Научная статья на тему 'Методы оценки экономического потенциала промышленного предприятия'

Методы оценки экономического потенциала промышленного предприятия Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Бабкин Александр Васильевич

Рассмотрены содержание и экономическая сущность понятия «экономический потенциал» применительно к промышленному предприятию. Проведен анализ методов оценки экономического потенциала промышленного предприятия, на основе которого выполнена классификация используемых методов. Разработанная классификация и выполненная характеристика методов позволят исследователю осуществить обоснованный выбор методов оценки экономического потенциала предприятия в зависимости от особенностей решаемой задачи и воздействующих внешний и внутренних факторов.

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Methods of evaluating the economic potential of the industrial enterprise

In article the contents and economic essence of the concept "economic potential" in relation to the industrial enterprise is considered. The analysis of methods of an assessment of economic capacity of the industrial enterprise on the basis of which classification of used methods is executed is carried out. The developed classification and the executed characteristic of methods will allow the researcher to carry out a reasonable choice of methods of an assessment of economic capacity of the enterprise depending on features of a solved task and influencing external and internal factors.

Текст научной работы на тему «Методы оценки экономического потенциала промышленного предприятия»

UDK 658

A.V. Babkin


А.В. Бабкин


In article the contents and economic essence of the concept "economic potential" in relation to the industrial enterprise is considered. The analysis of methods of an assessment of economic capacity of the industrial enterprise on the basis of which classification of used methods is executed is carried out. The developed classification and the executed characteristic of methods will allow the researcher to carry out a reasonable choice of methods of an assessment of economic capacity of the enterprise depending on features of a solved task and influencing external and internal factors.


Рассмотрены содержание и экономическая сущность понятия «экономический потенциал» применительно к промышленному предприятию. Проведен анализ методов оценки экономического потенциала промышленного предприятия, на основе которого выполнена классификация используемых методов. Разработанная классификация и выполненная характеристика методов позволят исследователю осуществить обоснованный выбор методов оценки экономического потенциала предприятия в зависимости от особенностей решаемой задачи и воздействующих внешний и внутренних факторов.


Introduction. In the conditions of modern economy the enterprises need to estimate, develop and maintain their competitive advantages. Only the competitive enterprise can survive in the modern market. Stable development of the enterprise in the future depends on its ability to analyze, predict, quickly and adequately to react to changing environmental conditions, to keep and gain new competitive advantages in fight in the markets.

Now the deep analysis and an extensive discussion of the questions connected with economic development, interaction of the innovative and competitive relations will be, certainly, useful to adoption of strategic decisions at level of branches, and also enterprises.

The sphere of innovative activity remains one of the key spheres in the Russian economy since knowledge of the innovative mechanism, its levers, the incentives, carrying-out channels, has overwhelming value for development of market processes. It is very important to penetrate into

essence and specifics of the innovative processes proceeding on laws of the market, and to use in economic policy competitive incentives for innovative development of the separate enterprises.

Transition of the industrial enterprises to innovative development demands development and improvement of the corresponding methods of management. The assessment of its economic potential can become one of the directions of improvement of activity of the enterprise. For the correct assessment of the current situation and search of competitive advantages the industrial enterprise needs to analyze available economic potential and to reveal reserves of increase of efficiency of its use. The quantitative assessment of its components is necessary for an objective assessment of economic potential. However many methodical issues of this important problem aren't resolved yet. For example, so far there is no consensus on essence and the maintenance of economic potential, criteria and indicators of an

* This work was supported by Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (№ 11-32-00005).

** Статья подготовлена при поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда (грант № 11-32-00005).

assessment of economic potential aren't proved, the main requirements for system of estimated indicators aren't developed, there is no scientific and reasonable classification of the factors determining the economic potential.

The knowledge of level of economic capacity of the enterprise will allow the management to understand, what role from the point of view of innovations is played by the enterprise in the segment of the market, whether is the enterprise the leader of innovative development of research and production branch or lags behind the general tendencies of development of innovations, whether the enterprise is capable to provide itself with innovations in the future for successful competitive fight.

The concept of economic potential

of the industrial enterprise

Economic potential and possibilities of its development are the integral component of successful functioning of the modern industrial enterprise. Therefore so important correctly and sensibly to estimate the rational sizes of economic potential which effectively functioning enterprise has to have. The key moment of the solution of this task is accurate definition of the concept of economic potential and its structure.

The practical importance of development of this problem induces many scientists to devote it detailed researches. Nevertheless, still neither in domestic, nor in foreign literature it isn't developed the unified and accurate views concerning treatment of economic capacity of the scientific and production enterprise, its components, criteria of its assessment and techniques of exact definition.

The analysis of the literature devoted to the concept of economic capacity of the scientific and production enterprise shows a divergence of views of economists on this question.

The best general determination of economic potential of the enterprise is offered by the author/1/, determining economic potential as «... set of different types of resources, including the material, financial, intellectual, scientific and technical and other resources necessary for implementation of innovative activity». Such understanding schematically and simply treats this difficult category, without opening all potential opportunities and reserves of economic capacity of the scientific and production enterprise.

The similar position in treatment of this definition is taken by authors [2, 3]. These authors

note that implementation of innovative activity requires existence of economic capacity of the enterprise which is characterized as set of various resources, including:

— intellectual (technological documentation, patents, licenses, business plans on development of innovations, the innovative program of the enterprise);

— material (skilled and instrument base, processing equipment, resource of the areas);

— financial (own, loan, investment, federal, grant);

— personnel (leading innovator; the personnel interested in innovations; partner and personal contact of employees with scientific research institute and higher education institutions; experience of carrying out scientific researches; experience of project management);

— infrastructure (own divisions of research and development, department of the chief technologist, department of marketing for new products, patent and legal department, information department, department of competitive investigation);

— other resources necessary for implementation of innovative activity of the enterprise.

Broader determination of economic potential of the enterprise offer authors [4, 5]. They specify that strong in economic and innovative sense it is considered the enterprise possessing fully scientific and technological potential, including:

— qualified scientific personnel;

— material support which significantly influences the level of scientific and technical decisions, and also terms of creation and development of innovations. It includes scientific tools, equipment, devices, and also the level of its novelty in technological sense, existence of skilled and experimental base;

— information and methodical providing which reflects experience of researches and development, existing scientific and technical reserve, and also degree of information about developments in these areas;

— organizational support which forms an orientation of scientific and technical activity, and also is responsible for communication with other divisions of the enterprise.

The treatment of economic capacity of the scientific and production enterprise as measure of readiness of the enterprise to carry out the innovative task is logical and adequate. For this purpose, it is not enough to have one type of resources for the enterprise, the necessary moment is ability to use them with the greatest

effect, and also to open and use hidden reserves. In the conditions of limited financing of expensive research and production development this aspect gains especially essential value. Therefore the most detailed assessment of economic capacity of the scientific and production enterprise which is presented in works [6, 7] is more justified. These authors include in the economic potential of the enterprise not only the estimated or already mobilized resources of the enterprise, but also its organizational mechanism (organizational structure, etc.) for achievement of goal in the field of the knowledge-intensive technological processes, new types of products or their modification, and also new services. Thus, according to these authors, innovative activity includes also market researches of sales markets of the goods, the competitive environment, and a complex of administrative and organizational and economic actions which lead to innovations.

The author [8] adheres to the similar point of view. The author understands economic potential as:

a) products being at different stages of development or production expansion;

b) opportunities of financial, technological, scientific and technical and personnel to create, make and improve production;

c) abilities to organize development, production, sale of the goods, fully conforming to the present and future requirements of buyers, timely replacement of products, not being leaders of sales.

As appears from this approach, the author estimates the economic potential of the enterprise in a context of all life cycle of an innovation that undoubtedly is correct and raises a practical and rational orientation of conceptual definition, pulling together it with needs and inquiries of dynamically changing life.

Works [9_11] are devoted to studying information component of economic capacity of the enterprise in the conditions of global informatization of society and formation of «information economy».

The concept «potential» occurs from the Latin word «potentia», and means force, power, opportunity, the ability existing in the hidden look and capable to be shown under certain conditions. Proceeding from linguistic treatment, potential can be determined as the ability of a matter to pass from opportunity to reality, from one condition to another (for example, from old to new). Based on such philological approach to

treatment of economic capacity of the enterprise in [12] author treat it as a measure of unity reached which can be used with a definite purpose, and possible, i. e. achievable under certain conditions.

Works of foreign scientists, such as D. Bell, P. Druker, D. Clark, G. Mensh, R. Porter, B. Santo, R. Solou, B. Tviss, R. Foster, Y. Shumpeter, represent interesting, comprehensive, deep, competent, and always devoted to researches of innovative economy with practical orientation.

Ambiguity of treatments of definition and the characteristic of economic capacity of the enterprise is explained by complexity, identity of the most innovative activity different objects and the directions.

The most rational are represented to concretize the economic category «economic potential of the enterprise» so that to fill it with the concrete functional contents for practical application regarding an assessment of economic potential. The assessment of economic capacity of the scientific and production enterprise is the integrated system characteristic, the economic capacity of the scientific and production enterprise can be measured and estimated only by a complex assessment of an innovative susceptibility, innovative activity and competitiveness of the enterprise.

Based on the data provided above, the category «economic potential of the industrial enterprise» is offered to be considered as ability of system to transform the actual order of things in a new condition for the purpose of satisfaction of existing or again arising requirements (the subject is innovator, consumer, market, etc.). The most important moment of the presented concept of economic capacity of the scientific and production enterprise is that its effective use does possible transition from the hidden opportunity to obvious reality, i. e. of one condition in another (namely, from traditional to new). Thus, it is proposed to focus attention on situation that the economic capacity of the scientific and production enterprise is some kind of characteristic of ability of system to change, improve, progress.

Methods of evaluating the economic potential

of the industrial enterprise

The carried-out analysis showed that now the assessment of economic capacity of the industrial enterprise can be carried out with application of the qualitative, quantitative, logical and combined

methods of the decision. In the generalized look all methods can be classified: statistical, methods of research of operations, expert, on the basis of the combinatory approximation, special.

Let's consider these methods and give them the short characteristic.

1. Statistical methods are based on processing statistical data, and quality of administrative decisions considerably depends on ways of processing statistical data. Therefore it is important not only to derive the maximum benefit from available reporting data and reference materials, but also to present results of the analysis of objective information in the most convenient view.

The mathematical statistics is engaged in methods and rules of processing and the analysis of statistical data from area of economy, equipment, physics, finance and other activities. For the accounting of specifics of activity there are various branches of statistics: economic, demographic, statistics of finance, etc. The mathematical statistics penetrates them and is the integral component of universal mathematical methods of information processing.

The mathematical statistics solves three main problems. The solution of the first task assumes obtaining the main statistical characteristics: the arithmetic average being statistical analog of a population mean, statistical dispersion and average quadratic deviation. Indicators of average value are very widely used in the economic analysis. Examples of indicators of average value: average salary of the main production workers, average time between equipment repairs, the average size of expenses of money on service and repair of unit of military equipment, etc.

The second problem which is solved by mathematical statistics, is the definition of laws of distribution of random variables. For the analysis of economic processes it isn't indifferent, which of the random variable submits to what law. Possibility of using the device of probability theory depends on it, it also influences on practical recommendations.

The third problem of mathematical statistics consists in an assessment of confidential intervals, i. e. in an assessment of that range to which the random variable with a certain degree of reliability gets.

It is connected with that in practice data processing is not made on all population, only on the selection, thus received values of statistical characteristics are random variables and are located in some range.

An important role in the solution of this task is played by the theory of a selective method which makes recommendations about the volume of the minimum selection for rather reliable assessment of characteristics of the law of distribution of a random variable. Application of a selective method allows to reduce considerably time for receiving estimates of average value of an economic indicator, and also a share of defective documents or details in the general set of the objects which are to be surveyed.

2. Methods of research of operations include problems of definition of optimum alternative (a problem of optimization), consisting in a choice of such conditions under which the chosen criterion reaches extreme value.

The formulation of any problem of optimization and finding of its decision is consolidated to performance of the following actions: problem definition; criterion choice; formation of criterion function; formulation of restrictions of a task; creation of optimizing mathematical model; definition like task as mathematical object; development or choice of a method of obtaining the optimum decision; finding of the decision by the chosen method.

Many optimizing tasks can be reduced to standard methods of the decision which are studied in the theory of research of operations. The main mathematical methods or classes of algorithms of their decision are presented below.

Mathematical programming is the area of the theory of research of the operations, devoted to the theory and methods of the solution of multidimensional extreme tasks with restrictions, i. e. tasks on an extremum of function of many variables with restrictions on area of change of these variables. The purpose of mathematical programming is creation where it is possible, analytical methods of definition of the decision, and in the absence of such methods — creation of effective computing algorithms of obtaining the approximate decision.

The general problem of mathematical programming is formulated as follows. It is required to find n of variables Xl, X2, • • •, Xn which satisfy m to the equations or inequalities

q(Xi, X2, ..., Xn) < (=, >)bi, (i = 1, m) (1) also maximize or minimize function

Z = f(^ x2 , ..., xn ). (2)

The condition (1) is called restrictions, and function (2) — criterion function. Set of variables (vector) X(x1, x2, ..., Xn) is called the decision or the plan of a problem of mathematical programming. The plan X(x1, x2, ..., Xn) meeting conditions (1) and a maximum delivering to function (2) or minimum is called optimum. Volumes of restrictions of bi, functions q(x1, X2, ..., Xn) and f(X1, X2, ..., Xn) are also set, are initial statements of the problem. The form of these conditions, and also some other circumstances define belonging of a task to appropriate section of problems of mathematical programming.

It is possible to allocate the following main methods: mathematical programming (linear, nonlinear, discrete, dynamic, stochastic), theories of mass service, differential equations, theories of counts, theories of games, casual processes.

Let's consider the essence of solved tasks and give short characteristic of these methods.

Linear programming — criterion function (2) is linear, and the set on which the extremum of criterion function is looked for, is set by system of linear equalities or inequalities (1). Among methods of mathematical programming algorithms of linear programming (a simplex a method and others) are most developed and effective.

Nonlinear programming — nonlinear criterion function (2) or at the same time criterion function (2) and restrictions (1). In practice it is widely applied two main methods of nonlinear programming: method of the given gradient (Jacobi's method) and method of multipliers Lagrange. Jacobi's method represents generalization a simplex method of linear programming. The method of multipliers Lagrange is applied in tasks both with restrictions in the form of inequalities, and in the form of equalities and is logical continuation of the first method. On the basis of this method the method of penal functions is developed.

Integer programming deals with tasks in which on variables the discretization condition is imposed. Methods of the solution of problems of integer programming can be classified as methods of cutting off and combinatory methods. The first of them are connected with that circumstance that entered additional restrictions cut (exclude) some areas of a polyhedron of admissible decisions in which there are no points with integer coordinates.

At the heart of combinatory methods the idea of search of all admissible integer decisions lies.

The main method is the method of branches and borders and also the method of the cutting planes.

Dynamic programming represents the special mathematical method of optimization adapted for the solution of multistep tasks, and such steps can have the natural nature: for example: planning of economic activity for a certain period, and in other tasks they are entered artificially: for example, enterprise development which can be broken conditionally into stages, each of which occupies any time span With use of this method it is possible to consolidate the solution of a complex challenge to sequence of simpler, i. e. to carry out decomposition.

Stochastic programming studies the theory and methods of the solution of conditionally extreme tasks at incomplete information on parameters of a statement of the problem, that is are focused on the solution of tasks in which all or separate parameters are described by means of random variables.

The main objective of the theory of mass service (theory of turns) is finding of such organization of systems at which losses from expectation of service or from idle time of channels of service will be minimum. The theory of mass service uses mainly the probability theory device.

The theory of the games is the mathematical theory of conflict situations, i. e. situations in which interests of two or more parties pursuing the various aims face. Task of this theory is development of recommendations about a rational line of action of participants of the conflict. Games in which one of opponents is the nature, and other — people, the name of static games, and the theory of such games — the theory of static decisions received.

The theory of counts is the area of the discrete mathematics which feature is geometrical approach to object studying. It is applied in the analysis of reliability of communication networks, electronic schemes, switching networks when there is a task about finding of the quantitative not being crossed chains connecting various tops of counts. Methods of the theory of counts are applied at the solution of transport tasks on transportations, finding of optimum solutions of a task on appointments, to allocation of «bottlenecks» when planning and ROC management, by drawing up optimum routes of deliveries of freights and others.

The theory of schedules studies methods of the solution of problems of optimum streamlining and coordination of performance of some actions in time. Problems of creation of optimum schedules (planned schedules, schedules) are solved with its help of performance final (or repeating) complexes of operations. Thus problems of frequencies are formulated as a problem of optimization of process of service of a final set of requirements in system (in difference from the theory of mass service where infinite flows of requirements), containing limited resources are considered generally.

Expert methods are based on use of knowledge of experts about object and generalizations of their opinions. Such methods in a bigger measure are applicable at standard forecasting, in particular in the analysis of spasmodic developments. Distinguish individual and collective expert methods. The main methods are: the method of Delfi, method of a tree is more whole, a method of generation of ideas, a script writing method, and as a method of the analysis of hierarchies.

At the heart of all types of expert methods judgments of experts concerning prospects of development of object are put. These methods are based on mobilization of professional experience and intuition. Usually to expert methods resort when the objects which aren't giving in to mathematical formalization for which it is difficult to develop adequate model are analyzed.

Methods of individual expert estimates are based on the statement of opinions by experts independently from each other. Collective methods with use of groups of experts demand the organization of procedures of meetings, ensuring independence of judgments and organizationally is more difficultly feasible, than individual.

Use of expert methods expediently at the solution of problems of the special class, being characterized existence of one of two conditions:

1. The task can't be solved by any other existing way.

2. Others, except expert, ways are less exact or more labor-consuming.

Both practical and theoretical researches testify that expert judgments at observance of the correct methodology of their receiving comprise rather reliable information which use allows making quite reasonable decisions. To increase reliability and reliability of expert information it is possible by formation representative on the

number of expert group, a task of rigid requirements to «quality» of experts and processing of received expert information.

Depending on volume and quality of initial information, special methods as examination and methods of the information processing received from experts, sharing on two rather independent groups — individual and group methods of estimation, are developed.

Main advantages of methods of individual expert estimation: «interviews», analytical reports, the scenario, consist in their efficiency, opportunity fully to use individual abilities of the expert, lack of pressure of authoritative judgments, low costs of examination. The main lack of these methods is high degree of subjectivity of received estimates because of limitation of knowledge of one expert [2].

Methods of group expert estimation: questioning, «commissions», collective generation of ideas, are based on the principle of identification of collective opinion. The main advantage of these methods over the individual consists in possibility of the versatile analysis of a problem of a choice. Besides, collective responsibility often allows experts to make more risky decisions on the questions raised before them, and the estimates received from group, contain a «required» assessment, than at individual examination more often. Shortcomings of these methods are complexity of the procedure of obtaining information and the organization of the expert poll, connected with need of collecting rather representative group of experts, complexity of receiving group opinion of experts from individual opinions, possibility of rendering pressure of authoritative judgment in group.

The specified shortcomings can be significantly weakened by application of various options of a combination of the considered procedures and the scientific organization of examination.

Considering all this, and also some other factors, during researches as a method of expert estimation was explained the combined method consisting in collective discussion of the purposes and problems of examination in rather small groups of experts with the subsequent individual poll of experts in questions of in advance prepared questionnaire.

Expert methods are most effective for drawing up medium-term and long-term forecasts, at

research of difficult objects, and also in case of the insignificant volume of retrospective data about research volume. The lack of information at the initial stage of definition of expenses results in need of a formulation of a task for a general view and assumes an assessment of the created alternatives of possible decisions at each subsequent lower level of forecasting. Such algorithm of finding of the decision is realized by various methods, such as the method of a tree is more whole, a method of generation of ideas, a method of Delfy, and as a script writing method. Let's give them the short characteristic.

1. The method of a tree of the purposes is used in standard forecasting.

The essence of this method consists in consecutive splitting of the purposes into local goals and finding problem solutions. Each of ways of achievement of a common goal at this level can be considered as the purpose provided with means (ways) more of the lowest level, coordinating the separate purposes to actions which need to be undertaken in the present. Generally as «a tree of the purposes» understand the hierarchical structure reflecting relationships between elements — the purposes. "The tree" reflects the relations between tops — stages of achievement of some purpose. «The tree", which tops are ranged, i. e. are expressed by quantitative estimates of their importance, is widely used for a quantitative assessment of a priority of the various directions of development. As a result of a partition of the purposes on a local goal the tree of the purposes representing coherent focused columns which tops answer the purpose, and edges — to communications between them is created, and the top of the top level (a tree root) represents the general purpose.

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Interdependence of the purposes of one level consider by means of coefficients of mutual usefulness. They are defined by experts and for convenience take place in the table. Construction of «tree of the purposes» usually demands forecasting of development of object and its elements of a script writing of achievement of the formulated purpose, etc. Each of these expected tasks often decides method of expert evaluations. Advantage of a method is in its presentation, and allowing to consider a question somehow deeply.

2. Method of generation ideas. In standard forecasting the great value has formation of alternatives of development of object. Creation of

alternatives demands creative activity and in power only to specialists and experts. Most effectively this process proceeds during the group examination organized by certain rules.

The method of generation of ideas is based on activation of intellectual activity. The method has some versions one of which is the so-called method of «brainstorming». The method purpose — receiving a large number of original ideas for a short period,

The main feature of a method consists that the period of free creative generating of ideas, offers and the hypotheses relating to development any of problems, is accurately separated from a stage of their critical evaluation, and the assessment is made in such form that doesn't connect, and stimulates further creative discussion of cases in point.

3. The method ofDelfy is one of the most widespread methods of formation of a group assessment of experts at the forecasting, received the name from the Greek city of Delfy and his wise men who was famous in the ancient time for predictions of the future. The method represents a number of consistently carried out procedures directed on formation of group (collective) opinion on problems with insufficient information.

The procedures used in a method of Delfy include three main elements: anonymity, adjustable feedback and statistical processing of answers.

Anonymity of poll is way of weakening of influence of certain authoritative experts. It is reached by application of special questionnaires (questionnaires) or other ways of individual poll, for example, communication of experts with the computer. Adjustable feedback allows reducing noise which are understood as influence of the individual and group interests which haven't been connected with solved problems. Besides, introduction of feedback brings an element of objectivity and estimates are more reliable.

Adjustable feedback is carried out at the expense of carrying out several rounds of poll, results of each of which are processed by means of statistical methods and told to experts.

4. The method of a script writing is based on a complex image of development of object in the form of the descriptive document which carries the name «future scenario».

Any scenario answers two types of questions: how step by step there can be this or that hypothetical situation; what alternatives at all

operating factors at this stage to prevent process exist to change or facilitate its course.

The description is usually made in obviously expressed temporary coordinates. However for scientific and technical and military forecasts introduction of obvious dependence on time isn't always obligatory. In the scenario in advance prepared forecasts and materials on development of object of forecasting are used. Development of the scenario forces the researcher to be engaged in details and processes which it could miss if it was limited to abstract reasons.

5. The method of the analysis of hierarchies (the author of a method — the American mathematician T.Saati) is systematic procedure for hierarchical representation of the elements defining an essence of a problem of a choice. The method consists in problem decomposition on more and more simple components of part (creation of hierarchy) and further processing of sequence of judgments of the decision-maker (expert group) in pair comparisons, or use of quantitative values of indicators. Relative extent (intensity) of interaction of elements in hierarchy can be as a result expressed. These judgments then are expressed in numbers.

The solution is process of stage-by-stage establishment of priorities.

Result of application of a method is receiving the generalized indicators of a priority of considered alternatives.

The method of the analysis of hierarchies advantages:

— it allows to consider diverse information when receiving the generalized assessment;

— it considers extent of influence of a concrete indicator on the generalized assessment;

— it allows to estimate both quantitative, and quality indicators.

The method of the analysis of hierarchies shortcomings:

— the quantity of indicators at each level of hierarchies shouldn't exceed nine;

— the existence of a subjective component at an assessment of weight of indicators (involvement of experts).

Special methods

Methods of minimization of risk are based that the concept of risk taking into account the maintenance of a task, includes quantitative characteristics (threat type, damage, parameters) which can be used for formation of a matrix of

system estimates and application of the corresponding strategy of decision-making.

Imitating modeling

The term «imitating modeling» means that we deal with such mathematical models by means of which the result can't be calculated or predicted in advance therefore experiment (imitation) is necessary for a prediction of behavior of real system on model at the set basic data.

Imitation represents a numerical method of carrying out on the computer of experiments with the mathematical models describing behavior of object (enterprise) during the set or formed period of time. The behavior and their interaction in imitating models are most often described by a set of the algorithms realized in some language of modeling. All these descriptions represent program which needs to be debugged and tested in the beginning, and then to use for statement of tasks on the computer. Therefore as imitation process on the computer are understood both model designing, and its test, and model application for studying of some phenomenon or a problem.

Methods with application of indistinct sets

For situations which can be characterized only it is rather inexact, the new way of consideration — methods of so-called indistinct (indistinct) sets was entered into practice. This concept was offered in the mid-sixties by L. Zade; since then in this direction many researches which have made an essential contribution to a problem are executed, and, the main thing, is tested many interesting applications. Methods of indistinct sets proceed from those reasons that the creative human thinking considerably proceeds within concepts indistinct and not described strictly quantitatively; to such thinking there can't correspond completely models of classical mathematics with their unambiguous on-off logic. Thus, in methods of indistinct sets try as it is possible to apply more widely the experienced mathematical approaches and first of all mathematical symbolics, accepting at the same time an illegibility of estimates and decisions as important reflection of really existing situation. It allows to connect severity of classical mathematics and, therefore, exact knowledge, on the one hand, with uncertainty and a polysemy of situations, including emotionally painted processes of knowledge of the real world, with another. The

successful solution of the task set thus allows to enter and rationally to use such concepts, as indistinct regularities, ratios, algorithms. Researches in the field of the «indistinct» analysis are now even in the course of intensive development; it belongs both to bases, and to opportunities of application of the analysis.

Thus, the contents and economic essence of the concept «economic potential» in relation to the industrial enterprise was considered. The

analysis of methods of evaluating the economic capacity of the industrial enterprise was performed, on the basis of which classification of used methods was carried out. The developed classification and the executed characteristic of methods will allow the researcher to carry out a reasonable choice of methods of evaluating economic capacity of the enterprise depending on features of a solved task and influencing external and internal factors.


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BABKIN, Alexander V. — Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University. 195251, Politekhnicheskaya Str. 29. St. Petersburg. Russia. E-mail: al-vas@mail.ru

БАБКИН Александр Васильевич — профессор кафедры экономики и менеджмента в машиностроении Санкт-Петербургского государственного политехнического университета, доктор экономических наук, профессор.

195251, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Политехническая, д. 29. E-mail: babkin@nic.spbstu.ru

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