METHODS OF TEACHING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS TO SOLVE SIMPLE PROBLEMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
problem / system / education / task / solution / simple problem / method / methodology / content / student / arithmetic / complex.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mehriya Muzaffarovna Rashidova

This article describes the structure and form of simple problems in elementary math textbooks. Special attention is paid to the methods and techniques of solving these problems.

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Mehriya Muzaffarovna Rashidova

Teacher of Secondary School № 5 Buxoro District of Bukhara region


This article describes the structure and form of simple problems in elementary math textbooks. Special attention is paid to the methods and techniques of solving these problems.

Keywords: problem, system, education, task, solution, simple problem, method, methodology, content, student, arithmetic, complex.


Simple problems play a very important role in the teaching of mathematics. By solving simple problems, one of the central concepts of the basic course of mathematics is the concept of arithmetic operations, and a number of other concepts. Learning to solve simple problems is a preparatory stage for students to learn how to solve complex problems because it is complex. problem solving leads to the solution of a number of simple problems [1-5]. When solving simple problems, one is first introduced to the problem and its components. When it comes to solving simple problems, students learn the basics of working on a problem. That's why it's important for a teacher to know how to work on each type of simple problem.

Simple problems can be grouped according to the arithmetic operations performed to solve them[6] . However, from a methodological point of view, it is convenient to classify the problems in groups according to the concepts that are formed in the process of solving them. Three such groups can be distinguished. We characterize each of them. The first group includes such simple problems that in solving them, children learn the specific meaning of each arithmetic operation, that is, they learn which arithmetic operation corresponds to this or that action on the set.


There are five problems in this group:

1) Find the sum of two numbers.

The girl washed 3 large plates and 2 small plates. How many plates did the girl wash in total?

2) Find the residue.

Students make 6 bird nests. They hung two needles on a tree. How many more inns should they hang on the tree?

3) Find the sum (multiplication) of the same joiners.

Karim drew two pictures on each page of the notebook. If he drew on three sheets, how many pictures did he draw in total?

4) Divide into equal pieces.

Salima cut 8 apples into 4 plates. How many apples are placed on each plate?

5) Divide by content.

Each group of students softened the bottom of 8 apple seedlings, a total of 24 apple seedlings. the bottom of the chat has been softened. How many groups of students did this?

The second group includes such simple problems that students learn the relationship between the components and the results of arithmetic operations. These include problems finding unknown components.

1) Find the first addition on a given sum and a known second addition.

The girl washed a plate of five large plates and 2 small plates, a total of 5 plates. washed the plate?

2) Find the second addition on a certain sum and a certain first addition.

The girl washed 3 large plates and several small plates. He washed a total of 5 plates. How many small plates did the girl wash?

3) Find the denominator and the denominator.

Students make several bird nests. After the students hung 2 innings on the tree, they had 4 innings left. How many students did you make?

4) Find the denominator and the denominator.

Children make 6 bird nests. After the children hung a few inns on the tree, they had 4 more inns left. How many inches did the children hang on the tree?

5) Find the first multiplier for a given product and a known second multiplier. Multiply the unknown number by 8 , 32 were generated. Find the unknown number.

6) Find the second product of the known product and the known first multiplier. Multiply

9 by the unknown number. , 27 formed. Find the unknown number.

7) Find the divisor and the divisor of the known division.

Divide the unknown number by 9, 4 formed. Find an unknown number.

8) Find a definite divisor and a divisor according to a definite division. 24 is divided by an unknown number and 6 is formed. Find an unknown number.

The third group includes such simple problems that when they are solved, new meanings of arithmetic operations are revealed. These include simple problems related to the concept of difference (6 types) and simple problems related to ratios (6 types). 1) Compare numbers differently or find two number differences ( Round 1). Builders built a house in 10 weeks and a second house in 8 weeks, how many more weeks did it take to build the first house? .

The builders built one house in 10 weeks and the other in 8 weeks. How many weeks was less to build a second house?

3) Multiply the number by a few units (direct form). One house was built in 8 weeks, and the second house was built in 2 weeks more than the first. How many weeks did it take to build the second house?

4) Multiply the number by a few units (direct form). It took 8 weeks to build one house, which is 2 weeks less than it took to build a second house. How many weeks did it take to build the second house?

5) Reduce the number by a few units (direct form). It took 10 weeks to build one house and 2 weeks to build the second house. How many weeks did they build the second house?

6) Reduce the number by a few units (indirect form). It took 10 weeks to build one house, which is 2 weeks more than it took to build the second house. How many weeks did it take to build the second house? Here are some problems with the concept of proportion.

1)Multiple comparison of numbers or finding the ratio of two numbers (round I). Nargiza bought 32 math and 8 notebooks. How many more math notebooks were

purchased from the notebook?

2)Multiple comparison of numbers or finding the ratio of two numbers (type II). Nargiza bought 32 math and 8 notebooks. How many times less notebooks were

purchased than a math notebook?

3) Multiply the number several times (direct form).

Nargiza bought 8 notebooks. Purchased 4 times more math notebooks than notebooks. How many math notebooks did Nargiza buy?

4) Multiply the number several times (indirect form).

Nargiza bought 8 notebooks, which is 4 times less than the math notebook. How many math notebooks did Nargiza buy?

5) Reduce the number several times (direct form).

Nargiza bought 32 math notebooks, three times less than a notebook. How many notebooks did Nargiza buy?

6) Reduce the number several times (indirect form).

Nargiza bought 32 math notebooks, which is 4 times more than notebooks. How many notebooks did Nargiza buy?

Here are just the basic types of simple issues [7-11]. But simple issues are so diverse that they don't end there. The procedure for entering simple questions depends on the content of the program material. In Grade I, addition and subtraction are studied, and in this regard, simple addition and subtraction problems are considered. In Grade II, simple problems related to multiplication and division are introduced [12-18].

As mentioned above, the problems that reveal the concrete meaning of arithmetic operations include the problem of finding the sum, the remainder, the product, the division by the content, and the division into equal parts. Since the issues of finding the sum and the remainder are the first issues that children face, working on these issues is associated with additional difficulties [19]. Students will learn about the problem and its parts, as well as some general ways to work on the problem. The problem of finding the sum and the remainder are entered at the same time, because the addition and subtraction operations are entered at the same time; moreover, when these issues are confronted, the ability to solve them is better formed. Preparing to solve the problem of finding the sum and the remainder is the process of working on the sets [20-23]. Combine two sets that do not have common elements and extract part of the set. Children need to understand that the process of merging sets corresponds to addition, and the subtraction of parts of a set corresponds to division. Tasks for operations on sets should be included during the preparation period and during the study of numbering the first decimal places. This does not differ in form from the task, but is practical. For example, the teacher reads: "The child cut 3 red circles and 1 blue circle. How many circles did the boy cut in total? " Children place 3 red circles on the desk first, then 1 blue circle; combine them and find the result by counting. The teacher shows that they added one to 3 to make 4. The children repeat. After a few of these exercises, the "plus" ("plus", "is") (equal) characters, and the following numbers are entered: 3+1=4. It is important that this preparation exercise covers a variety of life situations.

a) The girl had 4 colored pencils. His brother donated 2 more pens. How many pencils did the girl have in total?

b) There were 3 fish in one aquarium and 4 fish in the other aquarium. How many fish are there in both aquariums?

In order to prepare children to choose activities based on objects in solving problems, the following relationship should be clarified each time: when 1 more circle is added (2 more pencils are given, etc.) their total number increased. So it's going to increase when we add it up. To help children master this relationship, it is helpful to ask the following questions:

a) There were 4 chairs in the room and 2 more chairs were brought. Did the chairs increase or decrease?

b) There were 5 sparrows sitting on the branch. What needs to happen to increase (decrease) the number of sparrows sitting on a branch? master the following relationship. If it is added, then it is increased, which should serve as a basis for solving the problem of finding the sum later. The same thing applies with urgency.


When presenting solutions to the problem of finding the sum and the remainder, it is best to create them together with the children themselves, rather than giving the initial problems ready [24-27]. Demonstration weapons should be used with caution at this stage. The object in question and the actions on the objects should be illustrated, and what is sought should be "hidden"; otherwise the children will work on the issue of finding the remains. Ready-made problems are then solved first under the guidance of the teacher and then independently. Experience has shown that first graders find it difficult to separate numerical information and questions from a problem. Therefore, from the very beginning, it is necessary to think about the formation of common ways of working on the issue in children. In this regard, the following method of working on other simple issues under consideration has fully justified itself. First, the teacher (and later the students) reads the problem, and the students fully accept it [28-30]. When the teacher or children re-read the problem, the students place the numbers on the desk that represent the numerical information in the problem, mark the number they are looking for with a question mark (later write the number and the number they are looking for in their notebooks). This is the process of separating the data and the question itself. The students then explain what each number represents and ask a question. In this case, the condition of the issue and the question are understood.Difficult children are encouraged to imagine what the problem is about and to tell what they imagined, which should lead the children to choose the appropriate arithmetic operation correctly. What number in the answer after that. It is recommended to consider and say whether one of the given numbers will be larger or smaller, which will help to choose the right action. Now the children can be asked to say the action to be solved, to do it orally, or to write it down in a notebook. The question is then answered and written down as the children learn to write. The answer can be short, oral, or underlined in the solution. If students complete these tasks multiple times in a strictly defined manner when solving problems, then they will gradually develop a way of working on the problem in accordance with these tasks. This will allow children to solve problems independently in the future.



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