SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STRESS PREVENTION IN PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские науки и общественное здравоохранение»

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Ключевые слова
Stress prevention / social psychological characteristics / workplace / social support / job control / organizational climate / work-life balance. / Stress prevention / social psychological characteristics / workplace / social support / job control / organizational climate / work-life balance.

Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским наукам и общественному здравоохранению, автор научной работы — Jumanova Ugiloy Sadiqjonovna

Stress in the workplace has become a prevalent concern inmodern society, with significant implications for individuals' well-being and organizational productivity. This scientific article provides a comprehensive review of the social psychological characteristics that contribute to stress prevention in a person's professional activity. Drawing from the fields of social psychology and occupational health psychology, this article explores various factors, including social support, job control, organizational climate, and work-life balance, that play a crucial rolein mitigating stress and promoting psychological well-being. The findings highlight the importance of considering social psychological factors in the design and implementation of stress prevention interventions in the workplace.

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Stress in the workplace has become a prevalent concern inmodern society, with significant implications for individuals' well-being and organizational productivity. This scientific article provides a comprehensive review of the social psychological characteristics that contribute to stress prevention in a person's professional activity. Drawing from the fields of social psychology and occupational health psychology, this article explores various factors, including social support, job control, organizational climate, and work-life balance, that play a crucial rolein mitigating stress and promoting psychological well-being. The findings highlight the importance of considering social psychological factors in the design and implementation of stress prevention interventions in the workplace.






Jumanova Ugiloy Sadiqjonovna

Gulistan State University Department of "Pedagogy and Psychology". intern researcher Email: ugiloyjumanova4@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11178215


Received: 04th May 2024 Accepted: 10th May 2024 Online: 11th May 2024 KEYWORDS Stress prevention, social psychological characteristics, workplace, social support, job control, organizational climate, work-life balance.

Stress in the workplace has become a prevalent concern in modern society, with significant implications for individuals' well-being and organizational productivity. This scientific article provides a comprehensive review of the social psychological characteristics that contribute to stress prevention in a person's professional activity. Drawing from the fields of social psychology and occupational health psychology, this article explores various factors, including social support, job control, organizational climate, and work-life balance, that play a crucial role in mitigating stress and promoting psychological well-being. The findings highlight the importance of considering social psychological factors in the design and implementation of stress prevention interventions in the workplace.

1. Introduction:

In contemporary society, the prevalence and impact of stress on individuals' well-being and organizational functioning have become increasingly evident. Stress in the workplace poses a significant challenge, affecting employees' mental and physical health, job satisfaction, and overall productivity. As such, there is a growing recognition of the importance of stress prevention in professional activity. This article aims to explore the social psychological characteristics that play a crucial role in stress prevention and promote psychological well-being in the workplace.

The field of social psychology offers valuable insights into how social factors and psychological processes influence individuals' experiences and responses to stress in professional settings. By understanding these characteristics, organizations can develop targeted interventions and strategies to create a supportive work environment that mitigates stress and fosters employee well-being.

This article will examine several key social psychological characteristics that have been found to be influential in stress prevention. Specifically, it will focus on social support, job control and autonomy, organizational climate and culture, and work-life balance. Each of

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these characteristics will be discussed in-depth, exploring their theoretical underpinnings, empirical evidence, and practical implications for stress prevention in professional activity.

2. Social Support

Social support refers to the availability of assistance, understanding, and resources from others in times of need. It plays a crucial role in stress prevention within the workplace. Research has consistently demonstrated that social support networks, including colleagues, supervisors, and family members, have a significant impact on individuals' ability to cope with work-related stressors.

There are different types of social support: emotional support, instrumental support, and informational support. Emotional support involves the provision of empathy, understanding, and encouragement, which helps individuals manage their emotions and cope with stress. Instrumental support refers to the tangible assistance and resources provided by others, such as help with workload or practical advice. Informational support involves providing relevant information and guidance to navigate work challenges effectively.

Social support acts as a buffer against the negative impact of work-related stressors. It provides individuals with a sense of belonging, validation, and reassurance, which can enhance their resilience and ability to cope with stress. Social support networks can offer different perspectives, suggestions, and resources, expanding individuals' problem-solving abilities and alleviating stress.

Organizations can promote social support by fostering a supportive work environment. This can be achieved through team-building activities, creating opportunities for social interaction, and encouraging open communication among employees. Providing mentoring programs and establishing employee assistance programs can also enhance social support within the workplace.

3. Job Control and Autonomy

Job control refers to the degree to which individuals have authority and decision-making power over their work tasks and the flexibility to determine how they accomplish their goals. Having a sense of control and autonomy in one's job is crucial for stress prevention.

Research has consistently shown that individuals with higher levels of job control experience lower levels of stress. When employees have the ability to make decisions and have control over their work processes, they feel a greater sense of empowerment and are better equipped to manage work-related demands.

Job crafting, which involves proactively shaping one's job tasks and responsibilities, can contribute to increased job control and reduced stress levels. By modifying their tasks, relationships, and perceptions of their work, employees can align their job with their strengths and personal preferences, leading to greater job satisfaction and well-being.

Flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting, job sharing, or flexible scheduling, also provide employees with a sense of control over their work-life balance, reducing stress associated with rigid work demands. Participatory decision-making, involving employees in decision-making processes that affect their work, fosters a sense of control and empowerment, promoting stress prevention.

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Organizations can foster job control and autonomy by delegating decision-making authority, providing training and resources for skill development, and involving employees in decision-making processes. Creating a culture that values employee input and autonomy can contribute to a more supportive work environment and enhance stress prevention.

4. Organizational Climate and Culture

The organizational climate and culture encompass the shared values, norms, and beliefs within an organization. They significantly influence employees' stress levels and well-being. A positive work climate characterized by fairness, trust, and open communication promotes stress prevention and psychological well-being.

Leadership styles play a vital role in shaping the organizational climate. Transformational leadership, which involves inspiring and motivating employees, promoting a shared vision, and providing support, has been associated with lower levels of employee stress. Leaders who exhibit fairness, empathy, and transparency create an environment where employees feel valued and supported, reducing stress levels.

Organizational justice, which refers to the perception of fairness in the distribution of resources, decision-making processes, and interpersonal interactions, is another critical aspect of the organizational climate. Perceived fairness contributes to employees' sense of control, trust, and job satisfaction, reducing stress levels. Organizations can promote organizational justice by ensuring transparency in decision-making, providing opportunities for employee input, and fair distribution of resources and rewards.

Supportive policies and practices also shape the organizational climate. Implementing policies that promote work-life balance, provide opportunities for development and growth, and offer support for employees' well-being contribute to stress prevention. Organizations can establish employee assistance programs, wellness initiatives, and flexible work arrangements to create a supportive climate that prioritizes employee well-being and stress reduction.

5. Work-Life Balance:

Achieving a healthy work-life balance is crucial for stress prevention. This section explores the relationship between work-life balance and stress, highlighting the challenges faced by individuals in managing their professional and personal lives. It discusses the importance of supportive work-life balance policies, such as flexible work schedules and family-friendly initiatives, in reducing work-related stress. The article provides practical recommendations for organizations to promote work-life balance and enhance employee well-being.

6. Conclusion:

This scientific article highlights the significance of social psychological characteristics in stress prevention within professional activity. It emphasizes the role of social support, job control, organizational climate, and work-life balance in fostering a healthier work environment and enhancing employee well-being. By considering these social psychological factors, organizations can develop evidence-based interventions and strategies to address work-related stress and promote psychological wellness among employees. Future research

Innovative Academy Research Support Center UIF = 8.1 | SJIF = 7.899 www.in-academy.uz

should further explore the mechanisms and interactions of these characteristics to refine stress prevention interventions and maximize their effectiveness in the workplace.


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