Научная статья на тему 'Model of the growing carp fishpond ecosystem'

Model of the growing carp fishpond ecosystem Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Beknazarova Saida Safibullaevna, Elmurodova Barno Ergashevna

The article presents the technology of conceptual modeling of the growing carp fishpond ecosystem of the warm-water farm. The block diagram of the conceptual model, which is a modification of the known conceptual models of fishpond ecosystems, includes four species of carp fish family carp, grass carp, white and variegated silver carp. The model takes into account six control functions that characterize the introduction of artificial feed and mineral fertilizers into the ecosystem of the pond. It is assumed that the appropriate mathematical model will take into account the influence of climatic factors water temperature and solar radiation intensity. A distinctive feature of this conceptual model from other models, first of all, is that it is the first time as a special object of study is a variegated silver carp. The ultimate goal of this conceptual study is to identify patterns of functioning of the ecosystem of the carp fishpond, with the ability to manage its biological processes that will be used to increase its fish production. It is concluded that the developed block diagram of the conceptual model, reflecting the main processes of transformation of matter in the carp fishpond, can meet the conditions of a highly productive ecosystem only if the biological processes of all parts of the biotic chain will proceed at a highly productive level.

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Похожие темы научных работ по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству , автор научной работы — Beknazarova Saida Safibullaevna, Elmurodova Barno Ergashevna

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Текст научной работы на тему «Model of the growing carp fishpond ecosystem»

Beknazarova Saida Safibullaevna, Dr. of technical science, professor, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khorazmi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan E-mail: saida.beknazarova@gmail.com, Elmurodova Barno Ergashevna, senior lecturer, of the Information Technologies Department of the Karshi branch of TUIT named after Muhammad Al-Khorazmi

E-mail: barno-elmurodova@mail.ru.


Abstract: The article presents the technology of conceptual modeling of the growing carp fishpond ecosystem of the warm-water farm. The block diagram of the conceptual model, which is a modification of the known conceptual models of fishpond ecosystems, includes four species of carp fish family - carp, grass carp, white and variegated silver carp. The model takes into account six control functions that characterize the introduction of artificial feed and mineral fertilizers into the ecosystem of the pond. It is assumed that the appropriate mathematical model will take into account the influence of climatic factors - water temperature and solar radiation intensity. A distinctive feature of this conceptual model from other models, first of all, is that it is the first time as a special object of study is a variegated silver carp. The ultimate goal of this conceptual study is to identify patterns of functioning of the ecosystem of the carp fishpond, with the ability to manage its biological processes that will be used to increase its fish production. It is concluded that the developed block diagram of the conceptual model, reflecting the main processes of transformation of matter in the carp fishpond, can meet the conditions of a highly productive ecosystem only if the biological processes of all parts of the biotic chain will proceed at a highly productive level.

Keywords: conceptual model, ecosystem, fishpond, carp family, warm-water farm, population, fish, carp, grass carp, white silver carp, variegated silver carp, benthos, macrophyte, phytoplankton, zooplankton, nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, detritus.


The management of the cyprinid fish pond ecosystem and its maintenance at a highly productive level is achieved by adding organic and mineral fertilizers to the pond, as well as additional feed and feed plants for feeding fish. Unordered application of organic-mineral fertilizers and added feeds adversely affects the entire ecosystem and, ultimately, fish products of the pond [1, 3, 7, 8].

Main part

All the above arguments about the biological foundations of conceptual modeling of the highly productive cyprinid fish pond ecosystem are taken into account in the block diagram of the model illustrated in Figure 1. This model is based on conceptual models close to the approach and modeling methodology developed for the ecosystems of fish ponds and reservoirs in Tajikistan [1-14].

It can be clearly seen from Figure 1 that although the block diagram of the conceptual model under study does not contain a complex structure, it nevertheless includes all the necessary components with which the functioning of the carp

fish pond ecosystem is related. Here, as well as with the well-known block diagrams [1, 3, 7, 8, 13, 14], the corresponding role of the activity ofbacteria is assigned and the detritus function is thereby differentiated.

In the block diagram of our conceptual model (Figure In the block diagram of the model, six control functions are also taken into account, characterizing the introduction of artificial feed and mineral fertilizers into the pond ecosystem, with the following notation: fCO(t) - mixed fodder, fCU(t) - silkworm pupae - additional food for carp (CR), fRS(t) - fodder plants -supplementary feed for white cupid (BA), fKR(t) - feed for factory preparation - additional food for variegated (PT), fSU(t) - superphosphate, fSE(t) - ammonium nitrate - additional nutrients for phytoplankton (FT), followed by transformation into the food of the silver carp (BT).

It is assumed that the mathematical model of the pond ecosystem will also take into account the influence of climatic factors - water temperature and solar radiation intensity.

A distinctive feature of this conceptual model from other such models is, first of all, that for the first time in the

Section 15. Technical science

history of modeling the Central Asian ecosystems of carp

fishponds, a thick carob (PT), the favorite food of which is zooplankton (ZO), is a special object of research.

Figure 1. Conceptual model of the cyprinid pond ecosystem

The ultimate goal of this modified conceptual study is to identify the regularities of the functioning of the cyprinid fish pond ecosystem, with the ability to manage its biological processes that will be used to improve its fish productivity. To achieve this goal, in addition to studying the processes associated with the fish population, it is also necessary to study the life cycles of submerged and semi-submerged macrophytes, to develop a method for taking into account the processes associated with these cycles, to study the patterns of interaction between the water column and sediments of the carp fish pond ecosystem, and so on.

Leaving the notation for the components of this model are the same as in the FS model. Komilova, I.L. [5-8], the variable models were chosen based on the fodder base of fish and taking into account the material circulation in the cyprinid fish pond ecosystem: "MT - semisubmerged macrophytes, MR - submerged macrophytes, FT - phytoplankton, ZO - zooplankton, BK - bacteria and BN - benthos. Limiting biogenic elements of growth and development of phy-toplankton and macrophytes in the ecosystem are PW and

PS - total inorganic phosphorus in water and sediments, NW and NS - total inorganic nitrogen in water and in sediments, respectively. Since, as a rule, in the ecosystems of fish ponds, carbon does not limit the production process, but at the same time is the main component ofbiomass, then introducing CW and CS - total inorganic carbon in water and sediment, future mathematical model. Cycles of nutrient elements, and in general the circulation of substances in the ecosystem of the fish pond, is closed through the dead organic matter, i.e. detritus (DW - detritus in water, DS - detritus in sediments), which decomposes again to biogenic elements under the action of bacteria and, moreover, is among the forced diet of carnivores" [7].

Thus, obtaining 16 phase variables (CR, BA, BT, PT, MT, MR, FT, ZO, BK, BN, PW, PS, NW, NS, DW, ds) in the modified conceptual model of the ecosystem of the growing carp fish pond all three main trophic levels are taken into account: biogenic elements, producers and consumers.

The developed block diagram of the conceptual model reflecting the main processes of substance transformation in

the carp fish pond can meet the conditions of a highly productive ecosystem only if the biological processes of all links of the biotic chain will proceed at a highly productive level.

Summarizing the above considerations, it can be concluded that acquiring new theoretical knowledge in the conceptual modeling of fish pond ecosystems, generalizing and system-

atizing accumulated ideas about the mechanisms of their functioning, and also experimentally discovering new mechanisms in their functioning led to the need to build new, increasingly perfect ecosystem models fishpond ponds. In this particular case, when developing the conceptual model of the ecosystem of the growing carp fish pond of the warm water economy.


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