Научная статья на тему 'Modeling of a metasystem for lifelong education for teachers in the modern day'

Modeling of a metasystem for lifelong education for teachers in the modern day Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Modeling of a metasystem for lifelong education for teachers in the modern day»




G. A. Rudik

A modern model of the lifelong education metasystem (LEM) for teachers was designed with regard to the joint synergetic interaction between the culture of globalism and scientific exploration of the world (by philosophy, psychology, physiology, education science and management), resulting in a new synergetic world vision based on multiple dimensions, stochastic determinism, selforganization and complex hierarchy. Fig. 1 represents the suggested model of LEM for teachers, which allows them to define and visualize its framework, outlined by global education, with Einstein’s time and space theory [19], Capra’s “web of life” [5], historical and evolutional analysis, and Santiago’s cognitive approach, using metasystem thinking and multidimensional modeling technique.

The LEM model made it possible to specify the external and internal framework of lifelong education for teachers as well as an occupational image of teachers in the period of globalization, which make it possible to describe and design a teacher’s lifelong education.

The LEM external framework is a triangle pyramid with the apex “Teacher’s occupational image” and a triangle base with the apexes “Life", “Education" and “Economy”. All vertices are in the “Globalization” field and are defined by a phenomenological study approach. Vertices can be briefly described as:

(a) life. Modern researchers [2; 9] have specified new value qualities of “life" in the globalization period (environmental responsibility, global/social justice; “Think globally”, “Act locally”, etc.;

(b) education. Harold Titus has remarked: “an education incapable of paying attention to fundamental matters of human life - meaning of life, nature of truth, beauty and justice... is very inferior” [16]. Mandatory qualification components are: relevant general education, wide professional training and high level of culture and technology, ability to rapidly update and reinforce knowledge;

(c) economy. To train an expert who suits the modern labor markets’ demands, education must focus at forming personal qualities which can be a part of professional competence given these qualities create a potential for personal sustainability in conditions of technological changes which cause changes in competence [11; 21; 22].

LEM internal framework is a multidimensional model in the form of the cube “Teacher’s occupational image” (TOI) based on scientific knowledge by historical and evolutional analysis with the following attributes: (a) “time” field - Age of Enlightenment, industrial and postindustrial periods [8] and globalization [13]; (b) “systems” field based on the analysis of progress in other sciences - philosophy, psychology, management, physiology and cybernetics; (c) “education science” field - traditional education science [7], domain-developing education [15], personal-oriented education [17] and competence approach in education science [6].


The framework of the “systems” field in the time domain “Globalization” are represented in a two-axis plane with the corresponding resultants: (a) “globalization - philosophy”, a resultant defined by postmodernism [4; 24]; (b) “globalization -psychology”, a resultant defined by ecological development theory [26] and quantum psychology [12]; (c) “globalization - management”, resultants defined by strategic and innovation management of knowledge [3; 14]; (d) “globalization -physiology”, a resultant defined by domination of neuron complex of conscious over subconscious [23]; and (e) “globalization - cybernetics”, a resultant based on opinions of many researchers in various countries [1; 10; 18], and is clearly stated by the Canadian theorist Arthur Kroker: “virtualization contains potential for new anthropology, new liberty, and a new ideal which is an inspiring value set for many today for the future” [25].


A multifunctional LEM diagram is created (see Fig. 2) with the above-stated theoretical assumptions. On one hand, the diagram allows managers of educational institutions to identify realia / make a self-audit and elaborate a modern development strategy for educational institutions, while, on the other hand, every teacher can define his or her own “weak spots” to develop a personal project in professional advancement according to the spirit of the time and the school’s strategy.



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Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translations Bureau


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