MODELS OF PROCESS ENGINEERING OF THE HIGH-TECH COMPANY'S CALL-CENTER Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Lysytsin B.

The urgency of the scientific problem of process engineering of newly created divisions of a high-tech company is justified. Relevant literature sources on engineering and project management are analyzed. The Call-center is considered as an example of a newly created division of a high-tech company. Classification of processes subject to engineering is carried out. The parameters of the processes to be engineered are described. The scheme of process engineering is proposed. A model of process engineering has been developed, which includes determining the target value of process parameters. Prospects for further research in the chosen direction are described.

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18. Nadir Yilmaz. Effects of intake air preheat and fuel blend ratio on a diesel engine operating on biodiesel-methanol blends. Fuel. Volume 94, April 2012, Pages 444-447.

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Lysytsin B.

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, PhD Student


The urgency of the scientific problem of process engineering of newly created divisions of a high-tech company is justified. Relevant literature sources on engineering and project management are analyzed. The Call-center is considered as an example of a newly created division of a high-tech company. Classification of processes subject to engineering is carried out. The parameters of the processes to be engineered are described. The scheme of process engineering is proposed. A model of process engineering has been developed, which includes determining the target value of process parameters. Prospects for further research in the chosen direction are described.

Keywords: project management, Call-center, process engineering, business processes, efficiency criterion.

Formulation of the problem.

In the modern information society, the trend that drives the economy and industry is the implementation of high technology. The greatest dynamics of development is observed in companies and organizations whose main activity is the development and implementation of such technologies - in high-tech companies. Such companies are usually innovative and quickly innovate, develop rapidly. They have, as noted in [1], progressive innovative thinking. The development of hightech companies takes place through the implementation of projects, programs and portfolios of development projects. One of the typical projects for the development of high-tech companies, which is associated with the implementation of marketing strategy, is the opening of new divisions, branches, Call centers. At the

same time, the project of creating a call center is extremely important, as such a center should provide a connection between a high-tech company and its external environment - customers and stakeholders. As a result, many business processes intersect in the Call Center. Therefore, the development (or engineering) of such processes is an important and urgent practical task. At the same time, the practical requirement for the competitiveness of high-tech companies is transformed into a requirement for the optimality of business processes of the Call-center, which, accordingly, is an urgent scientific task.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

Modern research on process engineering and reengineering emphasizes their important role in creating an effective and efficient management system of a modern

organization or enterprise. In particular, their role in the decision-making system of the organization's management is covered [2], the methodology of business process reengineering management is formulated [3]. In this case, effective business processes are considered as the basis for effective economic development [4]. And the efficiency of the business process system of enterprises and organizations is achieved through their reengineering, if such processes already exist, or engineering, if such processes are new and just being created [5]. A new promising area for improving management processes is their X-engineering [6].

On the other hand, either engineering or reengineering of enterprise/organization processes should take place through the implementation of the relevant project. To do this, approaches, principles and methods of project management should be used. The scientific world has developed standards for project, programs and project portfolios management. One of the best known such standards (PMBOK standard) formulates models and methods of project management [7]. In the relevant ISO [8] standard, knowledge of such models and methods is set out in a certification form. A separate ISO standard defines the knowledge required for project management in the field of information technology [9]. Other groups of project management standards emphasize the importance of the competence of professionals [10] and organizations/enterprises in general [11] in this area for the successful implementation of projects. A separate standard that introduces the concept of value in project management is the P2M standard of the Japanese Project Management Association PMAJ [12, 13]. From this point of view, each business process can be considered as one that brings value to the company/organization/enterprise.

Topics on project management of process engineering of the unit, which is created in a high-tech company, are covered in the articles of the author [14-16]. In particular, the approaches to engineering are highlighted and the classification of processes to be engineered is given [14], HR subsystem engineering models are developed in project teams creating new divisions of high-tech companies [15], a system project model for creating a new division of high-tech company -Call-center [16].

Separation of previously unresolved parts of a common problem.

Along with the above, the research that has been analyzed does not sufficiently highlight the scientific problem of developing models of process engineering that will be implemented in the newly created divisions of high-tech companies. Thus, in the works on reengineering [2-6] described only general approaches and principles, as well as the most commonly used models. Project management standards [7-13] provide general approaches to project management that are universal for any field. Therefore, these scientific works do not take into account the specifics of the described project. Instead, in the works devoted to the project of creation of new divisions of high-tech companies [14-16], models of engineering of processes of such divisions are not formulated. Therefore, the topic of this scientific article is relevant.

The purpose of the article.

The purpose of this article is to formulate models of process engineering that will be implemented in the newly created divisions of high-tech companies.

Statement of the main material.

High-tech companies are open to innovation, and are rapidly developing. For the implementation of innovations or as a result of such implementation there is a need for its organizational support. Therefore, one of the products of the innovation project is a new division of a high-tech company. When creating a new unit there is a task to describe the processes that will be carried out in it. If you apply a scientific approach, the effectiveness of such processes will be much greater. Thus, the emerging scientific task is to create engineering models that would increase the efficiency of the processes of newly created units. As an example of a new division being created in a high-tech company, consider the Call-center.

According to prior research highlighted four main processes Call - the center engineering which should take place in the project [14]:

- business processes;

- auxiliary processes;

- IT processes;

- service processes.

Examples of business processes Call-center is the interaction with the customer, processing feedback from the client. An example of auxiliary processes - determining the optimality of processes, improving the process model. An example of IT processes is software updates, digitalization of new functions. An example of service processes - logistics, staff motivation.

To solve the problem of engineering efficient processes, it is necessary to determine the set of their parameters, as well as to determine the target value of each parameter based on the results of either mathematical modeling or appropriate experiments.

Summarizing the research on possible parameters of process description, we offer the following set of parameters for engineering processes of Call-center of a high-tech company (Table 1).

It should be noted that the first eight parameters (process implementation time, process implementation cost, etc.) are quantitative, and therefore can be estimated by an automated system based on natural indicators. While the last two parameters (the uniqueness of the process and the importance of the process) are qualitative.

Therefore, to determine their value (both current and target) it is necessary to involve an expert group. In this case, it is necessary to apply the basic principles of expert evaluation, including:

- the group must consist of at least seven experts;

- each expert must have a weighting factor of his importance in the group (determined by many methods, including cross-assessment, self-assessment, assessment of experience in a given field, performance of test tasks, etc.);

- experts should not have a direct interest in the results of the processes they will evaluate; experts should not know each other;

- extreme assessments of experts on the same issue should be rejected, others - to be processed on the basis of a weighted criterion, taking into account the weight of each expert;

- etc.

Sciences of Europe # 52, (2020)_47

Table 1

Process parameters for engineering

№ Process parameter Mark- Priority

Qualitative/quantitative ing

1 Process implementation time quantitative T High

2 The cost of the process quantitative C High

3 Process profitability (for business processes) quantitative P High

4 The number of labor resources involved in the process quantitative H Middle

5 Number of units involved quantitative D Low

6 Number of process steps quantitative S Low

7 Number of approvals contained in the process (decision points) quantitative Q Low

8 The number of branches of the process quantitative N Middle

9 The uniqueness of the process qualitative U Middle

10 The importance of the process qualitative I High

Also offer scheme implementation engineering departments of technology companies - for example processes that will be implemented in the newly created Call-center (Fig. 1).


1. Identification of target processes

5. Approbation and adjustment of processes

2. Determining process parameters

4. Process engineering

3. Formulation of the target value of parameters

Fig. 1. Scheme of process engineering

This scheme provides for five steps, which are carried out cyclically. The first step is identified processes Call-center engineering which should be implemented. The list of such processes should be formed by the project team and approved by the customer.

In the second step, the business analyst, with the support of the project team, must determine the parameters of each process from a list approved by the customer.

The third step is to determine the target (normative) values of each parameter of each process (occurs either by the results of modeling using a simulation model, or by the results of experiments). Target values should be determined with special care, because they will determine the further evaluation of both the processes themselves and the employees involved in the processes (through the relevant KPIs).

The fourth step should be the direct engineering of processes - the development of the architecture of each

process, taking into account the sequence of steps, employees and departments involved, branches of the process and so on. It is important to take into account the interaction of processes on each other - it is important to describe in detail the interfaces of each process.

The fifth step is to test and adjust the processes. Again, this step may involve either simulation using a simulation model or experimentation.

The engineering process is usually gradual, so that after engineering the first pool of selected processes for engineering, the engineering of the second pool of processes. Therefore, the engineering cycle is repeated again from the first step - before the engineering of all processes defined by the customer will be carried out.

Next, we propose the criteria that will be used to determine the effectiveness of business processes that will be engineered.

For the criterion of efficiency we offer the following formula:


r, J > ]__^target

— '

where Ej - is the criterion of efficiency of the j-th process;

Pj - profitability of the j-th process;

Cj - cost of the j-th process;

Hj - the number of labor resources involved in the j-th process;

Et.arget - the target value of the efficiency criteria of the j-th process;

In this case, the efficiency of the entire system of business processes, the engineering of which takes place, can be calculated by the formula:

E = ^E' = Y/iW-^Etarget

j=l j=l j

where E - the criterion of efficiency of business processes system of Call-center;

Etarget - a target criterion of efficiency of business processes system of Call-center;

J - number of business processes of Call-center for which providing engineering.

According to the results of the research, they were experimentally implemented in one of the high-tech companies of the Czech Republic. The results of the experiments are presented in table. 2.

Table 2.

The results of experimental implementation of the process efficiency model

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№ Business process Efficiency target The value obtained as a result of the experiment Deviation The need for correction

1. Interaction with the client 0,15 0,16 -6,7% -

2. Customer request routing 0,11 0,1 +9,1% +

3. Feedback processing 0,22 0,22 0% -

The following should be noted as a discussion of the results of the experiments. Two of the three business processes studied showed efficiencies equal to (process 3 "Feedback Processing") or higher than target efficiencies (Process 1 "Customer Interaction"). Therefore, these processes do not require correction. However, process 2 "Customer Request Routing" was 9.1% less efficient than required. Therefore, it is necessary to re-engineer it (not to be confused with reengineering, which should take place several years after the implementation of the process, when it becomes sustainable and stabilizes). Thus, the experiment was successful, the results of the experiment can be considered acceptable. The experiment showed that the models of individual processes require re-engineering.

Conclusions and offers.

The development of modern high-tech companies, which takes place through the introduction of innovations, requires the creation of new departments and call centers. The efficiency of such units can be increased through the introduction of scientifically sound models and methods. A particularly important area of application of such models and methods is the engineering of the processes of newly created units. This article formulates models of process engineering that will be implemented in the newly created units (Call-centers) of high-tech companies. In particular, the scheme of engineering is proposed, the processes to be engineered are classified, the process parameters are selected, the efficiency indicator is proposed. An experimental study of the proposed models. Further research in the chosen direction may relate to: identification of a complete standard list of Call-center processes, creation of a model of the complete call center process system and simulation modeling of the process system in order to optimize the specified parameters.


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ДП «Державний науково-тженерний центр систем контролю та аваршного реагування»,

м. Кшв, Украша Колядюк А.С.

ДП «Державний науково-тженерний центр систем контролю та аваршного реагування»,

м. Кшв, Украша Кошмак А.С.

ДП «Державний науково-тженерний центр систем контролю та аваршного реагування»,

м. Кшв, Украша Дубковський В.О. Одеський нацюнальний nолiтехнiчний }miверситет,

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У попередшх роботах проведено аналiз проектних режимiв експлуатацп енергоблока № 1 «Хмельницька АЕС» (нормально! експлуатацп, порушень нормально! експлуатацп та аваршних режимiв), перелш яких встановлено в технолопчному регламента безпечно! експлуатацп (ТРБЕ), та визначено пере-лш режимiв, яш впливають на опорш елементи (ОЕ) реактора. ^iM того, з метою ошгашзацп шлькосп розрахункових обгрунтувань, визначеш основш розрахунковi стани для ОЕ, яш узагальнюють вс режими експлуатацп енергоблоку, що впливають на мщшсть ОЕ.

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