Section 3. Rolnictwo
Tukhtaeva Khabiba Toshevna, Teacher, Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers of the Bukhara branch, Uzbekistan, Bukhara aty E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The questions of land and water resources of the Central Kyzyl Kum. Undrained basins Kizilkum become places reset collector drain, resulting in large areas of pastures and hayfields are subject to flooding, flooding in and out of traffic. The above packages of measures under the conditions of their implementation will contribute to the optimization of the environment, prevention of desertification and improve the productivity of desert ecosystems.
Keywords: Geoinformation monitoring, Kyzyl Kum, water resources, land resources, yield, drainage basin, irrigation.
Central Kyzyl natural geographical study of the area is carried out in the framework of regional-scale studies may be considered. This area is different from all other regions of the natural geographical aspects. Its internal structure, some parts of the gap between it and the ground to natural geographic areas to identify and compare the structure and main features of the latter will be achieved through small areas of the landscape. At the same time, we are in a particular landscape, multi-component and the presence of many factors considered emerging dynamic geosystem. Its internal structure, vertical and horizontal, in connection with the forward and reverse, once known natural geographer B. S. Preobrajenskiy idea of mono- and polisystem reflected in the graphical model.
Landscape with a taxonomic value, that is, of course, the area is small, and at the same time as Tract understand morphological unit of geosystem. These geosystems Central Kyzyl district Wednesday formation and development.
Information about regional and typological approach dispersed in various publications and cartographic materials and fragmented. We have reviewed and summarized the results of its application to physical and geographical regionalization and landscape mapping of the Central Kyzyl Kum. Particular attention is paid to the methods and ways of using this approach, representatives ofvarious schools ofthought.
To develop the capacity of regional-typological approach developed structural-logic, which summarizes and systematizes the basic idea of it. The contents of this scheme reveals the spectrum of known and potential opportunities for exploring and mapping of geosystems. It seems that the development of regional and typological maps using structural and logic can be seen not only as a result of logical operations, preferring one way or another their preparation, but also as a system of analysis and synthesis of territorial differentiation and integration of geosystems of various types and grades.
Section 3. Rolnictwo
Regional and typological approach extends and complements the cartographic method of research, and its structural logic reveals the methodology of creation and the use of regional and typological maps for landscape sphere of knowledge and solutions on this basis in various applications.
In Kyzyl Kum, occupying nearly a quarter of the area of the country, inhabited by more than 30% of the population. It produces the bulk of the gold country, graze more than 20% of sheep and 35% of the total herd of karakul sheep. Initiated the development of phosphorite deposits.
Under these conditions, the most important measure to reduce the social, socio-political tensions could be the solution to the problem of water supply and water beautification desert and pasture areas, as well as the adoption of measures to improve the economy of livestock farms.
Land Fund desert and pasture areas suitable for irrigation of more than 1.5 million hectares Water resources are estimated at over 1 billion. m3, including withdrawals from. Amuriver. However, most of the available water resources, including enhanced mineralization, with appropriate water treatment and the development of specific technologies can be used for drinking purposes and irrigation and water suppley.
Solving the problem of the use of local water resources is particularly important for the creation in each of the areas of Kyzyl Kum at least 1-2 thousand ha. Irrigated land fund for the production of fruits and vegetables and fodder for livestock.
Irrigated agriculture in the artesian wells is limited to no more than 2 thousand ha. While not common irrigated soil, and random, which turned order, stretches of sand, shallow gray - brown soils of ground and even education. In the Central Kyzyl Kum projected groundwater reserves are 836.37 thousand. m3/day; are approved by 516.79 thousand. m3/day. They are mainly concentrated in Min-bulak and Kanimekh areas.
At the moment of drainage water disposed to the development of territories, including natural and an-
thropogenic water lakes are about 1.2 billion. m3/ year. Commercial use of these water resources will contribute to the development of plant and other industries in the Central Kyzyl Kum.
To dramatically increase the efficiency of the use of temporary surface runoff is necessary (as the base for calculations) to know the conditions of formation and modes of this flow. At the same time, the data of the flow alone are not enough to solve the problem. Need to develop improved methods for the concentration of runoff in localized areas and water conservation techniques, providing the opportunity to use it with respect to the motor.
Temporary runoff is formed when the intensity of rainfall in the catchment area is greater than the absorption capacity of the soil cover and the accumulation of moisture in micro relief. Ceteris paribus, the greater the intensity of rainfall and the number and the smaller absorption capacity of soils, the larger the surface runoff. Runoff in watersheds begins to form, depending on the degree of hydration and mechanical composition of the soil, the amount and intensity of rain. As well as the size of the catchment area and the terrain.
To improve the efficiency of the use of temporary surface runoff is necessary (as a base for calculation) to examine the conditions of formation and treatment of runoff. But there is not enough data, should develop improved methods of concentration drain on localized areas and water conservation techniques, providing the possibility of relatively long-term use.
To this end, we performed a morphological analysis of the territory on topographic maps and satellite images. This will highlight the positive and negative elements of the reliefwith the altitude and slope areas. In Kizilkum allocated system representing the watersheds of different orders; clearly limited area of their formation, transit and accumulation that allows you to identify components of their migration flows. For the Central Kyzyl Kum mapped plastics relief which can determine the formation of an in-
terim surface runoff catchment area, the potential reserves of these waters.
Method allows you to display on the map ordered, genetically informed systemic structure of the earth's surface, the actual structure of the soil cover, the other components of nature. And lithodynamic flows, areas of their formation, transit and accumulation of soluble components.
On pastures where there is fresh groundwater is divided into three areas:
1. District undrained (slope 0-5o), where soils are composed of sandy and sandy sediments, groundwater strongly mineralized, with precipitation per 15 mm rain runoff is formed, there is flooding pastures unreasonabley.
2. The area of the scattered drain (slope-sided, above 5o), where soils are composed of loamy sediments. Watershed runoff temporary unilateral, with precipitation at a rain of 5 mm with the intensity of 0.075 mm / min, humidity 15% loamy soil runoff begins, clay it occurs at an intensity of 5 mm to 0.01 mm/min.
3. The area of concentrated runoff (slope from two sides above 50), where soils are composed of
loamy and clayey sediments, temporary catchment runoffwith two slopes, a closed-sided flow direction. During precipitation one 5mm rain intensity 0,075 mm/min, at a humidity of 15% loam soil runoff begins and clay-at 0.01 mm/min.
Calculations catchment, located in the area have shown that the amount of surface runoff in a single rain (total precipitation - 10 mm, the average rainfall intensity of 0.05 mm/min) with a catchment area of 270 km2, loamy deposits is about 518 thousand. m3 of water with the same area with rain intensity of 0.1 mm/min. You can collect up to 1296 thousand. m3 of water. Similar calculations were performed for sites with different lithological structure, with different amounts of precipitation for rain, varying intensity and different in footprint watersheds in different geomorphological conditions of the Central Kyzyl Kum.
The use of even a small fraction of the potential water resources would improve, and in some desert areas with sustainable drinking water and pasture by storing water in the underground natural reservoirs and surface vessels.
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