METHODS OF STUDENTS LEARNING AND RECEIVING INFORMATION IN TUTORING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
tutors / students / receiving information / learning / method / technique / studying / learner. / преподаватели / студенты / получение информации / обучение / метод / прием / обучение / обучающийся.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mukhammadjonova, Madinabonu Isroiljon Kizi

Nowadays, in order to increase the effectiveness of education, the issue of forming the positive qualities of a well-rounded person is more important than ever. Tutoring activity is one of the new types of activities that have entered the higher education system, and it acts as a bridge between the educational institution and the student. It is possible to gain an understanding of the methods of working with students, which are considered important in tutoring activities, and the ways of learning and accepting the given information and knowledge through this article.

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В настоящее время для повышения эффективности образования как никогда важен вопрос формирования положительных качеств всесторонне развитой личности. Репетиторская деятельность является одним из новых видов деятельности, вошедших в систему высшего образования, и выступает мостом между образовательным учреждением и студентом. Благодаря данной статье можно получить представление о методах работы со студентами, которые считаются важными в репетиторской деятельности, а также о способах усвоения и принятия данной информации и знаний.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

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Mukhammadjonova Madinabonu Isroiljon kizi

Master of speciality: theory and history of pedagogy, Fergana State University madinabonumuhammadj onova07@gmail .com


Nowadays, in order to increase the effectiveness of education, the issue of forming the positive qualities of a well-rounded person is more important than ever. Tutoring activity is one of the new types of activities that have entered the higher education system, and it acts as a bridge between the educational institution and the student. It is possible to gain an understanding of the methods of working with students, which are considered important in tutoring activities, and the ways of learning and accepting the given information and knowledge through this article.

Keywords: tutors, students, receiving information, learning, method, technique, studying, learner.


В настоящее время для повышения эффективности образования как никогда важен вопрос формирования положительных качеств всесторонне развитой личности. Репетиторская деятельность является одним из новых видов деятельности, вошедших в систему высшего образования, и выступает мостом между образовательным учреждением и студентом. Благодаря данной статье можно получить представление о методах работы со студентами, которые считаются важными в репетиторской деятельности, а также о способах усвоения и принятия данной информации и знаний.

Ключевые слова: преподаватели, студенты, получение информации, обучение, метод, прием, обучение, обучающийся.


All influences, actions and aspirations aimed at forming and developing an individual's personality, ensuring his active participation in society's production and social, cultural, educational life are the sum of tutoring. This process includes not only the educational work carried out in the family, school, children and youth organizations, but also the entire social system, its leading ideas and all types of education. Besides this, tutoring also means pedagogical activities aimed at the cultivation of physical development, worldview, spiritual and moral image and aesthetic taste of a person. We know that results and success can be achieved by

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analyzing and studying the work to be done in detail in each field. In addition, tutors cannot help students to learn and achieve success in a certain field without understanding their students' personalities, their ability to receive information and their skill level.


"Tutoring is an individual educational program designed to individualize education directed at students, to create the phenomenon and development of educational motives and interests." (A.N.Bogachev). [10;95-b]

Support in a certain resistance to public school pedagogy and ideas of tutoring, where the idea of tutoring service was developed, was implemented most quickly and effectively in the practice of additional or distance education, teaching. But despite this, there were such schools, lyceums and other institutions. The new general education was often given unusual and unusual tasks for the school, but there was not enough opportunity to provide opportunities for individual movement of students. Most of them according to the mode of their activity, and many according to their status (for example, the school "Eureka-development" in Tomsk) they are innovative, because they constantly change their goals, ideas and forms of work. . Scientists-teachers, psychologists, philosophers, content developers of educational subjects take part in this process; in this case, the educational institution is like a laboratory. However, today there are already a number of conditions and challenges that allow the mass use of tutoring technologies in schools and the spread of the tutoring profession. Researchers distinguish three main components of the modern understanding of the term tutoring [9;110-115-b].

1. Tutoring - support (a type of pedagogical activity aimed at forming the subject's independence in solving educational problems).

2. Tutoring - support (support for the implementation of individual educational programs, design work, research activities).

3. Tutoring - helping (activities aimed at helping in professional, cultural and personal self-determination).


When working with students, it is an effective way to identify differences in their learning, information processing, memorizing and mastering methods. According to Kolb's (1984) theory, there are four main learning styles:

•Dynamic learners: they are very active, like to participate and see with their own eyes how training is done, and learn through self-discovery, trial and error.

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•Imaginative learners: they observe and reason more, learn by listening and sharing ideas.

•Analytic learners: individuals who are primarily theoreticians, fact-seekers, who wish to understand underlying factors and relationships through reasoning.

•Practical learners: are more pragmatic and efficiency-oriented individuals who seek to know how things work, learn by testing theories, using rational methods and common sense.

There is another way to distinguish the learning and information processing styles of students in the educational process. By knowing and analyzing it, the tutor can provide students with easier and more understandable knowledge, and organize high-quality classes and trainings with them. This includes being able to distinguish between learners' visual, auditory and kinesthetic abilities.

Visual learners - rely on pictures and usually think about pictures. They want to know what a given subject looks like, and they remember things very well by seeing them. They are taught using the best visual learning aids i.e. handouts, flip charts, projections, pictures and diagrams etc.

Auditory learners - usually learn best by listening. They prefer to learn through lectures and discussions (in which they can actively participate). They remember well by hearing or saying it out loud. In teaching them, it is important to speak clearly, use voice and language, and ask questions consciously and often.

Kinestetic learners - he needs to physically touch something in order to understand it. They learn best through touch, feel and personal experience. They remember things better by writing them down and practicing them. During training, they are ideal for participating in voluntary tasks, practical exercises and exhibitions.

In order to conduct an effective session with a group of students, it is important to use a facilitation style that combines several different methods and elements. This is usually done through a mixture of methods and components such as lecture parts, use of blackboards or flipcharts, open discussions, group work, practical exercises, role plays.

Sources of motivation for students:

• Social interaction: there is a need to make new friends, socialize and make friends.

• Reliance on external help: following someone else's instructions; identifying and fulfilling dreams and goals through the recommendations of others.

• Social well-being: developing the ability to serve humanity, preparing for service to society, increasing the ability to participate in public affairs.

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• Personal development: achieving a higher status at work, secure professional advancement and awareness of competitors.

• Escape/Stimulation: taking a break from home or work for a period of time to relieve boredom and provide contrast to other tangible details of life.

• Cognitive interest: learning for the sake of learning, striving for knowledge for its own benefit and development of mental activity.

Tutoring is an activity that allows you to work with students and help them move towards their goals. Effective tutoring involves helping a specific individual or group of individuals. It is necessary to focus on the interaction of discussions in order to complete a specific task or achieve a specific goal. It is a method that encourages students to share ideas, resources, and feedback while being critical and constructive at the same time.


To conclude, in order to work with students and make this process successful, the tutor needs to study his subordinates well, know their skills of receiving, processing and remembering information. It is important to look at students' learning styles to determine these. This includes the above information. In addition, students can be encouraged to learn and remember new information and knowledge by giving them various motivations.

Students who follow the tutor's instructions and advice are more likely to succeed than students who do their own work. Because the tutor can identify the student's abilities that he did not notice, create an individual educational trajectory for the student based on his dreams and goals, conduct trainings suitable for the student's ability to learn and remember, it is a correct and effective action for the student. leads to many achievements and milestones in life.


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