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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Bashirova G. I.

This article dedicated to learning how to create effective software systems using all the capabilities of the Algorithmic Language.

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Bashirova G. I. PhD in Pedagogy, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Baku DOI: 10.24412/2520-2480-2020-2880-47-49 METHODS OF TEACHING THE USE OF ALGORITHMIC LANGUSGES-VBA IN SOLVING SOME PROBLEMS IN HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS LESSONS.


This article dedicated to learning how to create effective software systems using all the capabilities of the Algorithmic Language.

Keywords: Costants, Data Types, Directives, Events, Functions, Groups, Indexes/Lists, Methods, Miscellaneous, Objects, Operators, Properties, Statements.

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I am a teacher at a pedagogical university and I have been teaching computer science to students for years. Over the years, technologies are evolving, the content of the subjects which we teach as well as the requirements for them are updated. If 10 years ago we taught only application programs to students, just now this work has become the job of a computer science teacher at school. The first year student is now able to prepare his/her research works using office programs. The student has the ability to use from the text editor, spreadsheets, presentations programs, databases.

With traditional or 2X4 teaching is not possible to keep a student at the table for 45 minutes during class. That is why, there are great demands, on the subjects we teach. Today's teacher must constantly works on him/herself, increase interest in the lesson by using new teaching methods. I know thw weight of the work which I have listed above, I owe it to myself to give some advices to help my students and future teacher can convey the subject they are going to teach to the students properly.

We always monitor to the school curriculum and try to coordinate the subjects we teach with the school.

1. Teaching and training of necessary information related to primary computer education in mathematic lesson.

We already know that, in the 6th grade of secendary school, Microsoft Excel application program is taught, and students are able to access the cells of the spreadsheet and perform calculations with functions. However, modern ASS (application software systems) no matter how perfect, are not able to solve all the problems in the field of their application, ie, there is no fully universal system. Once you have mastered the course, youn can make the lesson even more interesting by learning to use a specific script (macro interpreter) AD within ASS to achieve "universality" in your systems.

In my opinion mathematic and computer science teachers can cope with this work and achieve great

results. A teacher who teaches both computer science and mathematics in the same classroom can cope with this task successfully. When a theacher teaches and completes the Microsoft Excel application program, he or she revises the menus of some of the subcategorises by reviewing the menus of the Microsoft excel application program and increases the interest in the lesson by showing students the features of the "Developer" section of the menu. Then launches the "Record-macro" sub-mode by accessing Macros and stops the macro after several operations. She/he asks the students what happened. He asks the students what happened. But to increase students' interest in Excel program, she/he explains to download Visul Basic program and explains how the work done in the cells of the Microsoft Excel application program is written in the form of the codes in the code bar.

In this way, the teacher begins to instill in students an interest in programming.

2. Basics of modern programming in computer science lesson.Teaching the necessary parts of Excel and VBA editor.

In the following lessons the followings will be taught.

1. Download the VB editor

2. VB editor's windows

In this section we will get acquanted with the capabilities of the VBA editor. Editor' source code window Userform dialogue window adjustment windows Menu and toolbar subsystems By exploring the possibilities, we will help to develop future systems more quickly and efficiently. In general, Microsoft company to create maximum working conditions for the user on different systems. The same thing work can be done in several alternative ways. The user determines his/her own working method.

Download VB editor

The VB editor is called from a special menu mode or the Visual Basic tools menu within Excel. VB editor is designed for VBA programming. Here you can write independent source code, as well as initial program codes that work with various objects in the Excel workbook. Figure 1 shows the VBA editor after



downloading. The VBA editor is loaded into a separate works with ASCII codes, we will enter Azerbaijani window. texts either in the English alphabet or in English.

Closing the Excel system causes the VBA editor window to close automatically. Since the VBA editor

Figurel. Appearance of the VBA editor.

Located in the upper left corner

Project (design) window- is organized into the following groups (in the form of a folder), containing the draft as the problem to be solved.

1. Excel book objects

2. Modules

3. Forms

4. Classes

Code ( source code) window. To work with source code (compile, correct, adjust)provided necessary window. Subsystems such as Complete Word and Intelli Sense help to compile source codes quickly and error-free.

UserForm window. Visually designed to create standard windows, add control elements.

Properties window. The properties window contains the properties of various elements (objects) present in the project window. It is possible to change these features based on the requirements of the programming system.

Immediate ( immediate execution) window. Because of VBA is an interpreter, it is a window for displaying results in console mode. You can also check the functions of VBA in this window. In most modern programming editors such a window has been implemented. One of the main tasks of this window is to help you configure (save) the original program code. Assists in the separate configuration of existing procedures and functions in the project.

Local (local variables) window. It is designed to show the local variables and the values they receive

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during the step-by-step implementation of the project (at the stage of setting the source code). This window is mainly used to configure the project as a whole or at the module level. In Most modern programming editors e such a window has been implemented.

Watches (control) window. The project is designed to monitor (tracking) the implementation of selected variables. In sme cases, during maintenance of programming becomes a necessary tool. But this window is less used than the Locals window.In Most modern programming editors such a window has been implemented.

Call stack ( adress memory) window. This window allows you to determine which procedures and functions are active during the step-by-step implementation of the project. This window is dynamic and is called from the View menu when needed.

Object browser (caretaker of objects) window).

This window is informative and designed to get the necessary information about all objects, classes, constants, methods, properties released in Excel and VBA. It is a necessary window system to create professional software system.

VB editor's toolbars

One of the methods used to increase the speed of the user's use of the system is the use of panel subsystems, which contain important modes (frequently used), including "Toolbars" !!! You can increase or decrease the number of buttons (icons) on the toolbar and connect them to other modes implemented in the menu.

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Figure2. Appearance of the standard toolbar.

Entering the source code into the FirstCodes module (MyFirstProc procedure)

Let's create our first program code - MyFirst Proc procedure by entering the following 4 lines in the First Codes module.

1. Sub My First Proc

2. Debug Print Hello Azerbaijan !!! (this line will appear in the Immediate window);

3. MsgBox Hello Azerbaijan !!! (this line will be displayed in the new dialog box)

4. End Sub

What does this source code do?

1st line- My First Proc procedure title (VBA's sub-notification)

2nd line- The Print method of the debug object will write the sentence "Hello Azerbaijan" in the

¡S^j Microsoft Visual Basic for Applicatio

Immediate window. If the Immediate window is not active, you can activate this window viaView -Immediate Window mode.

3rd line- VBA's Message Box functionhas created a new window with the sentence "Hello Azerbaijan"

4th line- A connector for a procedure called My First Proc (VBA's end sub-notification)

Step III. Execute the MyFirstProc procedure and FirstCodes module

Our initial code is ready. How will it work, or rather how will it be donef? To do this, load the Run -Run Sub / User Form mode (or press the F5 hot key).

Step IV. Step IV:Look at the results of the FirstFodes module MyFirstProc procedure.

The 3rd line of the source code has created a new window, and will placed a sentence Hello Azerbaijan ! ! !


If all these steps are performed as they are, then your initial program code has been correctly compiled and executed.

Structure and elements of the source code (review)

Obviously, our main goal is to learn programming. To do this, we need to save, configure and compile our

source code. For this reason, let's start with the necessary information about the structure of the source code and the elements included in this structure. Let's first look at some elements of the source code.

Notification containing the source code. The source code is written in the program text between lines

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bounded by procedure (Sub ... End Sub) or function (Function ... End Function) notifications.

Variables and constants. By declaring Data, Variables Dim, Constants, designed to work with memory in the source code, we instruct the VBA interpreter to allocate "places" for this data in memory when the source code is executed. Then it is possible to refer to this data from different parts of the source code and do different things.

Built-in functions. These functions allow you to perform various operations on the data. Debug.Print used in the MyFirstProc procedure (write the result in the Immediate Window w when setting the source code) and MsgBox (create a new window and write the data there) functions used in the My First Proc Procedure are built-in( internal) functions.

Key words. Through these elements you can perform various manipulations with the parameters of the notification, built-in functions. For example, in the notation Dim var as Integer, we declare the variable var as Integer type using the Dim notification and the keyword as.

Operators. These elements are designed to perform different operations, comparisons, etc. on different types of data. For example,




We place the number "5" in the variable v1 using the operator "=".

These elements allow different operations, comparisons, etc. on different types of data. intended to carry. For example, These elements allow different operations, comparisons, etc. on different types of data. intended to carry. For example, These elements allow different operations, comparisons, etc. on different types of data. intended to carry. For example,

Substituting the result "10" on the variable V1 by the operator "+", we place the result on the variable V2 by the operator "="


After getting acquainted with the elements of the source code, we would like to clarify another issue. In the source code, along with the internal elements of the VB / VBA algorithmic language, user-defined elements are also created. Obviously, to refer to each created element (variable, constant, function, procedure, etc.), it must be named. The name of the source code elements is called the identifier. All identifiers must meet the following requirements:

The identifier must begin with a letter. You can use bany letter or "_" after the first letter. You can not use spaces or special characters (operators) in the identifier, including ".", ",", "+", "-", "=" and others. The names of the internal elements of VB/VBA cannot be used to name user elements. The length of th identifier cannot exceed 255 character. The identifiermust be unique depending on the scope. The identifier must be meaningful.

Data types of VBA

1. Data type

2. Numericaql types

3. Text type

4. Type of logic

5. Variant type

6. User type

As with other algorithmic languages, VB / VBA defines different types of data to be stored in memory. This helps to develop optimal and fast programs. To get acquainted with all types of VBA data, you can look in the category of Help system Microsoft Visual Basic Documentation - Visual Basic Language Reference -Data Types.

Now let's get acquainted with some necessary information about data types

Data type.

This type is defined in the VB/VBA in the range of numbers from- 657434 to 2958465. That is, each number corresponds to a date. The range of numbers we present covers the period from January 1, 100 to December 31, 9999. Byte,Integer, Long number types are designed for integers. Byte can range inprice from 0 to 255, Integer from- 32768 to 32767 and Long from 21474836480 to 2147473647.

Integer types define the following dimensional fields in memory:

Byte - 1 bayt

Integer - 2 bayt

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Long - 4 bayt

As you know, numbers can be integers and fractions. Single, Double and Currency number types are designed for fractional numbers.

3. Solve some of the problems we learned in Math using Excel and VBA.

Str () - A function that converts numeric data to text data.

Val () - A function that converts text data to Double numeric data.

Asc () - Returns the character code in ASCII encoding.

Chr () - Returns the character according to the code in ASCII encoding.

1) Sub e_AscChr1()

2) Dim s As String, i As Integer

3) s = &quot;A&quot;

4) i = Asc(s)

5) Debug.Print i &#39;res:65

6) i = 66

7) s = Chr(i)

8) Debug.Print s &#39;res:&quot;B&quot;

9) End Sub


In Section 2, we explicitly declare the variables i, s, indicating the types.

In line 3, we initialized the variable s and assigned it the symbol A.

In line 4, we assign the ASCII code of the variable s to the variable i through the internal function Asc. We printed the result on the 5th line

In line 6, we assign 66 integers to the variable i.

In line 7, we assign the symbol corresponding to the value of the variable i (ASCII code) to the variable s through the internal function Chr. We printed the result on the 8th line.

1 Sub e_Const1()

2 Const PI = 3.14159265358979


PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES / <<Ш1ШетУМ~^©У©Ма1>>#2®»)),2©2©

3 Dim radius, sahe As Double

4 radius = 2

5 sahe = PI * radius A 2

6 Debug.Print sahe

7 End Sub

DataTypes. e_Const1 (result)



2nd line. ? - declare the number as PI constant and initialize it with the number 3.14159265358979.

3rd line. We declare radius and field variables as Double type.

5th line. Using the operators * (multiplication), A (amplification), we calculate the area of the circle and initiate the field variable. Rather, we calculate the new value of the field variable. This is because the initialization of this variable has already been done on line 3, via the Dim notification.

6th line. We print the result.

Thus, they should be able to develop small system programs by writing an interactive problem solving program.

Identify methods and ways to accomplish the goals and objectives of the research;

- Conducting generalizations on the basis of results obtained from the analysis of psychological-

pedagogical and educational-methodical literature, observation and pedagogical experiment;

- Comparing the results of the research with the initial level of students;


1. Партыка Т.Л., Попов И.И., Голицына О.Л. Языки программирования . М: Форум Инфра, 2008, 400 с.

2. Соммервилл И. Инженерия программного обеспечения. Издательская группа Диалектика-Вильямс2002, 624 с.

3. Грэхем И. Объективно-ориентированные методы. Принципы и практика. 3-е изд. М: «Вильямс», 2004, 880 с.

4. Пышкин Е.В. Основные концепции и механизмы объектно-ориентированное программирования . BHV-Санкт-Петербург, 2005, 640 с.

5. Иванова Г.С., Ничушкина,Т.Н., Пугачев Е.К. Объектно-ориентированное

программирование . МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана, 2007, 316 с.

6. Кен Гетц, Майк Джилберт. Програмирование в Microsoft Office. Польное руководство по VBA.

УДК 378.4

Абакумова Н.Н.

канд. пед. наук, доцент Савицкая И. С.

ст. преподаватель

Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет

Ильин С.А. зав. кафедрой, доцент

Томский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет



Abakumova N.N.

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Savitskaya I.S. Senior Lecturer National Research Tomsk State University

Ilyin S.A.

Head of the Department, Associate Professor Tomsk State University of Architecture and Construction



Выделены основные направления изменений в педагогике высшей школы: цифровизация, интернационализация национальной системы высшего образования, организация исследований мирового уровня, участие в международных проектах, программах. Обобщен опыт ведущих исследовательских университетов. Приведены результаты сравнительного анализа участия российских вузов в рейтингах ARWU и Московском международном рейтинге «Три миссии университета» за 2020 год.


The main directions of changes in the pedagogy of higher education are highlighted: digitalization, internationalization of the national system of higher education, organization ofworld-class research, participation in international projects, programs. The experience of leading research universities is summarized. The results of the comparative analysis of the participation of Russian universities in the ARWU ratings and the Moscow international ranking "Three University Missions" for 2020 are given.

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