Научная статья на тему 'Місце молочних напоїв в раціоні школярів'

Місце молочних напоїв в раціоні школярів Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Kalinina G.

The problem of feed of modern schoolchildren is reflected in the article. Modern schooling requires both mental and physical activity and it is accompanied with a significant power consumption, which are restored through the food consumed. According to the latest data by the WHPO, a child health depends on the organization of medical services by 15%, on genetic features by 25% and by 60% on the balanced diet. Dairy products are the main source of organic calcium. Subject to regular consumption of milk and dairy products the daily requirement for calcium is provided with 60-80%. The amount of calcium necessary for the child''s diet cannot be ensured nowadays without consuming dairy products. The level of consumption is studied by the schoolchildren of dairies; the amount of calcium actually used by them is expected. Content of calcium is certain in the milk and soul-milk drinks, used by schoolchildren. After the average daily norms of consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for the schoolchildren of the different age-related groups drew conclusion, that the necessities of organisms of schoolchildren were provided by a calcium from dairies only on 22-32 %. Schoolchildren not only do not get the set norm of day''s consumption of milk and soul-milk drinks but also their physiology requirement is not provided in a calcium due to his maintenance in the used dairies.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Місце молочних напоїв в раціоні школярів»

UDK 613.22:637.046

Kalinina G., Cand of Tech. Scs.© Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine


The problem of feed of modern schoolchildren is reflected in the article. Modern schooling requires both mental and physical activity and it is accompanied with a significant power consumption, which are restored through the food consumed. According to the latest data by the WHPO, a child health depends on the organization of medical services by 15%, on genetic features - by 25% and by 60% on the balanced diet. Dairy products are the main source of organic calcium. Subject to regular consumption of milk and dairy products the daily requirement for calcium is provided with 60-80%. The amount of calcium necessary for the child's diet cannot be ensured nowadays without consuming dairy products. The level of consumption is studied by the schoolchildren of dairies; the amount of calcium actually used by them is expected. Content of calcium is certain in the milk and soul-milk drinks, used by schoolchildren. After the average daily norms of consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for the schoolchildren of the different age-related groups drew conclusion, that the necessities of organisms of schoolchildren were provided by a calcium from dairies only on 22-32 %. Schoolchildren not only do not get the set norm of day's consumption of milk and soul-milk drinks but also their physiology requirement is not provided in a calcium due to his maintenance in the used dairies.

Key words: feed of schoolchildren, milk products, maintenance of calcium.

УДК 613.22:637.046

Калинина Г.П., к.т.н.

Белоцерковский национальный аграрный университет,Белая Церковь , Украина


В статье отражена проблема питания современных школьников. Современная учеба в школе характеризуется высокой умственной и физической нагрузкой и сопровождается значительными энергозатратами, которые возобновляются за счет еды. По последним данным ВОЗ здоровье ребенка на 15 % зависит от организации медицинской службы, на 25 % - от генетических особенностей и на 60 % - от сбалансированного питания. Основным источником органического кальция являются молочные продукты. При условии регулярного употребления молока и молочных продуктов суточная потребность в кальции обеспечивается на 60-80%. Без употребления молочных продуктов на сегодняшний день практически невозможно обеспечить рацион питания необходимым для ребенка количеством кальция. Изучен уровень потребления школьниками молочных продуктов, рассчитано фактически употребленное ими количество кальция. Определено истинное содержание кальция в молоке и кисломолочных напитках, употребленных школьниками. За

© G. Kalinina, 2014


среднесуточными нормами потребления белков, жиров и углеводов для школьников разных возрастных групп сделали вывод, что потребности организмов школьников обеспечиваются кальцием из молочных продуктов лишь на 22-32 %. Школьники не только не получают установленную норму суточного потребления молока и кисломолочных напитков, но и не обеспечивается их физиологичная потребность в кальции за счет его содержания в употребленных молочных продуктах.

Ключевые слова: питание школьников, молочные продукты, содержание кальция.

УДК 613.22:637.046

Кашнша Г.П., к.т.н.

Бтоцертвський нацюнальний аграрний утверситет,Быа Церква, Украгна


У статт1 висвтлено проблему харчування сучасних школяргв. Сучасне навчання у школг потребуе високого розумового та фгзичного навантаження й супроводжуеться значними енерговитратами, яю вгдновлюються саме за рахунок спожитог гж1. За остантми даними ВООЗ здоров 'я дитини на 15 % залежить в1д оргатзацп медичног служби, на 25 % — в1д генетичних особливостей i на 60 % — в1д збалансованого харчування. Основним джерелом оргатчного кальцт е молочт продукти. За умови регулярного споживання молока i молочних продуктiв добова потреба в кальцп забезпечуеться на 6080%. Без споживання молочних продуктiв на сьогодтштй день практично неможливо забезпечити рацюн харчування необхiдною для дитини тльтстю кальцт. Вивчено рiвень споживання школярами молочних продуктiв, розраховано фактично спожиту ними ктьтсть кальцт. Визначено ктинний вмкт кальцт у молоц та кисломолочних напоях, спожитих школярами. За середньодобовими нормами споживання бытв, жирiв i вуглеводiв для школярiв рiзних вжових груп зробили висновок, що потреби органiзмiв школярiв забезпечуються кальщем з молочних продуктiв лише на 22-32 %. Школярi не тыьки не отримують встановленог норми добового споживання молока та кисломолочних напогв, але й не забезпечуеться гхня фiзiологiчна потреба у кальцп за рахунок його вмкту у спожитих молочних продуктах.

Ключовi слова: харчування школярiв, молочш продукти, вмкт кальцю.

Problem accent. Nutrition affects child's formation and development: its digestive system condition, the gastrointestinal tract as well as nervous and muscle skeletal system performance and, in general, all the vital organs. Proper diet affects the work efficiency of a child and, therefore, affects the level of useful information learning.

Modern parents, being aware of the requirements on proper nutrition, control what their child consumebn and, in most cases, follow the healthy food regime. Yet, the vast majority of Ukrainian kids starts their pre-school education since they are 3 years old. Unfortunately, children complete nutrition availability in schools and preschool establishments has a number of drawbacks, caused by different reasons: the


outdated post-Soviet standards for the rations, inadequate state regulation of financial support, lack of interest in the products rations diversification that would meet the demanding likes of pupils.

Modern schooling requires both mental and physical activity and it is accompanied with a significant power consumption, which are restored through the food consumed. According to the latest data by the WHPO, a child health depends on the organization of medical services by 15%, on genetic features - by 25% and by 60% on the balanced diet. It is important for an organism that the food has all the necessary nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, minerals and vitamins) in the ratio of [1]: - the optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates for infants is 1:2: 3; for primary school age children it is 1:1:6; for adults - 1:1:4. Table. 1 contains daily rates of protein, fat and carbohydrates consumption necessary for appropriate nutrition of children based on the Decree № 272 of 18.11.99 "On Approving Norms of physiological needs of Ukraine population in nutrients and energy".

Table 1

Average daily norms of requirement for protein, fats and carbohydrates for _school students of different age groups__

Age Energy, kilocalories Proteins in g Fats in g Carbohydrates in g

Total Animal origin

6 years (pupils) 2200 72 36 65 332

7-10 years 2400 78 39 70 365

11-13 years(boys) 2800 91 46 82 425

11-13 years (girl) 2550 83 42 75 386

14-17 years (young) 3200 104 52 94 485

14-17 years (girl) 2650 86 43 77 403

Digestible carbohydrates should make no more than 20% of their total consumption. Weight of the comsumed food should fluctuate, depending on the age, from 2000 to 2600 g per day, including 500 g of milk and dairy products, according to the N 1591 Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of nutritional standards in schools and health institutions" dated 22.11.2004.

Children unbalanced nutrition results in significant health violations and alimentary dependent diseases development. Calcium is known to play a major role in child's body growth, through storing in bones mainly. It is also indispensable in the process of teeth dentin and enamel formation and mineralization in children. In addition, calcium is involved in many important physiological and biochemical processes. In recent years, pediatricians worry about calcium deficiency in children diet, nearly one in three children under the age of 3 is diagnosed with hypocalcemia. At child's postnatal development stage lack of calcium in the body is invisible, but, as the time passes, it can result in serious diseases development. The main causes of hypocalcemia are primarily calcium deficiency in the diet, calcium and phosphorus imbalance in the diet and malabsorption of calcium and vitamin D in the intestine. The optimal calcium and phosphorus ratio is 1,2:1,5. Disorders of calcium-phosphorus balance are determined with a large amount of phosphates in the modern diet, particularly sausages, sodas, processed cheese and etc. Excessive phosphorus


disturbs thes balance and promotes "leaching" calcium from the bones. The recommended rate of physiological need for calcium for children aged 1-6 is 800 mg / day; for those aged 7-10 - 1000 mg / day, 11-17 years - 1200 mg / day. But in fact, teenagers intake only 85,59-423,27 mg of calcium per day [2-5].

It should also be emphasized that, due to the global anthropogenic pollution, food is increasingly becoming a source of xenobiotics, i.e. extraneous toxic substances that are of harmful impact on the physiological mechanisms of homeostasis at different levels of regulation. However, the food chemical composition and its components activity are important factors that can modify the activity farmacological toxic extraneous substances entering an organism. For example, calcium is food protective component against the xenobiotics such as lead, mercury, cadmium, fluoride, strontium-90 [6].

Dairy products are the main source of organic calcium. Subject to regular consumption of milk and dairy products the daily requirement for calcium is provided with 60-80%. The amount of calcium necessary for the child's diet cannot be ensured nowadays without consuming dairy products.

The research objective is to analyze the actual pupils dairy products consumption and the level of calcium physiological availability in the organism.

Materials and methods. Analysis of the actual consumption of dairy products in the town pupils was conducted with the analytical and statistical data processing of diets in Bila Tserkva schools (the data were received from the Department of Education and Science of Bila Tserkva City Council) as well as with 735 pupils of different age groups direct questioning. Calcium content in dairy products was determined with the complex metric method with chrome mazarine acid indicator; the results were compared with the reference data [7, 8]. The level of calcium availavility in the body was calculated. Statistical analysis of experimental data was performed using the set of standard software STATISTISA © 5.0 for Windows (StatSoft).

The results and discussion. Analysis of the pupils actual nutrition of schoolchildren showed that children practically do not consume milk and dairy products. According to the author, the low consumption of dairy products is determined with the limited assortment of dairy products in school meals. Also, according to the pupils "boiled milk" is a childish product and they are embarrassed to use it in face of their peers. Unfortunately, irregular food habits begin to form in children from an early age, when they prefer eating chips, nuts, soda drinks etc.

Calcium supply in an organism is determined with its actual content in food, including dairy products. The results of determining calcium content in milk and dairy drinks are represented in Table 2.

Current decrease in the amount of calcium in dairy products can be explained by the influence of high temperature pasteurization regimes under which the organic soluble calcium is transferred into an insoluble form, so-called "milk stone", which is deposited on the walls of the heat exchangers. This reasonably indicates the feasibility of the revision of the outdated normative data on regulating the dairy products chemical composition.


Table 2

The comparative analysis of the content of calcium in dairy products

Product Calcium, % mg

Help data Experimental data

Personal This other authors [9]


Milk pasteurized with a mass fraction of fat 120 110 113

of 2,5 %

Milk pasteurized with a mass fraction of fat 120 112 113

of 3,2%

Milk of the sterilized 3,2 % 121 110 115

Kefir low-fat 126 110 106

Kefir a mass fraction of fat of 2,5% 120 110 113

Yogurt a mass fraction of fat of 2,5% - 116 -

If pupils consumed the recommended daily norm of milk and dairy products, the physiological need for calcium for children aged 7-10 would be covered to 52.3%, for teens aged 11-17 it would be covered to 43.5%. Given the actual content of calcium in dairy products We have evaluated the level of security physiological needs covering with calcium due to actual milk consumption. Table 3 shows the average data consumption of milk by pupils and the level of calcium provision under actually consumption of dairy products.

Table 3

Average data of results of researches

The age The Mass of milk is at one respondent, in g (M ± m) Level of security of an organism calcium, in %

7..10 years 329 ± 8,75 32,4

11...13 years 281 ± 6,3 26,8

14...17 years 313 ± 7,62 22,7

It is evident that pupils do not receive the established norms of daily milk and dairy products consumption, moreover, their physiological need for calcium is not provided due to its content in the consumed dairy products.

The results of the research justify the need to:

- solve the problems of free supplying the secondary schools with milk at the state level and to provide pupils with milk and dairy products on a specified level of the daily requirement which makes 500 g;

-implement the system of students awareness of the benefits of consumption of milk and dairy products and the need to prevent diseases related to the lack of calcium in an organism;

- extend the range of dairy products due to dairy products functionalities enriched with bioactive components with regulated micro- and macroelement composition, to attract students to consume wholesome delicious drinks due to their taste-and-aroma components.



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