METHODS OF TEACHING RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND SPEECH CULTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Russian language / culture of speech / stage of development / methodology

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sadikova D.A.

The article examines the methodology of teaching the Russian language and culture of speech. The modern stage of development of the methodology of teaching the Russian language is characterized by personality-oriented and communicative-activity approaches in teaching the Russian language.

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UDK 81-13

Sadikova D.A. senior teacher

department of aquatic bioresearches and aquaculture branch of the Astrakhan State Technical University

Tashkent region



Abstract: The article examines the methodology of teaching the Russian language and culture of speech. The modern stage of development of the methodology of teaching the Russian language is characterized by personality-oriented and communicative-activity approaches in teaching the Russian language.

Key words: Russian language, culture of speech, stage of development, methodology.

The modern methodology of teaching the Russian language in the context of the renewal of the education system is guided both by the established traditions in the learning process, and by the linguistic, ethnolinguistic, psycholinguistic, linguistic-methodological research of the last decades of the twentieth century. The updating of the methodology of teaching the Russian language is due to such changes as the introduction of new standards into practice, the clarification and improvement of the content of language education, the multicultural language space, new aspects and technologies of teaching, and quality assessment. The modern stage of development of the methodology of teaching the Russian language is characterized by personality-oriented and communicative-activity approaches in teaching the Russian language. The personality-oriented approach involves the recognition of the student as a subject of the educational process, the development of a personality with individual characteristics and capabilities. The communicative-activity approach implies the speech orientation of the educational process, its maximum approximation to the conditions of natural communication. Cognition of the language system and mastering the norms of speech behavior is possible on the basis of the text-oriented nature of teaching the Russian language, which was theoretically developed back in the 60-70s of the twentieth century. Learning a language on a textual basis is the recognition of the text as the most important unit in teaching Russian as a second language. On the basis of the text, linguistic, linguistic, communicative, cultural competences are formed. The modern period of development of the methodology of teaching Russian as a non-native language is characterized by a special interest in the dialogue of languages and cultures in the content of education, within the framework of

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №10(55) 2021 science-j.com

which the language is taught not only as a means of communication, cognition of the world, but also as a means of familiarizing with national cultures, to the spiritual values of the contacting peoples ... The dialogue of languages and cultures is reflected in modern textbooks and teaching aids on the Russian language, carried out in the study of different sections of the Russian language course. At present, a competence-based approach has been introduced in the theory and practice of teaching the Russian language. In this regard, linguistic, linguistic, speech, communicative and linguocultural competences are distinguished. The introduction of competence and its types correlates with the world theory and practice of defining goals and levels of language proficiency. The formation of communicative competence is the ultimate goal of teaching the Russian language. Specificity of Teaching Russian in a Multiethnic Environment: General Issues. The methodology of teaching the Russian language belongs to the category of pedagogical sciences. She must answer such basic and essential questions for her "what and why to teach, how and why to teach this way and not otherwise, and how the student learns" (A. V. Tekuchev) The methodology of teaching the Russian language is the science of content, principles, methods and techniques of teaching the Russian language, about the ways and conditions for the assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills in the Russian language by students. Thus, the methodology determines the goals, content, volume and structure of the academic subject "Russian language", studies and describes the most rational methods and techniques of teaching the Russian language, examines the conditions and ways of assimilating knowledge of the Russian language by students, mastering certain skills and abilities. Therefore, the methodology is based on other sciences that help to determine its objectives, content and teaching methods. Such sciences are linguistics, psychology, didactics, philosophy. MPRL as a science has its own object and subject of study. The object of the MPRE is the process of teaching, upbringing and development in the lessons of the Russian language. The subject of the MPRE is the study of the patterns of mastering Russian speech. The methodological basis of the methodology as a science is the philosophical doctrine of the essence of language as the most important means of human communication, the provision on the unity of language and consciousness, on the functions of language. Depending on the audience, a distinction is made between the methods of teaching Russian as a native language. All three methods have common ground and at the same time differ from each other. In recent decades, the teaching of the Russian language in a multiethnic environment has become relevant in the system of Russian school education. In the methodological literature, there are such terms as "polyethnic environment", "multinational school", "multicultural class", "foreign language audience", "foreign cultural space", Russian as a foreign language, "teaching foreign phones". In this way, modern methodologists try to designate the audience in which the Russian language is taught, if it is non-native for the students. In this

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №10(55) 2021 science-j.com

regard, the concept of "ethnomethodics", "ethnopedagogy" appeared. Famous linguistic methodologists write about some aspects of teaching Russian in a multiethnic audience.

They indicate as the basic principles of teaching Russian as a non-native language: 1) the principle of compulsory communicative orientation of teaching; 2) the principle of the unity of the acquisition of knowledge and the formation of their practical use (the relationship between linguistic and speech competencies); 3) the principle of taking into account the peculiarities of the students' native language; 4) the principle of cultural studies orientation (education of intercultural communication); 5) the principle of the dialogue of cultures; 6) the principle of differentiated learning. The Russian language in the education system has a special social significance as an academic subject, acts as a stabilizing factor in increasing the linguistic culture of society, the formation of a tolerant linguistic personality. According to the well-known linguistic methodologist E.A. Bystrova, "the Russian language should form the communicative culture of a modern personality. This is the most important factor not only for the preservation of a single educational space, but also for the harmonization of national relations, the formation of tolerance and tolerance of the personality of the 21st century. «Classes of the Russian language in accordance with the current education standard provide the necessary knowledge of the Russian language for active activity, communication in it in all spheres: everyday, socio-cultural, official-business, as well as the formation of language ability and familiarization with the culture of the people of the target language. The Russian language is the state language, a means of interethnic communication, consolidation and unity of peoples. Also, the Russian language is a means of communication, an instrument of cognition and reflection of reality, the most important means of education. The main direction of updating the content of teaching Russian as a non-native language is the consistent implementation of the principle of communicativeness. Consistency and functionality are put forward as the fundamental principles of the presentation of linguistic material and information about the language in the content of the subject "Russian language". The main trends that determine the current state of linguistic education in educational institutions are: a) the expansion of the volume of the subject "Russian language" and, accordingly, the volume of the content of educational material, both due to the convergence of scientific (university) courses, and due to the inclusion of additional linguistic disciplines: culture of speech, stylistics, rhetoric; b) expanding the time frame (by the number of hours, by years of study) for studying the subject "Russian language", as well as the named linguistic disciplines, which makes it possible to implement the idea of additional in-depth (if necessary, continuous) linguistic training; c) strengthening the principle of interactivity, interdisciplinary interaction of the Russian language and other disciplines in the educational process; d) strengthening the text of the ocentric approach in linguistic training;

e) the principle of reviving the reliance on the history of the language. The content of the "Russian language" subject is regulated by regulatory documents: basic curriculum, state educational standard and program. The content of the Russian language course differs depending on the types of educational institutions.


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