METHODS OF TEACHING VOCAL AND CHORAL WORKS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Tuyakov S.

The article describes issues based on methods of teaching vocal and choral works. As well as the author analyzed theoretical bases of teaching and suggested effective methods while teaching.

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UDK 784

Tuyakov S.

teacher of the Department of Music Education Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami


Abstract: the article describes issues based on methods of teaching vocal and choral works. As well as the author analyzed theoretical bases of teaching and suggested effective methods while teaching.

Key words: cultural level, choral art, choir, voice, music, foreign classics.

Choral art is one of the most ancient manifestations of the musical culture of the people. This enormous national wealth is not only of purely educational value, but also of great vital importance for modern culture. At the same time, choral singing develops the artistic taste of children, expands their musical horizons, and contributes to an increase in the cultural level. It also contributes to the mastery of cultural speech, the development of a clear expressive pronunciation, this is one of the most active types of musical and practical activities of students at school.

In relation to the musical culture of society, the creation of a school choir performs two functions - familiarizing with musical culture and the function of participating in the creation of the musical culture itself, the creation of musical values. This type of musical activity has a number of characteristics. They consist of both the musical instrument and the collective nature of choral singing. Correct teaching of singing from childhood is the most widespread form of child's voice protection, training of the vocal apparatus. The purpose of working with students in the process of teaching them to sing in the choir is the individual singing development of each member of the choir, the formation of his singing culture. Every choir leader needs to know the singing opportunities that every child has. Despite the individual capabilities of each of them, for a certain group there are a number of common, most essential features. In children 6-8 years old, the vocal apparatus is not perfect, it is not completely formed, the larynx is small, inactive, since the nerve branches that control the larynx are just beginning to form. The vocal folds are short, thin, the palate is inactive, breathing is short, weak, and shallow. The voice of children of this age is not strong. The vocal folds require careful treatment, so children should not be allowed to scream and force the sound when singing.

The repertoire is the basis around which the methodology for the formation and development of vocal and choral skills is built. This is an effective way of enriching the emotional sphere of children as a factor in comprehending the figurative content of music. When choosing a repertoire, the age preferences of

the choristers of a particular genre, content, character, as well as the singing abilities of schoolchildren are taken into account.

1. It is advisable to start with folk tunes, jokes, simple songs. Songs are light intonation, small in volume, easy to remember, comfortable, vocally limited, their children sing with pleasure.

2. Amazing arrangements of folk songs by A. Grechanikov. The choir can sing the simplest melody on one sound / "Andrey the Sparrow" /, but in the accompaniment colorful harmonies color this sound differently all the time. Also used in the repertoire are songs related to calendar dates, songs about the Motherland, about human exploits, children's songs-games, songs-fun.

3. It is very important to instill in students a love of folk songs, since folk songs are part of the great Russian culture, about the revival and preservation of which we now talk so much. In the folk song we now hear the soul of the people, we get to know its national character.

Any selection of songs only then achieves its musical, educational and educational goal if the learning of these songs is carried out carefully enough. The program should include works that are slow and fast, funny and sad.

Repertoire requirements:

1. Useful for the development of the student's singing abilities.

2. Accessibility / education and upbringing should be based on the level of students' capabilities, physical and mental stress /.

3. Brightness of musical images, contrast of works.

When choosing a repertoire, first of all, one must remember about the need to expand the musical and artistic horizons of children, about the fact that choral singing is a powerful means of aesthetic, moral and patriotic education of students. Therefore, the works of foreign classics should be combined with the songs of modern composers and songs of the different genres.

It is also necessary to know and remember that if the content is too complex, students get tired quickly, their performance decreases, their motivational mood decreases, and with simplification, their interest in learning decreases, and educational performance does not develop.

Songs should be simple in form, short in duration, allowing for elements of play, taking into account the vocal capabilities of the child.

The teacher's careful work on the artistic image of the work performed, revealing its ideological and emotional meaning has a huge influence on the development of students' musicality. At the same time, work on the word, musical and poetic phrase, the form of the entire work, the ability to feel and highlight the culminating moments, both of the entire work and its individual parts, acquires special significance. The content of the singing repertoire is aimed at developing in children a positive attitude towards the world around them through their comprehension of the emotional and moral meaning of each piece of music, through the formation of a personal assessment of the music performed

For the development and education of the child's voice, the teacher needs to know the child's vocal and singing capabilities. In a younger schoolchild, they are small and are due to the fact that his singing apparatus has not yet been formed. The range in which the voice sounds best is small: mi1 - sol1, fa1 - la1, therefore, as material for singing in the first lessons, you should use simple, limited in range, but bright in terms of musical material miniatures. Gradually, the range of song miniatures is expanding, songs, tunes based on the sounds of the tonic triad, individual fragments of the mode are included in the work. In each piece, students master the pitch movements of the melody with the help of motor, visual techniques, which contributes to the development of coordination of hearing and voice, accurate perception of sounds in pitch.

With regular practice, the child's singing range is strengthened and improved, the color of the sound becomes richer. The sound of the voice is leveled in the range from 1 to 2 octaves.

As a result of the work, the following conclusion can be drawn: through choral activities, children are introduced to musical culture, and collective singing is an excellent psychological, moral and aesthetic environment for the formation of the best human qualities. In choral groups, children acquire musical performance skills that allow them to express themselves creatively in art.


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2. Glukhov L. "Choral education of children" - M., 2001.

3. Emelyanov V.V. "Voice development. Coordination and training "- S-P., 1997.

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