METHODS OF THE AGRICULTURAL COMPETITIVENESS EVALUATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Mishulina O.V., Gorelov A.N., Gorelova N.S.

The article identified and analyzed two groups of methods to assess the competitiveness of the agricultural organizations: based on the definition of competitiveness of certain types of agricultural products, as well as the establishment of its numerical evaluation of the integral with the release of the internal and external components.

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спираються на пряме спостереження , практичний досвщ та безпосередню взаeмодiю з доказами);

- продуктивна параноя (десятикратними постшно готовi до змш в навколишньому середовищi та загрозам ззовнi, навiть коли все йде добре. Вони допускають можливють того, що ситуацiя обернеться проти них в найменш пiдходящий момент) [1, с. 23];

Устхи компанш-десятикратниюв цiлком i повнiстю залежать вщ iнтелекту, досвiду, навичок та конкретних рiшень керiвникiв компанiй - менеджерiв.

На завершення можна сказати, що менеджер компанп е ключовою складовою успiху компанп на пiдприемницькiй ареш. Вiд рiшень головного управлiнця залежить майже вся дiяльнiсть компанп, i саме тому менеджер повинен спиратись на достовiрну i оперативну шформацда про свою компанiю. В протилежнш ситуацп - менеджер може прийняти неправильне рiшення, що може привести компашю до значних фiнансових та сощальних труднощiв.


1. Дж. Коллинз, М. Хансен Великие по собственному выбору /: Манн, Иванов и Фербер; Москва; 2013, - 438 с.

2. Скибицкая Л. И. Организация труда менеджера: Учеб. пособие / Л. И. Скибицккая -М.: Центр учебной литера- туры, 2009. - 257 с.

3. Щёкин Г. В. Как эффективно управлять людьми: психология кадрового менеджмента. Часть первая. Как делать карьеру / Научно-практическое пособие / Г. В. Щёкин -К.: МАУП, 1999. - 400 с.



Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Mishulina O.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Ass. Professor Gorelov A.N., Candidate of Economic Sciences Gorelova N.S.

Kazakhstan, Kostanay State University named after A. Baytursinov Kazakhstan, Kostanay Engineering - economical university named after M. Dulatov

Abstract. The article identified and analyzed two groups of methods to assess the competitiveness of the agricultural organizations: based on the definition of competitiveness of certain types of agricultural products , as well as the establishment of its numerical evaluation of the integral with the release of the internal and external components.

Keywords: competitiveness, level of competitiveness, agriculture organization, agricultural products, internal competitiveness, external competitiveness.

In order to effectively manage the system of competitiveness of agricultural organization, it's necessary to have an objective tool to obtain its numerical evaluation, which determines the need for research in this area. Organizations that have used to calculate the level of competitiveness, use different techniques. The composition of the indicators which subjected to analytical evaluation, as well as methods for integrated or summative evaluation of competitiveness organizations are significantly different. Moreover, the used methods are unknown to others. Therefore, the final results of calculations on them, usually do not coincide. It's not also possible to establish the accuracy of the calculations carried out in various organizations of competitive groups using different valuation methods. In this situation, the organization-competitors can make wrong management decisions, which are often associated with the occurrence of irreversible negative consequences of their implementation.

In Kazakhstan, there is no single universally accepted methodology for assessing the level of competitiveness. A large number of methods are presented in the foreign and domestic scientific literature by which it is recommended to determine the level of competitiveness of the organization in the industry. In the agricultural sector, these questions are largely under-researched and controversial, and in the case of small farms - (peasant) farms are practically absent.

The purpose of the study - the systematization of the conceptual approaches to assessing the competitiveness of the agricultural organization.

All methods of assessing the competitiveness of the agricultural organizations can be combined into two groups. In accordance with the first group of methods the competitiveness of agricultural organization reduces to determine its competitiveness of grown products [1-3].

In accordance with the second group of methods the assessment of the competitiveness of agricultural organization is to choose a system of indicators (economic, financial, investment, social, etc.), to establish their numerical evaluations based on the obtained integral or summative assessment. It is generally accepted that the competitiveness of the agricultural production has a significant impact on the competitiveness of its various products industries. The specifics of production in agriculture and the availability of independent sub-sectors within the sector lead to a blurring of the boundaries of intra- and inter-industry competition in its classical sense that introduced the concept of "foreign competition" - the struggle between enterprises-producers and "inner" - competition of activities, potential goods relative used in the production of agricultural resources. Therefore, it's necessary to analyze all of its components to draw a conclusion about the state of the competitiveness of agricultural organization.

Assessment of the competitiveness of agricultural units is carried out by the method of market positions, in which there are two approaches to determine competitiveness: a structural and functional [4-5]. A structural approach to assessing competitiveness determine the impact of competition in the agricultural organization, its position on a given product market, the intensity of competition. The factors showing the market share, sales growth and profitability of the market are calculated to do this. The second focus is to determine the competitiveness of a functional approach, where the main role played by the economic performance of the organization.

Analysis of competitiveness in agricultural organizations by type of agricultural produce in the dynamics offer to lead on relative terms: crop and animal productivity, cost recovery, cost-effectiveness, the share of profits in the volume of sales, labor, land capacity.

It is believed that a competitive production is based on a combination of competitive industries with high organizational and technological structure, the maximum and leverages resources yielding commodity producer profit sufficient for expanded reproduction. Absolute indicators of competitiveness in the agricultural sector are gross and net profit , gross profit (net production) and relative indicators - profit per unit of resources used (for 1 ha, 1 head, for 1 person-hour, 100 KZT invested capital), the level of profitability, the profit share of the sales volume , complexity and land capacity.

The comparison of results (output or profit) of production from current production costs (resources) is considered by most academic economists as the best and most practicable method of measuring the level and dynamics of production competitiveness across the organization. The most reliable and objective generalizing indicators of the level and dynamics of competitiveness of agricultural production are indicators of profitability calculated by different methods.

In addition, it is believed that the competitiveness of the agricultural organization is achieved not only through the provision of cost-effectiveness, but also the solvency and financial stability.

As a summary measure for comparative assessment of competitiveness in different households suggest to use the size of the profit per average worker. Comparison of the overall productivity of the analyzed farms to other farms in the industry can figure out what place it occupies on relatively to its competitors in the industry. Under current conditions, the gap in labor productivity - 10 % or more comprises the competitive threat. In our opinion, the rate of labor productivity characterizes the use of one type of resources - labor. The size of the profits in the organization not only due to the resource view taken separately, therefore, the indicator can not be used as a criterion to assess the competitiveness of the organization as a whole.

International experience in the scientific literature is very modest and fragmented [6]. The practical use of foreign methods in Kazakhstan reality is very limited.

Assessment of competitiveness of selected agricultural products in foreign farms is based on the definition:

a) the cost of production:

- direct proportion to variable costs ;

- the need for permanent production factors (basic means of production , permanent workers);

b) results of production:

- the amount of revenue from sales of the main and by-products;

- non-market output of main and by- products intended for on-farm production to other industries [7].


№ 4(4), Vol.4, December 2015


Yield, revenue and costs are calculated sectors of agriculture, as a rule, on 1 hectare of arable land occupied by the culture, since the land is a major factor in crop production, and livestock - by 1 head of cattle herders or 1 place. The main criterion for the competitiveness of products, technologies, and industries within the organization uses the profit margin - the difference between revenue and direct variable costs. Depending on the objectives of the analysis of the competitiveness of the organization profit margin is calculated taking into account the costs of labor and without it. In certain cases, the calculation of marginal income accounted for semi-fixed direct costs. Then the profit margin is called comparative.

In addition to determining the relative effectiveness and competitiveness of the agricultural sector within the organization there is a definition of absolute efficiency and competitiveness related to the calculation of profit, that is, taking into account the full cost of production.

In Western European countries and the U.S., the criterion of external competitiveness of agricultural organization is the market share of a given product (by the organization), and the related indicators. Internal organization's competitiveness is determined by the costs and results of production. Their level depends on the technology of cultivation of agricultural crops and animal welfare, as well as the main criteria used by competitive profit margins.

Methods discussed above assessment of the level of competitiveness of the agricultural organization have the following typical drawbacks.

1. Quite often, the term "competitiveness of the organization" is identified with the term "competitiveness of the goods". Such an approach can not be considered scientifically valid, because using a single indicator can not account for the diversity of outcomes for the organization. The concept of "competitiveness of the organization" is broader than the concept of "competitiveness".

2. There are no based recommendations for the choice of a basis for comparison for the analyzed groups of indicators.

3. Could not find the methods by which it would be possible to predict the next few years the level of competitiveness of the organization, which is very important to select the most efficient competitive strategy development.

4. It is impossible to obtain accurate numerical estimates of competitive organizations according to significant number of indicators to be included in the analyzed list.

5. Numerical evaluation of a number of indicators to be scanned are not comparable, because different organizations - competitors apply dissimilar ways of calculation (for example, this is an indicator of profit), which affects the defining indicator - the level of competitiveness of the organization.

6. Could not find the techniques allowing to reduce different in nature, on multidirectional action and with unequal units, analyzed and taken into account in the calculation of indices.

The second group of methods can be considered quite scientifically justified. It is based on a system approach to solve complex economic problems . However, the important thing is the scientific validity of the composition of analyzed indicators and recommended methods for calculating the integral or summary measure of competitiveness of the organization on the basis of the individual indicators . In our opinion, the final criterion of competitiveness as a product , and the organization can be considered as market share, as it is closely related to the volume of sales and determines the level of income received by the organization .


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