Научная статья на тему 'Methods of closing field experience in the study of irrigation erosion on the slope land in Azerbaijan'

Methods of closing field experience in the study of irrigation erosion on the slope land in Azerbaijan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
relief / irrigation furrow / irrigationeroded soils / рельеф / полив по бороздам / ирригационно-эродированные почвы

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Aliev Zakir Gusein Ogly

The results of the study clarified the factors responsible for the development of irrigation erosion, where the dependence on the definition of the cross-section of the irrigation groove is determined depending on the water flow and the slopes of the terrain for the conditions of the mountain and foothill zone of Azerbaijan in the example of the Upper Shirvani zone. The equation is derived from the forecast of soil flushing in furrow irrigation. The proposed technique for predicting the flushing of soils during furrow irrigation and the drafting of recommendations for soil irrigation can be used in the design of new areas for agricultural production, mapping of the territory according to the potential danger of manifestation of irrigation erosion and the design of erosion control measures.

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Результаты исследования отражают факторы, являющиеся причиной развития ирригационной эрозии. Определена зависимость от площади поперечного сечения оросительной борозды в зависимости от течения воды и уклонов местности для условий горно-предгорной зоны Азербайджана на примере Верхней Ширванской зоны. Уравнение получено на основе прогноза смыва почвы при бороздковом поливе. Предложенная методика прогнозирования смыва почв при бороздковом поливе и разработанные рекомендации по орошению почв можгут быть использованы при проектировании новых участков сельскохозяйственного производства, картировании территории в зависимости от потенциальной опасности проявления ирригационной эрозии и разработке мер борьбы с эрозией.

Текст научной работы на тему «Methods of closing field experience in the study of irrigation erosion on the slope land in Azerbaijan»

УДК 502/504 : 631.459.23


Поступила 12.10.201 7 г.

© Алиев Закир Гусейн оглы

Институт Эрозии и Орошения Национальной Академии Наук Азербайджанской Республики, г. Баку, Азербайджанская Республика


Received on October 12, 2017

© Aliev Zakir Gusein ogly

Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute of Irrigation and Erosion of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

Результаты исследования отражают факторы, являющиеся причиной развития ирригационной эрозии. Определена зависимость от площади поперечного сечения оросительной борозды в зависимости от течения воды и уклонов местности для условий горно-предгорной зоны Азербайджана на примере Верхней Ширванской зоны. Уравнение получено на основе прогноза смыва почвы при бороздковом поливе. Предложенная методика прогнозирования смыва почв при бороздковом поливе и разработанные рекомендации по орошению почв можгут быть использованы при проектировании новых участков сельскохозяйственного производства, картировании территории в зависимости от потенциальной опасности проявления ирригационной эрозии и разработке мер борьбы с эрозией.

Ключевые слова: рельеф, полив по бороздам, ирригационно-эродированные почвы.

Introduction. In irrigated areas of Azerbaijan the irrigation erosion of the growth of the country's economy causes great damage. The development of mountain and piedmont arrays with non-compliance with erosion control measures, contributes to an increase in the intensity of soil washout, which adversely affects yields and often causes the land to exit from agricultural processing.

Non-compliance with anti-erosion measures causes soil erosion up to 100 t/ha or more during the irrigation season that could ensure the conservation and rational use of land resources, primarily arable land, to carry out measures to protect the soil from water and wind erosion, especially in the southern and eastern re-

The results of the study clarified the factors responsible for the development of irrigation erosion, where the dependence on the definition of the cross-section of the irrigation groove is determined depending on the water flow and the slopes of the terrain for the conditions of the mountain and foothill zone of Azerbaijan in the example of the Upper Shirvani zone. The equation is derived from the forecast of soil flushing in furrow irrigation. The proposed technique for predicting the flushing of soils during furrow irrigation and the drafting of recommendations for soil irrigation can be used in the design of new areas for agricultural production, mapping of the territory according to the potential danger of manifestation of irrigation erosion and the design of erosion control measures.

Keywords: relief, irrigation furrow, irrigation-eroded soils.

gions of The Republic. Currently, the irrigated area in Azerbaijan is 1417 thousand hectares, of which 70 % are located on significant slopes, where they are all more or less susceptible to irrigation erosion. Proceeding from the foregoing, protection of soils, reduction of damage from irrigation erosion are an actual problem, a subject of close attention of many scientists of agrarian science.

Objectives of the study: is the study of the potential danger of irrigation erosion should explore the problems of laying field experiments on the sloping lands of the region to improve the erosion of soils, the development of a set of anti-erosion measures to restore their fertility for agricultural production, which is extremely

necessary to develop additional areas to meet the growing demand of the population, due to cultivation of various types of crops. It should be recognized, when laying and carrying out field experiments with mineral fertilizers on soils that have been confirmed and undergoing erosion, it is necessary to take into account a number of specific features of these soils associated with the effect of erosion processes. On the slopes where there is irrigation erosion of the soil in connection with the irrigation of crops, there are many factors that affect the effectiveness of the fertilizers used and the reliability of field experiments, as well as the formation of the crop [1, 4] .

These include the steepness of the slope, the irrigation erosion of the soil, the presence and shape of the clefts in the irrigation furrow, variegation in the distribution of nutrients, and the loss of part of them from the soil and fertilizers due to irrigation erosion.

On soils subject to irrigation erosion, depending on the nature of the slope, their steepness and exposure, in comparison with the flat relief, the thermal regime, the duration of the growing season, the speed of irrigation water in the furrow and the content of food elements along the slope elements, etc., change.

The listed features of the slopes, the peculiarity of erosion processes determine the new methodological requirements for setting and conducting field experiments with fertilizers on eroded soils.

The course of the study. The laying of field experiments with mineral fertilizers should be carried out on weakly-medium and strongly eroded soils and at the same time on the same scheme on washed and non-eroded soils. Depending on the task of field experiments with fertilizers, studies can be conducted on slightly - and medium eroded soils or only on medium - and strongly eroded soils. In all cases, the experiments laid on eroded soil should be accompanied by experiments on the non-eroded soil. But in conditions where there are no uneradiated soils, experiments can be laid on the washed and washed parts of the slope [3, 4, 5, 10].

Experiments should be conducted in a typical area of the study area, since the selection of the site is the most crucial moment preceding the laying of the ex-

periment. This work begins with a preliminary acquaintance with the soil map of the territory of the economy, by which it is established which slopes and eroded soils are characteristic not only for this farm, but also for the area and region in which it is intended to introduce the results of the experiments. A slope of one exposure with washed-out soils of two or three degrees of erosion is selected for the experimental plot, to which is adjoined a flat area (water-rifted) with an unblooded soil (upper even part) and plume-washed soil. ashed and washed slope soils, as well as non-washed soils according to the genetic profile, should be of the same type. In this case, the slope should be monotonous (straight, convex or concave) and the same exposure.

As is known, the processes of irrigation erosion are markedly expressed on the southern slopes, so they should be chosen for experiments. But this does not exclude the possibility of setting up experiments on the northern slopes of other intermediate exposures [4, 9] . After selecting the slope, according to the soil map data, the terrain is surveyed in kind. When inspecting the site, the length, steepness and exposure of this slope are specified.

The length of the slope is determined by the magnitude of the attraction between the unclean (upper point) and the soiled (bottom point) soils, measured along a straight line along the slope with a tape or measured steps. The steepness of the slope (angle of inclination) is measured using an ecclesiometer with an accuracy of 0.50 (irrigation erosion begins to appear with 0.50). The exposure of the slope is determined with respect to the sides of the light (C, CB, B, VU, etc) [3, 4, 5, 10, 11] .

When examining the slope in kind, control soil sections (prikopki) are divided to specify (establish) the boundary between the variously washed up soils on the slope. In the definition of erosion, the classification of B.H. Aliyev and Bashirov N.B. is used. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the areas of eroded soil areas in terms of the degree of erosion and washing to mix all the plots of the experiment according to the scheme envisaged [3, 6].

When placing experiments on the slope, it is necessary to take into account the possible impact of irrigation-eroded

processes on the site's experience as a whole or on differently fertilized plots of experience. Individual experiments located on soils with different degrees of erosion should not be placed on the same runoff line in order to avoid transferring soil, as well as nutrients from the upstream slopes to the lower lying ones, with irrigation water [4]. Therefore, the experiment placed on the slope (medium or highly washed soil) must be displaced relative to the experiment laid on the non-washed soil in the left or right side, as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. Aggregate composition of the upper horizon of mountain forest soils of various degrees of erosion

All the main issues related to direct laying and conducting experiments (breaking up the irrigation area, fixing the edge of experience, fertilizing, sowing, plant care, phenological observations, crop accounting, processing of field experiments, documentation and reporting) and recommended for soils of flat areas methodological aids are also acceptable for experiments with soil fertilizers subject to irrigation erosion, with the exception of some surveys and observations of flushing, solid and liquid effluents, water in the furrow, etc., which are set out below.

Consideration of soil washout. The eroding speed of the water flow can be determined from the formula (Averyanov S.F., 1959);

VAPw = 1.55 [(mim2g/ ¿i)[(1 -^/100)dw(7'17o) (cosa - sina) + 1,25& l


where: VAPw is the eroding soil flow rate for its initial moisture content, W, m/c; mj is the coefficient that depends on the presence of data and suspended sediments in the data stream and, according to the data of EE Mirihulava (1970), respectively, is 0.85 and 1.40; m2 is the coefficient characterizing the effect of the root systems of plants and depends on the content of roots of diameters less than 1 mm; g - acceleration due to gravity, m/s2; /1/0 - respectively, the specific mass of the solid phase of soil and water, t/m3; h1 - coefficient characterizing the pulsation of velocities in the flow and equal to 2.3 for the water flow in the irrigation groove; p - porosity of aggregates,%; dw is the weighted average diameter of water-resistant aggregates after wet sifting of the soil according to Savvinov for a given initial moisture content W2 m; a is the angle of inclination of the flow channel, deg; k - coefficient, homogeneity, calculated by the results of the determination of cohesion (Mirikhulova, 1967); l - coefficient that characterizes the composition of the soil and depends on its bulk mass; Cw - cohesion of soil of initial humidity (according to Tsytovich) after rapid flooding of its surface and saturation to water availability, t/m.

Taking into account the flushing of the soil during irrigation of cotton and other crops on sloping lands where irrigation erosion occurs, one can determine by the following formula: Qx = 3 • 10-3 qx Bx tax,

where Qx - loss of soil from a plot of length X, t/ha; qx - average intensity of soil removal through the target X, g/cm; Bx - total width of water flows in the X section, which closes from below the area of 1 hectare, m; tax - time of transit of water through the target X, h.

Soil erosion during irrigation erosion can also be calculated from a more simplified formula:

W = (a + b)/2h, (1)

where W is the area of the gully in the section of the furrow profile, cm2; a is the width of the upper boundary of the gully, cm; b - width of the bottom of the clefts, cm; h - average depth of the gully, cm.

For example: a = 8.5 cm: b = 6.5 cm; h = 4.2 cm, the length of the irrigation groove is 50 m or 5000 cm, then W = (8.5 + 6.5) / 2 • 4.2 = 31.5 cm. (2)

Multiplying the area of the gullies in the section of the furrow profile (W) by the furrow length (l), we find the total volume of the washed-out soil from one furrow 50 m long (in cm2) Or W • l = 5000x 31.5 = 15700 cm, or 0.1517 m3 of soil washed away with one furrow 50 m long.

We know that when sowing cotton according to the scheme 60x60 per 1 ha of arable land there are 166 furrows: consequently, multiplying 166 by 0.1517 m, we find the volume of washed soil from

all the furrows with a length of 50 m; 166 x 0.1575 = 26.145 m.

When translating the volume of washed-out soil in t/ha use formula a/lkv, (3)

where a is the width of 166 rows, equal to 100 m; l - the length of the furrow on which the flushing is counted, m; k is the volume weight (1.6); v - volume of soil washed from 166 furrows with a length of 50 m, m3.

For example: a/lkv = 100/50-1.5-26.145 = 73.206 t/ha.

Definition of solid flow. Determination of solid and liquid effluents in the furrowed furrows makes it possible to take into account the washable component of the soil and water-soluble nutrients.

In solid and liquid effluents, humus, gross nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and their mobile forms are determined, as well as the mechanical composition of the solid runoff. To determine the amount of solid runoff, a slurry is selected at the beginning, not at the end of the furrow at each individual field site, according to the degree of erosion.

Humus in solid runoff is determined according to Tyurin, mechanical composition by pipette method, nitrate nitrogen by the method of Granvald-Liazhu, mobile phosphorus by BP Machigin's method in 1% carbon-ammonium extract, total nitrogen, phosphorus, by method I M. Malneva and L. P. Gritsenko.

The amount of flushing of the soil, solid runoff and the speed of irrigation water in the furrows is preferably counted in 4...6 times in 4...5 points.

Determination of the speed of water in the furrow. Determination of the amount and speed of water movement in the furrow (see fig. 2), which shows the ratio of the amount of water to the speed of irrigation flow along the furrow. Since the water velocity in the furrows is directly related to the magnitude of the irrigation jet and the steepness of the slopes: i.e. the steeper the slope, the more it flushes [3, 4, 6].


The process of irrigation erosion largely depends on the intensity of the water movement in the furrow. As the movement of irrigation water in the furrow accelerates, its destructive effect on the soil increases [3].

The speed of water in the furrows is directly related to the magnitude of the irrigation jet and the steepness of the

Figure 2. The amount of water flowing to the erosion of 1 aggregate of 3...5 m in the mountain forest brown upper soils

slopes: the steeper the slope, the more intense the flushing.

Consequently, on different elements of the slope, the speed of irrigation water along the furrows is different depending on the slope of the slope. To determine the rates of irrigation water in the furrow are used very primitively: select two or three lengths with different steepness and furrow length.

At the top and bottom of the segment are observers, armed with stopwatches. The observer at the top point of the segment drops the ink powder or liquid oil into the water and gives a command to record the time by stopwatch.


1. Averyanov S.F. Issues of establishing filtration losses in the irrigation canal system // Hydrotechnics and Reclamation. - 1950. - Vol. 9.

2. Averyanov S.F. On the dynamics of slope flow. Proceedings of the S All-Union Hydrological Congress, T.P. - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1959.

3. Aliev B.H, Aliev Z.H Irrigated agriculture in the mountain and foothill regions of Azerbaijan. - Baku: Ziya-Nurlan, 2005.

4. Aliev B.H. Basics of irrigated agriculture in Azerbaijan. - Baku: Ziya, 2009.

5. Babaev N.H. Irrigation erosion in mountain and foothill areas. - Alma-Ata, 1962.

6. Bashirov N.B. Rational elements of furrow irrigation technique in the condi-

tions of the Shirvan steppe of the Azerbaijan SSR // Proceedings of NIIM. -1971. - № 9.

7. Behbudov A.K. Experimental bases for reclamation of saline lands of the Ku-ra-Araks lowland. - Baku: Azerb. State Publishing House , 1977.

8. Bellman R., Dreyfus S. Applied problems of dynamic programming. - M.: Science, 1965.

9. Buachidze V.M. To the issue of irrigation erosion in Samgori // Tr. GruzShigiM. - 1958. - Vol. 20.

10. Aliev Z. G., Mamedova G. I. kyzy, Hokume Ajhan. Nauchnoe obosnovanie racional'noj tehnologii oroshenija dlja regionov gornogo zemledelija v Azerbajdzhanskoj Respublike // Ekologiya i stroitelstvo. - 2016. - № 1. - S. 20-25.

11. Terpigorev A.A., Zver'kov M.S. Osnovnye metody obosnovanija racional'nyh jelementov tehnologii poverhnostnogo poliva po borozdam // Ekologiya i stroitelstvo. - 2017. - № 2. -S. 25-30.

Information about the author

Partoev Aliyev Zakir Husein oglu, philosophy doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, academician; Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute of Irrigation and Erosion of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences; Republic of Azerbaijan, Ba-ku-1007AZ, st. M.Kashgaya 36; phone: +9-94124400382; е-mail: zakir-akademik@mail. ru.

Библиографический список

1. Averyanov S.F. Issues of establishing filtration losses in the irrigation canal system // Hydrotechnics and Reclamation. - 1950. - Vol. 9.

2. Averyanov S.F. On the dynamics of slope flow. Proceedings of the S AllUnion Hydrological Congress, T.P. - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1959.

3. Aliev B.H, Aliev Z.H Irrigated agriculture in the mountain and foothill regions of Azerbaijan. - Baku: Ziya-Nurlan, 2005.

4. Aliev B.H. Basics of irrigated agriculture in Azerbaijan. - Baku: Ziya, 2009.

5. Babaev N.H. Irrigation erosion in mountain and foothill areas. - Alma-Ata, 1962.

6. Bashirov N.B. Rational elements of furrow irrigation technique in the conditions of the Shirvan steppe of the Azerbaijan SSR // Proceedings of NIIM. -1971. - № 9.

7. Behbudov A.K. Experimental bases for reclamation of saline lands of the Kura-Araks lowland. - Baku: Azerb. State Publishing House , 1977.

8. Bellman R., Dreyfus S. Applied problems of dynamic programming. - M.: Science, 1965.

9. Buachidze V.M. To the issue of irrigation erosion in Samgori // Tr. GruzShigiM. - 1958. - Vol. 20.

10. Алиев З. Г., Мамедова Г. И. кызы, Хокуме Айхан. Научное обоснование рациональной технологии орошения для регионов горного земледелия в Азербайджанской Республике // Экология и строительство. - 2016. - № 1. - С. 20-25.

11. Терпигорев А.А., Зверьков М.С. Основные методы обоснования рациональных элементов технологии поверхностного полива по бороздам // Экология и строительство. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 2530.

Сведения об авторе Алиев Закир Гусейн оглы, доктор философии по сельскохозяйственным наукам, профессор, академик; Институт Эрозии и Орошения Национальной Академии Наук Азербайджанской Республики; Азербайджанская

Республика, Баку-1007AZ, Ул. М.Кашгая 36; тел.: +9-94124400382; е-шаИ: [email protected].

Для цитирования: Алиев З. Г. Методы заключительного полевого опыта в исследовании ирригационной эрозии на склоновых землях Азербайджана // Экология и строительство. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 30-34.

For citations: Aliev Z.G. Methods of closing field experience in the study of irrigation erosion on the slope land in Azerbaijan // Ekologiya i stroitelstvo. -2017. - № 3. - P. 30-34.

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8. Ключевые слова на русском и английском языках: абзацный отступ 1,G см; шрифт курсивный; выравнивание по ширине; рекомендуемый объем от 5 до 1G слов или словосочетаний.

9. Автоматизированный перевод с помощью программных систем запрещается.

Ю. Основной текст статьи должен быть набран шрифтом обычного начертания, абзацный отступ 1,G см, интервал: перед и после - G см.

11. Буквы латинского алфавита -курсивного начертания, буквы греческого и русского алфавитов, индексы и показатели степени, математические символы lim, lg, ln, sin, cos, min, max и др., числа подобия -прямого начертания.

12. Обратить внимание на различие знаков: дефис «-», минус «-» и тире «-». Диапазон любых значений (...), кроме периода лет (тире).

13. Набор формул. Использовать редактор формул Math Type 5.x либо Equation 3.G, шрифт Times New Roman, размер 11 пт, выравнивание по левому краю без абзацного отступа. Для удобства при верстке длина формулы не должна превышать 8 см. Нумеровать только те формулы, на которые есть ссылки в тексте. Суммарное число формул

- не более 1G. Экспликация к формулам набирается шрифтом Times New Roman, размер 14 пт, без абзацного отступа, выравнивание по ширине страницы.

14. Таблицы и рисунки помещать за первой ссылкой на них в тексте, после абзаца. Выравнивание таблиц и рисунков по центру. Все таблицы и рисунки должны иметь ссылки с указанием номера (если рисунок и таблица единственные, то номер не указывается).

15. Толщина основных линий в таблицах

- G,25 пт. Число таблиц - не более 2. Номер таблицы: шрифт 11 пт, обычный, выравнивание по правому краю, без абзацного отступа. Название таблицы: шрифт 11 пт, полужирный, выравнивание по центру, без абзацного отступа.16. Рисунки выполнять на компьютере в виде отдельного файла: в растровых форматах TIFF, JPG; в векторных форматах CDR, DWG, EPS. Выполнение рисунка средствами Microsoft Word не допускается. Ширина рисунка - не более 8 см, обозначения на рисунке делать шрифтом Times New Roman (9 пт). Рисунки с большим количеством деталей (сложные схемы, графики) размещать на всю ширину страницы

paragraph indent.

7. Annotation of the article - in the Russian and English languages: paragraph indent 1.0 cm; italic type; justified alignment; recommended volume 200...250 words (2000 symbols max); it is necessary to lighten the purpose of the investigation, methods, results (it is advisable to indicate quantitative data), to clearly formulate conclusions; subdividing into indents and usage of introductory words and phrases are not permitted.

8. Keywords in the Russian and English languages: paragraph indent 1.0 cm; italic type; justified alignment; recommended volume from 5 to 10 words or word combinations.

9. Automated translation by means of software systems is not allowed.

10. The basic text of the article should be typed by regular print, paragraph indent 1.0 cm, spacing: before and after - 0 cm.

11. Letters of the Latin alphabet - italic type, letters of the Greek and Russian alphabets, indices and exponents, mathematical symbols lim, lg, ln, sin, cos, min, max etc., similarity criteria - Roman font.

12. Pay attention to the difference of signs: hyphen «-», minus «-» and dash «-». The range of any values (...) except a period of years (dash).

13. Typing formula. To use equation editor Math Type 5.x or Equation 3.0, print Times New Roman, size 11 pt, left alignment, no indent. For convenience during making-up the length of the formula shall not exceed 8 cm. To number only those formulae which are referred to in the text. The total number of formulae - 10 max. Explication to formulae is typed by Times New Roman, size 14 pt, no paragraph indent, justified alignment.

14. Tables and drawings shall be placed after the first reference to them in the text, after the paragraph. Center alignment of tables and drawings. All the tables and drawings should have references with indication of the number (if the drawing and the table is just one - the number is not indicated).

15. Thickness of main lines in tables -0.25 pt. Quantity of tables - 2 max. Number of the table : type 11 pt, regular, right alignment, no indent. The name of the table: type 11 pt, boldface font, center alignment, no indent.

16. Drawings shall be made by computer as a separate file: in raster formats TIFF, JPG; in vector formats CDR, DWG, EPS. Fulfillment of drawings by means Microsoft Word is not permitted. Drawing width - 8 cm max, symbols on the drawing shall be done by type Times New Roman (9 pt). Drawings with a big quantity of details (complex schemes, diagrams) shall be placed

(16,5 см). Фотографии выполнять с разрешением не менее 600 dpi. Допускается выполнение графиков и диаграмм в Microsoft Word 97-2003 и StatSoft Statistica 6.0 (и выше). Общее число рисунков (включая буквенное обозначение ее части) - не более 4. Текст подрисуночной подписи набирается шрифтом 14 пт, начертание полужирное, вырывание по центру или по ширине страницы; экспликация рисунка после знака «:» тем же шрифтом, начертание обычное.

17. Обозначения, термины и иллюстративный материал привести в соответствие с действующими государственными стандартами.

18. Статья должна обязательно содержать вывод(ы) (заголовок: шрифт 14 пт, начертание полужирное, выравнивание по центру, без абзацного отступа).

19. Библиографический список должен быть составлен в соответствии с последовательностью ссылок в тексте. Ссылки на литературу по тексту помещать в квадратных скобках, в конце предложения перед точкой, оформлять по ГОСТ 7.0.5-2008 «Библиографическая ссылка. Общие требования и правила составления». От основного текста список отделять пустой строкой с полуторным интервалом (начертание полужирное, выравнивание по центру, без абзацного отступа). Список нумеровать в порядке упоминания в тексте, каждый источник на отдельной строке, абзацный отступ - 0,5 см, выравнивание по ширине страницы, начертание обычное.

20. Все аббревиатуры необходимо пояснить - дать полный текст названия документа, организации, вида работ, процесса и др.

21. После библиографического списка на русском языке приводятся краткие сведения об авторах: Ф. И. О., ученая степень (звание), должность, контактный телефон, e-mail (шрифт курсивный, выравнивание по ширине страницы, без абзацного отступа, междустрочный интервал одинарный, Ф. И. О. выделяется полужирным курсивом).

Главные критерии при отборе материалов для публикации: соответствие рубрикам журнала, актуальность и уровень общественного интереса к рассматриваемой проблеме, новизна идей, научная и фактическая достоверность представленного материала, четкая формулировка

предложенного и наличие выводов.

При приеме статьи автор подписывает согласие на передачу Редакции

международного научного рецензируемого журнала «Экология и строительство» (ООО «НИЦ Э и С») прав на издание и распространение статьи без ограничения срока, района распространения журнала и без выплаты вознаграждения.

along the whole width of the page (16.5cm). Photographs shall be made with resolution of 600 dpi min. It is allowed making graphs and diagrams in Microsoft Word 97-2003 and StatSoft Statistica 6.0 (and higher). The total number of drawings (including literal indication of its part) - 4 max. Signing under the text is of type 14 pt, inscription -medium-thick, center or justifies alignment, explication of the drawing after the sign «:»

- by the same type, regular inscription.

17. Designation, terms and illustrative material shall correspond to the existing standards.

18. The article shall contain conclu-sion(s) (the title: type 14 pt, inscription medium-thick, center alignment, no indent).

19. Bibliographical list should be made in accordance with the succession of references in the text. References to the literature on the text shall be placed in square brackets, at the end of the sentence before the full stop to design according to GOST 7.0.5-2008 «Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of working out». The list should be separated by an empty line from the main text with one-and-a half spacing (medium-thick inscription, center alignment, no indent). The list shall be numerated in the order of mentioning in the text, each source - on a separate line, paragraph indent

- 0,5 cm, justified alignment, regular inscription.

20. All abbreviations shall be explained -give a full text of the title of the document, organization, kind of works, process etc.

21. After the bibliographic list in the Russian language there are given brief information about the authors: Family name, Name, Patronymic name, academic degree (rank), position, contact telephone, e-mail (type italic, justified alignment, no indent, single line spacing, F.N.P are marked by boldface font).

The main criteria on choosing materials for publication: correspondence to the sections of the journal, urgency and level of the public interest to the considered problem, newness of ideas, scientific and actual reliability of the submitted material, clear formulation of the proposed material and availability of conclusions.

When submitting the article the author is to sign an agreement on transference the rights to publication and distribution of the article with no limitation of time, region of the journal distribution and no premium payments to the Editorial board of the International Scientific peer-reviewed journal «Ecologiya i stroitelstvo» (Limited liability company «Scientific-research center of environmental engineering and construction»).

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