Научная статья на тему 'Methods of designing website'

Methods of designing website Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Vodolazkina N.A.

Classic design model sites (spiral, waterfall, framework); development methods: visual and programmable; programming languages and editors sites.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methods of designing website»



UDC 004


Senior Lecturer

the Almaty University of Energy and Communications

Almaty, Kazakhstan


Classic design model sites (spiral, waterfall, framework); development methods: visual and programmable; programming languages and editors sites.

Key words

design model sites, spiral model, waterfall model, Framework, visual method, programmed method,

web- programming languages.

Site design is intended to develop a clear internal organization of the contents of Web- site to it was possible to find relevant information. This requires improving the functionality of the Web- site.Model design is a method of project development, based on a specific view of its developers. Here are some classic models that can be used to create a website and other projects.

Waterfall and spiral model

To perform multiple, successive stages of development Web-site using the waterfall model. This is the simplest model. All stages are in series and each subsequent does not begin until the end of the previous one. The disadvantage of this model is that the model of development implies an exact expression of what you want to put into the site, which in practice is rare.


This model uses the opposite approach of developing the site than the previous one. Development begins with step "Planning and Analysis" and clockwise moves to the step of performing, testing and evaluation of the results. On the next turn all repeated on the new, but based on identified gaps site. The disadvantages include the fact that it is not known at some point you should always stop to submit a site.

Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF)

This model of development Web- site is made by Microsoft. All Microsoft products are created for this methodology. MSF model has incorporated the best of the two models described above - spiral and waterfall consists of four phases: analysis, planning, development and stabilization.

The model is based on iterations and the passage of all stages of the project can be modified based on the previous iteration. The end of each stage are clearly specified, there is no way in a spiral pattern, endless repetition of the same process. The disadvantages are the greater complexity compared with other models. The presented models - classic, they are not exhaustive.

Methods of construction sites and tools, with which the construction is done, it is very diverse, they can be classified according to various criteria. The most important are the degree of automation of designing the site and method development process. According to the degree of automation of designing Web-sites should be divided into two main methods: Visual and Programmed [1].

Visual method

Visual method allows the construction of Web- site with a high degree of automation. This method is needed to reduce labor intensity and reduce the time of creating the site. With this method, the creator constructs his page on the screen visual editor (online or software), then the program for this structure generates the corresponding HTML code for each page, which is a set of language constructs HTML.

When creating websites using the visual method used by the editor of visual design. The method works without connecting to the Internet.

Use simple online editors and complex client software (off-line). The first include Narod.ru and Boom.ru, to

МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ «ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ НАУКА» №12/2015 ISSN 2410-6070 the second most famous include: Microsoft FrontPage, DreamWeaver (Macromedia), NamoWEbEditor, Adobe GoLive and others. But even developing a website using the visual editor, the designer needs to know the basics of the language HTML [2].

Programmed method

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a standard language designed for creating hypertext documents on the Internet. The essence of language HTML - the markup text using control characters - tags. These documents can be viewed by different types of browsers. HTML - tags can be divided into two categories: tags that determine how a browser will display the body of the document as a whole; tags that describe the general properties of a document, such as the title or the author of a document.

Html main advantage lies in the fact that the document may be viewed on a Web browser on different types and different platforms. Html language is enough to create a full website, but these sites are static, without user feedback. In addition, an update of static sites laborious. Creating sites in html language refers to the programmable modes, also sometimes called a hand.

Web- programming languages

First, the web programming languages can be classified on the client and server. Client languages used to write programs executed on the client (Web browser) and the server - for programs running on the server.

Among client languages it is possible to allocate JavaScript which is based on Web-technologies.

Other popular client languages, but rather a framework - is Adobe Flash and SilverLight. With them you can build a completely whole site, but not to do so, it is not rational. Since the system of global search is not yet able to index or Adobe Flash, or SilverLight.

Separation of the operating system (OS) Windows and * nix conducted for server-side language Web programming. But it is very arbitrary, since Web- all languages and frameworks focused on both OS. The most popular Web server -Programming language is PHP. It has a simple syntax, high speed, support for most hosting. A very important advantage is that in PHP written many popular CMS (Content Management System).

Another popular language Web- -Programming platform Unix - is language Perl. But it has a complex intricate syntax.

JSP (Java Server Pages) - is part of the technology J2EE, designed to create websites using the language Java. JSP has a lot to do with ASP.NET and the choice between these two technologies is most often based on subjective preferences.

Recently high popularity has got by language Ruby and, in particular, Frejmvork Ruby on Rails. With its help it is possible to create very quickly a site with demanded functionality. One of its drawbacks is low speed. [1]

By a separate category may include website creation tools CMS, which translated into Russian means "Content Management System", in this case the contents of the site. Any CMS based on the principle that most sites are very similar in structure and rubrics, but differ in content and design. Therefore, in each CMS includes certain items that can be included in the website: news, articles, information on the company, contact details, price list and so on. ,can be controlled in the administration section of the site.

In order to develop the structure and navigation of the site in the CMS does not require knowledge of html, because these systems are designed taking into account the fact that such a development was done visually and was available including inexperienced user.

In any CMS provides various types of access. The administrator has access to all sections and can change the structure of the site and any headings. The editor can change any text on the site, but cannot change the structure of columns, add or delete them. Some CMS provides a template designs. Integrated visual means you can change the design: color, font, graphic elements and etc. However, the only means CMS is not possible to create an original design.

To create (writing, layout) sites, to work with the language html, almost do not need any special programs. You can create your site in a notebook, which is on any computer, and the result is at once the same view in a browser. You provide the necessary tags in notepad and get the result. This method requires the knowledge of html, you need to represent what action executes each tag, and will look like the final result after changing the code.

But, there is a weight of the programs facilitating this work, for example visual editors. Work with editors is

МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ «ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ НАУКА» №12/2015 ISSN 2410-6070 simple, it is possible to create quickly difficult documents, but a lack of such mode of work is that the HTML-editor, as a rule, does not allow to realise all subtleties of language HTML [3].

First we need to choose the editor. Mainly used two versions of editor:

For the first programmer specifies only the parameters, and the program does everything herself. But, as a result, we obtain a document with odd number of tags. Therefore suggests the use of an alternative, no doubt requires the knowledge of html, some things to be done manually, but with the help of programs with the ability to edit manually.

Thus, necessity for use of programs for the creation of sites still remains. At creation of sites can be used templates or construction can be carried out in special software environments, built mainly on graphic images, etc. Bibliography:

1. Заботина Н.Н. Проектирование информационных систем : Учебное пособие (гриф) / Заботина Наталья Николаевна. - М. : ИНФРА-М, 2011. - 332

2. Основы Web-дизайна. Самоучитель: В. В. Дунаев — Москва, БХВ Петербург, 2012 г.- 480

3. http://www.litecode.ru/sozdanie_saita_samostoyatelno.html

© Vodolazkina N.A., 2015

УДК 654.9

Е.М. Абросимова

к.т.н., преподаватель кафедры вневедомственной охраны Воронежский институт МВД России И.В. Щербакова к.т.н., доцент кафедры вневедомственной охраны Воронежский институт МВД России г. Воронеж, Российская Федерация



Анализируются организационно-правовые основания деятельности подразделений вневедомственной охраны полиции в области контроля за обеспечением безопасности объектов топливно-энергетического комплекса.

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Топливно-энергетический комплекс, инженерно-технические средства охраны, антитеррористическая защищенность, обеспечение безопасности, вневедомственная охрана полиции

В соответствии с п. 4 ст. 6 Федерального закона от 21.07.2011 №256-ФЗ «О безопасности объектов топливно-энергетического комплекса» контроль за обеспечением безопасности объектов топливно-энергетического комплекса (ТЭК) осуществляется уполномоченным федеральным органом исполнительной власти, определяемым Президентом Российской Федерации.

Федеральным законом от 3.02.2014 №8-ФЗ, внесшим изменения в ч. 1 ст. 12 Федерального закона «О полиции», обязанности осуществлять контроль за обеспечением безопасности объектов ТЭК возложены на подразделения вневедомственной охраны полиции. Также внесены изменения в п. 1 ч. 2 ст. 28.3 Кодекса Российской Федерации об административных правонарушениях, в соответствии с которым должностные

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