market.

Thus, special attention should be paid to the problem of developing and implementing methods and tools for assessing resource efficiency, the impact of resource conservation and improving resource efficiency on the main indicators of production activities in order to ensure the sustainable development of companies and segments of the gas industry, as well as adaptation to changes in the market environment. In modern conditions, the problem under consideration is becoming more and more national economic and practical importance, and further strategic stability of the country's socio-economic system, its resource and economic security, security and independence depend on its prompt solution.

Resource-efficient development of the country's strategically important gas industry involves the use of modern management deci-

sion support systems that take into account the implementation of resource-saving measures in gas production, processing and pipeline transport companies. Since management decisions in segments of the gas industry often do not correlate with other sectors of the country's economy, the choice of the best ratios between indicators of General economic and resource efficiency should be carried out using multi-criteria optimization problems. These tasks set benchmarks for resource-efficient development of companies, segments, and the gas industry as a whole as the chosen system of performance indicators. Based on the regulatory and methodological framework, the author has formed a system of performance indicators that describes the development of gas industry companies, taking into account the optimality of resource intensity, resource efficiency, resource conservation and resource consumption.

One of the goals of the research is to develop predictive tools for making management decisions by large gas companies based on improving resource efficiency and security. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were performed:

- formation of a set of target indicators for resource-efficient development of gas industry companies [1, 8-12] that characterize the efficiency of gas production, processing and transportation activities and include indicators of market, production, economic, financial, investment, energy, environmental, public and other activities.;

- development of an economic and mathematical model of the gas industry that allows coordinating resource-saving and resource-efficient measures with increasing the efficiency of gas production, processing and transportation [1, 2];

- development of predictive tools for searching for agreed scenarios that allow you

to find the best options for the development of gas companies in the industry segment, in the conditions of the set of resource efficiency indicators proposed by the author.

Methodology. The scheme of interaction between the gas industry and other economic entities is shown in Figure 1, where indicators are considered in the context of production and consumption of fuel and energy resources (TER). The main segments of the gas industry are the supplier of resources. The consumer of resources is the real sector of the economy (without the gas industry), the population. The scheme of interaction of the gas industry includes a set of economic entities by type of economic activity of the OKVED with the introduction of agents: "households", "public authorities", "external environment", and "market management", responsible for the market balance of supply and demand [2, 15].

Agents engaged in the production, conversion and processing of fuel and energy resources are included in the scheme of interaction of the gas industry, which consists of three areas (Figure 1), which reflects the flows of fuel and energy resources (TER) and cash. In the scheme of interaction of the gas industry, the following fuel and energy resources are used: natural gas, dry gas, liquefied gas, gas processing products, electric and thermal energy [1-3].

The activity of industrial companies is described in two directions of the production function: as agents forming the market supply and agents forming the demand for intermediate products (including fuel and energy resources). The proposed method of comprehensive assessment of resource efficiency was tested on the statistical material and official information of the gas industry companies Novatek, Sibur and Gazprom [4-6].

Fig. 1. Diagram of interaction between the gas industry and economic Entities

The integrated assessment methodology includes the calculation of the main indicators that reflect the efficiency of production, economic, financial, investment, innovation, environmental and energy activities of the enterprise (Figure 2). Methodological tools allow you to make multivariate forecasts of the gas industry as a whole and to choose the optimal resource-efficient development option for the industry as a whole, as well as for individual segments and/or each large company.

A set of indicators of resource efficiency of an industry company reflects the main criteria for resource intensity, resource conservation, and resource security.

Conclusion. The energy strategy of Russia for the period up to 2035 [7] assumes the transition of the domestic economy to a new development model focused on the full and effective use of the domestic resource and innovation potentials. A key role in this process should be played by the fuel and energy complex, which will stimulate domestic demand for fuel and energy resources by advancing the development of energy processing and energy conversion sectors, ensuring accelerated electrification of territories, increasing the added value created in the fuel and energy sector and related industries, and saturating the domestic market with high-quality products of hydrocarbon processing.

Most of the indicators proposed in Russia's energy strategies cannot be used to assess the effectiveness of large gas companies because the required information for their calculation is not provided and is not available for analy-

sis. In accordance with this, the author offers an economic and mathematical model and a method for complex assessment of indicators grouped according to the principle of resource efficiency as a tool. With the help of which the analysis of the indicators presented in Figure 2 for the period 2016-2018 based on public statistics of gas companies [4, 5, 6].

The author made a multivariate forecast of increasing the efficiency of gas companies based on the implementation of their own development strategies and taking into account the requirements of Russia's Energy strategies (ES-2020, ES-2030, es-2035 Project).

When predicting the resource-efficient development of gas production, processing and transportation companies, an assessment was made of their approach to the targets set for the main indicators of company development and determining the sustainable state.

In accordance with the assessment of the performance of gas companies in the post-forecast and forecast period, we can conclude: companies do not see a holistic efficiency in their development; they cannot develop a set of measures that cover all areas of development of their activities and determine their sustainable state; they do not use modern methods and tools to conduct a multivariate assessment and forecast of company efficiency improvement.

1. The disadvantages and limitations of this study include the fact that it was initially planned to test the forecast and analytical tools and methods for a comprehensive assessment of resource efficiency in the gas industry as a whole and assess its impact on the

socio-economic development of the region. and methodological basis for studying the However, due to the insufficiency and inaccu- consumption and effective use of fuel and en-racy of the available statistical data, both in ergy resources, developing strategies and the scientific and periodical press, it was not programs for resource conservation and impossible to conduct research. However, stud- proving resource efficiency, and making cor-ies on the main companies in the gas industry porate and industry decisions. in the field of natural gas production, pro- 3. Conclusions and practical recommen-

cessing and pipeline transport [4, 5, 6] were dations can be used by companies in the oil carried out in full and the relevant conclu- and gas sector of the Russian economy in the sions presented in this article were obtained. development and implementation of strategies

2. The theoretical and practical signifi- and programs for the development and pro-cance of the research is determined by the motion of resource conservation and resource fact that its results can be used as a theoretical efficiency.


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Л.В. Важенина, канд. экон. наук, доцент Тюменский индустриальный университет (Россия, г. Тюмень)

Аннотация. В сложных геополитических условиях рост экономики и устойчивое развитие предприятий газовой отрасли напрямую связано с интенсификацией производства, направленной на ресурсосбережение и повышение ресурсной эффективности.

Объектом исследования в работе выступает газовая отрасль России, включая входящие в ее состав крупные компании и сегменты добычи, переработки и транспорта газа. В качестве сегмента «газодобычи» была принята компания ПАО «Новатэк», сегментов «газопереработки» - АО «Сибур» и «трубопроводного транспорта газа» -ПАО «Газпром».

В работе проведен анализ существующего состояния и уровня развития газовых компаний, который показал, что компании не видят целостной эффективности в своем развитии, не могут выработать комплекс мероприятий, охватывающих все сферы развития их деятельности и определить устойчивое состояние, также не используют современные методы и инструменты для проведения оценки и прогнозирования повышения эффективности своей деятельности.

В исследовании, автором, в качестве прогнозного инструментария предлагается экономико-математическая модель и методика комплексной оценки показателей ресурсной эффективности. Рассматривается ресурсоэффективный вариант на основе реализации собственных стратегий развития компаний. Расчет показателей эффективности проводился по сегментам: добыча, переработка, транспортировка газа.

Ключевые слова: ресурсосбережение, ресурсная эффективность, использование, добыча, переработка, магистральный транспорт газа.

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