METHODS FOR PROMOTING FINISHED PRODUCTS IN A PANDEMIC Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
National Strategy of Sustainable Development of the Republics for 2018-2040 / development of merino sheep breeding / pandemic / recommendations / coronavirus infection COVID-19 / diversification of state resources / Национальная стратегия устойчивого развития республик на 20182040 гг. / развитие мериносового овцеводства / пандемия / рекомендации / коронавирусная инфекция COVID-19 / диверсификация государственных ресурсов

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Lushchikhina E.M., Boldusov P.A., Meshochkin A.V.

In November 2018, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic adopted the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Republics for 2018-2040, one of the key issues of which was the need to increase the number of merino sheep in order to replace imports and increase exports of wool products abroad. However, the events of the spring of 2020, primarily related to the COVID19 coronavirus pandemic and the elimination of the negative socio-economic consequences of its spread, have become a serious test for the leadership of the Kyrgyz Republic. The termination or complete restriction of the work of enterprises, the introduction of strict restrictive measures of selfisolation and reduction of working hours for citizens, required the urgent intervention of the leadership of the republic. The diversification of State resources to mobilize the national health system and support financially vulnerable segments of the population has led to the need to revise previous plans. This circumstance had a negative impact on the development of merino sheep breeding, which entailed high financial losses for both the state and private farms. The purpose of the study is to develop economic and managerial measures aimed at the development of the merino industry in the republic. The novelty of the research is the application of scientific and innovative methods for the effective development of fine-wool sheep breeding. As a result of the study, the authors developed recommendations for increasing the number of merino cattle and increasing the productivity of animals (expanding the breeding areas of merino sheep) and developing a marketingsystem for finished products with their export in the conditions of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

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В ноябре 2018 г. правительством Кыргызской Республики была принята Национальная стратегия устойчивого развития республик на 2018-2040 гг., одним из ключевых вопросов которой стала необходимость увеличение поголовья мериносовых овец в целях замещения импорта и увеличения экспорта шерстяных продуктов за рубеж. Однако события весны 2020 года, в первую очередь связанные с пандемией короновирусной инфекции COVID-19 и устранением негативных социально-экономических последствий ее распространения, стали серьезным испытанием для руководства Кыргызской Республики. Прекращение или полное ограничение работы предприятий, введение жёстких ограничительных мер самоизоляции и сокращения продолжительности рабочего дня для граждан, потребовало экстренного вмешательства руководства республики. Диверсификация государственных ресурсов на мобилизацию национальной системы здравоохранения и поддержки, уязвимых в финансовом плане слоев населения, привело к необходимости пересмотра прежних планов. Данное обстоятельство негативно отразилось на развитии мериносового овцеводства, повлекшее высокие финансовые убытки, как для государства, так и частных фермерских хозяйств. Целью исследования является разработка экономических и управленческих мер, направленных на развитие мериносовой отрасли в республике. Новизной исследования является применение научных и инновационных методов для эффективного развития тонкорунного овцеводства. В результате исследования авторами разработаны рекомендации для увеличения поголовья мериносов и повышения продуктивности животных (расширения зон разведения мериносовых овец) и развития системы маркетинга готовой продукции с выводом ее на экспорт в условиях пандемии коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19.


DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-3-114-118

YKfi: 63(6.3.035)

Lushchikhina E.M., Institute of Biotechnology NAS KR, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic Boldusov P.A. Ural State Agrarian University, Yekaterinburg, Russia Meshochkin A. V., Ural State Agrarian University Yekaterinburg, Russia

For citation: Lushchikhina E.M., Boldusov P.A., Meshochkin A. V., (2022).

Methods for Promoting Finished Products in a Pandemic.

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 3 (2022), pp. 114-118 (in USA)

Manuscript received 27/10/2022 Accepted for publication: 20/11/2022

The author has read and approved the final manuscript.

CC BY 4.0





In November 2018, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic adopted the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Republics for 2018-2040, one of the key issues of which was the need to increase the number of merino sheep in order to replace imports and increase exports of wool products abroad. However, the events of the spring of 2020, primarily related to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and the elimination of the negative socio-economic consequences of its spread, have become a serious test for the leadership of the Kyrgyz Republic. The termination or complete restriction of the work of enterprises, the introduction of strict restrictive measures of self-isolation and reduction of working hours for citizens, required the urgent intervention of the leadership of the republic. The diversification of State resources to mobilize the national health system and support financially vulnerable segments of the population has led to the need to revise previous plans. This circumstance had a negative impact on the development of merino sheep breeding, which entailed high financial losses for both the state and private farms. The purpose of the study is to develop economic and managerial measures aimed at the development of the merino industry in the republic. The novelty of the research is the application of scientific and innovative methods for the effective development of fine-wool sheep breeding. As a result of the study, the authors developed recommendations for increasing the number of merino cattle and increasing the productivity of animals (expanding the breeding areas of merino sheep) and developing a marketing

system for finished products with their export in the conditions of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Keywords: National Strategy of Sustainable Development of the Republics for 2018-2040, development of merino sheep breeding, pandemic, recommendations, coronavirus infection COVID-19, diversification of state resources


В ноябре 2018 г. правительством Кыргызской Республики была принята Национальная стратегия устойчивого развития республик на 2018-2040 гг., одним из ключевых вопросов которой стала необходимость увеличение поголовья мериносовых овец в целях замещения импорта и увеличения экспорта шерстяных продуктов за рубеж. Однако события весны 2020 года, в первую очередь связанные с пандемией короновирусной инфекции COVID-19 и устранением негативных социально-экономических последствий ее распространения, стали серьезным испытанием для руководства Кыргызской Республики. Прекращение или полное ограничение работы предприятий, введение жёстких ограничительных мер самоизоляции и сокращения продолжительности рабочего дня для граждан, потребовало экстренного вмешательства руководства республики. Диверсификация государственных ресурсов на мобилизацию национальной системы здравоохранения и поддержки, уязвимых в финансовом плане слоев населения, привело к необходимости пересмотра прежних планов. Данное обстоятельство негативно отразилось на развитии мериносового овцеводства, повлекшее высокие финансовые убытки, как для государства, так и частных фермерских хозяйств. Целью исследования является разработка экономических и управленческих мер, направленных на развитие мериносовой отрасли в республике. Новизной исследования является применение научных и инновационных методов для эффективного развития тонкорунного овцеводства. В результате исследования авторами разработаны рекомендации для увеличения поголовья мериносов и повышения продуктивности животных (расширения зон разведения мериносовых овец) и развития системы маркетинга готовой продукции с выводом ее на экспорт в условиях пандемии коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19.

Ключевые слова: Национальная стратегия устойчивого развития республик на 20182040 гг., развитие мериносового овцеводства, пандемия, рекомендации, коронавирусная инфекция COVID-19, диверсификация государственных ресурсов


In November 2018, Kyrgyzstan adopted the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (hereinafter - NSD) until 2040, which defines a long-term perspective, the implementation of which will ensure the systemic overcoming of existing problems, the dynamic development of the state and society in the political, social and economic spheres. One of the key issues of the NSUR was the need to increase the number of merino sheep in order to replace imports and increase exports of wool products abroad. It was expected that the implementation of the designated initiative would be carried out through the effective use of human, economic and natural potential. However, due to the global pandemic of a new coronavirus infection, the active phase of which occurred in the middle of 2020, conditions have changed dramatically. Restrictive measures introduced in virtually all countries of the world have led to negative economic consequences that have affected national economies.

In order to ensure the sustainable development of mountain regions, the rational use of hard-to-reach pasture lands in alpine and subalpine zones, the authors have developed a program for the development of fine-wool sheep breeding, taking into account the needs of national farmers who have suffered significant losses in the fine-wool industry.

Restraining factors in the development of the fine-wool sheep industry

The analysis of the current situation in the fine-wool sheep breeding industry in the republic carried out by the authors revealed the following factors hindering its development, namely:

- Lack of objective statistical data on the total number of sheep by region, including the number of existing fine-wooled sheep in Kyrgyzstan;

- Lack of objective data on pastures in the context of territories and farms;

- A high proportion of morally and physically obsolete equipment and machinery, the use of outdated technologies at wool and lamb processing enterprises, the seasonal nature of production and uneven supply of raw materials throughout the year, the lack of stable sales markets;

- Lack of a system for the sale of sheep products;

- Acute shortage of personnel;

- Deterioration of the quality of the main stock of fine-wooled sheep.

Name of indicators 1990 2000 2010 2019

State farms 4 246 28 20 17

Collective farms 3 794 42 18 10

Peasant (farm) farms 7 1 670 2 858 3 412

Personal subsidiary farms of the population 1 922 2 059 2 141 2 638

Total 9 969 3 798 5 036 6 078

Table 1 Dynamics of the number of sheep and goats in the context of farms, thousand heads

Additionally, in the period from 2019 to 2020, the authors visited a number of farms in the districts of Chui, Talas, Osh, Naryn and Issyk-Kul regions specializing in the breeding of fine-fleeced sheep. It was noted that the total number of fine-wooled sheep in the designated farms amounted to more than 80 thousand heads, most of which are real merino sheep. Despite the financial losses (mostly caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic) reflected in a significant decline in the purchasing power of both national and foreign wool consumers, the mood of farmers is assessed as "optimistic". However, the latter have an urgent need in the form of sheep producers, the organization of artificial insemination and the sale of wool and meat.

These facts show that, despite the existing difficulties of an economic and organizational nature, the actual absence of state support measures, Kyrgyz farmers are interested in breeding fine-wool merino sheep, which in previous years brought significant profits to the economy of the republic. The authors predict that in the presence of an effective program for the development of fine-wool sheep breeding, as well as real state support, the trend of development of the merino industry will be supported by farmers of all regions of the republic.

Name of indicators 1990 2000 2010 2019

Batken region 575 432 454 493

Jalal-Abad region 1 525 618 997 1 284

Issyk-Kul region 1 882 615 748 896

Naryn region 2 364 617 871 1 037

Osh region 1 450 823 942 1 146

Talas region 886 334 457 544

Chui region 1 267 336 546 652

Bishkek 3 5 5 3

Osh 18 20 16 22

Total 9 969 3 798 5 036 6 078

Table 2 Dynamics of the number of sheep and goats in the context of regions, thousand heads

Wool Importers 2013 2014 2015 2016 2019

China 345 329 350 316 344

India 89 96 94 89 85

England 13 41 43 38 40

Czech 33 33 36 36 34

Italy 35 33 32 31 29

Turkey 21 22 19 15 28

other countries 189 177 169 166 155

Total 724 732 744 692 716

Table 3 Dynamics of wool imports by countries, thousand tons.

The program for the development of fine-wool sheep breeding

As part of the research work, the authors developed a working program for the development of fine-wool sheep breeding in the republic for the period 2020 - 2035 (hereinafter referred to as the Program) aimed at improving the level of socio-economic life of remote and mountainous regions of the country by:

- Creation and development of farms (farms) breeding merino sheep;

- Increasing the number of merino cattle and increasing the productivity of animals, expanding the breeding areas of merino sheep;

- The revival of existing and the creation of small and medium-sized processing enterprises of products and raw materials from merino;

- Development of the marketing system of finished products with export.

The authors propose a mechanism for implementing the main objectives of the Program, consisting of the following components:

- Scientific and innovative support for the development of the merino industry;

- Creation of advanced technologies for processing food and non-food products from merinos using national traditional technology, which are owned by people in villages and their families;

- Use and improvement of natural pasture lands suitable for sheep breeding;

- Organization of systematic training seminars in fine-wool sheep breeding;

- Development and creation of a marketing system taking into account the needs of domestic and foreign markets for merino sheep products.

Also, in order to effectively implement the proposed Program, the authors, together with the staff of the Institute of Biotechnology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, prepared scientific and innovative proposals to ensure the development of merino sheep breeding: studying the immuno-genetic status of the organism of merino sheep, morphological and biochemical composition of products and raw materials, improving the genetic properties and composition of the genome of the Kyrgyz mountain merino.


Today, fine-fleeced sheep breeding is one of the most important agricultural branches of Kyrgyzstan, which, in some cases, is the only source of obtaining the most important types of products - fine-fleeced wool, mutton meat, and fur and sheepskin coats. The variety of climatic, economic and ethnic factors has a specific impact on the development of fine-wool sheep breeding in its individual regions of the country. According to the authors, in case of full or partial implementation of the Program developed by the latter, it will increase the number of fine-fleeced sheep, and will also contribute to an increase in wool exports and import substitution.

Information about the Authors:

E. M. Lushchikhina - Head of the Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Morphology of the NAS KR

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.

Адрес: г. Бишкек, пр. Чуй, 265

Тел: +996 (312) 64-03-02,

Е-mail: acan@rambler. ru

P.A. Boldusov - postgraduate student at Ural State Agrarian University

Адрес: г. Екатеринбург,

ул. Карла Либкнехта, 42

Тел: +7912 038 2994

E-mail: pboldusov@zvezdamedia.ru

A. V. Meshochkin - Master's degree in Ural State Agrarian University

Адрес: г. Екатеринбург,

ул. Карла Либкнехта, 42

Тел: +7919 366 6567

E-mail: meshochkinandrei@yandex. ru

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to sincerely thank reviewer for her feedback and assistance on this paper.

Contribution of the Authors: The work is solely that of the authors.

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