Научная статья на тему 'Mineralogical composition of the sierozemic soils in the foothill plains of Zhetisu ridge'

Mineralogical composition of the sierozemic soils in the foothill plains of Zhetisu ridge Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Omirzakova A.N., Pachikin K.M.

The mineralogical composition of the fine dispersed part of soils of the foothill plains of the Zhetysu Ridge was studied for the first time as part of the assessment of the fertility and current state of soils of agricultural lands of South-Eastern Kazakhstan. For the first time, studies of clay fraction of northern sierozems showed the following mineral composition: mixed -layer illite-smectite formations, hydromica, kaolinite, chlorite, lizardite, and non-clay minerals -highly dispersed quartz and feldspars; meadow-sierozemic soils contain: mixed-layer formations, kaolinite, lyzordite, magnezioarfvedsonit, mica, chlorite, quartz and feldspar.

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Минералогическии состав тонкодисперснои части почв предгорных равнин Же-тысуского хребта был впервые исследован в рамках проекта по оценке современного состояния сельскохозяиственных земель Юго-Восточного Казахстана. Впервые проведенные исследования илистои фракции почв сероземов северных показал следующии мине-ралогическии состав: смешанослоиные иллит-смектитовые образования, гидрослюда, каолинит, хлорит, лизардит, и неглинистые минералывысокодисперсныи кварц и полевые шпаты; лугово-сероземные почвы содержат: смешанослоиные образования, каолинит, лизордит, магнезиоарфведсонит, слюду, хлорит, кварц и полевые шпаты.

Текст научной работы на тему «Mineralogical composition of the sierozemic soils in the foothill plains of Zhetisu ridge»

UDC 631.41



1 Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry after U.U. Uspanov, 050060, Almaty, 75 Val-Farabi avenue, Kazakhstan, e-mail: alnomir @ mail.ru 2Research Center for Ecology and Environment of Central Asia (Almaty), 050060, Almaty, 75V al-Farabi avenue, Kazakhstan Abstract. The mineralogical composition of the fine dispersed part of soils of the foothill plains of the Zhetysu Ridge was studied for the first time as part of the assessment of the fertility and current state of soils of agricultural lands of South-Eastern Kazakhstan. For the first time, studies of clay fraction of northern sierozems showed the following mineral composition: mixed -layer illite-smectite formations, hydromica, kaolinite, chlorite, lizardite, and non-clay minerals -highly dispersed quartz and feldspars; meadow-sierozemic soils contain: mixed-layer formations, kaolinite, lyzordite, magnezioarfvedsonit, mica, chlorite, quartz and feldspar.

Key words: northern sierozems, fine-dispersed mineralogy, hydromica, mixed-layer formations, kaolinite, chlorite, quartz.

INTRODUCTION Sustainable development of Kazakhstan assumes the implementation of measures aimed at preservation and reproduction of soil fertility and prevention of degradation and desertification of agricultural lands.

In this regard, the issues of conducting geographical research in the Almaty region, where agricultural lands of the foothill plains of the Zhetysu Range are located, are of particular relevance. The territory under consideration is composed of thick sediments of loess-like loams, where the main zonal soils are formed: dark chestnut, light chestnut and grey soils. At absolute altitudes in the zone of wedging out of groundwater, intrazonal soils are also formed: meadow-sierozem, meadow, meadow-marsh, and marsh soils [1, 2].

Pre-mountain sierozem soils zone with sierozem ordinary northern soils, within the described territory, belongs to the North Tienshan province (Kyrgyz, Trans-Ili, Dzungarian Alatau and Ketmen ranges) and is located at the altitudes less than 850 m.

The mineralogical composition of the dark, light chestnut soils of the foothill plains of the Zhetysu Ridge was studied as part of the assessment of the current state

of agricultural land in South-Eastern Kazakhstan [3]. Geochemical and mineralogical studies of the relevant soils of the dry steppes of Central Kazakhstan were previously carried out by the staff of the Institute of Soil Science [4].

Soil minerals serve as a source of plant nutrients; phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sulfur, and trace elements enter the solution. Such studies of the soil mineralogical and chemical properties give an idea of the natural reserves of plant nutrients in them and can be indicators of changes in soil processes under the influence of both soil-forming and anthropogenic influences [5, 6]. Thus, according to the well-known scheme of Gorbunov, potassium is contained in feldspars, micas and hydromica, magnesium is contained in biotites, chlorites and mont-morillonites, and phosphorus - in apatites, phosphates of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, aluminum and organics. Part of the phosphate is in the state of absorption by clay minerals [7].

One of the most important tasks of Kazakhstan's development is the implementation of measures aimed at preservation and reproduction of soil fertility, since the degradation and desertification of land leads to a permanent decline in the return of material resources invested in agricul-

tural production, undermining the republic's food and economic security. These tasks cannot be solved without reliable systematized information, including data on soil spatial distribution and data on basic soil properties (chemical, physico-chemical, physical, morphological, and mineralogical).

Northern or Semirechensky siero-zems are divided into two subtypes - ordinary and light. The climate of this region is characterized by a warm, wet spring, during which an outbreak of biological activity occurs and a hot, dry summer with a period of biological rest. The vegetation of both subtypes is wormwood-ephemeroid and ephemeroid-wormwood (Artemissia sublessingiana, Poa bulbosa, Carex). Loesslike loams have become widespread as soil-forming rocks. Northern sierozem soils are characterized by low-humus profile - the thickness of humus horizons (A + B) is 35-50 cm. Ordinary normal sierozem soils contain 1.3-2.0 % of humus and 0.08-0.13 % nitrogen in the upper horizon, which quantity gradually decreases (table 1). The low amount of absorbed bases (9-11 mg-eq/100 g) is also characterized by a decrease in the depth of the profile. The absorbing complex is saturated with calcium in the presence of potassium and magnesium. The reaction of soil suspension is alkaline (pH = 8-8.6). Meadow-gray soils are located on the foothill plains of the Dzungar Alatau and are divided into non-saline, solonchak, solonets-solonchak genera. Vegetation - ephem-eroid-chiy-wormwood, with feather grass, gorchak, ephemerals. Soil-forming rocks are alluvial layered sandy loams and clay loams. Meadow-gray non-saline soils contain in the upper horizon 0.8-1.3% of humus and 0.08-0.10 % of nitrogen (table 1). The amount of exchangeable bases is low (7-10 mEq/100 g), gradually decreasing in depth. Calcium predominates in absorbed bases, less magnesium, and sodium is pre-

sent in alkaline soils. The reaction is alkaline (pH = 8.0-8.6) [1, 2].

OBJECTS AND METHODS This article for the first time presents data on mineralogical study of sierozem soils of the northern and meadow-sierozem soils of the Zhetysu Ridge (Dzungar Alatau).

The following soils of this region were the objects of investigation of the mineralogical composition of the clay fractions:

Section 06/C15 - sierozem northern ordinary irrigated light loamy.

Section 12/C15 - meadow-sierozemic soil non-saline light loamy.

To study the substance composition of the clay fractions of soil of the Zhetysu Ridge, an x-ray diffraction-metric research method was used [8].

X-ray diffraction-metric analysis was performed on an automated diffractome-ter DRON-3 with Cuk - radiation, (Milter. Diffractogram shooting conditions: U = 35 kV; I = 20 mA; 9-29 shooting; 2 degree/min detector. X-ray phase analysis on a semi-quantitative basis was performed on powder samples diffractogram patterns using the method of equal weights and artificial mixtures. The quantitative ratios of crystal phases were determined. The diffraction patterns were interpreted using the ICDD data files: a PDF2 (Powder Diffraction File) database of powder diffractometric data and diffracto-grams of mineral free of admixtures.

The gross analysis of soil clay fraction was performed by X-ray spectral mi-croanalysis using an electronic probe mi-croanalyzer of the Super-probe 733 brand, JEOL (Japan). Analysis of the elemental composition and photo shootings in various types of radiation were performed using an JNCAENERGY energy dispersive spectrometer (Oxford instruments) in accelerating voltage of 25 kV and a probe current of 25 nA.

Table 1 - Chemical and physic-chemical properties of sierozem and meadow- sierozemic soils

№ sections Depth, cm Humus, % Total nitrogen, % C02, % Absorbed cations, mg-eq/100 g Mobile forms, mg / kg рн

Ca Mg Na К Сумма P2O5 К20 hydrolyzed nitrogen

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Sierozem Ordinary Northern Irrigated Light Loamy

06/C15) 0-10 1,18 0,112 0,58 5,00 5,00 0,26 0,58 11,34 29,00 510 39,20 7,98

17-27 1,13 0,112 0,68 8,50 1,50 0,26 0,58 10,84 26,00 500 33,60 7,97

32-42 0,82 0,112 1,23 8,00 1,80 0,20 0,18 10,13 7,00 200 30,80 8,03

48-58 0,75 0,084 2,50 8,20 1,70 0,24 0,15 10,39 - - 8,02

75-85 - - 6,13 - - - - - - - 8,13

Meadow-sierozemic soil non-salinized, light loamy

12/C15 0-9 1,33 0,100 1,00 4,50 2,00 0,22 0,53 7,25 35,00 400 30,80 8,09

12-22 0,55 0,056 3,16 4,25 1,75 0,26 0,68 6,94 10,00 480 25,20 8,28

28-38 0,51 0,056 1,84 3,80 2,25 0,30 0,55 6,85 7,00 430 19,6 8,37

45-55 0,44 0,042 1,87 3,50 2,00 0,19 0,47 6,16 - - - 8,45

75-85 - - 3,19 - - - - - - - - 8,31


The gross chemical composition of clay fraction of sierozems and meadow -sierozemic soils is characterized by a high content of sesquioxides and absence of significant changes in the profile (Table 2, 3). The greatest amount of phosphorus, silicon, and alumina oxides is observed in the arable horizon of the studied soils.

Sierozems and meadow-sierozemic soils contain more oxides of silicon, phosphorus, and potassium in the upper horizons. Compared to soil, gross chemical composition of clay fraction of sierozems shows a decrease in the amount of silicon oxide (25.5-35.0 %) and increase in iron and aluminum oxides (5.0-8.5 %), (10.214.7 %) (Table 2, 3), respectively. Clay fraction of the studied soils contain more magnesium, which indicates the presence

of magnesium-containing minerals - the presence of magnesioarfvedsonite in meadow- sierozemic soil was determined (Table 4). An interesting fact is that in the mineralogical composition of the previously studied dark, and light chestnut zonal soils of the Zhetysu ridge, magnesioarfvedsonite was not found [3]. The relatively low content of calcium oxide in the sludge indicates the opposite - a small amount of calcium-containing minerals. In the clay of the arable horizon, phosphorus and potassium oxides exceed its amount in soil as a whole.

As a result of the X-ray diffractomet-ric study of finely dispersed fractions of sierozems and meadow- sierozemic soils of the Zhungar Ridge, the following distribution pattern of clay minerals was established (Figures 1, 2).

Figure 1 - Diffraction pattern of northern ordinary sierozem (R. 06/C15; depth

0-10 cm)

Table 2 - Gross chemical composition of clay fraction of northern ordinary sierozem (R. 06 / C15)

Depth of section, 0-10 cm

All results in compounds,%

Spectrum Na20 MgO AI2O3 Si02 P2O5 S03 K20 CaO Ti02 MnO Fe2Û3 Total

Spectrum 1 14,74 2,85 14,40 34,07 18,19 0,60 3,63 3,54 0,38 0,22 7,39 100,00

Spectrum 2 14,15 3,45 14,48 35,46 16,61 0,34 3,76 3,27 0,65 0,23 7,59 100,00

Spectrum 3 11,29 3,11 15,28 37,67 14,33 0,41 4,06 4,51 0,58 0,25 8,50 100,00

Average 13,40 3,14 14,72 35,73 16,38 0,45 3,82 3.78 0,54 0,23 7,83 100,00

Standard deviation 1,84 0,30 0,48 1,82 1,94 0,13 0,22 0,65 0,14 0,01 0,59 -

Max 14,74 3,45 15,28 37,67 18,19 0,60 4,06 4,51 0,65 0,25 8,50 -

Min 11,29 2,85 14,40 34,07 14,33 0,34 3,63 3,27 0,38 0,22 7,39 -

Section depth, 17-27 cm

All results in compounds,%,

Spectrum Na20 MgO AI2O3 Si02 P2O5 S03 K20 Ti02 CaO MnO Fe2Û3 Total

Spectrum 1 7,98 5,36 14,99 36,27 14,69 0,22 4,51 0,59 6,89 0,15 7,36 100,00

Spectrum 2 6,68 5,95 14,45 35,70 16,65 0,35 5,46 0,71 6,25 0,16 7,65 100,00

Spectrum 3 8,22 5,31 14,77 36,08 15,88 0,24 5,60 0,42 5,64 0,20 7,64 100,00

Average 7,62 5,54 14,73 36,02 15,74 0,27 5,19 0,57 6,26 0,17 7,55 100,00

Standard deviation 0,62 0,23 0,27 0,29 0,51 0,07 0,07 0,15 0,63 0,03 0,16 -

Max 8,22 5,95 14,99 36,27 16,65 0,35 5,60 0,71 6,89 0,20 7,65 -

Min 6,68 5,31 14,45 35,70 14,69 0,22 4,51 0,42 5,64 0,15 7,36 -

Table 3 - Gross chemical composition of clay fraction of meadow-sierozemic soil (R. 12 / C15)

Section depth, 0-9 cm

All results in compounds,%

Spectrum Na20 MgO AI2O3 Si02 P2O5 S03 K20 CaO Ti02 Fe2Û3 CI Total

Spectrum 1 18,65 2,65 11,36 28,94 22,77 0,16 2,91 6,78 0,36 5,64 0,14 100,00

Spectrum 2 17,51 3,06 11,87 30,41 20,63 0,50 3,26 6,71 0,44 5,78 0,09 100,00

Spectrum 3 18,40 2,71 11,89 29,38 21,43 0,35 3,22 6,24 0,33 5,21 0,09 100,00

Average 18,19 2,81 11,71 29,58 21,61 0,34 3,13 6,58 0,38 5,64 0,11 100,00

Standard deviation 0,60 0,22 0,31 0,76 1,08 0,17 0,19 0,30 0,05 0,38 0,03

Max 18,65 3,06 11,89 30,41 22,77 0,50 3,26 6,78 0,44 5,94 0,14

Min 17,51 2,65 11,36 28,94 21,43 0,16 2,91 6,24 0,33 5,21 0,03

Section depth, 12-22 cm

All results in compounds,%

Spectrum Na20 MgO AI2O3 Si02 P2O5 K20 CaO Ti02 Fe2Û3 CI Total

Spectrum 1 12,81 3,36 14,99 36,27 13,69 3,51 6,89 0,59 7,74 0,15 100,00

Spectrum 2 13,68 3,95 14,45 36,70 14,65 3,46 6,25 0,71 5,99 0,16 100,00

Spectrum 3 14,22 3,31 15,77 36,58 13,88 3.60 6,64 0,50 5,30 0,20 100,00

Average 13,62 3,21 15,73 36,02 14,07 3,52 7,26 0,57 5,82 0,18 100,00

Standard deviation 0,62 0,23 0,27 0,29 0,51 0,07 0,63 0,15 0,16 0,03

Max 14,22 3,36 14,99 36,27 14,65 3,60 6,89 0,71 5,49 0,20

Min 12,98 2,95 14,45 35,70 1,69 3,46 5,64 0,42 5,16 0,15

Figure 2 - Diffractogram of meadow-gray soil (R.12 / 15; depth 0-9 cm)

The mineralogical composition of the clay fractions of the studied soils consists of disordered mixed-layer (illite-smectite) formations, hydro-mica, trioctahedral chlorite, lizardite, magnesio-arfvedsonite, kaolinite, ferroactinolite, feldspar and quartz (Table 4). The differentiation of the above minerals by the profile of the studied soils is small and synchronous in terms of the sludge content. Transformational changes of trioctahedral and accumulation of dioctahedral minerals of clay fraction, as well as the formation of phosphates, as a result of repeated fertilization, occur most intensively in the upper horizons of the studied soils (Table 4). It is well known, that the replacement of potassium in hydromica can lead to the formation of swelling packets and, as a result, minerals with stable and labile packets are formed, i.e. mixed-layer minerals (MLM) -mica -

montmorillonite [7], which are widely distributed in sedimentary rocks of various types.

Potassium-containing hydromica minerals are present in varying quantities in sierozems and meadow- sierozemic soils and a comparison of total potassium in sludge in the upper and lower horizons of the studied soils showed an accumulation of potassium in the upper horizons, which is probably related to the process of their clayzation. So, in the composition of clay minerals of the finely dispersed fraction of these soils, the structure-swelling components are involved, in which in-terpacket potassium is more mobile than in hydrofluoric structures [9]. Magnesium-rich minerals of montmorillonite and chlorite groups and their mixed-layer formations increase in the lower and middle horizons.

Table 4 - Mineralogical composition of clay fraction of northern sierozem and meadow-sierozemic soil

V ih e it iin Sodium Phosphate e it ni

№пп Depth , см Content of clay, 1 1mkm MLM Hydromica ol a k + e it ir ol hl C Lizardite Calcite Quartz Epidote Feldspar o d e £ s- ce io e n sg a M Ferroaktinolil

Sierozem northern ordinary irrigated light loamy (R. 06/ C15)

1 0-10 12,131 17,4 18,9 12,9 5,9 31,5 5,6 7,8 - - - -

2 17-27 12,920 15,7 15,2 15,7 - 35,2 7,5 8,7 - 2.0 - -

3 32-42 14,173 16,8 9,4 15,5 14,1 10,3 16,8 14,9 2.2 - - -

4 48-58 13,368 15,4 11.9 16,8 15,4 - 19,0 12,7 3,5 5,3 -

5 75-85 12,563 18,5 11,6 15,1 13,0 - 19,5 12,1 4,8 5,4 - -

Meadow- sierozemic non- salinized, light loamy on loess-like loams (R. 12 / C15)

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1 0-9 12,080 14,7 16,8 9,5 7,8 32,8 7,9 - 10,4 2,1 - -

2 12-22 14,877 9,3 9,6 8,7 - 30,5 4,5 5,2 15,2 2,5 19,0

3 28-38 14,455 10,9 7,9 12,6 7,6 - 7,7 5,1 14,8 5.0 12,9 15,5

4 45-55 12,480 14,6 7,7 18,0 5,0 - 8,3 8,4 12.5 6,1 11,5 7,9

5 75-85 11,259 - - - - - - - - - - -

The appearance of the montmorillo-nite group in the upper horizons is probably associated with the transformation of hydromica as a result of prolonged leaching and the release of potassium from mica and hydromica grids. In the works of B.P. Gradusov, N.P. Chizhikova, Plakhina [10] in particular, clay minerals were explored for possible potassium mobilization during soil formation and provision of plants with this element to increase their resistance to weathering and soil formation agents: 1) biotite, phlogopite, 2) mixed-layer biotites (phlogopites) - ver-miculites, in particular, hydrobiotites,

3) glaconitites and mixed-layer mica-smectites, 4) muscovites, sericites, diocta-hedric hydromica, 5) orthoclase, micro-cline.

Along with hydromicalization in meadow- sierozemic soils, an increase of magnesia in the depth due to the iron index is observed. It is expressed in a decrease of molecular ratio of iron to magnesium down in the profile, even when the absolute iron content in the clay fraction increases in depth, but less significantly than magnesium.

Highly dispersed clay minerals, defined in the profile of these soils, regulate

the distribution of the elements of applied fertilizers, which are fixed in their crystal lattices (Figure 1).

The theoretical basis for research, where we studied the reserves of potassium, phosphorus and other elements in the soil was the provision proposed N.I. Gorbunov [7], on the division of the ash elements of soil into direct, close and potential, depending on chemical and min-eralogical composition and dispersion of soil.

During the study of the mineralogi-cal composition of other zonal (dark, light chestnut) soils of the Zhetysu Ridge region, it was shown that most of the total potassium reserves is accumulated in the potential and in the close reserve [3]. The same trend can be seen in this case -where the northern gray and meadow gray soils are provided with direct and close potassium reserves.

To carry out developments related to the solution of practical problems of land management, it is necessary to have reliable and qualitative data on soil characteristics of the region, the structure of soil surface and its transformation associated with the action of natural and anthropogenic factors.


1. For the first time the studies of clay fraction of northern sierozems and meadow-sierozemic soils of foothill plains of Zhetysu ridge- showed the following mineralogical composition in the northern sierozem: mixed-layer hydromica-smectite formations, hydromica, kaolinite, chlorite, lizardite and non-clay minerals- highly dispersed silica and field spars; meadow-sierazem soils contain: mixed-layer formations, magnesioarfvedsonite, kaolinite, licorite, mica, chlorite, ferroactinolite, quartz and feldspar.

2 Northern sierozems and meadow-sierozemic soils are characterized by the content of a significant amount of potential and close reserves of potassium, conditioned by hydromica nature of highly dispersed minerals and presence of feldspars and mica.

The results of the research will contribute to set the control over the concentration and changes of the main plant nutrients associated with land use for the development of schemes for the sustainable development of the territory and planning the need for mineral fertilizers for the rational land use.


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8 Gorbunov N.I., Sergeenko V.T., Tikhonov S.A. Quantitative X-ray Determination of Clay Minerals // Sb. soils and agro. Issue II. Mineral fertilizers. - 1974. - P. 138-149.

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МИНЕРАЛОГИЯЛЫК К¥РАМЫ 1в.О. Оспанов атындагы К,азац топырацтану жэне агрохимия гылыми зерттеу институты, 050060, Алматы ц., эл Фараби дацгылы, 75 В, К^азацстан,

e-mail: alnomir@mail.ru 2Орталыц Азия экология жэне цоршаган орта гылыми-зерттеу орталыгы (Алматы), 050060, Алматы ц. эл-Фараби дацгылы, 75В, Цазацстан Жетку жотасыньщ тау етегшдеп жазык топырактардыц уса; белшнщ минералогиялык курамы алгаш рет Ощустж-Шыгыс Казакстанныц ауыл шаруашылык жерлершщ кунарлылыгын жэне агымдагы жай-^шн багалау шецбершде зерттелдi. СолтYстiк сур топырактыц алгаш рет жYргiзiлген зерттеулерi ылаилы фракцияныц келесi минералдык курамамын керсеттi: ретсiз аралас кабатты иллит-смектитп тYзiлiмдерi, гидрослюда, каолинит, хлорит, лизартит жэне ылаисыз минералдар- унтакталган кварц, далалык шпаттар; сур-шалгын топырак курамы: ретсiз аралас кабатты тYзiлiмдер, каолинит, лизордит, магнезиоарфведсонит, слюда, хлорит, кварц жэне далалык; шпаттар.

TyuiMdi свздер: солтYстiк сур топырак, усак дисперсп минералогия, гидрослюда, ретсiз аралас кабатты тYзiлiмдер, каолинит, хлорит, кварц.


ЖЕТЫСУСКОГО ХРЕБТА 1Казахский научно-исследовательский институт почвоведения и агрохимии имени У.У. Успанова, 050060, г. Алматы, проспект аль-Фараби, 75В, Казахстан,

e-mail: alnomir@ mail.ru 2Научно-исследовательский центр экологии и окружающей среды ЦА (Алматы), 050060, г. Алматы, пр. Аль-Фараби, 75 В, Казахстан Минералогическии состав тонкодисперснои части почв предгорных равнин Же-тысуского хребта был впервые исследован в рамках проекта по оценке современного состояния сельскохозяиственных земель Юго-Восточного Казахстана. Впервые проведенные исследования илистои фракции почв сероземов северных показал следующии мине-ралогическии состав: смешанослоиные иллит-смектитовые образования, гидрослюда, каолинит, хлорит, лизардит, и неглинистые минералы- высокодисперсныи кварц и полевые шпаты; лугово-сероземные почвы содержат: смешанослоиные образования, каолинит, лизордит, магнезиоарфведсонит, слюду, хлорит, кварц и полевые шпаты.

Ключевые слова: сероземы северные, тонкодисперсная минералогия, гидрослюда, смешанослоиные образования, каолинит, хлорит, кварц.

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