Научная статья на тему 'Model of the process of development of humane attitude to a person in medical students'

Model of the process of development of humane attitude to a person in medical students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Рогожникова Раиса Анатольевна, Лямова Оксана Олеговна

The article is devoted to the problem of development of humane attitude to a person in medical students. Despite all declarations everyday medical practice shows a lot of examples of soulless attitude to patients. There is an acute necessity to elaborate the problem of development of humane attitude to a person in future doctors who deal with the sick requiring special care and attention. The work presents a theoretical model of the educational process aimed at the development of humane attitude to a person in students of a higher medical school. The model supposes a gradual process including curricular and extracurricular work of students taking into account their level of humane attitude to a person. Every stage of the educational process has special purposes, syllabus, methods and forms. Realization of every stage leads to a higher level of humane attitude to a person in future doctors.

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Статья посвящена вопросу воспитания гуманного отношения к человеку у студентов медицинского вуза. Несмотря на соответствующие декларации, повседневная врачебная практика содержит в себе многочисленные примеры бездушного отношения к больному человеку. Есть настоятельная необходимость в разработке проблемы воспитания у будущего врача гуманного отношения к человеку, в частности, к больному, который как никто другой нуждается в щадящем обращении и уходе. В статье представлена теоретическая модель образовательного процесса, направленного на формирование у будущих врачей гуманного отношения к человеку. Модель предполагает осуществление поэтапного образовательного процесса, включающего в себя аудиторные и внеаудиторные виды деятельности студентов с учетом уровня развития гуманного отношения к человеку. Каждый этап имеет свои цели, задачи, содержание, методы и формы. Реализация того или иного этапа выводит студента-медика на более высокий уровень гуманного отношения к человеку.

Текст научной работы на тему «Model of the process of development of humane attitude to a person in medical students»

DOI: 10.12731/2218-7405-2013-8-62


Rogozhnikova R.A., Lyamova O.O.

The article is devoted to the problem of development of humane attitude to a person in medical students. Despite all declarations everyday medical practice shows a lot of examples of soulless attitude to patients. There is an acute necessity to elaborate the problem of development of humane attitude to a person in future doctors who deal with the sick requiring special care and attention. The work presents a theoretical model of the educational process aimed at the development of humane attitude to a person in students of a higher medical school. The model supposes a gradual process including curricular and extracurricular work of students taking into account their level of humane attitude to a person. Every stage of the educational process has special purposes, syllabus, methods and forms. Realization of every stage leads to a higher level of humane attitude to a person in future doctors.

Keywords: education, model, humane attitude to a person, medical student, higher medical school.


Рогожникова Р.А., Лямова О. О.

Статья посвящена вопросу воспитания гуманного отношения к человеку у студентов медицинского вуза. Несмотря на соответствующие декларации, повседневная врачебная практика содержит в себе многочисленные примеры

бездушного отношения к больному человеку. Есть настоятельная необходимость в разработке проблемы воспитания у будущего врача гуманного отношения к человеку, в частности, к больному, который как никто другой нуждается в щадящем обращении и уходе. В статье представлена теоретическая модель образовательного процесса, направленного на формирование у будущих врачей гуманного отношения к человеку. Модель предполагает осуществление поэтапного образовательного процесса, включающего в себя аудиторные и внеаудиторные виды деятельности студентов с учетом уровня развития гуманного отношения к человеку. Каждый этап имеет свои цели, задачи, содержание, методы и формы. Реализация того или иного этапа выводит студента-медика на более высокий уровень гуманного отношения к человеку.

Ключевые слова: воспитание, модель, гуманное отношение к человеку, студент-медик, медицинский вуз.

Under the conditions of a contemporary tendency to humanization of higher education the problem of the development of humane attitude to a person in future doctors is of great importance because sympathy to a sick person is known to be one of the most noble human feelings. Moral component of medical profession is a ground of doctor's professionalism. Numerous examples of inattentive, rude, neglectful, offensive attitude to the sick demand to lay down the conditions which will solve the contradiction between declaring of the humane character of professional medical education and dehumanizing medical practice. Humane education of medical students will be effective only on the basis of the formation of humane attitude to a person which can be provided by the introduction of specially selected humanitarian knowledge about the humane essence of doctor s profession and medical practice will be based on the axiological attitude to a person - acceptance of a patient as a unique moral personality.

The analysis of psycho-pedagogical literature on the problem of the investigation and studying of educational possibilities of a higher medical school allowed us to create a theoretical model of the pedagogical process developing humane attitude to a person in future doctors. The elaborated model consists of the following blocks: purposeful, motivational, content-related, processual and evaluating. The educational process is considered as a structure consisting of concrete elements and including curricular and extracurricular types of students' activities. The main educational result of the realization of the elaborated theoretical model should become a higher level of humane attitude to a person in medical students.

The first block of the theoretical model includes the purpose. The purpose is traditionally understood as an ideal planned result of educational activities achieved by all the subjects of a pedagogical process. The purpose of our investigation is the development of humane attitude to a person in medical students.

Characterizing the motivational block it's necessary to mention that people's behavior is usually assessed not by its external form but by its motive. The development of humane attitude to a person supposes the formation of social motives making a medical student work for man's benefit as well as the motives of self-improvement stimulating him for active professional education and development of personal humane qualities necessary for future medical practice. Developing his personality a medical student will try to do good for others. Social motives in turn will contribute to self-education and self-improvement of future doctors.

The content-related part of the designed model supposes the selection of the content of humanitarian educational disciplines and extracurricular activities aimed at the formation of humane attitude to a person in medical students. The content of the educational process includes two aspects: formation of humanistic knowledge, abilities and skills of humane behavior and their transformation into the attitude.

The content of the in-class education includes four interrelated and interdependent components:

- scientific theoretical knowledge about the main humanistic notions, categories, conceptions, theories, kinds of humane activities, etc;

- abilities and skills of inner (intellectual) humane activities, such as to give moral estimation to situations, facts, events, people's behavior; make a moral choice; to analyze humane and inhumane actions, etc;

- students' experience of creative activities making future doctors use their humanistic knowledge, abilities and skills in new situations of interpersonal cooperation and communication;

- experience of axiological emotional attitudes to a person.

The content of extracurricular education includes:

- knowledge about moral foundations of life: main moral values, ideals, norms, principles, ways of humane cooperation, etc;

- abilities, skills and habits of humane behavior (to correlate one's interests with wishes and well-being of others; to listen and understand another person; to empathize and sympathize with a person; to help and take care of others; skills of collaboration, interpersonal communication and cooperation, etc);

- development of the main personal humane qualities: kindness, mercy, tolerance, moral stability, empathy, etc.

The educational content was selected according to the stages of the studying process aimed at the development of humane attitude to a person in future doctors.

The processual part of the model includes different forms, methods and technologies of education chosen in relation to the stage of the studying process and the level of humane attitude to a person in medical students.

Having analyzed scientific literature on the problem of the investigation we've singled out the stages of the development of humane attitude to a person: demonstra-tional, stereotypic and the stage of attitude realization. Every stage of the training process supposes certain purposes, aims, content, methods and forms. Realization of every stage of the educational process leads to a higher level of humane attitude to a person in medical students.

During the demonstrational stage the students are supposed to get primary systematized knowledge about the phenomenon of «humane attitude to a person», its structure, content and characteristics in the professional activities of a doctor. It's necessary to form the understanding of this moral category, to overcome the formal character of students' views on humanism, to make future doctors observe common ethical norms reflecting humane attitude to a person, to a patient in particular.

The problem of humane attitude to a person is studied within such disciplines as National History, History of Medicine, History of Culture and English. On the basis of the acquired theoretical knowledge future doctors will develop the abilities to analyze humane and inhumane historic and culturological material, to give moral estimation to situations, facts, events, people's behavior, to hold a constructive scientific discussion. The studying process will contribute to the development of positive motivational sets driving in future doctors the need for humane cooperation, wish and readiness to show humane attitude for their future patients.

The effective acquirement of the educational material is achieved by such training methods as problem narration, discussion, thesaurus, research method, project method, video-method, multimedia technologies which are realized in traditional forms of the organization of educational process in a higher medical school (lecture, seminar, practical class, research-practice conference, roundtable discussion, students' scientific, research and self-guided work).

The content of extracurricular education includes the questions of the principles of people's humane relationship and features of doctor's humane attitude to patients: doctor's moral culture, tactfulness, duty, medical secrecy, general principles of medical ethics and deontology, etc. Future doctors should learn to combine their personal interests with others, to help course mates and teachers, to follow common ethical norms of behavior, to come in contact with a communication partner, to communicate and collaborate in the initial student group.

To form these skills it's necessary to use such educational methods as explanation, persuasion, pedagogical suggestion, pedagogical demand, imitation, example,

exercise, request, encouragement as well as the innovative local educational technologies («speakers' tournament», «in one bunch», etc). The effective use of these methods is achieved by combining both traditional forms of extracurricular educational work (ethical talk, dispute, individual consultation) and non-traditional ones («open platform», «intellectual public sale», «discussion swings»).

Therefore, the rational use of the selected content, methods and forms of the educational process on the first demonstrative stage will provide some positive dynamics in the process of the development of humane attitude to a person in future doctors.

The transfer from the low to the medium level should be carried out during the stereotypic stage which is characterized by the development of primary humanistic knowledge during its practical realization. This stage supposes purposeful creation in the training process some active educational situations during which medical students will be able to practice their humane behavior.

The in-class educational content involves the theoretic humanistic knowledge on Philosophy, Pedagogics and English. During practical classes on these subjects future doctors will learn to assess different moral situations, to analyze people's humane and inhumane actions, to hold a constructive scientific discussion.

The methodical component of the educational process should be added by such active training methods as the association method, brainstorming, case-study as well as some interactive forms of education: business and role play games, talk show, etc.

The content of extracurricular educational activities includes:

- knowledge about the essence, kinds and forms of volunteer's work;

- abilities to evaluate different moral situations; to analyze humane and inhumane actions; to offer and provide help to those in need; to fulfill socially useful activities; to work in team; to take part in collective creative activities;

- skills of habitual follow of moral norms; humane relationship, cooperation and dialogic communication; prevention and constructive resolution of conflicts, etc.

The methodical component of the out-of class training process involves the methods of educational situations, request, competition as well as such local educational technologies as «offer - choose», «sociodrama», etc. The extracurricular education is organized in the forms of ethical training, staging, creative activities and volunteer's work.

The stereotypic stage of the training process is aimed to lead a medical student to the second, medium level of humane attitude to a person.

The third stage of the educational process is called the stage of attitude realization. Together with in-class studying activities it supposes that future doctors will gain the experience of humane behavior during educational practice in hospitals and polyclinics.

The content of the in-class educational process involves the knowledge on «Medical law» and «General patients' care». During the course of «Medical law» future doctors will learn the regulatory principles of doctor's profession, understand that the right of a person to humane attitude is not only an abstract moral demand but is regulated by real laws of our state.

During theoretical and practical classes on «General patients' care» medical students will learn to make sanitization of a patient, give first medical help, use medical instruments and equipment, work with medical documents, carry out treating and prophylactic manipulations and procedures, etc. On the basis of these knowledge and abilities future doctors will develop the practical skills to fulfill the main treating and prophylactic activities caring of the sick.

The main training methods on this stage are demonstration, instruction, case solving. The integration of traditional (lectures, seminars, practical classes) and creative forms of education (information digest, portfolio, etc) will contribute to effective self-realization of future doctors.

The content of extracurricular educational work on this stage includes the knowledge about the methods of self-education, abilities of self - evaluation and self-correction of behavior in compliance with humane norms, abilities to stand against

and suppress any inhumane actions, skills of reflection and self-control. A wide use of self-education methods (self-observation, self-analysis, self-evaluation, self-conviction, etc) will influence the sphere of student's self-regulation, purposeful change of his personality according to moral demands of the society.

Choosing the educational technologies for this stage we've taken into account those which will contribute to the effective students' self - regulation («problems and arguments», «person nearby», etc). During the stage of attitude realization future doctors will continue taking part in different kinds of practical humanistic activities such as volunteer's work, charity actions, etc.

The stage of attitude realization is aimed to raise a medical student to the high level of humane attitude to a person which is characterized by the formation of moral consciousness, developed empathy, sensible acceptance of social and personal significance of this attitude manifested in practical humanistic activities.

Therefore, the theoretical model of development of humane attitude to a person in medical students supposes a gradual training process taking into account the primary level of this integrative personal characteristic in future doctors. The realization of every stage of the educational process leads a medical student to a higher level of the development of humane attitude to a person. The layout view of the designed theoretical model is presented in table 1.

Table 1

Model of the Process of Development of Humane Attitude to a Person in Medical Students

Law and professional, knowledge about humane attitude to a person, its forms and manifestations in medical practice.

To hold humane communication, to come in contact with a patient; to carry out medical manipulations, treating and preventive procedures caring of the sick; to give first medical help; to give prophylactic advice and recommendations.

Conscious humane behavior towards sick and healthy people; care and therapeutic cooperation with patients and colleague; reflection and self-control.


Methods and technologies of in-class education: demonstration, instruction, case solving, research method, project method, multimedia technologies.

Methods and technologies of out-of-class education: example, self-education methods, «problems and arguments», «person nearby».

In-class education forms: lecture, seminar, information digest, portfolio, preclinical practice.

Out-of-class education forms: volunteer's work, «charity actions».




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Rogozhnikova Raisa Anatolyevna, professor of the department of pedagogics, Doctor of Pedagogical Science

Perm State Humanitarian - Pedagogical University Sibirskaya street, 24, Perm, 614990, Russia

Lyamova Oksana Olegovna, post-graduate of the department of pedagogics

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Perm State Humanitarian - Pedagogical University Sibirskaya street, 24, Perm, 614990, Russia e-mail: palina_082@mail.ru


Рогожникова Раиса Анатольевна, профессор кафедры педагогики, доктор педагогических наук

Пермский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет

ул. Сибирская, д. 24, г. Пермь, 6141990, Россия

Лямова Оксана Олеговна, аспирант кафедры педагогики

Пермский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет

ул. Сибирская, д. 24, г. Пермь, 6141990, Россия

e-mail: palina_082@mail.ru

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