Научная статья на тему 'Modeling the level of technical and artistic readiness increase among people going in for aerobics'

Modeling the level of technical and artistic readiness increase among people going in for aerobics Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
fitness-aerobics / sports training / modeling / methodology / pedagogical experiment

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Irina A. Mingalisheva, Svetlana A. Guryanova

Fitness-aerobics is a kind of sports activity, which is available for all categories of population, children and teen-agers, students. It attracts with the opportunity to realize self-actualization, self-estimation; self-assurance increase and an optimal volume of motional activity provision, the character of which corresponds with the interests and demands of those, who train. Fitness-aerobics in case of systematic training loads provides phenotypic status improvement and has a considerable adaptive and correctional potential. Material. The article presents created by the author model of performing mastery increase among people going in for fitness-aerobics, which is based on the main conceptual theses, principles of sports training. The model reveals pedagogical conditions and factors, which influence the effectiveness of the training process and competitive activity. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis and systematization, progressive pedagogical experience of the specialists in fitness-aerobics summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, modeling, filming, statistical data handling. Results. The methodology of performing mastery increase includes the exercises for motional-coordinating qualities development, choreography, dancing exercises, modern Latin American, African, eastern and historicalcommon dances, which are characterized by different rhythm, expression, plasticity and expressiveness of movements. It gives people an opportunity to reveal their own inner world, enrich it with new knowledge, elements of general and motional culture, achieve a higher level of self-development. Conclusion. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed the expediency and effectiveness of the offered by us model use of performing mastery increase among those who go in for fitness-aerobics. The methodology use, based on this model, helped to increase the level of general physical, technical readiness and also improve the artistry of the individual competitive program fulfillment.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.14526/03_2017_237
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Текст научной работы на тему «Modeling the level of technical and artistic readiness increase among people going in for aerobics»

Dmitriy A. Osipov - Postgraduate Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named after I.N. Ulyanov,

4, area of 100 th Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia

For citations: Kolesnik I.S., Gatin F.A., Osipov D.A. System approach for the methodology creation of technical training improvement among qualified boxers, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.3, pp. 54-60. DOI 10.14526/03_2017_236

DOI 10.14526/03_2017_237


Irina A. Mingalisheva - postgraduate student Svetlana A. Guryanova - post-graduate Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia

E-mail: ld nazarenko@mail.ru

Annotation. Fitness-aerobics is a kind of sports activity, which is available for all categories of population, children and teen-agers, students. It attracts with the opportunity to realize self-actualization, self-estimation; self-assurance increase and an optimal volume of motional activity provision, the character of which corresponds with the interests and demands of those, who train. Fitness-aerobics in case of systematic training loads provides phenotypic status improvement and has a considerable adaptive and correctional potential. Material. The article presents created by the author model ofperforming mastery increase among people going in for fitness-aerobics, which is based on the main conceptual theses, principles of sports training. The model reveals pedagogical conditions and factors, which influence the effectiveness of the training process and competitive activity. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis and systematization, progressive pedagogical experience of the specialists in fitness-aerobics summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, modeling, filming, statistical data handling. Results. The methodology of performing mastery increase includes the exercises for motional-coordinating qualities development, choreography, dancing exercises, modern Latin American, African, eastern and historical- common dances, which are characterized by different rhythm, expression, plasticity and expressiveness of movements. It gives people an opportunity to reveal their own inner world, enrich it with new knowledge, elements of general and motional culture, achieve a higher level of self-development. Conclusion. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed the expediency and effectiveness of the offered by us model use of performing mastery increase among those who go in for fitness-aerobics. The methodology use, based on this model, helped to increase the level of general physical, technical readiness and also improve the artistry of the individual competitive program fulfillment.

Keywords: fitness-aerobics, sports training, modeling, methodology, pedagogical experiment.

Urgency. The conception of fitness is based on many-sided development provision, physiological functions harmonization, general and motional culture improvement,

intellectual and spiritual-moral development, physical development, competitive activity effectiveness. Fitness-aerobics as a kind of sport has own rules of competitions, created

by a technical committee of an International Federation of sport, aerobics and fitness. Motional activity in fitness-aerobics is characterized by dancing orientation. An optimal ratio of the volume and intensity of the training load provides the level of motional-coordinating qualities increase: muscular power, quickness, endurance, accuracy, dexterity, flexibility, body steadiness and others; coordination of motional and vegetative functions; the skills of muscular tension differentiation formation; muscular efforts distribution and redistribution, effectiveness, aesthetic influence increase of physical exercises [1, 3,6]. The aesthetic component realization of fitness-aerobics is fulfilled during the process of expressiveness, plasticity, gracefulness of movements formation.

The aim of this research work is theoretical substantiation of the necessity to search for the ways of performing mastery improvement among qualified aerobists.

Objectives: 1. To create the model of technical and artistic readiness level increase among those who go in for aerobics.

2. Theoretically create and experimentally check the effectiveness methodology of technical and artistic readiness level increase among aerobists.

Materials. Fitness-aerobics became popular owing to qualitative sides of motional activity harmonization, the sense of rhythm formation, plasticity and musical character of movements. The base aerobic steps, the elements of calisthenics and artistic gymnastics, choreography, power, respiratory exercises, stretching give fitness-aerobics a considerable health-improving, aesthetic and developing potential, orientation to motional and musical culture, expressiveness and plasticity formation. In this case the following is taken into consideration: age, motional readiness, a functional state of an organism, propensity for music, which determines the choice of a dancing style and it gives fitness-aerobics great popularity among children, teen-agers and adults [2, 5, 7].

According to L.D. Nazarenko, N.V. Gushchina, 2006, one of the important

peculiarities of fitness-aerobics is the ability to show creative fantasy, own style formation of the program fulfillment and it also stimulates a constant search for original ideas, new elements, which help to improve performing mastery, achieve elegance, expressiveness and gracefulness of movements.

This problem solution conditions the necessity to create a model of performing mastery increase of those who go in for fitness-aerobics.

The model is based on the leading conceptual theses (picture 1), which help to realize the regularities of the training process, directed at personal and motional-coordinating qualities development - the base for self-development and self-realization. A conceptual thesis "unity of consciousness and activity" reveals an indissoluble interconnection of the understanding processes, analysis and feelings summarizing under the influence of different type muscular load. The understanding is connected with cognitive abilities, with the positive influence on an organism realization that fitness-aerobics means have, the subject of pedagogical influence experiences interest in practical fulfillment of the offered physical, choreographic and dancing exercises.

The analysis of the formed motional abilities and skills provides a deeper importance realization of this kind of sports activity for personality development. The sphere of realization broadening provides spiritual-moral transformation of a personality, the fact understanding that biological restrictions of an organism can be decreased by means of muscular activity regulation during a long time period.

"Integral approach to the training process organization" is based on taking into consideration and use of the laws and factors, which influence the effectiveness of the sports training system. Motional and intellectual potential of a subject realization depends on the degree of knowledge formation in the sphere of sports activity. The level of technical and artistic readiness increase is conditioned by intellectual, psycho-emotional

sphere, spiritual-moral and volitional potential harmonization.

"Cause-and-effect relations revelation and taking into consideration", determine the effectiveness of motional activity. During the technique of generally developing, choreographic or dancing exercise mastering those who go in for fitness-aerobics fulfill them from the position of a natural character of movements, not taking into consideration

the laws of the movement quantity, of the center of gravity, the degree of correspondence of spatio-temporal and spatiopower parameters of a motor act and it leads to violation of their technique. Cause-and-effect dependence of the motional action quality fulfillment conditions the necessity to fulfill a constant pedagogical control over the technique of each element.

Conceptual theses: unity of consciousness and activity; integral approach to the training process organization;

cauce-and-effect relatione revelation an

d taki ng into consideration,

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integrity and continuity of the training process; integrity of general and special physical readiness; cyclicity of the training process;

Functions: The main direction:

- health-improving; - many-sided development;

- developing; - intellectual;

- forming; - spiritual-moral;

- upbringing; - physical aesthetic.

- self-knowledge, self-actualization

and self-realization'

Pedagogical conditions and factors:

- a trainer's competence;

- a high level of music;

- nervous-muscular load correspondence to the readiness of those who


- individual trajectory of development provision;

The mptlnnHnlnnv of the» nprfnrm in a maeterv imnrevpment

Means: Methods: Estimation criteria:

- exercises for motional- - flow-line; I - technical training:

coordinating qualities - serial-flow- - clarity and purity of

development; line; exercises fulfillment;

- choreographic exercises; - repeated; - original exercises

- dancing motional actions; - variable; distribution, their

- plasticity and - the method difficulty;

expressiveness of of circular - the level of

movements; training; choreographic readiness.

- modern dances; - playing ; II - Artistry:

- Latin American dances; - competitive - originality of the

- African dances; elements;

Expected result

1 _ 1

1 . _ .1

Picture 1. The model of artistic mastery inc

The aim as a structural element of the performing mastery model increase among those who go in for fitness-aerobics is reflected in the objectives:

- to create the program of technical readiness and artistry of the performance taking into consideration individual peculiarities, opportunities and abilities of each sportsman;

- effective means of sports training of aerobists revelation;

- an innovative methodology creation of technical and artistic training development.

The effectiveness of sports training methodology among those who go in for fitness-aerobics is mainly determined by the principles realization, the totality of which includes all sides of the training process.

One of the important peculiarities of fitness-aerobics as a kind of sport is the absence of very difficult elements, and it attracts a lot of people of different age, status, physical fitness. It determined its main functions:

- health-improving - is directed at cardio-respiratory system improvement, phenotypic status improvement, body correction and etc.;

- developing - provides cognitive sphere development; coordination of motional and vegetative functions, the indices of motional-coordinating indices increase;

- forming - provides mastering the system of cultural and world view values; the need appearance for creative attitude to professional and social activity;

- upbringing function - solves the problems of spiritual-moral development level increase, a volitional component of the sports training realization system, the sense of beauty formation;

- self-knowledge, self-actualization and self-realization function- this function is to increase self-reliance, self-rating of opportunities, skills, intellectual and motional potential;

among those, who go in for fitness-aerobics

- adaptive - is directed at an organism adaptation to the character, volume and intensity of the training load;

- correctional - helps to improve body, strengthen the definite groups of muscles, correct the form of spine and etc.

Especially important is the structural component of aerobists improvement performing mastery methodology - evaluation criteria of competitive program fulfillment. In fitness-aerobics the aim is necessary to consider in unity with the means of its realization, that is why artistry is very important in the performances of sportsmen.

Technical performance of the program is estimated with the maximum sum of points with the easiness and freedom of movements, their elegance, expressiveness, plasticity and rhythmic character. Low mark is given in case of spatio-temporal and spatio-power parameters of motor acts violation, in case of uneven distribution of difficult elements, when the form and the content of motional actions don't correspond to the standards of their fulfillment.

Results and their discussion. In order to check the effectiveness of created by us model of performing mastery increase of those who go in for fitness-aerobics a pedagogical experiment was held. 28 15-19 year-old qualified aerobists took part in the experiment (I category and candidate masters). The control group (CG) and the experimental group (EG) were organized, each group included 14 sportsmen. Before the pedagogical experiment a test was held in order to reveal the initial level of physical, technical and artistic readiness of sportsmen. In order to estimate the level of physical readiness the following tests were used: 100 meters running (seconds); standing long-jump (centimeters); arms-pumping in the lying support (quantity); body lifting and lowering from the lying dorsal position (quantity); 2000 meters cross (minutes). The level of technical readiness was determined according

to the following criteria: clarity and purity of exercises fulfillment; even distribution of the original elements; difficulty of exercises included into the program. Artistry was determined according to the following criteria: expressiveness of motor acts fulfillment; the degree of consistency of music and movements; synchrony of motional actions.

The research materials analysis didn't reveal considerable differences according to the level of physical, technical and artistic readiness of aerobists in the CG and the EG. The training lessons in the CG were held according to a traditional methodology in accordance with the program, adopted by the Federation of sport, aerobics and fitness. In the EG the methodology of performing mastery improvement was used on the basis of created by us model. The methodology included running exercises, hops, jumps fulfillment, directed at general and special endurance, quickness, muscular power, dexterity, accuracy and other motional-coordinating qualities formation; static and dynamic exercises, power exercises, jumps from step-aerobics; dancing exercises; highly -aesthetic, expressive postures and gestures. Artistry was formed by means of dancing choreography formation, which includes modern dances (funk, hip-hop, jazz dancing, body-popping), Latin American dances (mambo, merengue, tango, samba), African, eastern, historical-common dances (waltz, rock-n-roll and others).

Among the most popular methods of training, which are typical for fitness-aerobics, the following were used: flow-line, serial-flow-line, repeated, variable, the method of circular training, playing, competitive. The content of the methodology also included evaluation criteria of technical and artistic readiness.

The methodology of training was based on the principles of integrity and continuity of the training process; unity of general and special physical readiness; cyclicity of the training process, gradual and maximum increase of the training load. The peculiarity of the created by us methodology

was orientation to the following functions of fitness-aerobics realization: health-improving, developing forming, upbringing; self-knowledge, self-actualization and self-realization; adaptive and correctional.

After the pedagogical experiment one more test was held in order to reveal the dynamics of physical, technical and artistic readiness indices. The received data handling showed, that the results improved in both groups: the CG and the EG. However, in the EG they turned out to be higher. In 100 meter running in the CG with the initial results 15,40±0,11 seconds, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results improved and were 15,16±0,09 seconds (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial data 15,48±0,13 seconds to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results increased to 14,61±0,09 seconds (p>0,05); in the CG with the initial results in standing long-jump 179,1±2,05 centimeters to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results improved and were 182,2±3,6 centimeters (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial data 178,6±3,6 centimeters, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results improved to 190,4±2,7 centimeters (p<0,05); in the CG with the initial results 11,5±0,24 times in arms-pumping in the lying support, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results improved to13,1±0,16 times (p>0,05), in the EG with the initial data 11,0±0,19 times to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results increased to 17,6±0,15 times (p<0,05). The same tendency of more considerable indices increase in the EG was revealed according to other control exercises: 2000 meters cross, body lifting and lowering from the lying dorsal position (quantity).

The indices of technical readiness and artistry were estimated by a group of experts (5 specialists of high qualification in fitness-aerobics).

Clarity and purity of exercises fulfillment, original exercises distribution in the program of performance, their difficulty were estimated.

Evaluation criteria:

5 points - clarity of spatio-power parameters of a motor act differentiation,

purity of the body lines; even distribution of the original elements at the beginning, in the middle and in the end of the composition; sufficient difficulty of the exercises;

4 points - insignificant deviations from spatio-temporal and spatio-power characteristics of motional actions, relatively even distribution of the original exercises in different parts of the program, difficulty of the elements, corresponding to the rules of competition;

3 points - regular deviations from spatio-temporal and spatio-power characteristics of motional actions, uneven distribution of the original elements, sufficient difficulty of the elements;

2 points - significant structure violation of difficult elements, their concentration in the middle part of the program, inadequate difficulty of the elements;

1 point - a low level of clarity and purity of the exercises fulfillment, the original elements distribution, mainly, in the first part of the program, insufficient number of difficult exercises.

In the CG with the initial results of technical readiness 3,87±0,12 points to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results were 3,96±0,15 points (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 3,83±0,18 points to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results increased to 4,29±0,12 points (p<0,25).

The degree of artistry among the aerobists was estimated according to the uniqueness of the elements, expressiveness of their use, the degree of correspondence between music and movements, synchronicity of motional actions fulfillment.

Evaluation criteria:

5 points - original elements in all parts of the program, expressiveness of performance by means of unusual links, poses, gestures; a high level of consistency between the character of music and movements; full synchronicity of motional actions;

4 points - uniqueness of the exercises in the 1st and the 3rd parts of the program; expressiveness of the elements fulfillment

using eastern dancing elements, which reveal the character of movements. Consistency between music and motor acts. Insignificant deviations in synchronicity of motional actions in details;

3 points - uniqueness of the elements in the 1st and the 3rd parts of the program, insufficient expressiveness of dancing exercises because of inability to use mimicry and gestures; consistency between music and motor acts with insignificant asynchronous performance;

2 points - no original elements. Inexpressiveness of performance, insufficient consistency between music and motor acts, insufficient synchronicity of movements;

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1 point - no original elements, a low level of expressiveness, insufficient consistency between music and dancing movements; a low level of movements synchronicity.

With the initial results of competitive program artistry in the CG 3,77±0,19 points to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results increased to 3,89±0,17 points (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 3,71±0,20 points to the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices improved to 4,28±0,15 points (p<0,05).

Conclusion. Thus, the results of the pedagogical experiment showed the expediency and effectiveness of the offered by us model use of performing mastery increase among those who go in for fitness-aerobics. The effectiveness of the training process on the basis of the model application is provided by the leading conceptual theses realization, which prove that during the process of sports training it is necessary to influence simultaneously cognitive, emotional spheres with general, motional and musical culture increase, important functions of fitness-aerobics realization, such as health-improving, adaptive, correctional, forming, upbringing and others. The model provides also the necessity to realize a complex of pedagogical conditions and factors: a high level of music, correspondence of nervous-muscular load to the level of readiness of those who train, individual trajectory of

development provision. This model application in the training process conditions the necessity of creative approach to the training process, the ability to predict and develop the skills of those who train on the basis of a deep study of their kineseological potential.


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Irina A. Mingalisheva - postgraduate student Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia E-mail: ld nazarenko@mail.ru

Svetlana A. Guryanova - post-graduate Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia, E-mail: ld nazarenko@mail.ru

For citations: Mingalisheva I.A., Guryanova S.A. Modeling the level of technical and artistic readiness increase among people going in for aerobics, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.3, pp. 60-66. DOI 10.14526/03_2017_237

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