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Methods for automating production processes and systems
(on the example of the joint stock company Uzbekiston pochtasi)
Tashkent state technical university named after Islam Karimov
Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan
Article history:
Received February 2021
Received in revised form
20 February 2021
Accepted 15 March 2021
Available online
15 April 2021
process automation,
automated information
automation of postal
The article focuses on the development of an automated
system of processing and delivery of postal items by the Uzbek
Post. Proposals and recommendations for the introduction of
self-service automated complexes for the delivery of mail to the
address have also been developed. The author scientifically
substantiated his views on the seissues by analyzing the services
of foreign postal enterprises in resolving various conflicts. The
Republic of Uzbekistan includes postal facilities and postal
routes that are continuously interconnected in the postal service,
receiving, processing and delivery of periodicals. The postal
service employs thousands of correspondents, remittances,
parcels, and newspapers and magazines to millions of
2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.
This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International
(CC BY 4.0) license (https: //creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)
жараёнлари Ba — тизимларини
автоматлаштириш усуллари (“Узбекистон почтаси” АЖ
Калит сузлар:
ахборот тизими,
почта тармокларини
Макола “Узбекистон почтаси” АЖ почта жунатмаларини
кайта ишлаш ва етказиб беришнинг автоматлаштирилган
тизимини ишлаб чикишга багишланган. Шунингдек, почта
манзилига етказиб бериш буйича автоматлаштирилган Уз-
Узига хизмат курсатиш тизимларини жорий этиш буйича
таклиф ва тавсиялар ишлаб чикилган. Муаллиф чет эл почта
корхоналарининг турли можароларни хал килиш буйича
1 Independent researcher, Tashkent state technical university named after Islam Karimov, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
2 lecturer-methodologist, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
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a) Science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу апа тпоуаНопз
Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415
хизматларини тахлил килиб, бу масалалар буйича уз
Карашларини илмий асослаб берган. Узбекистон
Республикаси почта хизмати даврий нашрларни кабул
килиш, кайта ишлаш ва етказиб беришда бир-бирига
доимий уланган почта ва почта йуналишларини Уз ичига
олади. Почта хизмати минглаб мухбирларни иш билан
таъминлайди, миллионлаб абонентларга пул утказмалари,
посилкалар, газета ва журналларни такдим этади.
Методы автоматизации производственных процессов и
систем (на примере АО «Узбекистон почтаси»)
Ключевые слова: Статья посвящена разработке автоматизированной
автоматизация процессов, системы обработки и доставки почтовых отправлений
АО «Узбекистон почтаси». Также разработаны предложения
информационная система,
автоматизация почтовых и рекомендации по внедрению автоматизированных
сетей. комплексов самообслуживания по доставке почты по
адресу. Автор научно обосновал свои взгляды на эти
вопросы, проанализировав услуги зарубежных почтовых
предприятий по разрешению различных конфликтов.
Республика Узбекистан включает в себя почтовые
отделения и почтовые маршруты, которые постоянно
связаны между собой в почтовой службе, приеме, обработке
и доставке периодических изданий. В почтовой службе
работают тысячи корреспондентов, осуществляются
денежные переводы, посылки, газеты и журналы
миллионам подписчиков.
If we analyze the postal services of developed countries today, their activities are
fully automated. In particular, users have free access to postal services, have the necessary
technological equipment to provide postal services, and their activities are fully
automated. Through the introduction of new information and communication
technologies by the Uzbek Post, jobs will be automated and they will be connected to the
corporate network of the Uzbek Post. This will speed up the service delivery process. This
will improve the quality of services provided to the population. Automated workplaces
should operate not only in urban and district centers, but also in rural post offices. Only
then would the speed and quality of Uzbek postal services increase [1].
In the conditions of the modern information society, when the value of the
transmitted information largely depends on the speed of its transmission, traditional
means of communication, such as mail and telegraph, give way to faster and cheaper
methods of delivering messages - mobile and 1P telephony, e-mail, other similar programs
and applications and faxing. Nevertheless, the traditional postal service, telegraph and
telephone do not give up their conquered positions, keep pace with the times, develop,
offer new services to the population. Changes in the level of communication characterize,
first of all, the development of technical progress, the society itself, the state [2]. Particular
attention is paid to expanding the system of automated services based on today’s
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a) Science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу апа тпоуаНопз
Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415
Analytical review of the current state and trends in the automation of processes in
postal systems. It is shown that the analysis of the tasks and ways of improving and
developing the SPS determines the need for the formation of the corresponding
foundations of the theory, methodology and methods for solving problems of analysis,
planning, parametric and structural optimization, synthesis and control of the SPS. It is
noted that the adequacy of the results obtained is determined by the choice of models that
should be based on the real nature of the processes occurring in the SPS. In this regard, it
is necessary to be based on promising ATP and assess their future as the development of
automated mail processing systems [3].
Currently, a number of works are being carried out in the regions to establish
automated services. However, today the Uzbek Post has not developed a single automated
system of services. Therefore, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on October 5,
2020 to reform the national postal system, noting that ensuring the stability of the postal
system through specialization in the delivery of letters, parcels and goods, banking, finance
and public services is an import antissue [4].
Over the past four years, the volume of press distribution by the joint-stock
company “Uzbekistan Pochtasi” has decreased by 3 times, and its share in total press
distribution is 13%. It was stressed at the meeting that officials should develop a press
distribution system to support print publications, and launch an online subscription
service for periodicals. The resolution of the head of state “On measures to radically
improve the system of postal services” stipulates that from January 1, 2022, the procedure
for licensing postal services in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be
introduced. From December 1, 2020,the development of modern services, including
“Hybrid mail” and courier services, banking, insurance and other services will be launched
at all postal facilities in the country; By the end of 2021,the creation of a “National Online
Trading Platform” that will allow “online” sales and delivery of products of local producers
to customers, as well as the possibility of exporting goods to them; Introduction of self-
service automated complexes (post offices) designed to receive postal items addressed to
customers by the end of 2022; By the end of 2023in order to create conditions for local
producers to trade through e-commerce, gradually ensure the establishment of
“Fulfillment Centers” in Tashkent, the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the regions. The
postal services of each country also collided with the negative trends in the development
of postal services [5].
While many efforts have been directed at solving their own problems, the
organization missed the pervasive e-commerce boom and international delivery of parcels.
Rapidly growing demand, inherited inefficient logistics and lack of automatic sorting
facilities in Moscow only exacerbated the situation. The main two problems were manual
sorting in airport postal terminals (the automation process began only in autumn
2012) [6]. In order to improve the quality of postal services, many countries have
developed and implemented a single automated system of logistics centers using modern
technologies to improve the logistics system through mechanization and technical
equipment of sorting centers and nodes, as well as planning and optimization of
transportation and delivery processes.
In the digital economy, the most important thing is to create a single information
space, with the help of which all automated management systems of an organization,
enterprise, region, and the country as a whole will allow prompt and timely exchange of
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a) Science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу апа тпоуаНопз
Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415
information, reduce dependence on the human factor, allow monitoring the operation of
all objects (equipment, workplaces, service departments, etc.) [7]. The paper-based
method of processing information used in postal services is inefficient, especially when
there is a need to process large flows of information, on the other hand, postal services are
composed of enterprises and new methods and tools of effective centralized management
are required. The use of automated information systems is one such tool.
In conclusion, in many countries, automated mobile services are highly valued as
the most profitable and fast growing type of service for national operators. One of the main
tasks is the mechanization and automation of technological processes associated with the
processing of mail and its transportation. In Uzbekistan, postal services must meet the
needs of customers today, improve the quality of postal services and increase the
competitiveness of traditional postal services by raising tariffs, increase revenue and
introduce and develop new automated services for the development of traditional
unprofitable postal services. By automating the processing of postal items in Uzbekistan,
it will speed up and improve the quality of services provided.
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