Научная статья на тему 'Model of pedagogical support of primary school children with cognitive difficulties in studies by a special educational needs teacher'

Model of pedagogical support of primary school children with cognitive difficulties in studies by a special educational needs teacher Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Filonova Evgeniya Vladimirovna

The article substantiates and structures the model of pedagogical support of primary school children with cognitive difficulties in studies by a special educational needs teacher in the conditions of a general education school.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Model of pedagogical support of primary school children with cognitive difficulties in studies by a special educational needs teacher»

Section 8. Pedagogy

Filonova Evgeniya Vladimirovna, Post-graduate student at the Department of Pedagogics, Moscow region state university, Moscow E-mail: Xat21@yandex.ru

Model of pedagogical support of primary school children with cognitive difficulties in studies by a special educational needs teacher

Abstract: The article substantiates and structures the model of pedagogical support of primary school children with cognitive difficulties in studies by a special educational needs teacher in the conditions of a general education school.

Keywords: pedagogical support, cognitive difficulties in studies, model of pedagogical support by a special educational needs teacher.

In the conditions of the current change of socio-economic formations, education plays a special role and a significant attention is paid to the Concept of modernization of the Russian education. Modernization of education presupposes the orientation of studies to not only understanding of a certain amount ofknowledge by the students, but also to the development of their personality, their cognitive and creational abilities, formation of an integral system of knowledge, competences, skills and experience of independent activity.

However, the lead goal of modernization of education to create a mechanism of sustainable development of the system of education cannot be solved without taking into account the state and abilities of a student's personality. Potential abilities of contemporary school children are often diverse: from giftedness, talent to weak performance, delay in development, difficulty in assimilating educational programs. Unfortunately, this diversity in the educational process of general education school has been typical for school children since its conception.

Modern situation in education requires a different conceptual approach, which is defined by the priority of socio-oriented, person-al-pragmatist interaction at all levels of the system of complex help that could satisfy the students with cognitive difficulties in studies.

In the modern situation of development of a personality capable of successful adaptation in the modern world, the system of pedagogical support is gaining more popularity.

This article presents the model of pedagogical support of primary school children with cognitive difficulties in studies by a special educational needs teacher in the conditions of a general education school.

Organization of such support implies both, special pedagogical support of educational process and conduct of correctional-developmental classes. Pedagogical support presupposes active inclusion of the activity of a special educational needs teacher into all spheres of educational process.

In accordance with the goals and tasks of an educational institution, general goal and tasks of correctional-developmental work is determined; its basic provisions are formed; content and direction of the activity of the special educational needs teacher, aimed at the development of cognitive sphere, in the conditions of a general education school are specified; specific methods of the specialist's work with primary school children with cognitive difficulties in studies are used.

The efficiency of correctional-developmental work in the conditions of general education school is provided by a complex approach to its content, which allows determining individually-oriented methods of enhancement of cognitive development in children and formation of academic knowledge. The special educational needs teacher interacts with the specialists of the school psychological medical pedagogical council (hereinafter «PMPc») [4] (teacher, speech therapist, psychologist, doctor), school administration, parents with the purpose of development individual academic itineraries. Work with parents is an important aspect in this interaction.

Correctional-pedagogical work of the special educational needs teacher is built on the principles of the system of correction-developmental education. One should follow the following provisions while organizing it:

1. Complex approach to diagnostics, correction and rehabilitation.

2. Consideration of individual and age peculiarities of a child while organizing correctional-developmental work.

3. Inter-disciplinary interaction of the specialists.

4. Dynamic observation of the student's development.

5. Analysis of the condition of formedness of academic knowledge, abilities, skills and psycho-physical development of the child.

Considering the provision of timely specialized pedagogical support to the children with cognitive difficulties in assimilating the compulsory minimum of educational content in the conditions of the general education school as the main general goal of the activity of the special educational needs teacher, the solution of the following specific problems takes place:

- detection of unfavorable variants of cognitive development and definition of the student's certain educational difficulties;

- drafting of the individual educational itinerary of a child in the conditions of the interaction with PMPc specialists;

- detection of students with cognitive difficulties in studies to perform special correctional-developmental effect by the specialists: special educational needs teacher (educational and cognitive activity); speech therapist (speech activity); psychologist (emotionalpersonal development);

- detection of students who cannot be taught in the system of compensatory education (hereinafter CE) [3];

Model of pedagogical support of primary school children with cognitive difficulties in studies by a special educational needs teacher

- dynamic study of the level of cognitive development by the students and results of correctional-developmental effect;

- monitoring of qualitative result of the selected program, form, methods and approaches of support compared to the real achievement and development level of the child;

- conduct of individual and group correctional-developmental classes ensuring the assimilation of program material and transfer of the skills and abilities formed at classes to the students' educational activity;

- consultation of teachers and parents on the problems of development, education and upbringing of children with cognitive difficulties in studies, selection of optimal form, methods and approaches of education and upbringing in accordance with individual peculiarities of the child.

The solution of set tasks is realized in the following directions of the work of the special educational needs teacher, which ensure a complex approach to its organization [2].

1. Diagnostic direction

The peculiarities of the present direction are: definition of the zone of «relevant» development (what the child does independently) and zones of «closest» development (what the child does with the help of an adult) in order to determine the prospects of the education; division of children with cognitive difficulties in studies into groups according to prevailing defect to conduct correctional-developmental work; dynamic monitoring of the child's development; definition of optimal conditions of individual development in the process of complex impact on the child.

Diagnostic direction of work includes: the stage of primary defect examination; systematic stage-by-stage observations of the dynamics and correction of the psychical development by the specialist; assessment of the correspondence of the selected program, methods and approaches of education to the real achievements and level of the child's development.

Based on the results of the primary defect examination, the students are divided into individual and group classes. Dynamic study of the students is conducted in order to detect the dynamics of the child's development, determine the correspondence of the selected forms, methods and approaches of education to the level of the student's development. In the process of the dynamic study, the task of differentiation of similar conditions of defects in development and determination of children, who are beyond the education in the classes of compensatory education, is also solved. Final diagnostics is performed twice a year (1st or 2nd week of December and May). The results obtained in the course of defect examination were discussed in the meetings of the school PMPc and recorded are a defect presentation of a student.

2. Correctional direction

Correctional direction of the work of the special needs education teacher is a system of correctional-developmental effect on the cognitive activity of the child with difficulties in studies.

The activity of the special needs education teacher is built taking into account age and individual peculiarities of the child depending on the structure of the defect and degree of its expression [1].

The main form of organization of defect-related work is group and individual classes. The number of children in a group varies from 2 to 7 depending on the degree of expression of a defect. Correctional-developmental classes are held by the special needs education teacher after school classes in the regime of an extended school day or non-school hours, taking into consideration the working hours of the school. Individual classes are held once a week during the period from the third week of September till the second week

of May; group classes are held once a week from the 1st of September till the 29th of May — 34 classes in total. The duration of group classes is 30-45 minutes, and individual classes — 20-45 minutes. The frequency and duration of classes is defined by the severity and character of a defect. Total load on the child in accordance with the work of other specialists is also taken into account. Classes are of correctional-developmental and subject-related nature.

3. Analytical direction

The necessity of this direction of work is determined by the need in a complex approach to the problems of the child, which presupposes:

1) the system analysis ofpersonal and cognitive development of the child, which allows determining separate manifestations of the defect of psychical development of the child, determining the reasons of the defect, tracking their interrelation and inter-influence on one another [1];

2) creation of complex individual correctional-developmental programs aimed at interrelated development and correction of different sides of the child's cognitive development;

3) ensuring specialized support of the child's education and upbringing. In accordance with the main defect in the child, every student has a supervising specialist, who ensures the interrelation of directions in the correctional-developmental work of those specialists whose help the child requires;

4) prevention of overloads;

5) interaction of the specialists within the psychological medical pedagogical council.

Thus, this direction ensures inter-disciplinary interaction of the specialists in the work; allows tracking the efficiency of correctional-developmental effect and correct the programs of correctional-developmental classes in accordance with the child's achievement. The complex dynamic examination of children is conducted for this purpose (September-October and April-May). The results are discussed at the meetings of the school PMPc. According to the results of the council's work, the correctional-developmental work of the special needs education teacher with CE students is corrected (if required) and complex recommendations for parents and teachers are drawn.

4. Consultative-enlightening and preventive direction

It implies the support of teachers and parents of the students in the issues of upbringing and education of the child; preparation and inclusion of the parents in the solution of correctional-developmental tasks as well as the work on prevention of secondary and tertiary defects of development.

For this purpose, the special needs education teacher develops recommendations for parents and teachers in compliance with age and individual peculiarities of children, the state of their somatic and psychical health; additional examination of students is performed upon the request of parents and teachers; individual consultations and theme parent meetings, performances at teacher methodical unions are held.

Developed recommendations have private and general nature. Performances at meetings or methodical unions, where parents and teachers are explained about the peculiarities of a defect in detail precede such recommendations.

5. Organizational-methodical direction

This direction of the activity of the special needs education teacher includes the preparation and their participation in the councils, methodical unions, pedagogical councils, organization of documentation, if required, organization of the students' examination for the PMPc of the district (city, city quarter) to refer those who need it to special (correctional) institutions.

To participate in the council, a defect presentation is drafted by the special needs education teacher for every student, which includes basic diagnostically significant characteristics of the peculiarities of the child's development for the qualification of their defect.

The efficiency of pedagogical support of students with cognitive difficulties in studies by the special needs education teacher in the conditions of general education school is provided by a complex

approach to its content, which allows determining individually-oriented methods of enhancement of cognitive development in children and formation of academic knowledge. Children study in the classes of compensatory education, require the help of the special needs education teacher, the level of which depends on the peculiarities of the students. Some children require individual or group correctional-developmental classes and special support, other only need psychological-pedagogical support.


1. Vilshanskaya A. D. Correctional-pedagogical work with primary school children with developmental delay in cerebral organic genesis in general education school. Dissertation. - M., 2005.

2. Vilshanskaya A. D. Goals and directions of the activity of special needs teachers in the general education school//Herald of Russian education. - 2006. - № 5. - P. 20-23.

3. Supplement to the order of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation № 333 as of February 8, 1992 «Tentative provision about the classes of compensatory education in the general education institutions».

4. Letter of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation as of 27.03.2000 № 27/901-6 «About psychological medical pedagogical council (PMPc) of an educational institution».

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